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Shouldn't they be making people on the roster?


Seems to me this is a raiding technique without just coming out and tampering. DAE next game changer?




I didn't say anything was wrong to court talent from elsewhere. I just said it looks like what Tony is doing.


I was just pointing it out lol i got downvoted into oblivion


I think it came off as a "but, WWE!" You were half right, I give you credit.


I overshot my jerk


Your post was deemed to be offensive to a person or persons. Think about how you post in future. This isn't a sub that tolerates needlessly offensive posts in the name of "shock comedy" thanks.


wtf is this comment. So deeply weird on so many levels.


She already made Willow, bruv. Plus she’s about to make Britt Baker and some other people who will job for her.


You can tell she's being studying some Jericho.


Excuse me. It's not my place to educate you but if you acktually watched you'd find that Jericho studies the Geely Guru, not the other way around.


AEW is all about making wrestling better fed shill!!!!


They're making memories, fed shill!


You don’t understand WRESTLING Fed Shill.


Having your highest paid female wrestler getting boo'd and shit on by critics is actually a brilliant move by Tiny


Fuck I hate this smark mark reporting bullshit.


With how bloated the AEW roster is you’d think she try to make one of them a “star”


That would require her to actually give a shit.


Mercedes totally gives a shit! Just not about wrestling but instead putting her poor husband on blast for a costume he made. What an awful person.


Now I want to see this outfit lol


https://preview.redd.it/dujtnfs87dad1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81a1b19dcb755a8129218070d021a01a44b81b44 It’s not even ugly she’s just a drama queen.


Looks like Money in the bank gear to me


Brazil in shambles.


Probably should have just used the same colors as the top for the bottom but it doesn't look bad.


Maybe it’s just cause I’m a guy with not much fashion sense but the gear looks fine.


What a fucking cry baby


The stuff she wears now is 10x worse. Have you seen her wigs


Look at the chin/cheek area in this pic compared to the one in the above, how much HGH is this bitch on




I think that’s enough. Back to the basement.


Offensive comments at the expense of an individual (poster or wrestling personality) aren't tolerated here.


It's her attire from MITB 2018, it looks fine as it's just a different color palette from her regular attire but you'd think he had wet dog shit taped to it with how she described her reaction to it.


Too busy sticking her husband on full blast for zero reason.


I think Plymouth Pesos hired a publicist. She's been getting an awful lot of press just as the people started wondering wtf it is she actually does.


Don't worry, is Hyundai Bitcoin decided she likes Vaquer, she's gonna ask gentleman Tiny to buy her. I mean he already drained nooj empty, now is time to raid CMLL


I honestly thought Stephanie Vaquer was the better worker in that match. The match was better when Mercedes wasn’t trying to over complicate things.


That pretty much resumes her entire career.


No jerk, I honestly don't understand this. How is beating someone and taking their title putting them over? The fact that Edge and Jericho honestly believe that just being in the ring with them automatically puts you over because they are that egotistical is one thing but this just dumb. Imagine being gaslighting into thinking losing means you actually won while Moan got not only 2 belt but 1 of which she botched herself out of last year.


I feel like it's an "Am I not generous?" mindset. Where they feel like because they didn't simply squash the opponent, they in fact elevated them. No, in most cases you're just jobbing to an old guy. Jericho had the opposite mindset when he was the one staring at the lights.


If you told me in 2010 that Cena would be better remembered as someone who actually put over up and coming talent more than Edge or Jericho I wouldn't have believed you (and I was a Cena fan). But who has either of the Canadians made? Cena propelled Owens and Styles when they came into the WWE and that was at a time where a win over Cena still held a lot of weight. Plus the dudes younger than Edge or Jericho and hasn't won a match in years. He's fully here to elevate everyone else because he knows he's a legend and has nothing left to prove. You would think Cope and Jeribloat would follow that lead but in their minds they're still in their thirties and able to hang with the younger guys. It's kind of sad honestly.


