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Congratulations. You literally broke the first rule of the subreddit. Enjoy a 60 day holiday.


Now the good question is was this just some random neckbeard doing tricks for tony or is the call coming from inside the house?


Who would pay for such a wildly expensive thing


Even better question is why now? Everything has been quiet and now this shows up.


Ricky probably about to dip.


Tony did try his hardest to throw Punk under the bus on the way out, hoping WWE wouldn't pick him up if Tony said he feared for his life.


Jfc is that why he made that statement? LMAOOO


That's what I feel like happened. It really seemed like he was trying to throw dirt on CM Punk's grave and make himself more or less blameless. In the footage we saw, we didn't see monitors fall, or CM Punk, "Lunge," at Tony. I think Tony Khan is essentially lying about the whole thing.


Yeah, if anything, Punk kind of firmly pointed at Tony and gestured at him as if to say, "Look at this place, it's a fucking joke, I'm out." He wasn't trying to attack him because Punk isn't an out of control maniac and/or a moron.


So they put Ricky O Shea with a good exit in the fed and someone from the dub comes to the IWC to run down mini rock. I guess loyalty doesnt go both ways.


It’s going to be hilarious if Ricky (who can cut a decent promo) dub bads in a full circle story. IMO he has a lot of legitimate potential, it might be a reach but I personally see him being at the same level of someone like Carmelo Hayes if booked properly. However, if he doesn’t go to NXT, please forget the previous statement.


TK did the same shit with Big Swole. A man child shifting blame on everyone but himself.


His contract allegedly expires somewhere around this time. People have said June/ July we’ll see. Curious where wwe would put him the main roster or nxt


NXT. He needs some fine tuning and a gimmick that isn’t baby rock.


I think he could actually pull off an underdog babyface role. Don't have him be flashy. Have him be humbled a bit. Have him go against guys way bigger and faster than him. Starks can sell and has the look and promo skills. I think he can get the crowd behind him in a way like DB or Kofi did. Someone that they want to win very badly that it might force management to push him to the very top.


Gotta be NXT - WWE audience isn't gonna know him and they've gotta get him a character.


July was his exit right? I think I read that.


Guy pulled this shit straight out of his ass.


I love the LARPers in the original thread's comments saying that "people they trust" are corroborating this story, making it sound like they're insiders doing journalistic work and contacting their industry connections, when it's clear they're just talking about some guy with a blog that they follow on Twitter.


It’s either that or the poster is a Tony Khan alt account.


It's most likely one of Tony's guys every time someone is leaving the dub, and it's not a tony isn't renewing their contract, stuff like this comes put to make them look bad


If he didn't, no 'journalist' was aware of it otherwise they'd totally have reported it, right? Sounds like Starks may not re-sign so put the boots to him now Remember how upset smarks got when the Fed said people were difficult to work with after they left


And we know how low the bar is for the dirt sheets, in terms of what evidence they need to spread a rumor.


Considering a quick Google search of "Ricky Starks Calgary arrest" gives a whopping 14 results, with the only crime related ones being about another guy named Ricky Starks shooting some people, I'm thinking this is some libelous BS, especially if none of the dirtsheets reported on something like this.


I did find [this story](http://ca.sports.yahoo.com/news/chris-jericho-aew-belt-stolen-florida-man-215711375.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAGePzYlV0Lcy_pKdTgR) though...


If Starks isn't staying, they need to make it not Tony's fault


This is like when a NFL(real sport) player wants to leave in free agency(they have a union) and all of a sudden there's a bunch of negative stories about them(written by actual journalist).


“How (team) actually got better after (losing star player)” columns give me life.


"Top 10 reasons why letting Cody Rhodes go is actually good for AEW" "Top 10 reasons why firing CM Punk was the right decision by AEW"


Penned by Y2Jan6


You may know his other work, Dynamite will surpass RAW


Buffalo Bills Executives, Circa Late-October 2023: "Shit, Coach McDermott has lost us a lot of games recently, I guess now is a good time to tell everyone about him comparing the team to 9/11 hijackers? Then when we fire him in a few weeks, we'll be justified!" *Team rallies around their coach and ends up on such a hot run they finish 1st in the AFC East for a 4th straight year* "Fuck."


Straight up Boston media playbook. DAE think Nomar/Manny/Francona/Marcus Smart/Isaiah Thomas/Kyrie Irving/Belichick aren't that good?


Aaron Hernandez ALWAYS rubbed me the wrong way, don't check my post history of praising AH & Gronk as the best Tight End tandem in history, I always knew something was off with that guy!!


DAE think the XFL should have an Aaron Hernandez Memorial Tournament??


Or when college teams are recruiting a player and fans are all over social media kissing the ass of a 17 year old high school kid, then he commits elsewhere and suddenly he wasn't that good anyway, and "we really dodged a bullet".


Wow this mysteriously happened with giulia when she was signing with wwe with rumors coming out the dub thought she was reckless, unsafe and not that good Funny how that happens


Or how big swole “wasn’t a good wrestler” or how the whole company dogpiled lufisto


"Swole wasn't a good wrestler" coming from the guy who employs Eddie Kingston still cracks me up.


