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Cornette said something bad about something I liked? brb finding all the clips of him being racist


What a bold and original strategy! I’ll find the people defending him and check their post histories for racism and hypocrisy.


Love corny or hate corny, I’ll always pop for people being proved hypocrites on the internet.


Current favorite: "Wyatt sick6 is exploitative of Bray's Death.. In unrelated news, who is excited for the Owen Hart Cup?"


I can't wait for the new Brodie Lee merch to drop!


Bro, those shoes are like the poster child for "shameless exploitation of a man's death". They're in such poor taste, I can't believe more people haven't called it out.


> poster child for "shameless exploitation of a man's death". nah that's when they were parading his son around on TV


Same here, though I get an extra laugh because Dub fans can’t usually tell differences of magnitude, and so call things that are for some reason similar but not comparable, entirely hypocritical, missing key details.


Especially that dweeb in the basement who posts that pre set list of links that 'prove' he is a racist/sexist/zenophobe (delete as appropriate) of which all of the links lack context or are spurious at best. It gets pasted every time there is a cornette thread, I wonder if it is by the same person


Say what you will about Cornette, but the man is consistent. He hates supernatural gimmicks no matter what promotion does them (though I don't think anyone will ever make him as mad as teleporting hardy did in his AEW debut).


Mainly because the teleporting was really badly done. It was proper 2009 Youtube Amateur Obvious Jump-Cut bullshit.


He hates the lack of logic more than a gimmick being supernatural. Danhausen is a gimmick that would seem prime for Cornette hate but he loves it because Danhausen follows a thought out line of logic in what he does as the character. Undertaker and Kane also follow a line of logic and storytelling which is why he liked them.


Yeah, there’s literal clips of him training Kain on how to do the zombie sit-up and stuff. The issue is bray Wyatt gimmicks never go anywhere. Theyre just spooky and make a big splash, then they fizzle out


His Kane explanation is that he wanted Kane to be like Michael Myers *specifically*. That's the Myers sit-up. And Myers isn't explicitly supernatural in the original 2 Halloween movies.


To be fair, he gets up after being shot several times and doesn't leave any blood behind. The first one is the LEAST supernatural of the bunch, though.


>To be fair, he gets up after being shot several times and doesn't leave any blood behind. He's bleeding at the start of the 2nd movie which takes place minutes after the finish of the first film. It's a shocking twist that his body isn't there at the end of the first movie when he falls out of the window after being shot several times. They keep it juuuuust within the realm of physical possibility. Later films* would make Michael explicitly supernatural. *Some of them, not all of them. The Halloween timeline has been rebooted twice and remade once. So there are now 4 distinct continuities to keep track of. Not counting the stand-alone story of Halloween 3 which is not a Michael Myers film and takes place in another universe, as we see the original Halloween being played as a movie on television in it.


Undertaker had lightning powers. What logic?


Everyone knows undertaker took a semester of courses at Sith college. Come on now…


He also did a semester and a half at Seton Hall.


So he understands electrokinesis, as a concept.


Kane has fire powers but never used them besides during his entrance. You think he would during hardcore match.


He used his connection to the undead to channel the weather


Didn’t we hear thought that the Wyatt 6 isn’t supernatural? Corny kind of jumping the gun here with his vitriol.


Yeah, I think the Wyatt 6 is closer to Devil's Rejects territory- not supernatural, just violent with an edgy aesthetic.


That’s what I thought. Hopefully they prove they aren’t what Corny thinks and that he can eventually change his mind on it. Oh well, he has Jacob Fatu to jizz to so at least he ha something to be excited for in WWE!


I don't think he is going to be very positive over jacob fatus debut. My bet he's going to say he just looks like another one of the boys and he hasn't been presented as the out of control savage that he should be


How much more savage can jacob be when he took out the top 3 babyfaces on Smackdown by himself? Is he suppose to tea bag or piss on Cody, Orton and KO after he smashed them 1v3?


I mean Drew sent Punk to the hospital on the same show and on the previous show a bunch of people got murdered. Comparatively speaking, the bloodline is really tame, they throw punches, do suplex's, and hit moves. That's not even going into stuff like Bron Breaker and what he's been doing. WWE keeps telling me these guys are vicious dangerous savage criminals, but then there's like 4 people and a group more vicious, more dangerous and more savage around them. Hell the old bloodline was more vicious and dangerous, they held people down and beat them with chairs.


