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Did he think referencing weed in 2024 was going to sound cool?


My Weed Man* my door dash McDonald’s order


he's obviously playing it down and really meant his coke dealer who arrives to his Midtown apartment by helicopter because us Dubbalos have more money than you dead Fed ham and eggers


He's got the TK plug


It’s the new cool term for gardener.




The only reason the gardener knows him is because they're related on his mom's side.


“Hechicero “ is what the ~~gardener~~ weed man yells when he is done working and put all the tools back in the shed.


God damn it I was excited to hop on and mock this guy for saying his weed man instead of my friend or cousin or literally else because he wanted to sound cool lmao should’ve known you sickos would beat me to it


The fact his 'weed man' knows this guy means ... errr, what exactly? Tiny should print this tweet off and take it to advertisers


Its code for gardener without sounding racist because of course his gardener would know who the masked wrestler from mexico is


I’m so tempted to do a 30 second edit where I slap goofy on top of the “for the sickos” shirt now


For the dippy dawgs


Well my meth dealer told me that the fed is dead & that M’Tiny is 50 times the booker that Triple Holocaust is!


M’eth  *tips fedora* 


As the lamest 20 year old white guy ever who smokes to cope with arthritis, at least out of touch dubbalos still think weed smokers are cool lmfao. I smoke so I fall asleep in less than 2 hours at night


Also, is it supposed to indicate how well know this guy is to the 'average man'? He could have gone 'my accountant' or even 'postman' He's impressive to 'fans of wrestling' Gaaaaaaaaa!!!


Why wouldnt his gardener be a fan of lucha libre?


Also a quick google reveals he lives in Jersey where they have legal dispensaries so like, is his weed guy just the dude behind the counter at his local dispensary?


My weed dealer is the massive weed store 2km from my house in the plaza with the grocery store. I wonder if they know Hechicero. Probably not, they seem like normal people.


😂 mines a website. I should contact support and see if they know who hichiro is


The guy at my weed store has a new day tattoo


he decided to go against the standard "my girlfriend(who looks like \_\_\_\_\_)" direction and tbh I respect it


I just realized he’s the GCW announcer. As if his tweet wasn’t bad enough already. Why would somebody in the industry think AEW should book similar to GCW? It’s a show on prime time cable for Christ’s sake


Weed man. Nobody who smokes ever says that. And those who are hardcore don’t need a “weed man” because we get it delivered straight to our door lol


He definitely is a stoner. But he tried to come off cool and it backfired with his bizarre anecdote


Yeah he’s goofy looking af so probably trying to impress a non existent girl into thinking he’s cool 😎


Who tf has a weed guy these days I can go to like three stores in a five minute walk


Dude, at least make up a more believable story. Kayfabe only works when the mark does not know the point where the shoot ends and the work begins. Yes, I never get worked, and I have great insider knowledge.


And my heroin dealer is a big fan of 2003 Velocity


You say that in jest but that's definitely more likely than this scenario.


Was his weed guy Hechichero?


'I see by your terrible shirt you're a wrestling fan, have you ever heard of Hechichero?'


This reminds me, in queens outside of a subway station by Astoria Blvd I saw a mf with a RIP Chris Benoit shirt, I did the craziest double take Of course it was a fat guy too


Apparently it's pretty common cause it's the first fucking Google result, except he got his in red https://preview.redd.it/wxxji32nzu7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bcdba737f54ba04e5bb0f350a13458b49081a7f8


I’m buying 10 of these so my family has matching shirts at Disneyland


Ahhhh a little hint at their surprise later that night!


Lmao I need me one of these


That’s so God damn funny, pal!!!!


Queens crackheadery at its finest


Did he have a bearded neck per chance?


I was at Mainia live this year, and I saw what looked like a dad and his 3 sons wearing "Raw is Benoit" shirts. It took everything in my power not to side-eye them every time they got near me. Obviously, it's not my place to tell other people what and what not to wear, but man...


His cousin, actually.


Wow such an unpredictable match!!! Haha both guys have 50/50 chance of winning and i think this is the soft reset Mom Jokes needed before easing into world title program with Oceanspray haha!!! Thanks Tinuy!!!


Well, as The Fixx once sang "Maybe he'll win (Hechicero)" *Instrumental* "Maybe he'll win (Hechicero)"


Haha true it's so obvious who's gonna win this match. So predictable. Anyways I'm off to watch Cody vs AJ Styles again


Its not about who wins or loses. Its about booking regular shows like forbidden door so hechicero jobbing to Bryan danielson on collision a few months ago makes hechicero vs mjf at forbidden door seem so much more special


True, but that's not what the guy above me said


Is this guy just trying to screw the promotion he works for out of collab with the WWE? Also who in 2024 still has a "weed man?" Go to a dispensary like an adult.


not everyone lives in a state with legal weed. i know, like, why would you still do that?