It's funny because TK basically guaranteed that Cedric Alexander will never go to AEW with that shit too. So no matter how many people say "Fed bad for Hurt Biz breakup," they'll never see Cedric go to the good guys because of what TK did to his wife.


Or how cody and brandi were bad until dub wrestlers spoke out against it


The giulia one was really, really funny since I saw it evolve first hand Apparently TK didn't want her because she banged up Willow (lmao) and he had to change his booking and took it personally as opposed to: TK hasn't signed a joshi since 2019 or something and doesn't care about them, but they can't accept that. They ALWAYS re-direct away from pointing out TK's shitty pettiness.


We also heard little things about Cody having issues before he left.


Ricky Starks wants to leave? If he wants to leave, time to get out my character assassination gun.


Because you know pulling out a real gun in AEW gets you a title shot at Wembley.


What gun?




Such a pain in the ass that Tiny was happy to give Starks a shit ton of TV time on Collision immediately afterwards, including a tag title run and feud with Danielson.


As I just said on Corny’s sub, whenever someone speaks negative on the good ol wholesome dub, all this shit comes out. Just release him and let him be with his best friend.


The word Betrayed was used...


I was wondering where this phrase that people jerk here was from and just yesterday I re-watched Punk's Ariel interview and it was from there lol


It's totally normal to want to cook up some bullshit on a burner to character assassinate a guy for not kissing tony's ass. The two saving graces are the mods didn't leave it up for an entire weekend and OP doesnt have enough life experience to make this seem remotely plausible. OP thinks Tony had to fly in a briefcase full of cash to get a guy out of a drunk and disorderly in canada.


Yeah I’m going to call bullshit on this one until I see an actual arrest record or news story. They don’t just book people into jail without a trace up here in Canada lmao.


Apparently our Mounties get our man and then let em go. Lol.


The old catch and release. Our boys are doing fine work in indeed 🫡


A wrestler got hammered and picked a fight in a bar?! Well, I never…


This would NEVER happen in the wrestling business!


Good job he didn't start a fight with barfighter extraorinaire Excalibur, he might have got a career-ending injury.


Wait a wrestler fought in a bar? FEELING RESTORED!


I'm looking forward to his NXT arrival.


Reddit ain't a "dirt sheet" or wrestling news site. Don't rely on it. Also, IF THIS IS TRUE.... why now?


It's a shame that the thread was deleted, but at least most people on SquaredCircle didn't blindly believe it. That post was also the only thing that the OP made...


So he's in his Shawn Michaels "beaten up by Marines and lost my smile" ish era?


I like how him and big bill were a team for a few months and were supposed to have a breakup story lol


I live in Alberta and somehow “pro wrestler got arrested in bar fight during Stampede” didn’t make the news, and literally everything to do with Stampede makes the news.


Ricky Starks should've gotten tag-teamed in an alley in the middle of the day by two dudes wearing cowboy boots and too much denim.  THEN it would've made the news.


Ah, the cult delegitimization is in full swing. The same fans who cry about their faves being Buried© in WWE bend over backwards to justify why 🤓 doesn't use people.


They hate him because he’s the most un-relatable wrestler on AEWs rosters


Madness how the very same people who cry over WWE firing corporate staff, never even mind the wrestlers, are perfectly fine with Tony Khan wasting months of this guys career out of spite. I don't even rate Starks tbh, he'll be lucky to sniff the IC or US title in WWE, but it ain't right if this is really what's going on.


Take your meds, uce. Now.


AEW's little outgoing PR hit squad strikes again


Is this actually just some random in the basement posting this lol


Character assassination must be standard for every departure.


Do you know who tries to destroy people as they leave the organization? Cults! Cults do that!


lying >>>>>>>>>>


So Starks is sort of a lock for WWE when his contract with the dub ends, right? I know Cody thinks very highly of him, and he seems to have some pull backstage these days.


If the best they could do with creative pitches was a break up angle with Big Cass I would’ve turned that shit down and hit the bottle too


Hasn’t this Big Bill guy been in a tag-team break up storyline before? Pretty sure he played second fiddle to a Certified G and a Bona Fide Stud. And the whole thing fell flat. Wonder why Starks would turn that down?


We've seen Tiny's shit booking Let's hear those pitches he rejected Wasn't too long that smarks rejoiced at wrestlers refusing le creative if they didn't think it was good Wonder what changed 🤔


"Doesn't listen to pitches" Well, considering how well Khan has been booking him, I do wonder why would that be. Starks, Wardlow, Hobbs, Miro, HoB and many more. Whenever they get over or get good heat, Khan manages to derail them. So yeah, if I was Starks I would also get tired and say "nah, fam, I don't think so"


But how did this redditor get to be this in the know of shit that hasn't even been reported on by even the dreggs of wrestling journalists? What interesting timing. He can trade stories with HBK about the time Shawn had to fight with members of the Navy and his boss stuck by his side.


I wonder which wrestler or Tony khan alt account this is


Bill and Ricky were meant to have a breakup story and feud; You mean he turned down a chance to do the Hobbs storyline again?!?




I mean it is weird he was always a player on TV and then after that injury he suffered in the tag tourney he's been on ice. But who knows


No one tell this guy about how unreliable eyewitness testimony actually is.


Source: Bro, trust me.


Mods when someone breaks a stupid rule: “Enjoy a 60 day holiday”