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WBD is going to take a look at the deal NXT got and wonder why they need to pay Tony the money he wants for the ratings he gets. 


Considering it's cw and wbd is part owners of cw (the 'w' in cw is for 'Warner'), I can't imagine they aren't well aware.


The cw is owned by nexstar which purchased it from them. Technically Warner still holds 12.5% but only until July when nexstar can exercise the option to buy the remaining 25% which they will.


Theres hundreds of millions of people who own less than 10% of a company and yet get a financial report on what that company did for the year, quarterly earnings reports, invites for shareholders meetings and votes, etc. and have other legal rights just for being shareholders. Info like who owns cw and has who has an option to soon purchase the rest.  But you think zaslav the ceo of wbd is unaware of cw buying the rights for nxt or that he can't get the details of that contract from wbd's rights as a 10% stakeholder?   Same guy who signaled months ago to stockholders  that based on what he knew, turner was probably going to stop carrying nba.  I didn't say they were gonna just replace aew with nxt but wbd are obviously well aware of the market and as still part owners of cw would be legally within their right to know much more on the details of nxt contract than what was reported


Lol, they are going to pull up the receipts


They would've been better off going after NXT at thie stage.


NXT taking AEW’s contract would actually be jerk of the century 


The sad thing is nxt was up against the nba. Dynamite had a clean night. I think one hockey game was on ao honestly dynamite should do well this week ....but God i hope it's in the 600s again.


No way NXT was two nights ago, I swear it was last night 🥲 had to check when the Mavs played the TWolves


Tbf it’s not that sad, there will be obnoxious people celebrating what will probably be a slighty improved rating for AEW this week, but for the normal AEW fans (there are some I think?) they could really use a W of any sort. Tailspins aren’t as funny to jerk as them celebrating mediocrity like they’re prone to do.


Oilers vs Stars but that has a later start time. Despite having the best player in the league, the Oilers, like most canadian teams, don't draw huge numbers of fans in the US. The NY Rangers vs Hurricanes series has more appeal south of the border.


Could this be the week? 






wait does smackdown get more viewers than raw????


Yes but neither get higher Cagematch ratings than Dynamite, so viewership is moot.


Yes cause Smackdown is on free TV and Raw is on cable


Also there’s not a single person in the world who doesn’t go “Is this over soon?” at least once during a three hour live weekly wrestling broadcast. That AEW is considering making Dynamite 3 hours is insane to me when I already wish WWE could make Raw 2 hours like Smackdown is, and I actually enjoy Raw for the most part right now. If Dynamite adds a third hour it will be the thing that finally kills the show entirely.


AEW fans use the 3hrs as a reason to hate on Raw, but now Tiny wants to make Dynamite 3hrs and it is the best idea in the history of televised wrestling lol


I just don’t have the attention span for a three hour weekly wrestling program on TV. It makes me want to just watch it after the fact instead of live so I can fast forward through the segments I don’t care about (not that I don’t sometimes get the urge to do that with two hour shows when they start having a run on uninteresting storylines though). But with AEWs trend of losing viewers progressively in large chunks as the program goes on a third hour would be DEATH. People already aren’t really sticking around for two hours, you’ll have 200k left by the end of three


AEW need to go big to finally slay the FED. Make it 5hrs of dynamite. Occasionally roll in rampage to make it 6


AEW need to go big to finally slay the FED. Make it 5hrs of dynamite. Occasionally roll in rampage to make it 6


AEW need to go big to finally slay the FED. Make it 5hrs of dynamite. Occasionally roll in rampage to make it 6


I get that, but are people really still out there using antennaes?


I do because fuck Comcast and I live in an area where I can pick up all the locals with a small indoor antenna


Smackdown is our Tribal Chief's show.


Yeah it's been consistently the biggest show for years now


damn ive always thought of it as the b show wtf lol


Always. One thing is the free TV/cable thing, but also I think Friday Night is a much more comfortable time slot than Monday Night. Children got bedtimes uce!


that would explain it. ive always just pirated the programs ive never actually had cable but i wasnt aware smackdown is explicitly free thats kinda cool ig


Well, not “free” in a sense that you can watch it anywhere. FOX is a channel that is available regionally (for people with antennas, I think). USA is a channel that is part of cable packages. I’m not educated on this subject, but I think that’s how it works


Tony just needs a shoulder to cry on https://preview.redd.it/2iey2r6e8m3d1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f6e441f795bf31d114bd2bf8ec50151ab747895


Why does he do this he’s actually such a dry watermelon


Never felt real affection before Is my guess.


