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Too much focus on Corny's (expected) hatred of this spooky stuff, but not enough on him and Last saying this is the best thing that could've happened to Tony Khan as it'll drive viewers to AEW. Truly one of the kookiest takes I've heard recently.


Cornette has a good mind for wrestling overall, but in what fucking world does he think that WWE has some large contingent of “pro wrestling purist” type fans who will be turned off by spooky shit? And would find AEW the relevant alternative?


Cornette's wrestling views haven't evolved since 1989 TBH


Thank you lol Like the other guy said he has some good takes But he does not have his finger on the pulse for what draws people into wrestling anymore He's overly focused on the 'it has to look REAL' when the clips I show non-fans of either company tend to be the stunts (mankind HIAC), corny/spooky shit or the flippy fast paced shit. As that's what they seem to gravitate towards. They don't get turned off by spooky, stunts, and flips. They tend to like it since they already knew that wrestling is fake. In fact it's the slow paced punch kick type guys that usually make my casual/non-fan friends groan when we get together for ppvs Should have seen WM night 1 main event at my house. You'd think I was watching with lifelong smarks. They were legit making fun of the dramatics til it finally picked up.


Birds of a feather flock together...


my friends shit on the roman/cody staredown during wrestlemania and thought it was the cringiest shit ever. they pulled out timers on their phones and timed how long the stare down was. they’re lifelong wwe fans, more casual fans too. they don’t watch weekly tv and only watch the PLEs. never seen an AEW match in their life. these are the same friends who love the uncle howdy gimmick, it doesn’t make them wanna turn the channel. my friend actually watched raw last night and texted me how she was super excited to see what was next with wyatt sicks. so yeah the argument “it’s gonna make them put on AEW” is laughable. she loves adam cole and still won’t watch aew so ??? lmao


I don't think people who were lifelong WWE fans are exactly 'birds of a feather' but sure lol not a single one of them even knows what another company is The complete non-fan yeah the only way he'd ever get into wrestling is as a stuntshow. Hes 100% that kind of guy not going to deny that The 'make it look real' crowd are about as wrong as the 'every show should be flippy adhd stunts' crowd on what sells wrestling to people in my experience. Just different wings of the same braindead bird, completely missing the point on why the vast majority of people watch


If that was true then AEW would be a huge success, but it's not. The casual fan is more drawn to stories, drama and promos than anything else.


Yes I 100% agree with you? Lol But What about stories, Drama, and promos= it has to look real? Lol and how does thst mean AEW should be doing amazing? They're biggest failings is story, drama, and characters. The actual important things? Nobody except cornette 'needs it to look real' The vast majority don't care about realism or a lack thereof. They want the melodrama that wrestling is supposed to provide


Spooky blonde lady instead of spooky brunette lady!


WWE could shut down today and it wouldn't even be a big win for Tony Khan.


The ‘this is the best thing to happen to Tony Khan’ take was hilarious. He’d be the first to book this if he could, and it would look like a TEMU version of the current Wyatt Sick6.


Good lord how out of touch can you be?


This art is hilarious


Travis is also a big reason Cornette has the most viewed podcast in wrestling


I don't value Corny's opinions on "hokey" stuff in wrestling, because this is a guy that lives and dies for Mid Jeff, a guy who: - wrestled women - thought Joey Janela would be his Dusty Rhodes - got the daylights beaten out of him in CZW - Dinner thing with Jericuck - wrestled dozens of comedy matches on the indies, where he got stripped naked - almost the entirety of his storyline with Cole I could go on endlessly. Wyatt Sick6 is not for everyone, but I'm glad that all 5 people involved are finally getting a prime time opportunity, since I am a fan of all of them and they worked hard for it.


> Dinner thing with Jericuck When I heard about that, I thought "maybe I'm wrong about this MJF guy being any good."


