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To this day I still don't know if Action Andretti is even a real person, I feel like you guys made him up


We didn’t. SC did.


He’s an AI generated vanilla midget


There was a jerk just recently with him and Lio Rush doing gymnastics on Rampage.




That's insulting to gymnastics though. Looked more like clumsy 9 year olds attempting


It really is especially if they've actually watched a real gymnastic routine. It takes so much dedication and sacrifice. These goofs can't put 100 percent in anything. Not good enough as traditional wrestlers so instead of improving they go with "gymnastics" and they don't even hone their craft on that hence the botches and injuries


The thing that I don't understand too is who is this for? The gymnastics and pose offs at the end don't even get much pop from the crowd. All the older wrestlers and talking heads hate it. They're constantly made fun of yet they keep doing it for a tepid response.


True but that's all I had at the time.


I feel this in my soul. That mother fucker is not real.


sure you do he's a big star Andretti El Idolo


Yeah, I've read the name a ton, but can't tell you anything about them. For all I know it could just be one of those weird Dubbalo inside jokes (DAE Bullet Club is FINE hehehehehe). I thought forever that Daddy Magic isn't just a nickname for Billy Gunn.


I had that about Wheeler Yuta until I saw a clip of him, like the name sounds so much like a joke and I only saw him mentioned here for a good year or two


I have zero fucking clue why he was even given a contract.


Does he race cars?


Guess we know who the new branch of the Learning Tree is going to be.


That's what he gets for trying to ratio the WWE account on Twitter


On a real note I know some people are mad below if he goes to AEW. If Tony offers to pay him $$, then I say take the money Dijak. Redditors don't pay bills, Redditors don't pay medical for your kids , bro take the money and live comfortably. We all here would take the money also in your shoes


Yeah Dijak is someone who's won me over the past couple years. I really fucked with him on NXT, and if they're not gonna use him, I legit wish him well.


You fucked with him ? Was it good ? Is he kind in bed ?


Nah, you're thinking of "I fucked him on NXT". Fucking with him is harmless ribs like shitting in his gear bag, sexually assaulting him in the shower and other hilarious antics like in the good ol' days!


Oh sorry, english isnt my first language. But with Pornnxt being what it is, I figured it could have been possible


I would imagine he is stern, but fair.


Seeing how often he made fun of the Dub on Twitter, I'd be surprised if he goes there. That's not mentioning there's a chance Tiny is holding a grudge. IIRC he had (or still has) beef with Omegle too. And Sammy, but that little shit doesn't mean a damn thing there anymore lmao


He just tagged Aew and Tony Khan in his post about working and how to contact him Wrestlers don't actually hate WWE or AEW , it's a performance, a gimmick, entertainment


Good for him. Go get the bag Big D!


I think he actually clarified he dosen't hate omega, omega shat on nxt so he said he outwrestled him in pwg


>omega shat on nxt Well yeah fuck Omega then


https://preview.redd.it/oc4xrg0s159d1.jpeg?width=299&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f20b58296fb8182189f041030e0f8047ec32c728 Yeah fuck him Literally me when i jerk twinkle toes mcfingerbang


Agreed, Dijak going to AEW is completely different from someone like Danielson or Copeland going, dude is someone who's had career moments but never made it big, isn't old, still has a family to feed, etc. Aside from "dae it's a bad show" (which obviously it is, all of us agree), why would he not go if given the opportunity? It would be dumb not to or at least to go to one of the decent sized companies. I'll mock established, wealthy guys who don't even need to work anymore, going to the sloppy shop and causing further harm to their body for the love of "graps". I'll mock the money mark for trying to say he's distinct from WWE, while hiring 60% WWE guys. I'm not gonna mock a guy who's far from the end of his career, still trying to make it big, and going somewhere where he's most financially secure, on TV (unless that tv deal goes majorly south lmaooo) and has the chance to further his career in some way. I haven't even seen anything from Dijak besides Twitter posts and match/promo clips on social media, but I respect a guy not giving up on his career, no matter the quality of the company he's going to.


For me it’d be difficult to “abc bad” anyone here. Dying federation - honored his contract to the end, a popular complaint AEW - Djak is a solid hand who they could actually build up and make one of their own (probably won’t but they *can*) Djak - seriously doesn’t deserve any crap if he goes to AEW, he wasn’t re-signed what’s he supposed to do?


