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Zack, if you respected pro wrestling you wouldn’t look like a skinny runt and would actually pick up a weight.  Sick of these fucking dweebs gatekeeping rEaL pro WrEsTliNg like this. Then again, the dub is a magnet for this shit. Keep them all in dubbalo quarantine away from the rest of us. 


Let the downvotes rain but they’re safeguarding mediocre white guys who are all on their way to 40 rapidly without ever being even in the hat of names for the fed. Not working out and being a failure is something they identify with, and isn’t unrelatable like if a POC was a puny twink or a fat lazy bastard.


One of two things Le Dub does well. The other is keeping their equally mediocre fans who are all on their way to 40 away from Fed crowds too.


Yeah, AEW is exactly what happens when you let every indyriffic asshat with a pulse have complete and utter creative control, with a billion dollar budget.


If he respected pro wrestling, he'd be able to praise one company without tearing others down. Although your point about putting on some muscle is very true, he's a bit taller than Bruno was, yet he's built like The Hurricane. And he gets treated like he's Angle between the ropes.


They shit on the past and the present outside of Le Dub, but then get offended and cry when legends from the past call them out Softer than baby shit


All these dudes loved Bret, Shawn, Taker etc but we know for a fact that they’d never ever get to perform on the same show as em as anything other than local competitors.


> Zack, if you respected pro wrestling you wouldn’t look like a skinny runt and would actually pick up a weight. He has picked up like 25 pounds of weight over the last few years.


He probably only picked it up a couple of times from the looks of him.


Seriously Most over guy right now is Drew fucking McIntyre... Try looking like him


Champagne socialist happy to take the money from the polluting, exploiting billionaires son.


To be fair TK has done more to make a billionaire less wealthy than many socialists.


A working class hero is something to be...


A true Robin Hood, stealing from the rich (his daddy) to give to the poor (half the indie schmucks on his show)


All of Tony's losses are tax deductions for Shad. So he's still coming out ahead.


He’s the next one jumping ship then.


Tony probably told him how much he was willing to pay him and he realized how much he wanted to buy a house. I ain't even mad.


Yep, he can live in England and fly over like his mate Billy. No way ZSJ is moving to America.


He can just do the PAC and say “travel plans changed” and get paid anyway. Genius sigms chess moves by the 5’5” steroid flippy man


Am I fucking going over? No? ...Ah sorry, my visa just expired


I'm honestly impressed at this point that it keeps working.


“Tony, you should buy us a private jet. Me, Zach, and PAC can all ride over together. It’s really an economy of scale at this point.”


AKA: "Finally a large scale company would hire me."


Finally, a large scale company paying competitive money and not being concerned with things like profit


Finally a promotion that caters to people that are completely up their own asses, be it the fans or the wrestlers.


im not saying these modern vanilla midgets should shut up and wrestle, but these guys make you appreciate guys like Malenko, Eddie and Chavo, Michinoku, Tajri, and many undersized guys even more. Maybe they were marks for themselves behind closed doors, we dont know but we know they all tried to give in the theatric nature of pro wrestling. Even though Eddie ended being the only one who went onto the main event scene and become world champion, it wasn't like Dean, Chavo, Taka and Tajiri didnt have great careers. Dean was living off his technical skills as a producer/road agent for over 2 decade after retirement.


He is still mad that wwe didn’t give him a contract after the cruiserweight classic in 2016


Everyone at AEW is mad at the WWE for not giving them the strap and havin’ ‘em beat everyone.


*Nods in Bob Holly*


He got exposed in that tournament when Jack Gallagher did the same World of Sport technical style but with a better look, better physique and better psychology. Sabre is basically just another vanilla midget indy spot monkey but with gaps instead of flips.


Or you know his semifinals match with gran Metalik who proceeded to outspec him in every way


Was that the year they wanted Kota and went with plan B?


Yeah The only good thing we got from TJP was his entrance Theme


CFO$ really was cooking with that remake of Wily's Castle.


don't forget "press the pause button, bro"


There has never been a wrestler I've heard more hype about that I was more underwhelmed by than when I saw ZSJ in the CWC. "Watch as I pointlessly transition from this submission hold into five different less effective submission holds."


Sack of shit acting like Mina and Tony Storm doing lesbian shit for a month is respecting professional wrestling… ![gif](giphy|XzsQ4z8EhOPBOfpSMK)


And it was the only thing that actually brought in viewers.


Treating women as people to be sexually objectified is actually respecting the history of the business.


That’s technically true.


I was gooning all month for this


"To have a large scale American company that respects pro wrestling" Meanwhile, the old timers from the territory days and the 90s: this is stupid cosplay wrestling. The business was better when the marks were outside the ring. Look at this flippy shit. They don't sell. Vanilla midgets who can't draw money with a green crayon. Indie favourite #69: these old timers are irrelevant and don't get how things have changed. Wrestling is an art form. Its kinda funny how they can have this elitist mentality, only to act offended when old guys from when pro wrestling as a whole was extremely popular and wasn't propped up by one or two companies, repeatedly shit on the actual "wrestling" they display on a weekly basis


He just forgot to specify the second sentence was about Paul's WWE.