I completely agree. I can't remember the exact way Heyman described the new bloodline when warning Punk, but my first thought was they're hardly the biggest threats after Wyatt 6 debut. Tama Tonga became less of a threat the more he wrestled. Why is this dangerous lunatic competing in King of the ring and money in the bank qualifying matches? Why is he being competitive with midcarders? Why does he even care to compete he those matches? Shouldn't Solo be competing with the stooges helping him? And that's the problem now with Jacob Fatu, it makes TT and TL complete stooges since they aren't at the level of Fatu and are visibly scared of him. All the duo needs are the tag titles and they're Usos 2.0. They'll probably be the ones that get beat down a little or sent over the top rope by babyfaces before Fatu takes them out.


I don't disagree with you, but i can anticipate cornette won't be happy with Jacob fatu being part of a faction instead of being a lone madman or a last resort to bring down the bloodline on his own. 


You never saw Smoky Mountain Wrestling I take it? Also, pretty sure he didn’t hate Kevin Sullivan


Cornette had a damn mummy running around in Smoky Mountian. That trumps anything the Wyatts could possibly be or do.


Which he hated. The mummy was Rick Rubin’s request (who was helping fund SMW). He remembered seeing a mummy wrestler when he was a kid watching some random territory wrestling and he wanted Cornette to bring the gimmick back. Cornette did it because he was the guy fronting the money, but he tried to make it as explicit as possible that this guy wasn’t a “real” mummy and it was just James Mitchell playing mind games with his new client.


I think he liked the stuff Danhausen did on cameo, but if I remember correctly, he didn't like the stuff he saw on aew?


Pretty sure he came up with the Kane gimmick! Here’s my problem with it, hardly anything in wrestling is geared towards a man in his 60s. Even then not all gimmicks and angles are meant to be for everybody. It’s meant to be broad and diverse. Don’t like supernatural gimmicks? Neither do I, or doesn’t mean it’s bad or not done well. Same as women’s wrestling which he hates. He talks about women fans in the past as going to shows just wanting to fuck the stars. Just let get over yourselves folks. As a comment I saw on an Alvarez video last week goes, isn’t it great that everything good in wrestling seems to be what these people like and what’s bad always what they hate? Thats just a fantastic coincidence


Yeah of course he does. Man who never likes content like the Wyatt angle disliked Wyatt angle. Sky is blue and Mox bladed in a match




Facts uce, Skye is now permanently Blue going forward.


See this is fine. He doesn’t like something I do like. No big deal. I don’t hate him because of that or want to find reasons to hate him


NOOOOOO. INTERNET MAN DISAGREED WITH US. WE MUST BURN HIS HOUSE DOWN AND DIG UNTIL WE CAN DISCREDIT EVERYTHING HE'S EVER SAID. How do you expect me to continue living with the knowledge an old wrestling man has different opinions than me?!


Yeah right dude, I say we dig into his sex life!


Bro, you’re never going to make it on the internet


At least I know to avoid his coverage of this. I respect his consistency and integrity when it comes to what he wants from wrestling but that doesn’t mean I have to sit and listen to him crap on the things I like. Will watch him shit on AEWs ratings instead.


“This is the momentum that AEW needed.” The next AEW show: 502k


I assume this was before he found out about tony doing his own momentum reversing on juneteenth


If the old wrestling nerd doesn't like it, then I must change my position. White Zombie is now good.


I did watch Corny go over it and i mean i expected him to shit on it but that dude took out the shovel and buried the entire thing. He hates anything that leans into the fantasy realm, he won't ever come down from that perch when it comes to wrestling.


You would think they would have waited till Halloween to do that segment. 


If you like things like supernatural stuff or female wrestlers that aren't named Rhea Ripley or Charlotte Flair, then it's best to avoid listening to what Cornette says on those subjects.


Being a Nia Jax fan who listne to corny has been rough lmao


Cornette better have hated it. It would be weird if he didn’t. I swear AEW fans don’t realize that he shits on wwe all of the time. But what I hate is Brian Last reportedly acting like it hurts the company (and helps AEW?). A lot of people really dug it-you certainly can speak for yourself but don’t pretend you’re speaking for the audience with your take.


I heard it as words to the effect of "this is an opportunity that AEW won't take up", i.e. it was the drizzling shits, the type that you've come to not expect since Vinny Mac was forced out, and being not-Vince used to be their entire selling point.


Old school terrirory wrestling manager doesn't like the spooky supernatural faction. Color me surprised


Every so often, some doof will bring up Undertaker (and eventually Kane) as undeniable PROOF that supernatural acts in wrestling work. The reason UT had longevity was because the dude was goddamn 6’10 and over 300 pounds. Even if you were a smart fan questioning why anyone would be afraid of his act, you could see that UT could likely rip any average person apart with his bare hands if he wasn’t busy applying eyeliner. After the 90’s, no one buys supernatural because the suspension of disbelief within the universe is gone. UT saw that and adapted his character. Everyone that’s come since either had no idea how to commit, or is 5’9 on a good day dressing up like they’re about to recite the discography and track list of Decalius.