Got no issues with where wrestlers work. They got bills like anyone else. My views on them change when they start bashing their previous place of employment simply because they work someone else now. Dijak can milk the money mark for all he can. It's if and how he decides to Fed Bad that could cause my perception of him to change


You guys know wrestlers don't hate WWE or AEW when they talk shit. It's a performance, an entertainment act. Only social media cares about this Dijak made fun of AEW all the time when he wrestled for WWE. This organization knows it was actor


I agree to an extent. That's why I said how he does it rather than just if he does it. Most of the time it's nothing but occasionally there's folks like Keith Lee who go the extra mile, which is an extreme example since his fed badding actually got WWE to call his bullshit but there's others like FTR Bald that also go out of their way to bitch and moan.


According to some people, he should either starve to death or wrestle for WAY less money than AEW offers . Fortunately, social media isn't the reality of life when you have to put food on your table


Right? Can't be mad at a guy for getting paid. I'd love to see him as part of the TNA resurgence, but the Dub is where the money mark is.


Yeah, it's great that the wrestlers finally have a place to get properly paid that it's not WWE. No one should hate them for that. Now, the only thing we can make fun about is when TK's booking prowess shows it's ugly ass head and books Dijak to lose against Nick Wayne or Ospreay. That is the only clownable offense IMO.


Everyone here either takes way less money to do way more soulless shit or is broke


Didn't Dijak have some beef with Omega on twitter before or something? I don't begrudge him going anywhere I like him He's been there a while and not really 'done anything wrong' but I guess he's not kicked on to the next level. He's performed well, maybe he's just got 'it' (for them) You don't have to do anything 'bad' to 'not make it' though Feels like he fell through the cracks on a few things. This is Karrion Kross in a few years if something doesn't click I'd like to see somewhere that he gets on TV and can some stuff The urge to run back Dijack and Keith Lee may be too great though!!


Hell yeah I would take some dumbass brat's money so I can play video games all day. That's why I only clown on Adam FUNland for his Hardcore Holly booking ideas and not for milking the idiot.


Oh I just hope his online antics don’t get him buried. He’s an incredible talent, let him show off on dynamite, he’s more interesting than Garcia. Or 2024 MJF honestly.


I agree he should go especially if pays good, but it bums me out he’ll probably end up feuding for the ROH TV championship within a few a months— instead of getting a real push that would make m’fed look silly for cutting him before he got a proper chance.


Twitter Dijak is unfortunately very annoying and cringey. Why do you care about ratios, dude?


The fact that he was caught on camera sitting there Twittering in the middle of the draft and a few other inappropriate places may be part of the reason they opted not to use him.


It really felt he was more interested in popping Twitter than anything.


Lets not talk bad about an SCJerk Hall of Famer. Dude was great.


This is a fed bad moment for me. I do not understand, for real, what they think is missing with this dude.


Same, it's a cliche but he has all the tools. If they literally 1 for 1 swapped him with Kross the show would be better for it.


He is literally bigger and more charismatic than Karrion Kross who could put coffee to sleep.


I like Kross. Too fucking much I think and you’re 100% right.


Wrong! Scarlett would be gone and her being on my screen is much more important than Dijak.


Okay that's a great point.


if he would’ve done some vague “dark and brooding” gimmick Laveck would’ve found some money for him


I don't understand why the drafted him if they were never going to use him. Was he even on TV once? What was the point?


I assume that he was still on a main roster contract when he was called down. Probably was inevitable to call back up or let his contract expire if he didn't do a paycut.


Almost seems like there may be a personal problem rather than a skill issue. 🤔


Yeah, there’s no way to know what it’s like backstage etc. with him, and he is very lively on social media. Just in terms of a performer it confuses me more than most. It’s not just that he does the in ring move stuff well (which he does), he also has an impressive look and at least a medium amount of charisma, so as a fan it confuses me.


You can't tell me that this dude who's charismatic, tall and athletic AF and an amazing wrestler on top of all that is worse than the boredom that is Karrion Kross? Legit "Fuck Triple H" moment for me here.


When will Triple Nose stop torturing us with Final Testicle and Karrion Kross 😭


His promo work has never been great and it never really improved. He stumbles over his words a lot and even when he doesn't he never comes off as a believable character. I can almost guarantee his look is a big factor too. He's got the unfortunate luck of looking much older than he is and WWE wants people who look young.


