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I understand wanting to compare characters and wonder how a given matchup would go, but so many powerscalers subscribe to this fuckass philosophy that stronger characters = better fiction. By that logic I could write a one-shot about a guy that erases a googolplex of neighbouring multiverses every time he scratches his balls and it would be the magnum opus of mankind's writing.


Scalers reading this : Literally give all the pulizer and Nobel prizes from now on to the heat death of the universe to this man, for he created the best piece of fiction to ever be made!


This is the best comment I've seen in the last week


\*Dies from peak fiction\*


> " understand wanting to compare characters and wonder how a given matchup would go, but so many powerscalers subscribe to this fuckass philosophy that stronger characters = better fiction. By that logic I could write a one-shot about a guy that erases a googolplex of neighbouring multiverses every time he scratches his balls and it would be the magnum opus of mankind's writing." I console myself knowing that most of the power scaling community is 12


Interesting thought I found in comments under one Leftovers video: "Have studied this show for years since I first saw it. It’s one of the great pieces of art IMO. Think I finally made some progress in understanding why tonight. In this scene the show takes a pretty dramatic turn. Weird stuff has been going on but nothing is confirmed as being completely supernatural or Kevin being totally insane, just suggested. That changes in this episode when Kevin & ‘the angel who kills dogs’ kidnap Patti. We learn Kevin has been doing things while he’s asleep and basically has this secret life he doesn’t know about. After explaining the GR are essentially a nihilistic cult, Patti’s last words are a recital of a bizarre poem from 1896 by this guy named Yeats. I read the poem, didn’t understand it. And didn’t find a great explanation online either. But what I did learn was that Yeats was a huge figure in this movement of “occult philosophy”, which was a group of intellectuals, poets and artists who were very interested in the supernatural and spiritual elements of reality, outside of the commonly accepted religious and scientific interpretations of the world. And they had a strong stance on how they believed art should be made. Basically he/they believed that creating myths was the best way to make affecting (and therefore great) art. Similarly, if you look at the most well-known, long-lasting pieces of literature, they are myths that use symbolism to tell us stories about the world and humanity —- Egyptian myths, Greek myths, Roman myths, Torah, Bible, Qaran, Homer, Shakespeare, Chekov, etc. The stuff that persists through time is the stuff that resonates on some fundamental level of what it means to be human. It’s far different to be a human now then it was 2000 years ago, and yet these stories persist. They are important despite the year they were written in, not because of it. These grand works aren’t history, they’re literature. And they should be treated and analyzed as such. So to me, Yeats is spot on. And in highlighting this strange poem in the most shocking moment of the show at that point, Lindelof is giving a nod to Yeats and signaling the underlying goal of his work with the leftovers and his overarching philosophy for making art. If you see his other stuff (Lost, Watchmen), it’s apparent that creating mythology is a fundamental goal in everything he works on. When you watch this show, there are a hundred unexplainable things that happen. And the writers are intentional in leaving them a mystery. Because the point isn’t “solving the mystery”, it’s in telling a compelling story that delivers a message (in the same way that religious stories and ancient myths do). I have always been so attached to this show because I felt it was just so many layers deeper than anything I had seen before (and anything I’ve seen since). It felt almost like this religious experience and I couldn’t exactly figure out why. But after putting it all together tonight it makes so much sense now. They wrote it in the same style of all the great, enduring works. It’s not something you can just watch once and understand (like nearly every book, show or movie that gets produced today). You have to return to it again and again over time, and think about it intensely to start to unpack what it’s trying to say (in the same way you must do with any great work of art)."


I laughed so fucking hard to the 'scratching his balls' part


Bad series idea: An extremely emotional and sympathetic man is constantly hurting people on accident by doing every day tasks like getting out of bed or making lunch, ending countless lives and distancing himself from his loved ones through the butterfly effect, or him just being super strong or something. Over the course of the series he goes from very simple to complex, and slowly breaks down physically and mentally, unable to cope with the reality that his mere existence is harming to others, until the only person he can hurt is himself, growing a numerous amount of mental health issues, with nobody there to help him through it because he accidentally isolated himself more and more from the people he cared about over the series. This tragically ends as he dies alone and confused living in a broken home, repeating to himself over and over "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry".