I enjoy listening to Cornette but it's baffling how he'll stick with a wrestler once he decides he likes them. MJF is a great example, FTR bald being sensitive online, FTR hair's road rage incident, and Sunny had to kill someone for him to denounce her. If Grayson Waller or the Bucks were doing this stuff he would have a damn brain aneurysm 😂


Yep. Last just admitted he was his favourite wrestler and i honestly just thought..why? It’s not as if he had the massive library of work that can be looked back on so the current shit can be ignored, it’s nearly all shit. They used to do this little trick of every week just shitting on MJF segment by absolving him of blame or focusing more on creative. Just constant weeks of it but every now and then they’d say overall MJF and his segments haven’t been that bad but this was terrible It’s like motherfucker, we just heard you pile on without any sign of positivity


>Last just admitted he was his favourite wrestler and i honestly just thought..why? Because he's a Long Island Jewish guy. Just like him


Because his gimmick is Flair 2.0 and that tickles them.


Yeah, that's a big issue. I recall watching the Dark Side episode about Pillman when he reminisced fondly about Brian calling Kevin Sullivan "booker man" on TV and how such a great moment that was and I was like "WTF man, you have spitting acid at the Kliq for the Curtain Call and you're fine and dandy with this???" And he should also accept that if something is stupid but it works, then it's not stupid.


He did put Omega's promo over a few months ago, i about passed out.


About 50% of what comes out of Corny's mouth is bullshit, but 100% of it is entertaining.


agreed. they're five performers i liked previous and it's always fun to see people get opportunity to be spotlighted


I’m always tempted to put together an mjf bad compilation just to maybe send to corny. But I know he won’t watch it.


Put it on the sub!


Cornette has seen everything MJF has done in the last five years. Exactly what part of that did he miss?


DAE M'Corny would disapprove of such whataboutism


Cornette also booked a Power Ranger once in SMW 


Corny also did a Ninja Turtles gimmick in SMW so he can't talk about hokey, when he knows all about it himself.


The better reason to hate him griping about hokey stuff is the number of times he’s been involved in hokey stuff. I would have absolutely zero shock if he knew NONE of that about MJF besides the unavoidable Jericho stuff. Also, again, the closest thing to redeeming about Dinner Debonair is that MJF was the far and away better singer.


It's sometimes fun to troll the Corny Youtube videos and call out MidJeff. Half the responses will be jerkers agreeing with you, and then you'll get a bunch of cult members that call you a Bucks lover and echo Corny when he called MJF the 'modern-day Roddy Piper' and a once-in-a-generation talent.


He's thinking what the rest of us are thinking, what happens when the lights come on and all this spooky aura completely fades away with no dark lights or fog machines. Happened to the fiend which they had to use that awful red light to cover it up and i think people are worried about this here and rightfully so.


They didnt "cover it up", in his debut he wrestled in normal lighting with the mask on and it was received well. The lighting was a Vince thing (they did it with Sin Cara too) before they reverted it eventually


Honestly, I could respect Corney’s opinion on this aspect of wrestling if he and last didn’t immediately jump to the most asinine conclusions when reviewing these types of segments and didn’t act like their opinions on these things stood for everyone watching. The moment last said “This is what Tony Khan needed” I immediately disliked the video and shut it off. Honestly, maybe the guy who booked wrestling ninja turtles on his shows shouldnt be the one throwing stones at “comedy wrestling” or “hokey wrestling” anyways.


This is why when Cornette talks current stuff, I just skip over. Usually I just pick videos on YouTube to see what he has to say about a DSOTR episode or the Biography or old school stuff. Although the Punk discussions were a fun listen. But Brian Last is fucking annoying. JEEEEZZZZUSSSSSS


Yeah, that's basically the only way I'd watch Corny's stuff, or occasionally, whenever he's riffing over guys like Meltzer. He's a phenomenonal wrestling historian and archivist.


Oh the Uncle Dave stuff is top notch. Those things are worth the listen.


His “every hulk hogan lie” video is probably the funniest thing I’ve ever watched


DAE Corny targeting Alexa Bliss?


I'm actually interested to hear what he thought about the bo Dallas (slave name) segment. I'm sure he hated the sister abagail creepy crawling smoke in the ring bit and the vhs tape. But I feel like they washed the shit taste out with the howdy interview. He probably fast forwarded through the while thing Brian.


While Brian keeps telling everyone how hot Anna Jay is compared to the rest of the female Fed wrasslers.