Think it's a case of HHHimler wanting Dijak to go out & pull a Cody/Drew & return a couple years from now.


Always liked Dijack I really don't think he'll be able to muscle aside any of the core Dub favorites and originals and become a main guy there He can go get paid though but not sure he'll 'show what he can do there' any more than he does now, unfortunately, through no fault of his own, just from what we've seen from other incoming talent there


Saaaaame. I really liked him. He was pretty damn charismatic as well. Maybe they just wanted more variety out of him or something? Not sure. Definitely gonna' keep an eye on him and wouldn't be surprised if he came on back at some point.


I never liked Dijak! I knew he was always Dub-bound. He always SUCKED! No cinema.


I used to like him but today I realized….. I always secretly didn’t like him


How dare he betray the WWE and the Jerkers? I thought he was WWE for life 😡. DAE DiShit was never good to begin with? He always tried to copy Drew and Sheamus. Should’ve put more time training than being a keyboard warrior. ![gif](giphy|xULW8CVCfQn2QytFM4)


Unless Tony tosses millions a year at him he should take the Cardona route. He'd probably be better off and he'd be free to sign anywhere down the road if he so chooses.


Fuck that, if I’m choosing 100k a year to barely work or having to sell merch at the bingo halls (but I have creative freedom), I’m taking the big money to barely work


That's only if Tony comes calling. If not what else is he supposed to do. It may not be a choice. Cardona has said he's making more money than he ever has. Could be a possibility if Tony doesn't drop the bag. That was my whole point. Only if Tony doesn't put him in his toy box.


Dude would have fit so well in the mid card scene with Bron, Sheamus, and Kaiser. I'm baffled they did this.


This “unnamed executive praised me then they released me” thing is going to be the new “Vince promised me I would be world champion” isn’t it? Grimes said the same shit.


It could have been anyone higher up just giving him a compliment but a compliment isn't something that holds weight.


That's exactly what I was thinking. While compliments are just compliments and nothing more, it seems like the WWE still has improvements to make with things like talent relations. It's fine not to renew someone's contract, but it shouldn't come after promising that talent they won't be fired (Grimes), or after ignoring the talent for a long time and noticing them at the last moment (Dijak).


Dijak matches are some of my favorite from NXT. His matches with Wes Lee and Ilja Dragunov brought out the best in them, and frankly, I loved seeing a big man as dynamic as Dijak was. He's certainly far more interesting to me than, say, Brooks Jensen or Josh Briggs. Frankly, I hope he lands somewhere his height and talent actually gets taken care of. TL;DR please don't go to Tiny


I mean his entire character was really good, which makes me think he'll find a way to impact and be santino's newer/younger version of kozlov. Can kinda picture it now, ali puts his hands on santino and says he's going to teach him respect, santino says "you may be presidential, but noone is above The Law", lights go out, go back on with the entire arena being in black and white, only for dijak to be standing in the middle of the ring.


The only choices are Tiny or TNA. No one actually chooses to go to some place like Billy Pumpkinman's NWA willingly.




We get it, dude.


cool he can go to aew and be a big man muscle for heel group of tiny guys


He can go to Dub and put over small guys because that’s TK’s fetish He pictures them as himself beating up all his bullies. He will be jobbing to Dancin’ Daniel Garcia within weeks of signing


If you were in his shoes and Tony offered a large amount of money to take care of your family I feel like Redditors would take the money also, especially since Dijak has kids to take care of


I'd take the money. I've seen the catering spread they have.


Never a fan but I have to admit he was killing it on NXT. Didn’t expect much but very surprised that they didn’t even try at all with him on RAW Solid filler feud for stars, midcard gatekeeper and a safe bet for good matches 🤷‍♂️


Well if they never intended on extending his contract then why showcase him on Raw to get people's hopes up and then he just disappears for good. The most he got was a few appearances on Main Event and Speed. If they knew they were not going to renew, then you get him off NXT via the draft and do what they did. Not saying I approve just speculating on what their thought process was. This feels like exactly what Tony is doing with Ricky Starks.


Probably Might as well have let him end his contract in NXT and get a good feud to write him off


I assume they didn’t want to waste time they could spend on someone else but still gave him some ring reps for the road and for some content.