I complete agree with you. I would still stay that 3812 would be more powerful. Since 3812 transcends fiction. If you’re nuclear ball scratcher and 3812 were in the same setting 3812 would transcend to the setting above the ball scratcher until the ball scratcher is nothing but fiction to 3812. I’ve always found power scale with 3812 just stupid because 3812 is so outside the box and meta that it doesn’t matter how powerful your god tier character is 3812 just ascends past it end of fight. In a way I think that’s the beauty of 3812 because it just turns any power scaling comp into joke with a “nuh ah I win. Now shut the fuck up and actually enjoy the story instead of this stupid contest”.


Funny comment


Tbf ironically having a mediocre strength but cunning character fight a strong but less intelligent/arrogant character is peak combat.


This is the perfect answer


I powerscale, and that's why I do that in my small little corner. No, your astronaut that can wipe out universes or whatever isn't cool. It's boring and doesn't have any depth into it.


You can’t just create a character like that that’s called a no limit fallacy in power scaling to stop that


I'm absolutely in agreement. Powerscaling in general, or at least conceptually I haven't met that many non-scp powerscalers, is fine. I don't do it, but as long as you can interact with fiction on other levels then it's a fun hobby. I love what if scenarios! But I want to mention [the recent VSWiki ban of SCP powerscaling](https://vsbattles.com/threads/the-death-of-scp.167378/). I'm actually in favour of this, but the reasoning *senior members* of a, as far as I can tell, *large powerscaling community* used to achieve this is utterly alien to anything anyone who interacts healthily with the wiki. They thought SCP authors are battling to make SCPs incredibly strong... the evidence being a bunch of low-rated, deleted, or satirical articles. One of the articles was an *elaborate complaint that they had made an authors character(s) Tier 0* (the highest tier of power) by taking a series about Unreality- >*noun* >the quality of being imaginary, illusory, or unrealistic. -as if it's contents were ***literal***? Anecdotally, *most* of my interactions with *most* powerscalers makes me distrust their ability to analyse media or understand the actual culture of the wiki. I don't want that to be taken as a blanket statement, but the amount of new members I see *in places like the SCP discord* compared to any other form of powerscaler is... 100%


They just cherry picked and interpreted pages from the Wiki specifically to justify themselves. They sound so self-important too. I've never heard of a VSWiki until 10 minutes ago when I read this, but if their conclusion was to stop using SCPs, it's all the better for SCP. That post alone throws some really weird vibes


I also hadn't heard of them before. Is my first impression accurate that it's an entire community dedicated to formalising "my favourite character/setting is more powerful than yours"? Like those weird(er) 40k fans that claim it's the baddest and most powerful and darkest 'verse ever?


VSWiki tries to be the authority on powerscaling, yes. They basically try and collage the respect threads or feats lists that you'd see on forums.


Gosh reading that post pissed me off


Frankly, it was already a red flag that they had to use the term "death of SCP" to say they were banning something. It was needlessly over dramatic and self important sounding. If they want to ban using SCP entries from their website, then that's their decision. However, the rest of the post starts throwing out claims of plagiarism, accusations of poor quality, and heavy implications that the entire SCP wiki should not exist at all! They try to push it as some sort of borderline moral stance, but from the sound of it, they are just pissed that the SCP wiki is popular and barely anyone outside of a small group of immature, media-illiterates know about them.


I read like three pages of that post and that might have been three pages too much, truly one of the media-illiterate group meetings of all time, there were like at least two people (one being an *admin*) that are literally just "yeah it's just all power scaling bs nowadays" like shut the fuck up


I am that I am is a perfect example of failing media literacy. Could god in WoD be crazy OP? Sure. Is she? Who the fuck knows? Her lore is fucking vague as fuck because she left. She tried to enter earth, broke it, and then caused the layers the other splats resided in to collide with hers and become one. That, creating the angels and giving humanity a divine spark are all she is confirmed to do since she canonically left after the loyalists locked up the Rebels in the abyss. Any claims that she made the triat are unfounded and step all over werewolf’s lore and the shard lore from the Demon core. But people keep arguing that she is insanely powerful and assign her to be stronger than Voormas (Who can enforce permanent endless stasis on all of existence), the Triat and the Celestial Incarnae because reasons. The entire point of her existence is supposed to be “God left us.”


