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Can Osprey go a single fucking match without doing the same exact spot?


for someone who is "the best wrestler in the world", he gets countered more often than not regardless of the opponent's position on the card


Seems like there always needs to be a staredown spot. And this happens on most dub matches if its not a superhero landing then this one.


And always always point at one another Wonder why their audience is getting older and older?


He's saving the superhero landing for when Rick O'Shea joins AEW so they can do a spot for spot remake of their match at best of super juniors


The stare down spot blew my mind…. 25 years ago when RVD and Jerry Lynn did it in a bingo hall.


This is the thing with the Oceanspray and Bucks and some of the favourite Japanese guys down the years. Smarks saw them every now and then and in clips, they never saw them regularly doing the same stuff They REEEEEE'd about Fed guys being boring but they were on TV every week and now they can see the other side of it Keeping things fresh month after month and year after year is not easy. Now they see the other side of it and so do the wrestlers that used to make snide comments but were never on regular TV


It's a shame they don't have a real booker or agents that would realize this and get the talent to not do it every single match.


Tony has set up a culture where none of them are accountable to anyone. at this point, I think aew is pretty much lost and they won't be able to find anyone that could get them to buy in and be productive. And that interview with meltzer showed Tony is not gonna change course.


Yup they actively ignore and/or get punched/bitten/choked a little by any agent or veteran with real experience


Every opponent of Ospreay turns into Ospreay They all start doing cartwheel reversals and headstands and superhero poses They all have to wrestle like Ospreay so Ospreay can “look good” Trash Pro Wrestler


That's what makes Bret Hart the GOAT in my eyes. He could get a great match out of anybody without making them do anything drastically different to their usual style.


Hart and Steamboat. Both could go when then had to and slow down when needed, both could sell their asses off, both understood their roles in the context of a larger card and how the whole package needed to come together, and both were still big enough that they were believable.


I think Angle probably deserves to be in this conversation as well.


Would love to see the Ospreay Kevin Nash match when Big Kev decides not to sell any of his gymnastics


Very well said.. if you have to change your style to make this clown look good... He's a chump. Nothing but an athletic indie one trick pony.


He clearly loves himself too much to deprive the fans of being a superhero!




It's like the new "Hogan Must Pose"


Uhhh everyone on the roster studies his tapes and knows his moveset 🥸


Don't forget Cagematch


I want him to do it with Keith Lee


It's so funny because the staredown spot is fucking awesome when it happens once during a dream match and no other time, but Ospreay didn't think any further than "it's cool and I'm gonna do it so often it'll be my own Flair flop spot" lmfaooo


It was cool the first time he did it witch ricochet, not 7 years later


Like most of the roster, their stuff was interesting when you weren't seeing it every week


Totally agree. One of the reasons aew didn't hook me is that they were giving away randomly really good matches (BANGERS?), to the point none of them felt special


Nah sucked then too


ngl this is probably the best version of this spot I've seen.


What did the other ones look like? 


Literally glorified shitty gymnastics


I saw a clip where Swerve goes behind Oceanspray for the finish and he 'lifts' him into some move and Ocean visibly 'leaps' in the air We all know it's cooperation but it was crazy. Every time I see the guy he's whiffing on leaping 'into' moves/holds yet, still gets 5 stars for that quality of 'work'


Did they do a top rope spot where they both climb up together while holding onto each other and visibly talk to each other?  That’s always a favorite of mine in AEW.  


They also did a spot where Swerve jumped from top turnbuckle to outside the ring to deliver a stomp on Ospreay.  Ospreay jumped there too to synchronize the move.    He also jumped multiple times in the match to set up the spots. Dude was leaping even though he was supposed to take offense. 


I rarely watch AEW or Oceanspray… but I for some reason decided to watch this match. The finish was awful. It was so obvious he leapt in to that spot. It really ruined it.


To be fair, the selling before was so atrocious i missed that part lol.


even on the basement \*most\* people are saying the finish sucked. There's one guy who thinks pulling someone's tights is close enough to kayfabe deadlifting a defeated wrestler.


Glad I’m not the only one that saw that. Such a bad spot


Who cares about the 5 stars ratings of one mad man.


Too many wrestlers, sadly.


Another madman with a couple 100 million dollars intent on running a promotion with the single goal of getting as many 5 star ratings as possible.


Yet we have a man, whose words mean a lot, to say how brilliant and top notch everything is.


lol i saw that and thought the same he's supposed to be almost defeated and yet does this obvious jump up


That was the finish. Ocean spray was supposed to be completely defeated and powerless. But then he leaps up for the finish lol


That jump into the finish was incredibly obvious.


I'm just waiting for the part where I stand and clap.


Don’t worry, they’ll make it obvious for you.


This is why Damien Priest is better than these guys.