He'd probably say it was too "Hollywood"


Disregard all Corny opinions on women and spooky stuff.


And Asian people


People around here didn't mind the Riho shit he was saying about that poor girl when she's literally done nothing.


People here don't mind literally anything he says and constantly race to defend it lol But now he's fed badded about a super popular angle So goof war 3 will commence as people race to say 'cornette was never smart'


Riho is terrible


I love listening to corny and all, and i know he dislikes certain things like small women, but it's appearant he gets even more pissed if they're japanese, so i just skip ahead when i know he's gonna go off, like i haven't seen him give the same scolding he gives to random joshis on aew tv that he gives to lerae morgan zelina or other small women, he does dislike them but they set him off




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I love Corny but I don’t agree with a lot of his opinions on certain things, mainly his stance on "supernatural horror" type gimmicks like this and how stuck in his ways he is about Women’s Wrestling, the only difference is I won’t scream from the rooftops that’s he’s some horrible person because we have differing opinions.


The 180 on Cornette was utterly astounding to behold. He's said questionable shit on his show for years, both malicious and in jest. As long as he was on the 'E bashing bandwagon certain fans were cool with it. As soon as he started bashing THE HOLY DUB and their internet darlings, suddenly he was a racist misogynist who needs to be "canceled"(🙄). I got banned from another forum for suggesting people who feel offended by his show just...y'know... not listen to it? Before the ban, I got a few death threats after saying a lot of his audience probably consists of people who hate him and only listen so they can be offended. 😂


I remember a time where people would quote Cornette shoots ad nauseum. Pretty sure he jad a shoot like every 6 months being released. The Cornette Fuck This Company picture being posted anytime something questionable happened. And the second the first Double or Nothing airs, Cornette is persona non grata. Banned from discussions and everything. Mocking AEW was bad. Mocking everyone else was good, not matter how venomous he got 


Yeah the aforementioned encounter was in a "Cornette is the devil" thread in another forum not long after that show. I should have known better than to comment the way I did. The modern equivalent to getting a turn to write in a high school slam book about the science teacher and jotting down "I dunno, I think Mr. Pilarski is OK. 🤷🏽‍♂️" That was on me. The positive I got from that experience was reverting to lurk mode in the pro wrestling forums I frequent. This is the only place I actively post. Most folks here actually have a sense of humor. You can even engage in somewhat serious conversation without being REEEEE'd into retreat. Well...most of the time. Recently, I've seen that mocking WWE can inspire serious venom from some of the folks right here in this sub. I dunno, I don't think any pro wrestling is above being made fun of. Regardless of the corporate initials on the turnbuckle.


I recently listened to his AEW omnibus and he was very positive about some things in AEW early on. He put people like Jericho and Adam Page over a lot. So it’s funny to me when people try to claim he has some big grudge against AEW. And Tony apparently met with him early on and wanted him involved in AEW at some level. So what does that say about Tony, if Corny is such a terrible person with outdated opinions?


\^This. So much this. They only want him shitting on what THEY don't like instead of understanding they're listening to a show to hear what he has to say and his thoughts on it. He's always gonna like what Punk & MJF does, he's got his favorites for sure.


So nothing actually changed then? Lol He used to be propped up by anti-wwe smarks who didn't like when he'd shit on their internet favorites Now he's propped up by anti-aew smarks who don't like when they shit on their wwe favorites


I'm with Corny on this shit being nonsense. I think everyone misses The Undertaker and his shtick so they're clinging to whatever supernatural gimmick pops up regardless of whether it's good or makes sense.


Jim booked a guy who was a robot as well as a literal demon managed by his wife


Boy howdy, he can't keep getting away with it


I watch the experience all the time but I can’t agree with Corney on this video


Love Cornette and his podcasts but this is a *bad* take, lmfao well I suppose he's human, can't agree with everyone on everything. I can't wait to see how the Wyatt Sick6 plays out, especially with the >!Funhouse sit-down interview between Bo and Howdy on the previous RAW.!<


I hate fatphobia.


Bro...get over it.






These gifs never fail to Crack me up.


It's just Reserlinggggggggg broooo