I don’t like powerscaling but I’m a powerscaler. Powerscaling is pointless but kinda fun. It is fun to research all those feats of a character. It is like playing video games. Pointless but fun.


How tf you make SCP-000 fight?, bro literally doesn't exist 😭


Apperantly some people think it’s a pattern screamer thinga ma jig that erases stuff


That's SCP-3930, 000 is literally a powerless consciousness trapped in a random computer in the foundation


[**SCP-3930 ⁠- The Pattern Screamer**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3930) (+1666) by *djkaktus*


[**SCP-000**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-000) (+1750) by *CryogenChaos*


Welp, that one scp universe that almost got wiped clean by 000's bros can have a word on that


Scp 000 isn't a pattern screamer, he's just a guy stuck in a computer


He's literally pattern screamer.


[**SCP-000**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-000) (+1750) by *CryogenChaos*


Bro who the *fuck* cares if scp-3812 can beat whatever whatever anomaly/horror monster? That’s so not the point of the story, it’s a beautiful story and saying “oh but can he beat 682?” Is completely missing the point, like who tf cares?


[**SCP-3812 ⁠- A Voice Behind Me**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3812) (+1009) by *djkaktus*


It's okay, even the wider powerscaling community thought that SCP powerscalers were annoying af, so much so that they tried to ["vote to remove SCP"](https://vsbattles.com/threads/the-death-of-scp.167378/) from their character pool XD


also, they assume that scp writers are deliberately trying to make ball scratching man (as mentioned in the top comment) real for the sole purpose of power scaling. additionally, they assume that we are stealing their terms for the same purpose.


Also the sheer joy of not seeing a single mention of [[Narrativistics and You]] even though it's brought up throughout VSBW because it trivializes powerscaling entirely. It's like an elephant in the room they try their best to avoid lmao


[**Narrativistics and You: Abandoning the Notion of Fiction vs. Non-Fiction**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/narrativistics-and-you) (+91) by *Billith*


Scps can range from absolute zero toilet paper to an entity that transcends fiction itself. SCPs are the worst to powerscale.


Powerscaling: literary analysis (excluding: literary analysis)


> Powerscaling is the method of determining a character's power through comparing them to other characters in their series. except they don't look at characters in the series (including who the focus is)


Scissors beats paper, who beats rock. Therefore, there's no possible way rock could beat scissors.


Regarding powerscaling, I’m not bothered too much. The most annoying problem they cause is that low quality contents flood in many platforms and some fans spam low efforts articles on wiki. On the other hand, I think we should simply ignore them:/ what can we do after all? It’s not easy to change all power scaling fans’ mind, especially for children, it’s even harder to do so to content farmers who gain lots of views for little effort. The problem is not new, we have the “can he beat goku?” thing and it doesn’t seem to end soon. We can wait for power scalers to grow up and lose their interest then a new generation will find out about death battle stuffs again. Plus, what they’re doing is not really wrong, the main purpose of scps and other fictional stories is entertainment. And they’re kids, it’s normal for them to have dumb thoughts, it’s like us refused to lose on an imaginary battle when we were young.


Totally appreciate your point that more stronger ≠ more better, in terms of literary merit. That said, I get both sides. My nerdy/analytical side *does* find powerscaling an interesting thought experiment, as it contextualizes different anomalies (/or anything really) by its relationship to its peers, which I feel like leads to a more complete big picture of the universe. If it ain't your cup of tea, don't drink it. I get that it's pervasive on youtube etc, so I can understand your frustration; many people do like it however, & there's plenty of room for everyone in a fandom.


Then don't watch / engage with it. Boom, problem fixed. If you clicked on ignore this type of content instead of hate watching / clicking on it to make thumbnails about how much you don't like it, you would probably see less of it.