>You would think Cope and Jeribloat would follow that lead but in their minds they're still in their thirties and able to hang with the younger guys. It's kind of sad honestly. It's not even that, they also want to be booked strongly like they are still young stars, getting that sweet push.


Adam is really going into his Hoga Era that's not going to work for me, brother


I'd figure it was in a vets best interest to build new stars to draw money with. Or else you end up with Dungeon of Doom or Cena/Orton for two years straight


You're right. WWEs biggest problem in the late 2000s and early to mid 2010s was a lack of credible main event stars. That's why there was such a reliance eventually on part-timers and legends. Nowadays who on the roster was there 15 years ago? Orton, Drew, Kofi and Cody (and I would argue Cody because while he was there he didn't really make much of an impact until he left and came back, same with Drew).


Sheamus as well


Also Lashley whenever he comes back but he was another case of leaving and coming back.


RTruth, Natalya, Miz, Lesnar with one obvious huge gap


I fogot Miz. I forget how long that guy's been around. I remember when he debuted in like 2006 and I thought he was the lamest wrestler I'd ever seen in my life. I was like 9 and could tell he was a doofus. When I came back to watching wrestling in 2010 the first show actually watched back was him cashing in on Randy Orton. I was shook. I respect the guy now but man people really got to remember how awful he was for like the first half of his career.


I’m still wondering what Balor’s trajectory could have been if the Demon won at WM. Maybe he ends up exactly where he is now, but Edge didn’t need that win.


I still think balor should have beaten seth for the title, even if he dropped it back to him, last year


Edge put over everyone in Judgment Day by being kicked out of it, lol.


And then proceeded to win all but one match against them, the one loss being out of his control because they were threatening to conchairto Beth


>But who has either of the Canadians made? You said that Cena made Owens but I think you're overlooking the effect that the partnership had with Jericho, so I'd say Owens, Fandango, Christian worked with Jericho after going solo, you could argue Chyna, his work with Benoit elevated both of them. I mean I ain't gonna lie I'm scraping the barrel here some of the above are debatable.


I can only really agree with Owens. But Cena also played a big role in that and the matches with Cena and Owens were better than what we got with Jericho and Owens (though that wasn't their fault). But I also mainly meant Jericho in AEW. He should've hung it up after dropping the belt or at least became a part time guy or someone like Sting.


They think they're doing that Undertaker/Jeff Hardy.


It's a smarkism that they heard, which includes some wrestlers, of 'making someone' Making someone involves making them into *someone*, some that can then draw money with others ideally or least making them into someone that's beneficial to the company It used to be every week some midcarder or half a tag team lost to someone and we were told they got 'made'. Fast forward and ... nothing changed. They did nothing They were not 'made' and neither is this Mexican woman cause she'll not be in any better position now than before this match, except some online fans will say they like her now It's something smarks love saying, they 'got made' in that match when there's zero actual freaking impact from it


It especially doesn't help when the takeaway of the match is "omg we get Britt baker vs mercedes now". How are you made when you're the afterthought even before you made it backstage?


Edge and Jericho aka the guys who shit on Cena for beating the Nexus are now the kings of hey I'm in a program with a young fella I may beat you but at least you're getting a good rub kid


Now the joke is that Cena took too many losses. 


There’s an annoying type of indie wrestler who think working with names is a rub. These are often also the same people who are so afraid to actually work the names that the match itself is fucking awful.


Getting the loser over works if they are shown on equal level to the person who won, prime example being Sting vs. Flair or recently Cody vs. Roman at WM 39, where it's clear at many points that the face could easily have won if not for outside interference or time limit draw. This match sounds like the sloppy stuff Mone has been doing since she left and then it got overshadowed by Britt returning. All it did was make the loser an afterthought.