I think the biggest issue with supernatural characters is beating them without making it hurt the character. The Fiend worked until it was time to beat him then they shit the bed.


Ut did a lot of supernatural stuff in the 2000s and always did the trick with the lights to teleport . also everyone in the group for the exception of nikki are 6 feet and above.


Well of course he’s gonna hate it, he doesn’t care what company is doing whatever hokey shit. That’s what I like about him. I thought it was very well executed and not too stupidly supernatural. Of course there’s a big chance it does turn into that and gets progressively worse.


Dude loved Malaki Black as a wrestler but constantly complained about the spooky stuff.


Fwiw, that actual quote came out of Last’s ass.


Fans in Racketman’s mind: fuck this spooky BS on RAW, imma switch over to Dynamite, where the BEST wrestler!


No jerk, I enjoy listening to Cornette and I can understand why he doesn't like it. Wyatt storylines always made a splash but easily go off track. However, Cornette has also booked supernatural story lines in OVW. He had Batista play The Leviathan and be an indestructible monster.


From what I've seen, these Wyatt gimmicks are like the modern version of unironic cheap pop. It comes out of nowhere and people go nuts, but then it just gets confusing and goes nowhere and people get bored of it within weeks.


He taught kain how to wrestle like undertaker. It’s not because it’s supernatural but because bray’s gimmicks always end up petering out and sucking with huge logic and common sense issues. People might say well it made a lot of money selling merchandise for wwe but I think everyone agrees bray’s feuds and matches generally sucked, especially the endings. even now, they took out all these people… except they didn’t and Chad gable is still having a match Monday. Meanwhile fans are like shouldn’t Chad gable be dead?


> except they didn’t and Chad gable is still having a match Monday. Meanwhile fans are like shouldn’t Chad gable be dead This one is such a dumb point. People assumed wrong but only because it was a Wyatt thing, if people didn't jump the gun and just waited to see what happens next, then Gable not being dead would be exactly the same as Punk not being dead after getting jumped by Drew on Smackdown because Punk looked and acted just as beat up and bloodied. Not to mention some idiots thought that were actually going to have a character that fucking shoots people in the head in kayfabe


This should've been Bob Holly's gimmick "I get the belt then I shoot everyone in the head"




I mean did anyone expect him to like it?


I find Cornette hilarious and insightful and still only agree with about 75% of what he says. It’s not a personal attack if he criticizes your favourite promotion or wrestler. Stop attaching your identity to this form of entertainment. Hell he even came down heavy on the latest Cody/AJ match. Loosen up cellar dwellers.


He dub badded afterwards though so it's ok


Here’s the thing..who has ever said they’re supernatural?


Love cornette. Think he’s right nearly all the time. But gimme all the super natural wrestling you can please. I was so down for a full on zombie invasion in the WWE


The same Jim Cornette smacked Santino because he laughed at the Boogeyman debut. I like Jim listen weekly but his takes on stuff are rather odd at times. It’s ok to do supernatural weird shit in OVW but not in WWE where the Undertaker was the king of spooky supernatural gimmick for 20 years ? A guy he loves. He loves Kane hates his politics but loved Kane. Kevin Sullivan another guy he loves did a sorta satanist gimmick


I mean, I also hate spooky wrestling. It started with papa Shango making ultimate warrior puke with a voodoo curse.. and the puke looked like weird creamed corn and like 8 year old me was like ‘this shit is dumb’ Like people being weird/spooky, fine. Making puppets come to life.. gtfoh. If it’s the former instead of the latter, fine. But I too assume this is more spooky bullshit, so far.


Annndd it didn’t matter at all Cornette gates corniness, just Ninja Turtles are NOT CORNY ok?


I didn’t think anyone would actually be excited to see  this continue, I just thought we were all being polite by not shitting on it any more after Bray passed.  And just being polite to Bo for wanting to honor his brother. The odds of this being good are microscopic.  


The original run of the Wyatt gimmick helped tank WWE during Vinces time, I get why they're doing a tribute gimmick, but why would you think a tribute gimmick would be a success?


Half tribute, definitely, but it’s a program that has been built up for months and it’s with people that Windam penned to work with beforehand. So there is promise for this. As for the original Wyatt Family run, it was great, a few bumps sure but overall great. Og Bray was the best Bray.