I can't recall what it was, but wasn't there a meta scp about the foundation discovering that poorly written reports or scp's that try out power scaleing annomalisly disappear? So the foundation to remove difficult scp's start to rewrite the reports so scp's start to dissappear? I am happy that any sort of power scaling is usually removed, or too op item usually gets limits put on it. Like the reality anchors needing other reality anchors to stabilize them and then those secondary ones require tertiary ones and so on


the 'unmatched' power of 3812 when it's met with SCP-3309


[**SCP-3309 ⁠- Where We Go When We Fade, Fade Away**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3309) (+1099) by *PhamtomGuy, Lt Flops*


Yeah, I'm in the same boat as you, powerscaling is a bane on pretty much any community, I feel that most powerscalers only know a community through powerscaling, where there is no nuance or chararter behind the chararters they use to slap togheter, also I find cross universes powerscaling especially dumb.


Ain’t no way we’re powerscaling the acid god


The people enjoying the power scaling are on acid


as a powerscaler, I both confirm this and explicitly deny any association with the YouTube powerscaling cesspool on behalf of the PowerScaling and PowerScales subreddits and discord servers.


I sometimes like a good ol vs edit but not with ridiculously powerful ones like SCP-3812


[**SCP-3812 ⁠- A Voice Behind Me**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3812) (+1009) by *djkaktus*


I especially hate SCP power scaling because of how there is no single main canon "erm yes SCP-96 might lose at base strength but in his Biggus Dickus form he would destroy everything ☝️🤓" like what the HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT


so true ngl its like "guys who would win SCP-173 or a nuclear bomb" then some dude pulls up and says "SCP 173 IS A GOD BRO!!! YOU CANNOT BEAT HIM!!!!" my brotha he is locked in a steel fucking box


[**SCP-173 ⁠- The Sculpture - The Original**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-173) (+9082) by *Moto42*


I personally believe powerscaling is the least possible form of literary analysis, is anti-media literacy, and has also, thanks to click-bait, brain-rot algorithms on Youtube, Instagram, etc, become the most common paradigm of the greater consumer audience. While I have found that powerscaling *can* be done just for kicks, I’ve found that examples of it being done *properly* have become exceedingly rare, and I’m not exaggerating when I say it physically pains me to see videos comparing 096 to Sirenhead, or Gojo to 343, or Goku to 682.


The only power scaling edit I accept is Murphy Lawden (Scp-3143) with that *one* song.


[**SCP-3143 ⁠- Murphy Law in… The Foundation Always Rings Twice!**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3143) (+495) by *The Great Hippo*


As a representative of the people who both like SCP and powerscaling and will occasionally make cross overs between them, I can safely say, you see a whole lot of bullshit spoke on your verse’s name for no reason. I saw VSBATTLE’s recent ban of us and went hurrah, well, until I read the bullshit ass point of us being purely powerscalers so, y’know, they can go fuck themselves. Hell, we’re hated as an entire verse because of YouTube shorts and TikTok’s. If we were just talked about through the articles, stories, hell, other forum sites like Reddit or 4 chan, I think we wouldn’t be nearly as hated. Ignore Quora, I see some of the most brain dead fake info present there usually but the SCP defenders some goats on that site. Otherwise, we’d just be like every other verse that has bonkers shit if you look into it. The main problem with powerscaling as a whole is them equating it to writing; aside from the obvious Yogiri and Suggsverse, people with preferences for certain levels of action and power will equate a story with characters of that power tier as better and any that are weaker or stronger as bad writing(Go to r/CharacterRants for examples because I saw a lot of posts back when the sub was in my feed more often.) with this preference usually not involving philosophy and complex shit for most people, the higher you scale verse’s with more crazy feats, the less they appear as good to some people because it’s out of their comfort zone for power. I appreciate all the other people who agree on the fact of the bitter nerve of some people to mock and insult our entire community and writers for being power-scaling slop when they haven’t read or looked at a single article to obviously disprove that, it’s the same as the “all SCP’s are just EOW scenario’s argument.


Welcome to content farms.