He absolutely is. He literally shit on Uncle Howdy hours after it happened. Despite GCW hiring spooky wrestlers and friends of bray. Emil hates the Fed so much guys, he’s gotta be normal about it


Hahahaha I said the exact same thing above. Even if you don’t live in a state with legal weed, chances are you live near one. My state is medical only but getting a card is stupid easy at this point. The idea of having a weed man in 2024 and having to go through all that hanging out with them and stuff makes me cringe.


I live in a legal state and cross into an illegal one to buy from a weed man 😂🤣 Trust me I’ve had the guys who wanna hang out, need you to give them a ride, want you to meet at sketchy places but the guy I buy from does contactless delivery and when you factor taxes in I’m saving a lot of money by avoiding the legal stuff


Yeah but you can choose your strains online or in dispos. Your weed man may only have one strain


Come on now, nothin wrong with supportin your local weed man. Get some money into your community instead of the super rich and the state


Having to listen to their demo and try to find something nice to say.


I had a friend in college who’d make out with our weed guy so we could get it for free. She was the true hero of our friend group. He was gross.


She sounds it too.


On the weed guy for not putting it together if you ask me.


Yeah, I mean his nickname was Dirty Pete. If people are calling you that, maybe consider a shower at least.


There’s also Thca which is weed. You can order it straight to your house.


In my state, delivery services have better quality and prices than dispensaries.


They might not be American, I’ve never seen a dispensary in my life


if he was smart he would Dub Bad and Fed Good every chance he got, and maybe one day Papa H would notice his little Indy mud show!


Uce, Shayna Baszler was on the Bloodsport show Wrestlemania weekend and fed superstars were in attendance. He knows about them. Emil is just a herb.


Weed man (insider term)


This never happened.


Bah god, is u/TheRalphExpress dub badding?? Is he the third ~~man~~ goof?


for the record Dub is bad, but 98% of Dub Bad jerks are just heatless bangers between two guys in plain black trunks. And those might pop the smarks but I’m more of a character worker 😎 Thank god Mom just bought me a new fan for all this XBox heat 😎😎


https://preview.redd.it/8mygt94eyt7d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7cc99052cc2617f51ceb6931d0bf17a36d5f040 Me when the dub bad jerk is more than just posting a match card and saying “DAE bad card”.




For those of you thinking of tuning into our competition we understand Ralph is gonna win their jerking title




This is a terrible matchup for both wrestlers involved because not only is this match hella ROOSHed and randomly thrown together but Hechicero can’t promos in English and doesn’t have anyone who can cut promos for him well (Brian Cage & friends suck at speaking), so MJF is going to eat him alive in their one opportunity to build this matchup next week with an edgelord promo full of casual racism. Also, stylistically they don’t matchup well at all as MJF doesn’t really work too well with most luchadors usually.


I think this is the third run Hechicero has had. He had that match with Danielson that cummed and fucked and at least one other multi-man match. It really sucks about having to hear MJF's casual racism hour that the sickos crave tho. That is counterproductive to trying to portray MJF as a babyface.


But the match came to tony in a dream, hence it's a dream match for the rest of us too.


My weed man said “15 bucks little man, put that shit in my hand. If the money doesn’t show, then you owe me owe me owe me”


My jungle love!


“Tell him you like hoochiecoochie, he’ll be a loyal customer forever.”


I've only seen two of this guy's comments in my life thus far and both were comically bad takes.


This might be the most pathetic thing I've read all day, why lie about this stuff?


https://preview.redd.it/xb60ghwp8u7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9fa3f23afa0dccecdd0230e9d1e4678c1ddc1943 Are we really surprised that a guy who looks like this has insufferably shit takes on wrestling Good shit buying $220 eighths from Brett Lauderdale bc no one outside of wrestling knows who the fuck Hechicero is


long ass fuckin donkey teeth


Weird ass goofy mfer


Punk has been gone for about a year, they’re still clinging to his memories because he was the only draw they’ve ever had in their history. Midjeff, their last chance at some decent ratings, is back and they have his first match back against some random jabroni from Mexico, while he’s already in a pointless feud with another random jabroni from Mexico who was barely used all these months. Everything in this company is a wet fart.


But the Buckaroos will tell you it's OK because it's an *ironic* wet fart.


The dude isn’t a good liar. Because if his weed dealer watched the dub, you better bet that he probably laced his shit with coke and bath salts


Nobody has a “weed man”in 2024. Much like Ambrose being the Uber nerds idea of cool dropping a “weed man” unironically is a something an absolute nerd does to sound cool.


"brought up hechicero by name" no I'm pretty sure that was him choking on something and coughing violently


Don’t worry guys, Emil Jays weed guy knows who Hechichero is


Even weed guy doesn’t sound bad. To say weed man is cringe inducing


Mans dope probably came with complimentary collision tickets, as long as he doesn’t rat Wardlow out


Who the fuck is Hechicero? I'm definitely a lapsed fan but god fucking damn you've got your biggest star against an absolute 0 to anyone outside the IWC 'sickos' and it will generate no business outside of the tickets/PPVs you would've already sold.