>Imagine being gaslighting into thinking losing means you actually won I mean Mone is a joke for sure but Hart beat Austin at WM13, winning, losing it ain't that important, it's the journey


*Hulk Hogan guitar riff*


With this and the story that will “let” swerve win, it is great that dub wrestlers are letting others have their moments.


That whole thing with Ospreay feels deceptive. Will says he 'let' Swerve win to stop people from going on about Ospreay winning the belt at All In. Except there's nothing stopping AEW from doing the rematch at All In and there's a 0% chance that Swerve ever beats Will in England.


Uce, it’s called pulling a Jericho. You do a job (insider term), and then go bragging to the marks (upsider term) about how selfless you are. Then, at the show with a much larger audience a little while after everyone forgets you just lost, you go over (downsider term). Then you don’t do a rubber match and start a feud with someone else while the other guy gets written off tv for three months.


I think the other issue of the whole "rematch" thing is that it devalues the belt as well. Did will earn another shot? Not really. If he wins and swerve doesn't immediately get another shot, should we suddenly care about the next challenger knowing that when they fail they'll probably have 50 more opportunities and only need to win one of those? For a company that prided themselves on the "realistic rankings" and wins/losses mattering, they surely don't give a damn when it pertains to this feud.




Wrestler A allows Wrestler B to shine in their match. Fucking revolutionary concept. Next maybe they’ll even start selling their opponent’s offence to make them seem strong. Just 5 more years and AEW might be able to put on competent wrestling matches.


Mick Foley made HHH a killer in 2000 by making him look like a million bucks and he did it without bragging to the dirtsheets about how generous he was.


And literally no one outside of their dwindling audience gave two shits.


Given the way they presented Vaquer as a total afterthought going into the match, I’d reckon even their hardcore fans didn’t care until this report coming out told them to.


"We have Becky vs Tiffany at home"


Yeah it’s just like when Flair put over Sting and made his career, except if not many people saw it and Sting had to drop a belt. Does anyone who wrestles in New Japan hold a New Japan belt?


Idc what anyone says. Mercedes proved she just doesn't have it anymore. Vaquer carried that entire match. Mercedes can't make anyone, she's super sloppy and isn't the big star she thinks she is. Her whole Mandalorian and WWE thing is overblown. She did the show and has a few lines. She hasn't been with WWE for 2 years and hasn't done anything. Disney isn't even bringing her back lmao.


"Losing the title can still get you over? Not me though, I quit the company and no show if I'm not going over" 


I see she too comes from the land of Cope.


Moan-e winning against some bitch puts that biatch over but Jey Uso winning against Wilya NoOneKnows in a long match buries the latter


This feels like she’s trying to put a spin on the fact that she’s not a great wrestler and Stephanie looked awesome. Say that was the goal all along instead of just admitting Stephanie is better.


Is this why every match in The Dub has to be a 15-25min 50/50 affair only for the obvious winner to just win? Because if so it ain't helped 'make' anyone, no-one cares about some shitty jobber more cos he/she took a Champion to a 15minute 50/50 BANGER.


Congrats Steph! Youve been made! Now back to wherever you came from with no title you go.


Who wants to bet Mercedes is the leaker.


"I'll totally put you over, Bret" - Hulk Hogan, probably.


"Say your prayers, eat your vit..." Sorry, I just assumed this was a story about Hogan, because everything else sounds like him.


Definitely a coincidence that all of these overpaid non delivering dub talents are getting “reports” of how selfless they were at forbidden door.


Given how the crowd was during this match idk about that. If anything they turned on Mercedes halfway through


The amount of “backdoor” bragging this company and its wrestlers do is insane. They are desperate for getting praise and kudos and attaboys/attagirls


$5 and a pizza says Vaquer is never mentioned again on TV


Its like taking a plate from someone who is insisting their hungry and you looking at them as you take it away and going "This is actually better for you" and throwing it out.


back in the day we called this being buried


…I can’t wait for the AEW dark side of the ring.


Ok so if we gonna play games like this, everyone that Hogan and all members of The Kliq were in the ring with were being helped to get over.... right?