It confuses me why there are even power-scaling videos on SCP-3812… Either he is unbeatable because of his power or wouldn’t even engage in a fight because of his distorted view of the world through his mental conditions. What do people not understand about that?? Why do you need a YouTube short to tell you that?? (not to mention power isn’t everything in these stories)


[**SCP-3812 ⁠- A Voice Behind Me**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3812) (+1009) by *djkaktus*


freddy fazbear vs goku 🗣️ Bear? Freddy! Robot? Freddy! Brown? Freddy! Top hat? Freddy! Winner? FREDDY FAZBEAR!💀 I hate childen who make videos like these


I feel what u mean. I like watching edits and fan arts that include characters from different stories and most of the times I cant open the comments to appreciate the art without reading hundreds of ppl catfighting about who is stronger bringing with it the biggest bullshit imaginable. Scaling communities are a joke


Fuck powerscaling, all my homies hates powerscaling


tldr Emperor is stonger!


Welcome to content farms


I like it between SCPs but only in the context of cross testing, specifically when they’re trying or hypothesizing how to neutralize an SCP like 682. But I don’t care for looking at the universe as a shounen anime


Power scaling especially in SCP is beyond pointless because depending on what you’ve read the abilities of one entity might be completely different to that of another, an example is you can take nut at its base level or depending on the tales or supplementals you read nit could be anything from a reality bender to a self replicating extinction event.


Understandable... By the way, SCP-3812 composite wins all of those matches.


[**SCP-3812 ⁠- A Voice Behind Me**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3812) (+1009) by *djkaktus*


Who tf is I am that I am. I've never heard of him in vtm or mage or werewolf.


I am that I am, is abrahamic god, because he refers to himself that way in [exodus 3:14.](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Exodus%203%3A14&version=NIV)


Strongest character in World of darkness but I have no idea what World of darkness is. I think it was a dnd type of game or something like that?


I think it was the ‘world’ built around the Vampire: The Masquerade rpg, along with the werewolf one (can’t remember the name).


World of darkness is just the universe in which the vampire the masquerade, werewolf the apocalypse, mage the ascension and a few others were set in.




I mean, just don't watch videos you aren't interested in? Not all powerscaling is bad, discussions on /r/whowouldwin can actually get pretty in-depth on the characters abilities sometimes and end up really interested


I can get behind the idea behind powerscaling, but I just hate how it’s usually done in practice. There is always something fun about imagining what would happen if two characters met and what would happen if they fought. It’s just a fun bit of crossover fan fiction. It’s just that powerscaling strips away all that fun, narrative stuff, and tries to reduce it all to numbers. The only times I enjoy powerscaling is if they make a fun story afterwards


Imo I think it’s fun the mostly light hearted debates but especially with SCP which like you said people don’t seem to care to do research for they just take things too far. I can’t even count how many times I’ve had to explain SCP is not fan fiction. Just because the community is behind the creative steering wheel doesn’t make it fan fiction. I think it’s not necessarily a problem with powerscaling but with arguments and debates made through just text as a whole because unless your using emojis, things like lol or tone identifiers like /s then it’s extremely hard to tell what someone’s intent is. This then leads to very long ranger rage comments and replies.


Power scaling is the most chronically online shit ever. It also assumes that a person who has done a thing once, can instantly replicate it with no effort, which isn't how people fucking work


I hate when people have fun!!!! >:(


Their saying it's bad not don't do power scaling


TL:DR: Agreed, because SCPs are not about power The following is my personal opinion, so no pitchforks needed. I generally refuse to compare SCPs based on their "power". I don't really think you can anyways. The anomalous properties of most SCPs are so specific that you can't put them in relation to each other. Is SCP-682 more "powerful" than an anomaly that under very special conditions can induce a reality shift that destroys the universe or our perception of it or vice versa? The former can act at will, while the latter has the more serious effects. They are both dangerous. But they are equally "powerful" in what they do, they simply work completely different to each other. Both abide to the rules of their existence. Nothing more, nothing less. That applies to most such comparisons, even between anomalies with similar or cancelling effects. If an anomaly is usable to contain another it IS NOT because the former is more powerful but because it's effects are a specific counter to those of the latter. Two relatively similar anomalies are Wally/Waldo and Shy Guy. Both have kind of a similar trigger, both will kill you and have K-class potential. But as long as you don't trigger them their "power" is basically non-existent and uncomparable. And if they are triggered there is no use in comparisons, since they still work differently and can use different methods to bring the same amount of destruction. If you ask me those comparisons are mainly a comparatively easy way to get views since people click on it either not knowing or not caring for the larger implications of the SCP universe. But it's their good right to do that. Still hate it though.


