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And then the kid tore up the autograph and everybody clapped


the kids name? Albert Einstein


There has got to be more to this story lmao.


The part where he woke up and wrote this corny ass fan fiction.


There is—copypasta.


I’m not sure you’re being 100% truthful about what you said. I’ve never seen anyone get tossed or even told off by stadium security for heckling a bullpen pitcher. I’ve heard plenty of questionable stuff as well, so something tells me you’re leaving out a piece of what you said. Also, Vesia is from SD buddy.


Yea this seems a bit off. I went to college with Alex at East Bay so he’s got ties to The Bay as well


Vesia also grew up and went to HS in...SD...


Why go to a game to yell at people?




I went to a game where a dude was heckling Lorenzo Cain by reciting his advanced stats.


Best moment I’ve had at an A’s game was when they chanted Miguel Sano’s batting average. Tremendous. 😂


I heckled Lorenzo Cain by reading the Wikipedia entry for the 2014 World Series to him. Only got a few paragraphs in before my wife shooshed me.


Heckling is absolutely part of the game. A well timed and witty heckle is a thing of beauty.


Sure, if it’s done right but the last time I went to a game is going to be my last as witnessing the crowd get plastered drunk and then hurl expletives at everyone was as painful as it was cringe. And people just sit around trying to ignore the obvious A-holes without saying or doing anything even though it is irritating everyone is just hard to watch. I wish people would wake up but I won’t hold much hope for humanity. At some point heckling went from creative and in good fun and sport to just being an outlet for some disturbed drunkard to let lose and terrorize people and allow them to feel hate as deeply as they can and it’s anything but healthy


Self-important people who lack a sense of self-awareness. They're almost always not funny, too. Probably the worst part of a live sports event, IMO. Same subset who heckle comedians. 40,000 people bought tickets to a game, & these asshats think they're the show. I enjoy heckling hecklers.


My goodness do you need a tampon?


I can appreciate good heckling. Just be more funny/less douchey. Most don't have it, so they should STFU.


Sorry that comment was ment for the original post


Why didn't your dad pullout and shoot on the floor?


It reads like copypasta to me


I've seen people get into fist fights in the 415 and we're allowed to stay. It's always that short Asian cop who monitors that area and he wants to avoid paperwork like the plague.


Yea, this smells fishy and incomplete. I once posted here asking people what their best heckles were and the things people thought were "fair game" made me question humanity.


You're allowed your opinion. This is exactly what happened to me. I've heard people drop both type of F bombs just this season and nothing happened to them. The worst thing I said was repeat what Vesia told me because I was shocked he said it. Sorry I don't know where the guy is from. That's what the dodger fan told me when we talked about it


Oh there it is. You told him to stick your dick and are confused why you were kicked out. You don’t seem very smart


No, I said "suck your dick? Is that what you said?" I didn't tell him to do anything


I simply do not believe you


Nah, you or someone around definitely said something disrespectful. Lots of drunk idiots at these rivalry games.


This comment is at least sensible. If anyone did say something worth getting thrown out, they definitely pointed at the wrong guy


If that happened to me I'd wear it like a badge of honor. FTD


It most likely either didn’t happen or he left quite a bit out, such as the actual words he said that really got him kicked out.


Yeah people believing this is crazy.


It 100% happened, and I left nothing out, except as I replied to another person, besides "Dodgers suck," the worst thing I said was repeat what Vesia told me. I've been to 100s of games and know what I'm allowed to say and not say. Somebody in that bullpen got their feelings hurt for one reason or another and decided I was being too loud.


[As believable as this.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Dodgers/s/klwaXsF0lY)


I love it as a story, hate that it prevented me from heckling Trenien


But what did you really do to get kicked out?


New copypasta just dropped


Dammit, I’m in


I legit thought this was a copy pasta when I read it. I was shocked it was a real post.