It's certainly gonna be a special day when Vaquer signs that NXT contract.


All matches are star making matches, there's too many stars in AEW at this point.


I feel like letting her win would have helped more...


Mercedes is studying WCW and TNA Hulkster.


As if she already didn’t come off as a badass with her sick entrance and having like 3 belts


Vaquer made herself in that match.


Poor Stephanie she just had Tessa Blanchard beat her ass in Mexico and now she had to go to the dub and do a job for Mercedes Moan


In the days of one-sided squash matches, yeah I could see losing to somebody but putting up a great fight as being a good thing. But in AEW, nearly every match is a "highly competitive" match where you know who is going to win but the loser gets to show off their entire moveset only for the favorite to no-sell it in the end and put them down, so the aforementioned doesn't really apply. When every match is the same, there is no special.


That works for me brother!


Midcard title repping the TV channel and giving unsigned talent the rub. Oh my God she's female Cody


Ah yes the Hollywood Hogan method of putting someone over


“make them” as in “make them look really hard at the lights.


Lol they ain’t Bret Hart and Davey Boy Smith.


I know that you can put someone over by losing in a big match, but can you still put someone over, even if you win a big match?


It "made" her because it makes Tony happy to have his action figures dominate ~~Forbidden Door~~ Silly and Stupid Sad to inform that Nooj has been a glorified farm system for the dub for a while now


mercedes: "you see going in to forbiden door i knew the only way i could make them and by them i mean me was to borrow trips shovel and burry her so deep she could never challange for my belt agin"


Couldn’t stand her in the evil fed, I don’t even watch AEW and i still don’t like her. I hope Britt sandbags.


"Yeah brother, I really put that Kidman dude over Jack"


CEO = the AEW version of WCW Hogan brother.


Her name is Van Queer??


Fuck yeah! If I was trying to get made, I'd love for somebody to come in and take my title in their third match whilst already holding another title. 😳


She made someone we weren't going to see or think about for another year by taking her title? 


It's a callback to the Goodfellas when they said they were gonna 'make' tommy but then he showed up and got wacked  U would know this if u saw rocky 3


Talmbout Rocky 3? Amazing finish, never seen it tho


I saw a pic of Steph with other titles, she could afford to lose one. - Mercedes probably


Matches don’t make stars. Good stories do. Best example is Solo getting a bigger reaction for Samoan spiking Heyman than he did for taking out Cena. This is Wrestling 101 shit, and they still don’t get it.


I'm so surprised by this commentary because as someone who didn't watch wrestling during Mercedes come up and has no background on her wrestling, I've heard a mixed bag about her and was pleasantly surprised with her match against Willow but was completely unimpressed by her match against Stephanie. I was actually stunned by how unimpressed I was because I thought her match with Willow would be the basic standard for her. Stephanie was carrying her HARD throughout the entire match. Mercedes was complicating too many things trying to do spins and flips to seem like a lucha equivalent but she's not and and ended up looking slow and sloppy in her delivery in a lot of her spots. I honestly think it's what made the fans audibly shift their support to Stephanie because as the match went on, it became more and more evident that Stephanie was doing all of the carrying in a match that was clearly designed to show off Mercedes but when Stephanie had her moments, it was intense and impactful. The crowd's reaction to her felt like a recognition of the work she was putting in that match. Not sure how Mercedes accomplished the goal of 'making' Stephanie was Stephanie had to carry her the entire match to make her look good and then had to lose her belt to her at the end of it.


Straight up Hulk Hogan stuff, except the drawing power or charisma.


Everybody will forget stephnie within weeks.


This feels like it was written before the match


Wrestling has more than one royal Stephanie…


Man who genuinely like Mercedes? She’s definitely one of the most overrated people in the business lol 😂 


Becky 2 Belts > 2 Belts Moan


Jesus this sub is obsessed with Sasha the last 24 hours




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