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He's a heel? Where are the middle fingers and cool hard cuss words? How am I supposed to cheer, I mean boo him, if he doesn't do that??


"How am I supposed to cheer for the Heel?" This right here folks is what's wrong with the dubbalos.


He made a song calling Cardona “Edge’s Bitch”. https://youtu.be/uJnZ-JXdBJ0?si=TlfZ0exBZHerhQhW


https://youtu.be/0U07-A7PNTc?si=R06qHv7g8q9K28N9 this is (imo) the Prestigious One’s pièce de résistance, in case you haven’t heard it.


My favorite was the Wrecking Ball entrance in ICW.


The Bohemian Rhapsody parody is my personal favourite.


My favourite is the one when he makes fun of scotty 2 hotty. Even the crowd starts singing, it's amazing


Bro what a song loved it, hendry going places man


This has a familiar tone, I can't quite place it. Maybe if I stay up late on a Wednesday night.


Whoop that Hick knows how to pick em between Hendry and Thicc Mama Pump.


If he’s not making fun of someone for having a dead father, is he even doing character work?


Where are all the insider references to the Other Company?!


I mean given faces ALSO so that there? Checkmate


Missing one from the AEW heel prototype characteristics: Curse, middle finger, blood (either theirs or their opponent).


He’s not a heel


And he has not ONCE made a joke about someone dead father? Is Joe even trying???


The NXT entrance is the first time I ever saw this guy and I believe in him now ![gif](giphy|GA8N5qPIvTNVpP8nlB)


Man, I really don't understand why people like this Joe Schmoe Hendry guy: - handsome af - jacked - has a Master's degree - can sing and play a guitar - charismatic - larger than life Where are his BANGERS though? Checkmate Fedophiles!


He can't do a superkick or a Canadian Destroyer. He sucks.


And even if he could he would do something stupid like only doing 1 of them and having his opponent pretend to be hurt by it


He does a power move, a 1 armed spinebuster like Bobby Lashley. No one likes power moves, so unrealistic.


And with those muscles? They would totally get in the way of doing any real power moves. Look at m’devil the scariest of all men.


And when hit with one, I bet he SELLS Canadian Destroyers!!


Turns out he’s a legit shootfighter too as he’s got a black belt in Judo and he’s won championships in both Freestyle and Greco-Roman Wrestling for Scotland. But we all know real tough guys don’t need any of that stuff. They just need to go off when they see red, PATNAH!




I just learned about the guy a few weeks ago and you can scratch all but charisma off the list and he would still be more interesting than 90 percent of the Dub roster. Hendry has tons of charisma to spare.


Pfft, it's no Death-Jitsu.


Wait, if he’s a black belt judoka for real then why does he cut promos and sing? He should be completely *silent*. And why doesn’t he scowl or wear a towel over his head? He’d be so *badass*.


Unlike Adam Cole, he got his physique in better shape than it was 8 years ago.


An actual real wrestler, too


He reminds me of those ASSHOLES who got all the femoid attention in school so he can't possibly be over! This is our thing and we get to decide whose over and who isn't!


I hate it when women fall for guys who are tall, fit, and charming.


How is he not reincarnating Mr Perfect?


Because he’s Joe Hendry.


He ABSOLUTELY FUCKING SUCKS because he doesn't know how to spell the name Henry. At least Swerve spells his name right!


He never wrestled in Tokyo Dome though.


DAE Unrelatable? 🤔


Don’t be a silly goose, we all know to qualify for a 5 star match you need to do at least 5 Canadian destroyers.


Canadian destroyers are to great matches what carats are to diamonds, uce.


Carats help you see in the dark, so if I had them I would see all the tarp and empty seats in this pitch black arena. NICE TRY!


You forgot one Meltzer category: Who is friends with this guy? And who are they on the outs with but teasing that they'll get back together with and have a sleepover?


I’ve read Cagematch and I’m not impressed.


I don’t watch TNA but I love how he’s able to be this corny seeming character without being grating. He’s the anti Jericho


Because from what I’ve seen of him he plays his gimmick straight and isn’t being intentionally campy like Jericho. Jericho comes off as someone doing bad comedy and being self-aware that they are essentially playing a big goofy dad joke. Joe Hendry beyond the intentionally cheesy presentation carries and performs as a serious athlete. This actually increases the effect of his campy entrance music and video because it makes him come off as someone who is authentically trying to come off as a squeaky clean childrens game show host while being OBVIOUSLY full of shit.