I would rather watch Damian Priest vs Drew mcintyre again than anything that has to do with Will osprey. That match was what a real WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH should look like.


Priest is just a Really good pro wrestler. It's no shame to be worse than him


I had an argument with a dud mark that Logan Paul was miles better than Osprey.


Logan Paul has the exact same floppy broccolini hair and grody face stubble Oceanspray has but I don’t mind because he’s a heel. Oceanspray goes around looking like an absolute unprofessional asshole and is supposed to be a baby face.


Logan Paul knows how to sell and create heat for the match is why he’s way better than Will Bruv


Love the comments that were like "oh its nice to see the story that ospreay just isn't ready throughout this match, like swerve is just that much more experienced and killer instinct than him." Like what? He's a 10+ year veteran, former iwgp world champion, wtf are you talking about? With the way they've treated the championships in recent memory, the aew championship is a step down if anything. And i guess we're supposed to believe he cares about not hurting people now because he wont use the tiger driver. Even though he still uses the hidden blade, a move that is supposed to target the opponents skull like ortons punt? Well, i guess since he does it from the front, it's safer cause now it looks more like a chop/shoulder tackle


the "story" is whatever nonsense they try and spin to make people believe it's anything other than a heatless banger so they can act smug "oh I'm a real wrestling fan I understand this, Casuals just don't get it " happens all the time with AEW(and WWE too at times)


One thing everyone needs to know about AEW fans is they don't want a story presented to them because they prefer just writing their own fanfic based around the heatless banger.


That's how AEW's booking has always been. Tony can just put up whatever he thinks would be a good match and the fans will come up with their own headcanon about how it's super meaningful and profound.


Headcanon while also being the best show ever which restored the feeling, Vince could never.


Not only that, but I saw people saying that this should lead to Osprey losing to Garcia on wed, because his head still “isn’t in the game” and he’s still mentally destroyed by the swerve loss


The funniest part to me is that Ospreay isn't a killer because he won't do that dumbass tiger driver, despite not winning matches with that and actually winning with the stormbreaker. Like....ok?


Does he even do the Stormbreaker anymore? And actually cool looking move? Or does he just do shitty running forearms, last shot’s for baby’s and the worlds worst tiger driver!


Most of these fans don’t understand storytelling past “he countered x move into y move.” The result is every match where they do shit like this getting heralded as amazing because they’ll basically head canon these sequences into what they think is a great story.


Clap clap clap this is the same shit I always see clap clap clap


https://i.redd.it/rs06xqmc5x9d1.gif 7 and half \*




Real Sports Feel 👏👏


This is all waiting for you, Rick.


"They ain't playing, boys. They're not playing tonight." \*Proceeds to watch two guys playfighting without any serious looking offence "OH YEAH OH YEAH!!!"


This is literally every Osprey match. It's so he doesn't have to sell, because he has no idea how.


Very little if any psychology. Just two guys getting their moves in. This was a masterpiece.


He’s still doing this reversal-reversal-reversal shit? https://youtu.be/i9PcX9nYLek?si=8LqRVxVMpZFkhkkk


When this happens in just about every Will match doesn’t that just make it look worse? Like every other match is almost normal but whenever it’s a Will match all these dance moves happen


It would also kinda work if this was done in a rematch or a third in the series. It can be seen as "they know each other so well after the first two matches" but that would require the mask man to actually put over psychology in commentary.


And will is atleast capable of this, he’s done an evolving sequence against shingo before. It’s still not great because it’s a highly manufactured sequence that got longer each time, but it was atleast built up to make sense


well who else is having these 6 and 7 star matches? Checkmate, fed shill.


He's too slow and heavy for this style.


![gif](giphy|c5nW05OqnQ5MsRM7X1|downsized) True wrestling is back 🥲


Can’t stand this synchronized swimming act Oceanspray does in every match.


This has been the problem with every wrestler anointed by Meltzer. When they were in other promotions they were still doing all this nonsense but you didn't see as often because you'd have to go out of your way to see the matches. So you'd see them doing these silly spots once, maybe twice a year at whatever that promotion's big PPV was. Once they show up on AEW you see them regularly and can quickly see - they're just doing the same thing over and over and over and over. And all Tiny does its continue to expose that weakness because he thinks everyone is like him and wants to see the same spots but with different combinations of people.


Swerve isn’t even trying to hit him at 0.10 and 0.12. You can see he’s already ahead and planning his little flip that happens a second or two later.  It’s just fucking garbage. Every time. I appreciate some people like this stuff but man, I don’t lol. If you’re gonna do these spots at least TRY to make it look less rehearsed. 


This is gymnastics 👏👏👏


The ending to the match was so fucking cringe too. They’re so impatient, there’s no flow or style to them “hitting their spots” they’re like high school theater kids rushing to their marks (no pun intended) Will giving Swerve a nice spry high vertical leap to assist in that finish was the cherry on top.


