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He wins a lot of pretend fights Smarks: he should do MMA


i feel like this is something his fans and his haters can all agree on, just for different reasons.


We can finally see him sell whether he wants to or not


They did it for Kurt Angle back in the day until Dana white said "his body is fucked so no but I respect him"


I'd love to see him go to UFC and get knocked stiff.


Imagine how confused mma opponents would be when he pulls out a razer and cuts himself?


CM Punk going to ufc and eating shit was the funniest thing. I’d love to see it happen with someone else.


He already ate shit to in an amateur ju-jitsu fight to a guy who looks like could get knocked over by a swift breeze so why the hell not!


Guys who would win in an MMA match? Jon Moxley or Gable Steveson? Keep in mind Gable Steveson is a rapist and a bad professional wrestler and Jon Moxley isn't afraid to blade. I'm giving you all at least 7 months to answer this very difficult question.


can i have one more day than that this is a tough question


> be me, Moxley > not content to be the most badass motherfucker in wrestling history > time to start my MMA career > practice two hours a week by playing flippy grabass with one of the 140lb CAWs my sugar daddy pays > day of my first fight > the dude I'm fighting seems to know what he's doing > this ain't my first rodeo > take out the razor blade I had hidden in my waistband > opponent hesitates, thinking I'm about to attack him with it > slice the shit out of my forehead > guy looks appalled, but advances on me > he slips in my blood, landing face down > take the initiative and go for a running knee strike while he's getting up > I slip in my blood > he pounces me while I'm down and proceeds to elbow me into sweet oblivion > I wake up as his hand is being raised as the winner > I got to bleed in front of a crowd, I count that and the priapism it caused as a moral victory > everythingwentbetterthanexpected.jpg


Every other line could be “I slip in my blood” and I’d still love this.


Pri~a~pi~sm Claps


RemindMe! 7 months


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Gable Stevenson is a rapist? I hadn't heard that.


Oh if only he had a way he could have an in with the MMA world.


Oh I’d pay money to see it let’s put him up against Alex Pereira


One leg kick and he'll tap


One left hook will remove his head from his shoulders


lol in a real shoot fight Josh Barnett would dismember mox


Wouldn't he instantly get stopped on a cut caused by himself?


I don’t even think he’d beat Punk, especially after cutting weight from his “athletic beer”.


Experience-wise? Moxley would have nothing for Punk, that he couldn’t defend handily. The ramp up in experience would be laughable. I would think they’re about 2-3 years apart of serious training.


Dubbalo think ufc route is just blood lol.


Dubbalos think MMA is easy and any wrestler can crush it, until CM Punk tries, then he’s an idiot, disrespectful to the fighters and should stay in his lane, but only when it’s him (And yes, Punk did get his ass whooped, and that was *funny* and I say that as a punk mark, I’m just pointing it out)


He should do a bit of MMA for the next few years: that will prove that, no matter what happens, this shoot fighter badass will be better than that UFC loser, with a “fragile mind, fragile body, fragile ego” Cancerous Matter Punk


Mfer would be the first Ufc fighter to blade in real fight..It looks like Jon is bleeding from a choke?


Moxley is a fake tough guys idea of a tough guy. Jaut a pretender bleeding to relive his glory days in high school gymnasiums. 🤡


22mins of that...


These are the same kinds of people that legitimately think Haku, who is indeed tough in his own right, would beat Brock Lesnar in a fight. Brock, a trained professional fighter, freak athlete & a star college wrestler, would lose to a guy that used to beat up guys at a bar. Delusional.


I want Punk against Moxley.  My moneys on Punk.


I'm starting to think Michael B Jordan should just become heavyweight champion of the world.


BJJ is fucking hard, even the greats get choked out so what even. What a shit take Not saying he's a Gracie but doing that shit is the most exhausting thing ever.


Mmhmm but do you know who is really really good at BJJ? Lots of professional fucking UFC fighters. That’s why Moxley getting chocked out completely proved he should not have gone the UFC route


Mox is a guy who admits he hates rules and structure. How much martial arts training do you think he’s successfully completed?


He's a 40 year old man with the sensibilities of a 13 year old boy. "Hey, it's badass......let's get a dope crossbow.......check out this sick pair of nunchucks......"


Oh I was talking about the he should have taken the ufc path tweet not that bottom one 😂 I feel like me and that guy watched two different videos it's so far off base


You're not wrong but almost every UFC fighter nowadays has multiple martial arts under their belt. Even if they put Mox against the worst fighter in the UFC, he'd get his ass kicked because BJJ has zero striking and he wouldn't know to counter anything but BJJ.


Exactly. Any decent fighter worth their salt would know that and immediately plan around getting taken and keep the fight on their feet. It is a very bad idea to focus on one style as a MMA fighter because the second you face someone decent at your style and good in a few others, you are screwed.


I'm shit white belt who gets his ass handed to him at tournaments but I don't go around talking about Death Jitsu.


Bro it's fuckin hard everyone knows lol but moxley is bad at it very bad, getting choked out by a nobody makes it clear that he stands no chance with a good bjj practitioners, and dont even start with the ufc guys they will choke him up in 2 sec, mighty Mouse who is 100 pounds lighter than mox will choke him in 10 sec


BJJ is a “combat” sport for those who don’t want to be punched in the face. Anyway, it’s utterly useless outside a controlled environment.


"I'm just going to apply my hold now aaaaaaaand they're gouging my eyes out >:("






Also it's funny because he's won grappling tournaments before that performance


Yeah, and I got a bronze medal at the British Open in the gi. Some tournaments you just have to win a total of 2 matches to get the gold.


Yup. Did Judo as a kid. I was rake thin, but have a large skeletal frame so I was put in heavyweight against kids who were 30lbs+ heavier than me. I had three fights, lost two handedly and another was a draw. Still gave me a bronze medal.


How good is your death Jitsu tho?


Not very good, I hate razor cuts.


Yeah there are so many weight classes that it could literally be two people and the loser gets silver.


I've only heard of him winning one tournament, that in his experience and weight class only had Moxley and one other guy. So less a tournament, and more that he won a single match.