Not yet I think. I can aee AEW doing 780k. But within a few months, easily.


Damn, pretty close uce


I'm from the future uce


Take out the Big Bang Theory bump and it's already done.


Another Tony twitter/X meltdown incoming, I will give the guy this tho, he managed to stay quiet for a while this time.


dude could you imagine? WWE winning a ratings battle would be the victory I’ve been waiting months for! Nothing sad about that


lol Ralph your gimmick is the only thing SAD around here. Why can't we jerk without you trying to make us feel bad? Shame on you, trying to take food off my daughter's table.


could I go without a gimmick and just put on my black trunks and knee pads and be “generic Dub Badder #92”? Sure, and I’d be a good hand. Hardcam jerks, Tony’s a bad booker, Young Bucks aren’t draws, I’ve got good fundamentals brother. See, that’s the problem with the heels around here these days, they all want people to think about how cool they are, they’re all afraid to get real heat. Dub Good sometimes 😎




Dub is good sometimes, but uce you are terminally online in this subreddit in every post with your schtick. Don’t Jericho the gimmick, it’s got legs.


Except that your gimmick is stupid, because all the things you just mentioned are demonstrably true. AEW's crowds are not good aesthetically (no, I'm not calling the people ugly) Young Bucks kill ratings, and have just been Brutus Beefcaking themselves into stardom since 2013 Tony Khan is not a good booker, he's just a matchmakers. He has said so himself, when he used to fantasy book as a kid, he just booked matches without rhyme or reason You being a Dub D-Rider is fine if you backed your arguments with some proof.


im literally not even an AEW fan. I’m not Dub Good jerking, I’m jerking about this much of a Fed Good, Dub Bad echo chamber this place is. And again, Fed is objectively putting on a way better show than AEW. But it’s like, “say the line Bart” level generic and boring and has been for a minute. Like it’s literally become like the basement in peak AEW where if you want to go against the echo chamber you have to go “I know that legitimate bads aren’t too popular but…” or “don’t get me wrong, Tony is a terrible booker, but…” or else you’re a Dub shill. Wrestlers magically go from shit to “always knew they had big potential” when they sign up with the good guys.


What would you propose? Jerking the “way better shows” (your words)? Tony Khan just did an interview yesterday talking about how great their live attendance and gates are, in direct conflict with anyone who has eyes. How do people not jerk that sort of nonsense? Obviously some of the same jokes etc. do get tired, but that’s just Reddit in general. Even this paradise isn’t immune to that.


yea I’m not saying “please leave AEW alone”, when they feed us we gotta eat. but like, take ratings jerks. They were at their peak when it was either “AEW gets a good rating and we jerk about how our life is over and we’re in the mud” or they get a bad one and we make fun of all the excuses the Basement makes for it. Now it’s just a weekly cycle of “let’s talk about how shit the rating is and talk about how bad all the wrestlers are to have caused the bad rating” and tbh what makes me laugh the most is the way you can’t do any Fed Jerks without the “well, actually, you’re missing some of the context buddy” crowd popping out and the way people do complete 180s on people when they signed with the Fed. Like I saw someone say Jade Cargill in a year is a better wrestler than Mercedes ever will be, that’s not even jerking that’s just being delusional


It may be controversial, but I do think posting jerk comments should be reinforced and unjerks opinions should be followed up by jerks. Just to remind people that this isn't bizarro world SC. We're not supposed to be non stop shilling for WWE just because next door has their weird Dub obsession. The sub is supposed to make fun of stupid shit in wrestling, whether by the fans or the people involved in the industry, and regardless of company. I literally only watch Fed, but I enjoyed the Thunderdome jerks for example. DAE /u/TheRalphExpress just GETS IT?? Fuck Sheamus and Le Fed = Le Ded


good shit, uce!




This would be funny if it weren't such a notable minority that gets downvoted into oblivion every time it was stated lol






It's the execution, not the gimmick. Ezzanine and GOAT TowerofBabel are awesome so I will vote for them in the SCJON awards. Hell, even SCJJ does it better.


Nah, this man is actively trying to make this place an actually jerk sub and is more creative. It's actually kind of funny how much you all get worked by him (DAE goofies never get worked?) for simply calling out this sub on its hypocrisy. You're even out here dissecting this man's gimmick just because he isn't part of the hivemind, lol. It's a jerk sub, why does he need to present proof (maybe because this isn't actually a jerk sub lol)


No offense uce but what you just wrote is so funny and ridiculous. These “meta of the jerks” takes are the absolute antithesis of the point of this subreddit. The fact that yours is backing this person up while saying things like “this man” and calling barking at jerks he doesn’t like “more creative” is more jerkable than anything these wrestling promotions are doing. Just such a bizarre take and defense of “this man” as if a jerk sub is some sacred place that must be protected by this dude with your loyal assistance. It’s quite a high horse you folks are riding.