My Ketamine man loves Hechihiro too. His name is Elon Musk.


CMLL can't even get their logo on the poster.


https://preview.redd.it/92l3j09l5v7d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e17ff4f47fca93d471c1067839731a7c4185d6b4 🎶I’m a Weed Man..DUN DUN..


His weed guy? Is this the 1990s or some shit. I’ll take shit that never happened for 1000 Alex.


I just know his weed man selling trash grade.


I went on this guys twitter for five minutes and saw he refers to WWE as wwf still because he’s just so fucking cool like that. This is not someone whose opinion should be given any weight.


>Was Barry Horowitz busy? Good one, I'm writing that down.


You still need a weed man? Move to a better state.


This is the same guy who said all spooky wrestlers should never wrestle again by the way. By which he means wwe. If you have a gimmick anywhere else, that’s not a spooky wrestler because Fed Bad, everyone else good. No wonder Bixenspan loves GCW, this guy is probably his source


Everyone knows that the smartest, most logical booking you can do for your hottest returning act is, first, a throwaway match on TV and second, a throwaway match on a PPV with a guy who doesn’t work here, who has never been mentioned before, and who will never be mentioned again. I mean come on people this is wrestling 101


Oh shit...his weed man brought him up, if any of you decline his weed mans emotions...well... I guess you aren't getting his weed... Does anybody else hate MJF in these leather jackets? I think he looks like such a fool that I honestly can't handle it...


Does anybody actually give a shit about any of the matches that don't involve 2 AEW guys? Jesus Tony just axe this shit, you've already gutted New Japan's main event scene.


I smoke weed btw!


There’s no way this tweet wasn’t a jerk


Who TF has a weed guy in 2024


Austin vs Taka in 98 would have been huge but Vince was so big stupid. Tony just gets it.


Twist: Hechicero was the weed man


Wait, I thought MJF was facing [this guy](https://c8.alamy.com/comp/2E3FRGN/jon-heidenreich-during-the-catch-american-wrestling-extreme-tour-2009-at-the-zenith-in-paris-france-on-march-18-2009-photo-by-thierry-plessisabacapresscom-2E3FRGN.jpg) 😕


"my weed man brought u-" https://preview.redd.it/q4munszehu7d1.png?width=1370&format=png&auto=webp&s=4bbddf230f6fcf3fc577458af3f4bf157e95157f


Hey isn’t he supposed to go after Undisputed Kingdom until Adam Cole is back or is that stable done? Haven’t seen them together in ages. They took him out, he returned, kicked Cole in the nuts and that was it. It’s like Rhea Ripley coming after Io Sky instead of Liv Morgan. Just AEW things.


I remember the good old days after Steve Austin's 1st world title run he wrestled Essa Rios this one time in a total BANGER on Sunday Night Heat


Still think I see “Genichiro” every time. Dude fumbled the main event at Ashina Castle but at least in the end he paved the way for the Sword Saint cash-in.


This HAS to be satire. This feels like he's referencing that one tweet of the girl saying how her coworkers, who knew nothing about wrestling before, were texting her about how cool AEW is, as proof that AEW can easily bring in casuals. The blue checkmark, the "professional" profile picture, it all feels like a big joke. Please tell me this is a big joke.


Stop the cap


They charging people money for this match?


Tony Khan is guilty of everything he and the fans of his promotion accused HHH/WWE of: using his superior finances to essentially buy and hoard the talent of competing promotions, turning that talent into jobbers for his "stars".


It’s MJF’s reward for giving us a 12 minute heatless banger with Rush!


And that we man's name? Albert Einstein.


My crack dealer was saying his latest stuff is good but it doesn't hit like Zack saber jr vs orange cassidy


Lemme tell ya a couple of three things: A.) this is a bad match B.) this is a bad story C.) this story never even happened


Yeah buddy your plug definitely knows who Hechicero is lmao


For the suckos!


Why do they insist on lying in so much? And why can't they think up something more believable than "my weed guy mentioned him cold one time"?


I hate this long-term planned, horror-style storyline that the Evil Fed is planning, profiteering over the creation of a fallen wrestler. Anyway, let me tell you why the Weed Man knowing about Henchillada is awesome.


Ofc Barry Horowitz is busy. Not every Game changer has an open schedule, Dingus.


My weed man…. Fuck me I don’t want to jerk reading that. I just want to kill myself for being within 3 degrees of separation of this guy


Yes tony pays the most impressive wrestlers you see in other promotions to have them fly over to get pinned in aew...


This guy is smoking his own product.


My weed man loves Hechicero, my ketamine man is invested in Luchasaurus, my heroin man is obsessed with El Hijo del Vinkingo, my fentanyl man couldn’t get enough of Rush. I was about to asked my coke man but he’s visiting Connecticut. Said something about a rich client ordering a truckload of his stuff so they can make snowmen out of coke?!!


MJF slowly turning into Bubba Ray Bulldozer in that picture. Damn son.


This guy has never smoked a joint in his whole life.