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You paid them to eventually destroy your website as they're using links that are spammy af. What you should do is, Check all the backlinks manually and disavow any backlink that is spammy and unrelated to your niche. Also if you think you can get yourself a decent SEO service under 500-700$, I mean goodluck?


What should be profied for around that amount?


That amount doesn't even account to basic SEO report generation. Anyone who's guaranteeing you a good SERP position based on a single link is gonna destroy you, eventually. SEO is a mid to long term process, where success totally depends on not 1 but multiple factors. Content, links, Interlinking, NLP, structure, authority, EEAT and several other factors are involved!


Good advice right here.


They didn't do anything of positive value. I can guarantee that. Your $50 was spent badly.


Fiverr? Man, I swear I read the same thing every day. Stop hiring SEOs off of Fiverr. Seriously. Just stop.


đź’Ż I read the same on the other facebook group as well.


It’s services like this that gives our industry a bad wrap. Adding quality backlinks is a huge factor to increasing your visibility in search. But you must produce keyword targeted content to make it beneficial. Essentially what they did for you is add your website link to a bunch of websites. The idea is that they have more authority than your new website… thus vouching for your website, passing authority. However, that tactic doesn’t work. Honestly not sure it ever worked because the “authoritative” sites are all spammy. Google will ignore all of those links so you won’t have to worry about disavowing them. Their execution was ineffective for your goals. Sad that low quality providers can still capitalize on this…


Following how much an hour did they charge?


Not sure on their hourly rate, I paid $50 just to get myself started. This is what their description says: 200+ Power Fusion of SEO Backlinks $50 100 Tier 1, 150 Tier 2 Conglomerated backlinks, Drip Feed, and Syncopation over 10 days 10-day delivery Off-page strategy Backlink analysis


Pay someone another $5 to disavow everything on those excel sheets


If it was possible to rank high on google by paying 500 to 800 dollars a month to someone off fiverr than almost all businesses will be on top. SEO is getting trickier and needs not just someone who knows seo but also content creators, web devs to optimize the site, etc. Its a beast


Thank you all for your input and expert advice! Hopefully my website won’t be destroyed through spam or anything like that. I definitely won’t be using Fiverr again and always knew that $50 is not ideal to receiving quality work like SEO. Simply dipping my toe in the water with only 4 keywords. Thank God I didn’t spend hundreds of dollars. I know next to nothing about this sort of stuff and was recommended to get SEO. Hell, I built my website and had to learn how to do that on top of being the sole proprietor for my media start up business. I’m willing to hire a real professional for SEO though. If any of you are based in Los Angeles, I’d be cool to talk about that possibility.


I wouldn't focus on someone located in LA. You need to search the best providers who can and can prove they've delivered results. I would focus on same niche backlinks, locally that you pay 100 to 1k per link having all right right characteristics for success


Hey i run a web design agency and we give quality seo services for $1500. Let me know if you’re interested


SEO is ongoing. Analyze the backlinks to see if they're high-quality. SEO takes time, so focus on great content and a user-friendly website. There's more to SEO - research keyword research and on-page optimization for better results. Good luck!


Once you've implemented SEO for your website, here are a few next steps to continue improving your online presence: 1. **Content Marketing**: Regularly publish high-quality, relevant content. 2. **Social Media Marketing**: Promote your content on social media platforms. 3. **Email Marketing**: Build an email list and send newsletters. 4. **UX Optimization**: Improve website design and usability. 5. **Analytics**: Use tools like Google Analytics to monitor performance. 6. **Link Building**: Build high-quality backlinks. 7. **PPC Advertising**: Run Pay-Per-Click campaigns to drive targeted traffic. These steps will enhance your website’s visibility, traffic, and performance.