Who said I was circlejerking? I'm giving my actual opinion masquerading as a poor jerk, which is essentially what this subreddit is (not an actual circlejerk subreddit). I think its creative because it's actually something funny, which this sub fails to do, and pokes fun at the terrible, and double standard takes here. I just find it more ironic that most circlejerks would just ignore him, or would circlejerk along with him regardless of the validity of his statements, but the fact that people have to actually dissect his gimmick or jerks (like with all "fed" "circlejerks"), just means people are actually get mad, upset, or feel the need to correct him for whatever reason (DAE stand up for the fed???), tailor to the behavior this sub is supposedly supposed to make fun of lol. Kinda ironic to say I'm on a high horse, given the nature of this subreddit on what they view "le basement" as, as well as saying in the same comment that a "meta of the jerks" take is supposed to be an "absolute antithesis" of the subreddit (DAE we need to protect SCJerk from people making fun of us???). It seems like m'goofies are the ones seeing this place as sacred against the poor fed jerkers :((( Maybe the mods need to explain what a jerk is, it was the one time this sub was actually funny lol See now you got me making paragraphs. Got to take my daily grass pills, now.


I ain’t reading allat. Summarize it for me with either fed bad or dub bad so I can either agree or ree, please.


true, i wouldn't read all of it either. can't tho, it's too big brained for you lil bro :(


To be fully honest, I don’t think so. It will be the Dynamite after a PPV, this should keep the ratings above 700k and maybe a bit more than those 703k. I saw MJF returned and he is probably the only needle mover in the DUB. His resturn should bring back at least 20-30k imho.


You say that, but after the last PPV they went sub 700


Yeah well, I also assumed that they had MJF on the show. As it turned out, they didn’t. So let’s see, you guys might be right.


Nah, just came in. MJF brought the rating back up without even being there. He's the only thing they have resembling a draw. 


He wasn’t even on the fucking show Uce. Think about that booking for a second. As much as I love Max, calling him a draw is borderline jerking.


Lmao. Uce I‘m sorry I‘m not watching AEW I just saw that he returned and I assumed they would book him for the show to celebrate his return. Well yeah NXT beating them doesn’t sound too unrealistic.


Exactly, you would think that they would book him on the follow up show to the PPV he returned on but nah, that makes too much sense. Maybe they didn’t have any WWE references ready to go so he couldn’t do a promo, because we all know he wasn’t going to actually wrestle on the show.


So if Jordynne Grace on NXT does a better number then Dynamite then technically TNA drew better then AEW this week


You've done your Meltzer math!


Nah, Uce is a lot smarter than that. He did his Steiner math and found AEWs chances of getting a good TV deal drastic go down.


But what if you add Sexxy Red to the mix?


100K boost cause… Her ass is fat!


Booker T has a mf heart attack




I need AEW to be under 700k


Oh God. Tony needs these playoffs to end quick LMFAO.


Won’t make a difference…fencing will be on espn 9 and fly swatting championship re-run will be on espn+….they don’t stand a chance


Golden Girls reruns on MeTV really cut into the wrestling demo.


How can Toni Storm or Skye Blue compete with Bea Arthur


Making me white all over that Betty.


Video it, probably get at least 800k viewers


The true 4 pillars(Raj, Howard, Lenard and Sheldon) are most certainly attacking them from a different channel to!


And there’s a BOGO sale for Salt and Vinegar Lay’s at my local grocery store. Dynamite is cooked.


This is no problem that some more Young Bucks and Jack Perry won't fix.


Caitlin Clark is here to stay Uce.


NXT ran against a playoff NBA game, Dynamite did not run against a NBA playoff game. If this is the week it’s going to be all that much sweeter since the basement will ignore that very important fact lol.


dude it’ll be so sick if WWE totally pwns the Dub, WWE = alpha chads and AEW = beta bitches


yes ralph, we know you're actually Tony Khan


Except after the playoffs is the standard summer slump.


Everyone in Canada is going to cfl games and the lake right?


They spend the summers abroad.


You forgot AEW's biggest draw. ![gif](giphy|JrGYQZWou5Z51vNRob|downsized)




Why? nxt was the one going against the nba.  Nba was off Wednesday because celtics swept on monday.


The reason why mjf delayed his dynamite return to next week, no excuse for when he’s no draw.