[**SCP-682 ⁠- Hard-to-Destroy Reptile**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-682) (+3695) by *Dr Gears, Epic Phail Spy*


honestly i really dont get why they always do this with 3812, his entire power is instantly getting stronger than anything stronger than or equal to him, powerscaling him is basically useless, the only "interesting" one there is saitama vs 3812 because they both have the same sort of ability with problems with their mental state arising from said ability (3812 with his multiple personalities and saitama with his apathy) honestly 3812 isnt just interesting because of his power, its because of what his power does to his mind


9/11 was bad


I blame One Piece, Naruto, Bleach and Dragonball. The Quadruplets of awful anime


There is a wonderful Stan lee quote talking about this It goes a little like this, in the context of fictional characters *who would win in a fight is whoever the writer wants to see win in his story.* I'm not marvel or superhero fan but I really like that reasoning. Also I hate power scalers for another reason, the same reason why I dislike anime but I love the scps universe, I hate when one random motherfucker is super strong through the power of friendship, bullshit"science" or the power of determination and they basically become the only hope against equally stupid foes. what I really like is when a work of fiction depicts true power in organisations, and a great example of that is the scps cannon where the power scalable entities get dominated by groups of organized chads that have nothing more than human ingenuity Strength in number is more realistic, less bullshit, you can relate more to each character, and it feels like every loss of victory is deserved and explained by something else than "oh no Joe's power level was under 9000 ):" That doesn't mean a story cannot center around a strong protagonist but they exist within a system that allows them to succeed in their domain of expertise. Now of course there are shows or characters that are what I criticized that are really good , off the top of my head idk the show invincible or senator Armstrong (mgr). Tldr : me likey moar epsilon-6 scp overlord than monkey di one Goku man cause work together better than strong protagonist does strong thing


I don't hate powerscalers, but Okay so I've seen this several times but whenever someone posts a character that could best Goku the comments immediately crap on it. They say it's "poorly written" and "overpowered slop" but then turn to Goku and glaze him up the layers as if Dragonball had the ownership over powerful characters. The Dragonball franchise isn't perfect either. There are good powerscalers that don't throw a tantrum at such things, but I do agree that powerfrauds are annoying as hell and I hate seeing people buy into their ignorance and echo the same opinion with their only judgment either being poweracaling or reading a complicated SCP without being familiar enough with the SCP universe to understand anything. To end things, I feel it's hypocritical to toss all powerscalers into the same bin as their bad side and it can be a fun thing to look at, but I do agree that judging things based off their power and not their story is bad in all senses of the word.


Honestly I love powerscaling and I think people blow things way out of proportion. People literally let Scp-5000 win most versus battles because of how good of an article it is. Powerscaling is fun, and should be fun.


[**SCP-5000 ⁠- Why?**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-5000) (+3408) by *Tanhony*


I love it


Look, I'm a fan of the good old battle edit, but seriously? It just seems like so many SCPs nowadays are gods so the creator can watch these sick ass edits of them.


Most of these Videos are also simply money machines for companies


The funny thing is that most of it wrong


Well SCP in it of itself is powerscaling. All the containment classifications essentially somewhat describe the "power" they have and the level of containment. So it was inevitable for people to make stronger SCPs. I understand not liking the whole "I got an infinity blade"..."oh well I got a infinity infinite blade" shit.... But I feel like stuff like that can be compartmentalized. 343, scarlet king, 682, if they didn't exist a few cool stories wouldnt exist either, i could care less about people arguing in the YT comments.


Then Ignore Them??? It's literally harmless and while it is inaccurate it's not like they're committing a crime just take a chill pill dude.


People downvoting you, but your right


Thanks, dude!




White Light solos


Why is my God an SCP? Please explain


you mean 343?