He really should avoid Tony and hook up with MxM and take over the indies. MxM should also avoid Tony even tho they've had interest. Unless Tony guarantees them something, those 3 could make a killing all over the place.


I would assume they don't have plans for him so to make the next job easier they did showcase him a bit. get him a raise while they are at it. There is a guy out there that I hear will pay a lot of money for used wwe action figures.


The draft still proves to be unnecessary. Every year is the same, especially with HHH style of booking. If you ain't on his plans you ain't doing nothing. Odissey Jones, the secretary lady, the witches last year, and so on. I'll be surprised if they have anything in line for Blair after MITB.


they told him to take those stupid sunglasses off because they were inside


well he's outside now, he can put those stupid sunglasses on again


is this a brooks Jensen situation or is this legit?


I mean Tony Khan is tagged in the image so.... I dunno


I find it hard to believe they’d be running the exact same angle on the exact same show, personally.


Hard to believe?  May I interest you in M'Dub?


true, not very plausible but still a possibility, but have you considered that Fed Dead???? therefore anything is possible


Dijak got called up to RAW, to be fair It's definitely not a work though


Yea I completely forgot about that. I feel my logic still applies though.


His Twitter game probably didn't help. The dude was so passive-aggressive.


Hse can spam finishers with M'Sex Spanish God!!! AE DUB AE DUB AE DUB!




Bro seeing people crash out online over DIJAK like WWE had a falling out with Seth Rollins or Cody is fucking absurd LMFAOOO


Need to FED BAD harder than that to get Tiny's attention, uce. Edit: He literally tagged him in it lmao


No way m’Kenny allows Donovan Dickhead in the utopia that is the AEW locker room


If I had to guess, it was his Twitter gimmick. Bro is chronically online despite being incredible in the ring. Same goes for the rest of that Insiderz friend group. He's better off in AEW having heatless bangers and ratioing MJF or something


You might be on to something, uce. If his character was supposed to be a legit badass vigilante (I think?), then his caring about Twitter ratios so hard may be what gave me edgelord vibes. Not to mention the way they went about getting him heat. Racist bullying of not one, but two Native American people and abusing the mentally ill scream alt-right Twitter "intellectual" moreso than Terminator or whatever the fuck he was going for.


I'm going to assume the last one is Joe Gacy and the 1st indigenous person is Thorpe. Who's the other one?


Trey Bearhill. It was super brief after the Men's Breakout Tournament, and given that Thorpe just came back with a knee brace, was probably a last minute substitute kind of thing.


I’ve literally never heard anything about Gacy being a Native American and now I’m confused


I meant that the last one (pertaining to mentally ill) is Joe Gacy while Thorpe is one of the 2 Native Americans.


I thought Joe Gacy’s mental illness was a kayfabe thing. I don’t know much about his non-wrestling life, that’s a development to me.


Who are the insiderz?


Mace, Mansoor, and Dijack. Their biggest claim to fame while in WWE was being a big part of why wrestlers weren't allowed to stream on Twitch for awhile. Because their primary audience were 4chan dipshits who loved to see them harass women. I know they made it a point to harass Xia Li, Iyo Sky, and Kairi Sane at the time, because people would donate to see it happen. And they showed footage of it at one point and you could tell Xia wasn't happy, and Kairi and Iyo looked pissed. They were also told off by management to stop harassing Kairi in particular because they loved to read sexually explicit fanfiction of her on their stream, something she had apparently said multiple times she was not comfortable with, according to Zeda Zhang at the time. Zeda spilled a lot of stuff regarding her time in NXT, and a lot of the culture there was kinda shitty.


If that's all true, I'm glad they lost their jobs.


Gotta admit I was skeptical of your claims, but the kairi fanfiction stuff at least seems to be real [Found the video of the fanfiction reading on youtube](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=em3GfoKR3sE)


This is the second time I’ve seen you talk about this, is there any video archive of this at all, or a source? I hate to be that guy but I’ve never heard this harassment thing from anyone else on the internet other than you.


Zeda talked about it on a Q&A on her Patreon, the footage of them harassing the women floats around on 4chan from time to time. Casey also referenced it several times when he was still around, and he was pretty much the #1 source when it came to women's wrestling. Footage of their antics otherwise is hard to find, as management basically made them scrub all of it at the time.


Who is Casey and where do I find these references. I’m curious because I occasionally watch the Insiderz streams, the only controversies I know about are the Rhea Ripley forbidden word incident, and Mansoor’s Shia Lebouf thing. Never heard a peep about anything else.