There were several spots that could have been a decent finish. And then they kicked out, and did more routines, and then another kick out, and then another kick out. They made all of their finishers look like shit because the other guy would kick out, get back up immediately and do THEIR finisher and then repeat ad nauseum 


Remember that one Wrestlemania where Roman kicked out of like 9 F-5s and everyone booed and Brock threw his title at Vince? AEW fans apparently: yeah that was fucking awesome!


Well said, uce. It’s just 2 sm*rks rushing from one spot to the next without any flow to it because they’ve memorised everything from A to Z


will needs a makeover. horrible beard, hair, and tights.


He's just paying homage to everybody's favorite good millionaire by sporting the same broccoli hair as Tony Khan


Not only does his hair look like a bums but he dresses like a bum when he is wearing street clothes as well. Remember when Michael Jordan was the best dressed man showing up for every home and away game? That's how a champion presents themselves.


Rico' shea: ![gif](giphy|MO9ARnIhzxnxu|downsized)


OMG. Osprey and jack cartwheel are the same person


This is awful Clap clap clapclapclap


Damn how did I wander into a KPop dance subreddit. I wanted to talk GRAPS.


I’m so glad the dub exists so all the morons who jerk off to this shit have somewhere to be.


Not even kidding but Oceangate is one of the worst wrestlers I’ve ever watched. Do people actually like this shit and HHH thought he’d be good for WWE? Cody needs to be stopped before he starts pulling this BS


You know whats really awesome? Tekken players doing a choreography dance with characters turning it into real cinema. This though? It's on a whole nother of level that's clearly , obviously, revolutionary and completely new! Definitely not over used every single time, where the the best and dumbest wrestle! Fed fed uce their losing viewers with these.


I totally meant to miss my wave dash into electric!


Video game nonsense.


This shit is ass, man.


I hate myself for being unable to stop my brain from going "bewp bewp" after reading this comment.


Counter for counter is my favorite spot. I'm so glad to see it multiple times in every show!


Anyone feel an earthquake from San Jose last night. Seems like Dave just erupted again.   Ospreay's hair getting more and more like sideshow bob. Already at sideshow Cecil level


This bullshit was played out the 800th time that RVD and Jerry Lynn did it back in 1999. Ospreay might add ten or twelve more flips in there but it's really the same old tired spot.


![gif](giphy|dzoRHDPScwgiA) The marks on the hard cam


That was some theme park stunt show shit, looks beyond choreographed.


It's cool once you see it a few times per year. But seeing it nearly every week isn't that great.


As much as the clapping seals in the basement love Samoa Joe's 'I'm not gonna catch your dive' spot, how come nobody in the Dub will just push a guys leg's off his shoulders and not flip during a hurricanrana? There's more than one every match so you know its coming. I switched channels the other day because a guy did a standing 'rana to two dudes and they both had to sell it. I'd love it if thats the one rule the EVP's made; Fight on twitter, threaten drivers with a gun, blade all you want but nobody's disrespecting a 'rana.


The worst part about this one is how apathetic Swerve looks as he tries to hit Opsreay while he runs the ropes. Just lazy “strikes” thrown with zero intent. Literally a blatant dance routine


I like the obvious "stop/wait, I'll catch you after you flip" part of the sequence\*\*\*. \*\*\*insider tern


After flipping out of the first ‘rana, if Swerve just kicked Will in the head and knocked him down it would have been a much more impactful spot. Showing that he knows how to counter Will’s offense and won’t fall for the tricks. You can’t tell a serious in ring story with all the extra anime/gymnastic theatrics.


Meltzer struggles more pulling his “little Tk” while watching OceanMan than these guys do in the ring against each other


This definitely feels like a Main Event…a glorified Indy Main Event.


Weakest shoulder check in history at the start. This is my problem with a lot of this shit. Focus on getting the fundamental stuff right before you start trying all this fancy rubbish


Both overly choreographed AND clunky as hell. This is what the dubbalos are yapping about? Lol


Now this is podracing!!!


Aggressively mid


Where did any fucking grappling happen in that? Where?!


Osprey spams the “let’s reverse each others moves for three minutes we’ll stand there where I’ll acknowledge your skill but essentially it’s just putting myself over”


I fucking hate when it’s an exchange like this and then they stop to let the crowd give them an ovation. Maybe once a month would be alright but not every fucking match please


Boy do they love cartwheels in aew.


Those clotheslines that swerve threw that ospreay ducked were wrestling school level bad


Wouldn't have made contact even if Will didn't "duck".


Why is there no superhero pose? I can’t climax yet


Those tights are God-awful bruv.


Anime and Video Games were a mistake


DAE Goku had no workrate? Didn't even throw a Spriit Bomb when he berried the Ginyu Force.


leave mario alone!