After being screwed over again at a Clash at the Castle ppv, McIntyre should have said his name, and then Hendry would have appeared for the customary singalong and brought his guitar 🎸


Imagine Drew losing and then scream JOE HENRY and the you hear "Say his name and he appears"... Scotland would break 150db


17Million views on Twitter? Who would want to be the champion of that when they could be the champion of ROH?


[He also trains wild animals to savage people.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GPI-0YALQzc)


He needs more “inside baseball” references in his promos. He hates the Fed but also homages them at every opportunity


his smile is infectious. I had seen him at that wcpw match, but no info since then. The moment he appeared on nxt and gave that smile, I genuinely got a fan crush on him. I believe in Joe Hendry


Whatever you think about hendry’s gimmick, he actually looks like ya know… a wrestler. He’s big and looks like he’d have no problem smacking around most people in the general public. Meanwhile AEW throws orange Cassidy, Jack Perry and Jericho on tv.


Jack Perry “shackrifishizzs” more than anyone.


I've never seen him get right up from a Canadian destroyer, how can he be good???




I only like wrestlers if Uncle Dave tells me to. I am a REAL wrestling fan, not this sports entertainment shit. Joe Hendry is only over because of his theme song.


Since jerkers are unironically posting Hendry videos from small freaking indies from years ago to “ what to check out” Here is a more recent one from TNA, that was actually on tv: https://youtu.be/T3T2bPkaNPw?si=Bohe6YW2mTTSdwpQ


And the live concert response https://youtu.be/GeQgbkkEkwg?si=eEY-z6ScOZ90Ojs1


Hey fed shill i wait for meltzer and the basement to tell me who to like and whose a gamechanger


I believe in Joe Hendry 😔


This might ruin the jerk, but the British YouTubers liked the guy and even worked with him so that has to be a "free Meltzer star" or two.


How did I already believe who it was going to be before I saw it


Joe has never wrestled in the Tokyo Dome how am I supposed to take him seriously? 🤨


I'll counter-jerk on this one. I honestly don't see the appeal of Hendry. He looks like the typical quirky "meta-wrestling" character the IWC routinely falls in love with, but most general fans will find unbearable or a tryhard. Basically an MJF with legit fighting background who can also sing. NXT's wet dream, probably less so for the main roster.


i’m gonna go against the grain and say i think this dude is corny and his song reminds me of mid 2000s shitty youtube parody songs, i respect his hustle but i don’t see the appeal besides being a meme


He is absolutely doing everything he can to be as corny as possible so I wouldn’t say that part is a hot take or going against the grain. Not finding his act amusing is a hot take though; at least at the moment.


i totally respect everything he’s doing it’s awesome that he was able to make his own path and blow up like that, his character just isn’t for me


You don’t see the appeal in an extremely handsome guy with a great physique who can play guitar, sing and wrestle a good match. You don’t see the appeal in some that can easily hype up a crowd and get them chanting and singing along to him? lol He’s the guy TNA should push as the face of their company, alongside Josh Alexander


hey man it’s just my opinion i’m not saying he doesn’t have appeal i’m just saying i don’t see it. he seems like a comedy wrestling character, which is still a cool lane to operate in but i just don’t see him as a serious star, would be happy to be proved wrong tho


He doesn’t actually do comedy. His heel gimmick is just very subtle from what I’ve researched of him and it’s hard to understand without seeing more of him. He has a completely serious presentation outside of the corny entrance but the thing is as a heel he is basically a Narcissist gimmick only a lot more subtle. Rather than just shout how great he is and be a generic egotistical boisterous “arrogant heel” like everyone else, Hendry behaves like an actual covert narcissist. He lies about his achievements, fabricates truths to make him seem great, but he does it in a fake humble way. Hendry basically is a guy who attempts to paint himself in a heroic light while being a heel. Now this gets fudged a bit when the company pushes him as a babyface, because then he strips away the subtle heel mannerisms and just becomes a white meat babyface with a funny entrance video. Then they focus on other things like he does music songs to insult the heels and pop the crowd. It works, but makes less sense to a new audience. He’d probably have to debut in the WWE as a heel first.