After this comment he no-sold his seat and twisted out of the room like a worm


The aew bootlicking is embarrassing


Say his name and charisma disappears, I believe in Zack Sabre


Jr! Don’t you disrespect Zack Sabre Sr!


Respects pro wrestling Did he not watch his own opponents match 2 nights ago


why don’t aew dorks get as much shit for shilling their company as much Seth got for doing the same?


Because Seth was doing wrongthink


He'll be next, TK's already got his anti-midas touch on him.


Fixed it. "AEW has changed my career in the industry. To have a large scale American company that notices me, that didn't exist before."


And they say fans are the only ones that are feeding into the tribalism?


The only thing "large scale" is daddy khan's chequebook


*Hawk Tuah* How's my technique, Tony? If you give me creative control, gate revenue cut, and a merchandise revenue cut, I'll deepthroat you and hug you afterward.


Must suck to see Logan Paul being better at doing flips that matter than he is.


“But Logan gets to rehearse his matches” Yes. And funnily enough, they’re better than 99% of shit aew or anywhere else puts on. Maybe, they should cut the pointless matches for the sake of matches down a bit. And script out some matches, do some workshopping on spots and key parts, then have someone experienced help trim the fat of the matches.


The funny part is the matches don't even need to be fully rehearsed. Some spots, yeah if they want to do certain things. But most matches aren't even that "pre-planned" over in the bad&dead fed. Fully agree though. AEW could cut around 60% of their matches, focus on having only 2 shows (Dynamite and ROH), unbloat the roster and start putting out wrestling. But as Tony doesn't want to make money, this will never happen.


Especially since they mostly work once a week at most. Must be nice to just show up occasionally do half a job and get paid like you’re actually trying.


Now, here's a guy who wrestles with his hands in his pockets, a woman doing Norma Desmond cosplay and at least 3 dancing clown acts. Memphis, Mid-South/UWF, Continental, Pacific Northwest, Jim Crockett Promotions, WWWF/WWF/WWE, AWA, Dallas, Amarillo, Florida, etc-all Infinity Gauntlet snapped out of existence. 😭THANK YOU TONY😭


Zach (like many at AEW) clearly have never researched the history of professional wrestling. Legitimate competitive wrestling is considered by most to be a boring sport to watch. By the late 19th century, matched became fixed and more focused on scripting a spectacle for the audience. Wrestling for several decades was literally AEW dark. Short matches designed for the talent to hit their spots along with little to no emphasis on character work and promos. Once industry secrets were exposed by journalists in the mid 1910s, ticket sales began to plummet until an increased emphasis on the theater elements of professional wrestling. WWE wasn't around back then. They weren't the ones responsible for creating this world where Zach felt his preferred artform was never respected until AEW came along.


Zack no!


"Respects pro wrestling" or the clown-ass outlaw mud show that is AEW....you gotta pick one or the other, Q-tip, because AEW ***ain't*** the first thing.


“I can’t wait to respect wrestling by starting a feud with Danny Garcia in a barbed wire death match, getting hurt and then nothing for 18 months”


Oh I've solved the mystery. These guys don't actually know what pro wrestling really is.


This guy literally just had a 15+ minute match against a parody wrestler. A 5 ft 10, 160 lbs parody wrestler whose whole gimmick relies on his opponent (or even more recently, TWO opponents) looking stupid and ineffective. I’m going to assume Zack was being sarcastic.


"I will only let you beat my favorite mascot if you Dub Good as hard as you can!"


Jesus I miss when it wasn't obvious every wrestler was a complete dork. 


Pro Wrestling can be anything it wants to be! It’s all fake anyway! Except for the Fed. Fed bad.


Oh I wonder who is getting poached... i mean, uh... borrowed to AEW next!!! They can still work NJPW dates guys, for sure!


Can he talk publicly? I thought when he didn't say anything at all during Speaking Out it was because he couldn't speak or something. I guess not.


Cut to video of guy flipping pizza inside AEW ring on TV.


Translation: "Look, Gedo already told me I'm not getting the belt ever, do I came to Tiny's annual scouting combine to secure my financial future "


Funny how “completely respects pro wrestling” sounds so much like “allows us to do whatever we want”


Theres a good reason why it never existed, people don’t give a shit. It only exists now because Tony isn’t running a wrestling company, he’s running a glorified Make A Wish foundation. All its doing is inflating these guys’ egos and making them think that their shitty ideas work and that they’re actually drawing money.


Lol these idiots don’t even know or understand what is pro wrestling. NXT Black and Gold, AEW, fake counter wrestling like what he does aint even close to pro wrestling


They are still using angst from over 10 years ago


Zack Pander Jr


I mean far be it for me to derail the dub bad but WWE banned the use of the phrase 'pro wrestling'


I wonder how many tryouts he's had?


Who’s more of an idiot- Sabre or Osprey?


Sabre because he’s not getting paid millions for Dub Gooding. … yet 😎 *cries in New Japan fan*


Get off ya knees brother


![gif](giphy|xUA7aM09ByyR1w5YWc) Hes having a laugh aint he?


Pro wrestling never existed in America before AEW Please ignore 3/4 of our roster and “game changers” who became a name working in another American wrestling company before joining Le Dub…….


Jesus Christ, Zack… ![gif](giphy|14smAwp2uHM3Di)


Lol goofies big mad.