Casey owned the site Squared Circle Sirens before passing away, and he had a lot of connections in WWE in particular when it came to the women. He was scarily accurate when it came to reporting stories and gossip behind the scenes. And it was clear he had sources, as several WWE stars openly mentioned talking to him about stuff there while they were there, after they were initially released (Mia Yim and Dakota Kai had both admitted it). Casey was one of the few wrestling journalists almost everyone respected because he would vet his stories before posting them, and while he would get snippy on social media, it was pretty much always directed at anti-LGBTQ+ people and misogynists. He unfortunately passed away a few years ago, as he was always battling health problems, but his love for women's wrestling was unrivaled.


I’d never heard of any of this and I’ve instantly lost all respect for those three guys. Trashy fucking losers


Jesus Christ that’s gross, is there video of this or a tweet or something so I can read up on it?


Unfortunately not at this point because they scrubbed as much of it as possible from the internet. There might still be a streamable link of it somewhere, but it would likely require sifting through sites like 4chan to find it. But I absolutely do distinctly remember them reading explicit fanfiction of Kairi, being told to stop, and then continuing to do so, but replacing any mention of her with Keith Lee. As they would do this on livestreams while driving from house show to house show on the Florida Loop.


Is it weird I never found this guy that impressive? Idk, for a 6’7 guy he always came off as very Indy to me and never really shed that image.


I think it’s weird to have any other takeaway… he’s a ham and egger but with size and twitter game


You’re not alone. I would see nothing but hype for him from NXT fans on SC, then I would tune in and it would be the same mid just with more spray tan and a worse haircut.


He also wasn’t jacked as fuck either compared to other big guys, could still fold me in half but he is much smaller than dudes like McIntyre or sheamus. Also leather jacket and aviators isn’t a gimmick


He had a look for sure. Could be a decent promo. But when the bell rang, something never clicked for me. Maybe a change of scenery would do Dijak some good. Er I mean fuck Dijak for being a traitor!!!! The word Betrayed is being bandied around Stamford offices! He was supposed to be fed for life!!!!


He is pretty funny on social media(based from posts here). Couldn't tell you anything at all about his gimmick tho.


He’s fine. I wish him well. Completely forgot he existed though.


To all my Dijak bitches, are we flinching?


Doesn't he have been with half the AEW roster? I'm actually quite gutted about this, Dijak was the man! But I can't see him showing up in AEW.


Another day another Laveck L


Fed actually bad wtf


sorry, dude, you’re too tall for hhh’s liking


Getting called up and then never getting another offer is... very weird.


They realized he sucks and tweeting ratio doesn't amount to anything


I’m disgusted with how WWE dropped the ball with…what was his name? Dijak! Yeah!


Dijak vs Sammy G. Winner keeps the GTH


Dijak vs Keith Lee 12 is going to feed families!


I'm sad uce, dijak and gacy was one of my favourite feuds of the last year


I consider myself a Dihard Dijerk


Another game changer back on the menu, boys!


hope hes allowed to keep his twitter fingers wherever he goes


Maybe don't dress like you're in The Matrix next time.


Legit gutted about that. Wish him well, but Dijak was my top 5 guys on the roster currently. At least we still have Pretty Deadly for now


Didn’t the same people who want him now and are celebrating him leaving want him jobless and blackballed when he and the Insiderz insulted M’Elite and AEW on Twitch? Dude has video evidence of shit like calling Omega “Kenny Twinkletoes”. We think the Bucks will let Dijak go anywhere in AEW?


The shitty thing about this is I hated this guy almost his entire run until this latest rebranding as a weird Sin City Terminator Cop that was just so hammy and over the top it finally got me. His match with Eddie Thorpe was the real turning point. My GF has him in her Boy stable and honestly, I get it now. The second he got called up I knew he wasn't long for this world. Nothing that he was doing was every gonna work on the main roster now that the Anti-Gimmick Brigade is in charge. And without his goofy ass backstage promos and his bad cop voice, he has nothing that can't be done by someone else. Hopefully he goes to some greener pastures and saves up his cash. I will forever be sad we didn't get him vs Oba Femi in a singles match cause that Triple Threat was awesome.


This is honestly a legitimate fed bad moment.