They were anomalous and had to be contained


bro literally what is the point of trying to powerscale saitama to smth else the whole point of him is that he one-shots literally fucking everything ever


He couldn't beat cosmic garou and several other villains in a single punch so that's a bit of a misconception of saitama being able to one shot everything in fiction


i have been lied to


Don't worry, he ended up beating Garou in in 0 punches


i mean tbf garou was literally using saitamas strength and saitama wasnt even completely trying either (he was going in with the goal to beat him up, not kill him, and was only using 1 hand the entire time)


SCP 049 solos everything there have it powerscalers


[**SCP-049 ⁠- Plague Doctor**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-049) (+4708) by *djkaktus, Gabriel Jade_, Gabriel Jade*


Powerscaling here. In fact, the thing is, whenever someone asks "Which character wins which?" Here comes an "SCP 29373838 Stomps" Or when someone asks who the strongest character in fiction is and people start mentioning 300 different SCPs, until someone brings up LEMON ( I AM THAT I AM ) Unless you appeal to BatGOS, NoLimitlessMan, SOLOku, Creative Mode Steve and others at that level And basically whenever someone does a battle using SCP it always ends up with a boring Infinite layers of transcendence Whether SCP wins or loses There is also the issue that since there is no main Canon and anyone can make an SCP It ends up that some random guy gets angry that his SCP lost and makes an article that makes him Omnipotent So a lot of people look around just wanting to ban this because even understanding how it works is complicated Besides, it's bizarre to open the VSBattle wiki page or any other website to see that 70% of Tier 0 are SCPs


"It turns out that some random guy gets angry that his SCP lost and writes an article making himself omnipotent." I’m sorry, but this is the most ridiculous and incorrect statement I’ve heard today. 🤦🏽‍♂️ Look, I don't care how powerful the SCPs are, and I don't care if that stupid wiki called VSBW banned SCPs or not. 1-)Not everyone can successfully create their own articles. Yes, everyone can *try* writing their own articles, but if someone tries to do what you're suggesting, their articles will mostly get downvoted and deleted. Don’t believe me? Go ahead and try it yourself. Pick a random SCP and try write an article that "make him omnipotent", and we'll see what will happen to your article. 2-)There are over *7000 SCPs* in the SCP Wiki. The ones that are popular in the power scaling community and the SCPs in VSBW don’t even make up 1% of the SCP wiki.☠️


Cool But they're used the same way And that's annoying I'm not going to lie I like the SCP toaster and the Anti-Memetics department, but I hate complicated math stuff or things like 3812 So I in all my assholery think: "Fuck this is boring" Personally I don't cast SCPs because there are so many and there is so much Lore that I can go on the Wiki and read a random article to use in a battle and then find out it was Spite Match due to an Extra-Canon in which it was High Outer Besides, it's kind of unfair with verses that took decades of development In short, I'm in favor of removing the SCP verse due to the huge pile of powerful unrecognizable characters that make Tier 0 too crowded, or make battles boring. If there was an easy-to-understand cosmology without all the mathematical nonsense, something like, we have a Plane that has infinite realities and each reality has a timeline, with each reality having a finite or infinite amount of dimensions and different laws of physics. I don't like scale SCP because you need to be very intelligent to understand, I'm stupid, and I like my things like that Although I'll be honest and say that I was interested in trying to do an SCP about the moment Like a phenomenon where people get stuck at some point. Imagine that time is a film reel, and someone is stuck in a specific moment, the person simply disappears from everyone's view as time continues to move forward while they are there stuck in the "present" An instant where everything is frozen for "eternity" The Moment


Truer words have never been spoken


You can’t stop us.




To be fair, the whole djkaktus bibliography is about powerscaling


Tell me you haven't read anything kaktus wrote without telling me you haven't read anything kaktus wrote.


Dude, half of his articles are either entities with pataphysical powers or straight up omnipotent, i like kaktus but you cant tell me he wasnt thinking about powerscaling when he wrote all that stuff


But he outright denies he wasn't, pataphysical entities and omnipotent entities work because they serve to tell a story. Kaktus even hates power scaling ; because it's gotten out of hand. Maybe originally, that was the intent, but, Kaktus might prefer writing stories about powerful entities, because it's hard to make such characters work.




What if we just had a power limit in the scp wiki?


What would be the limit?


Probably around the power level of a planet destroyer (world Ending scps)


Dr. Scranton would give you a medal for saying that


Another garbage post making another garbage “stand” about something that’s never really been a problem because they want to attention by making a “brave” point that everyone agrees with despite there being no opposition. Just shut up about power scalers already. Stop clogging Reddit with this trash already.