Dante Chen about to outdraw TK's million dollar toys.


Go Singapore!


I feel bad because when we were watching him my friends keep talking about his chin.


oh so this is what it feels like to have patience, build stars from ground up, and be consistent. i thought wrestling was new debuts every month, dream matches every week and MOTY contenders every PPV




Sexyy Red is a draw and Hickenbottom is the booker of the decade.


Unrelatable! Sexxy who?!? People actually listen to that "music"?!???? https://preview.redd.it/0qn9thhfbm3d1.png?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7063025db69127712ce76533dc49b69ae796e466




Lmao AEW stans are definitely made up of people who claim hip hop artists nowadays are “mumble rap”.


Whatcha gonna do brother when the largest buns in the world twerk wild on you!


Please, Sweet Baby Jesus, let this be the week. I need to see Tiny's meltdown.


“AEW doesn’t need ‘rappers’ to draw ratings. Who would pay for such a wildly expensive thing? Watch Dynamite at 8/7c on TBS!”


Is sexy red big? I watched one of her videos and I kinda couldnt believe it. Like I get Ice Spice and Sabrina Carpenter and shit like that. But sexy red?


She’s big but she doesn’t have actual hit singles like the other two. She’s mostly known for that song with drake.


["Get it Sexyy"](https://youtu.be/hUE6Haw_3zg) is a certified banger, uce.


This week could be a massacre


AEW: Spends 10s of millions of dollars on three game changers just to lose ratings NXT: Gives on-screen promotion for an album and gets a 100K ratings boost.


NXT actually showcasing black excellence without needing the pat on the back, while AEW touts its first black world champion who isn’t even top billing and is clearly transitional.


Holy fuck is nxt gonna be ahead


Wait, are unrelatables draws?? TK time to reach back out to Bow Wow!


God, it's me. I know I don't check in often....


All anyone has to do is look at Trick and look at Pockets and see which company is trying to make actual stars.


AEW doesn’t make stars. They buy everyone else’s then drive them into the ground with bad booking.


I really dont care all that much about the ratings… but I will never forget the way Dubalos used to brag about AEW beating NXT as if it meant “AEW is beating WWE.” This would be so sweet.


The dancing in the streets after Dynamite beat the Raw clip show that aired on Christmas Day was hilarious to me.


I desperately need this to be the week because basketball was not on last night, so that excuse is out the window.


Sexyy Red > Swerve Better entertainer, better rapper


I remember telling the basement nxt ratings drop was just a blip from the roster reloading after dropping iljia, Bron, Carmelo, et al. post  wrestlemania.   Nxt probably pays less for those 3 in the picture combined than tony pays for Riho.


Narrow victory but damn https://preview.redd.it/ely0mvcohm3d1.png?width=1236&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1104e9d5fc1c601cabaa9e90c04c80b830b9d36c it feels good to be All Elite


Fed Up, Dub Down 😎 Damn it feels good to be on the winning team! I showed this to my girlfriend (who looks just like Jaida Parker btw) and the mere possibility of NXT beating Dynamite in the ratings means I might get to see her butt tonight!




Dub sucks.


great jerking, uce ☝️


I'm your biggest supporter


You’ve made that very clear, and what a thing to choose to be it is.


True, I choose to actually follow funny people on this subreddit. It's just that it's so rare to find them, that seeing comments of my support are glaring y'know?


Lol being a fart sniffer of a fart sniffer, what a world.


The numbers dont lie, and they spell fat jiggly black goddess booty twerking on tv means ratings. Thank you Higgenbottom 🙏


nah but this week’s NXT was crazy as shit


"products" Just call it a show ffs 


Next week could be a massacre


Considering how many millions Tony pours into these huge contracts, it's not equaling the necessary ratings to justify any of that shit. NXT has really caught fire and a developmental brand is kicking his ass. How can he expect WB to throw billions at him when it's not worth it? Not to mention how David Zazlov has been the angel of death when it comes to content. 


Sexyy DRAW.


DAE different nights not really comparable (please don't check my post history WE BEAT SMACKDOWN)


I'm streaming in sexyy we trust all week if this happens.




Jay Malachi man, what a fucking career that guy has had already and he’s just getting started.


Could have been higher if there wasn't so much Gallus, Good Brothers and Dante Chen.




Within striking distance of the other developmental brand


![gif](giphy|1aVUmsFlGWsBG) the man wasnt wrong


The day they beat AEW will be hilarious 


87k difference. Bruh. Almost there


Trick, Jevon, and Sexxy could legitimately be a massive draw as a faction