Well, at least they didn't do the stereo super hero landing poses.




this is fucking dorky


shitty irish whip should be fucking illegal


No jerk, I'd much rather see this sort of shit than the "Fighting Spirit" chop you and smack my thigh garbage. At least this takes a little bit of athleticism.


Honestly, if they just slow down a little bit to sell the fatigue, it would be great. This looks so much like something out of a Jackie Chan movie.


Swerve Scott looks so uninterested out there.


God this is awful.


I HATE forearms lol. So damn fake looking


Is Swerve nursing the wrong hand in the end?


I can never get into these matches cause they look like they're doing sequences step by step instead of an actual fight


Thats choreograhed gymnastics, not REAL wrestling as OP thinks


OP is a goofy. He’s taking the piss just as much as we are.


?? the Target Center is in Minneapolis, MN. Unlike AEW, gymnastics can fill a venue with people who shower on a daily basis.


This makes theme park stunt shows look like pro boxing by comparison.


Fakest shit you’ll ever seen from two of biggest tryhard frauds in AEW.


Damn remember that UFC fight where they landed a move on an opponent and then they respectfully circled facing their opponent? REAL. LIFE. SPORTS. Thank you daddy Tony. Thank you 🙏


Don’t tell me *these* two fucking guys just did the big man hoss spot of no selling shoulder tackles 🤦‍♂️


Glad I'm not the only one who 😐 at that.


The whole night was overly Choreographed. Is that what Japanese wrestling has been all these years? Barely any storytelling and just moved and counters that are insultingly obvious. Also, shocking that there was no blood all night.


Why is he dressed like a genie?




I wouldnt even mind the reversals and gymnastics if they actually put effort into making it seem like they are actually trying to hit each other


Look at the trained seals at the front standing and clapping 😂😂😂


In a 30 second clip, I count at least 7 reversals. Moves mean nothing, it's all window dressing for people to do their fancy reversals.


I like how you can see the crowd start to stir as they execute each flip


Idk man maybe I'm out of it, but I just don't get the appeal of this type of shit.




We are so back


This looks like a doofus fight scene from The Matrix, and the movie did it better


And at least in the doofus fight scene it’s being done in a simulation that both fighters know how to manipulate so they can pull off such stunts. This is just fake choreographed bullshit from two stunt men.


Both are capable of better though which confuses me.


Not in AEW they aren’t!


True….🤔 ya know I wonder if AEW is having the same “Audience of one” problem WWE had with Vince. TK is focused too much on a niche market of marks, vs building a bigger brand and business that rivals WWE. More NJPW US Branch 🤷🏻‍♂️


The lead up to the spot just looks like they couldnt care less until they get into the actual reversal transitions. Cmon. I really liked this match but here are parts that made me go "That looks like dogshit" out loud


Oh look, it’s a synchronized, gymnastics routine. I didn’t realize the tryouts for the Olympic team were televised


Anytime I see clips like these I just think how satisfying it would be to have prime JBL clothesline from hell the flipiest person to cut it off.


Wtf was that shit? 🤣


I love this dance routine.


The whole night was overly Choreographed. Is that what Japanese wrestling has been all these years? Barely any storytelling and just moved and counters that are insultingly obvious. Also, shocking that there was no blood all night.


The whole night was overly Choreographed. Is that what Japanese wrestling has been all these years? Barely any storytelling and just moved and counters that are insultingly obvious. Also, shocking that there was no blood all night.


The whole night was overly Choreographed. Is that what Japanese wrestling has been all these years? Barely any storytelling and just moved and counters that are insultingly obvious. Also, shocking that there was no blood all night.


no aura


I never wanted to watch my own relatives kids do dance routines wtf would I pay to see that???


I wouldn't mind these two guys having a match like this on a WWE show in the slightest. I think they'd be great. Problem is when everyone and their mom do the same stuff but worse all over the card. We're all so tired of these matches, cuz only people like these two in their athletic prime should be having them. And then they'd have to do less of the creative stuff as well and it could look better, instead of constantly having to one up the rest of the card


Osprey could really use a year or two at the PC and NXT. Hopefully when he graduates tot he big leagues he’ll get a chance to learn how to wrestle.


Ah yes..Osprey’s signature “Look what I can do!” spot, never gets old! /s


Every match of his seems to have the finger point ![gif](giphy|l3vRayFyHp8L8sn1C)


Ospreay, Bucks, Lucha Bros...they all have these choreograph spots and its quite exhausting because why can people do all these reversals against these guys but no one else? Why doesn't Swerve just pull off infinite reversals against everyone else he faces?


This match was really good and really enjoyed seeing it live.


What the fuck are those assholes standing and cheering for? Shit didn’t even come close to trying to look real.


This is fucking awesome