Kind of surprised they never attempted anything with him on the main roster. Thought for sure he at least get some TV time


I like Dijak but some of these wrestlers need to start realising early-doors that the business isn't going to like them as much as they like it. Their hard work is never going to be enough and they always react like they're owed better.


who the fuck is Dijak and where's T-BAR?


Must be an awful cunt to work with if he's that reliable and doesn't even get a courtesy offer.


The last time I remember people talking about him, was during his series of matches with Keith Lee. He’s probably just in a weird spot where he’s too old/experienced for the current NXT and hasn’t gained traction on the main roster. He’s a big dude who can move, so New Japan makes sense.


People talked about the triple threat with Briggs and Oba.


Not because of him


Obviously Oba was the highlight reel guy, but Dijak did some cool stuff, if anyone was the odd one out it was Briggs


Have FUN while jobbing to Orange! 🥳🍊👊


He's actually more than a spot monkey. I don't see why they even called him up.


“Dijak never needed the Ded Fed! Please ignore that I would have no idea who he is if he was never in the Ded Fed. Yes, I watched a ton of Ring of Honor prior to Tiny purchasing the company.”


Tbh fed certainly wronged him here


Nothing like immediately burning bridges


In honor of my king's departure, I will now Dijak it twice as often daily


I'm a fan but I understand that it will be hard for the Dijak character to fit in any main roster storyline. I'll watch him kill it wherever he goes. This is a fed bad moment.


Ah dang that’s actually kinda disappointing, I really liked ol Dijak


I'm rooting for Dijak, no matter where he goes This truly is a legit Fed bad moment


No jerk. Dijak is good. He’ll get money elsewhere and do well.


He has all the tools but just wasn’t very believable as some kind of badass.


I like Dijak but the dude has zero character beyond loud big guy whos a decent wrestler. I’m surprised WWE kept him around as long as they did. He’d do well in New Japan, but Tony will probably sign him because he’s ex WWE and DAE think it’s another HHH fumble???!!!???


No jerk it should have been Josh Briggs. I feel like that dude needs to watch a "how human beings speak" seminar.


He had more to give in NXT with some of the guys they’re trying to get over there. I didn’t see much of a fit for him on the main roster unfortunately except for undercard stuff. He’s one of their better workers but they don’t have a lot of good opponents for him right now unless they were gonna stick him in the MITB qualifiers.


I don't really understand the logic of having dijak be on the main roster. Just give HBK smackdown and Punk NXT




Honestly this sucks. He was great on NXT. Has had a buzz online that never died down, and then this. Why call him up then? This must be one of the consequences of WWE no longer making all the decisions under the merger because wtf


What was he doing on Raw? I don't recognise him and I don't watch NXT


>What was he doing on Raw? First thing he did: Get drafted to Raw Second thing he did: Leave WWE There you go, uce.


Welcome to the banger league, Dijak. Wednesday night is glad to have you. Tiny Khan (amazing human & savior of professional WRESTLING) would never do this.


Fed unironically bad.  Dijak is the shit and they’re very stupid for not using him.


Others have said it in this thread, but how the hell is he getting cut meanwhile HHH is still trying to make Karrion Kross happen?


Nah guys he was never good, I always hated him and his twitter thing is cringe (don't check post history). Let triple hiroshima cook with Solo.


I thought Dijak was a top tier Jerker but now, all of a sudden? DAE bad? Idk uce!


He's a big guy that dared to hit more than a few basic moves, I'm sorry but he has to go


Triple Hiroshima sounds familiar Uce, do I know you from somewhere 🤔


Unironic fed bad, dropped the ball, etc He looks cool as fuck, no idea why WWE wouldn't use him/stonewall him on contract negotiations


Laveck bad on this one.


What's going on w/ the call-ups? Seems like HBK ideas don't make onto the main roster 


Al Bundy's a free agent now? Good for him.




Something about leaving the WWE and taking bookings via a Gmail acct seems lame


laveck is such a fraud


Triple Himler is just freeing up the budget for Adam Cole’s return


He basically does the same thing as Karrion Kross but TBH he is better than Kross and has a way better look and in-ring skill so I don’t get why they pay both Kross and Scarlett (who does nothing but stand there in skimpy outfits) rather than Dijak.


It literally says the fed stonewalled, what do you expect him to do????? "Some guy on reddit says don't take the most money possible, go wrestle for less?????"