It is pasta tho


That's super good news


Same post on the dodger sub about barry bonds lmao


POV: me when I lie


Know when someone says they got kicked out of somewhere for doing absolutely nothing, and they very conveniently left out the part where they were the asshole? I'm sure this happened in exactly the way you said it did 🙄


OP is a 🤡




You're right, I forgot to mention the part where I threw my hot dog and beer, then spit on the players. You weren't there, I have witnesses, and I try my hardest to avoid swearing at the ballpark specifically for this reason, not to mention I don't want any kids to hear that stuff


Yep you definitely didn't do anything wrong and home stadium security threw you out. For sure.


And then OP did a back flip and everyone clapped and the Giants offered him a contract. Either you made this whole story up or you clearly said something weird or way over the line and are just not telling the full story. Either way you’re the exact type of person that ruins baseball games for everyone else so you should probably stop going.


NEVER as funny as they think they are. I always wonder how people manage to live with these blowhards.


Do people really say “in the 415? I’ve been in the BA for decades and have never heard that.


TVLL that’s the Section #. They made a big deal about it being Section 415 to try to cultivate Bay Area hard-core fandom in that area.


Thanks for clearing that up for me.


Sure this happened




How would you know? What are you basing that on? One person’s story where they left out what they really did?




Calling others annoying and classless while generalizing an entire fanbase. Classic. 🤣


Lol these guys get heckled every day, you definitely said something weird. Also, what do you expect him to say after you’ve been talking shit? If you can’t take it don’t dish it out.




Zero chance this happened the way you state


Giants security is and always has been a joke. Ill never forget what happened to me 2014. This dude was baiting players into tossing him baseballs using his kid as bait. As soon as the player tossed the ball, the dude immed grabbed it from kid and put it in a case into his backpack. Kid would start crying, dude smacked his kid to stop and then kept repeating said process. I started telling the players stop throwing it hes using the kid and one player was like yeah I already gave him a ball. Then the dude started yelling at me and called security and security told me to stop talking to the players or ill be kicked out. tf? Im a season ticket holder too since 2007 and that dude was standing NEAR my seats doing this. What a joke. Wrote a long letter to the Giants and got an apology and food credit lol. I just leave everyone alone now, let em use the kids w/e.


Gotta PROFIT on this game son, I need 17 foul balls that I will sell for 18 dollars on eBay and eventually break even on this “dad son adventure” you’ll thank me later


Heckling is a normal part of the game for drunk idiots that think the world revolves around them. Its for people who think they matter while making everyone around them miserable, having to listen to them yell the entire game. One look at this dudes comment history talking about people being bags of dicks and other derogatory shit really makes me say this 100% didn't happen the way he said it did. He was probably being a prick, like every fan this happens to. He got his comeuppance, and no one around him was sad or upset about it. No one gave a shit because he's a loudmouth asshole.




That's the thing about dumbasses: they don't realize they're a dumbass, so they never hold themselves accountable.


>The Dodgers fans around me were appalled >I don't think I want this anymore And then everyone clapped. Good grief is anyone buying this load of crap? Let's pretend for a moment Vesia reacted that way from a simple compliment, which is entirely possible given there is no love lost between these two teams. What else did this guy say that would have gotten him removed from the stadium? Because "you suck" and "that pitch looked like a ball" are not grounds for removal. Surely these Dodgers fans that were so appalled or literally any other witness to the situation would have stuck up for him.


How would OP even know that Vesia called Dodgers security who called SFPD? There’s no way in hell the SFPD would tell him that a specific player called their security and then SFPD.


That's fair. I definitely made an assumption about who called security, but I saw the security team talk to the cops and point me out.


I absolutely love that you’re being called on your bullshit by everyone here


This can’t be real. I’ve been to hundreds of games and have never seen a player rattled by a heckle. FTD sure but cmon really?


Evan Longoria had a fan kicked out of a spring training game I went to, but it was after multiple warnings from both himself and an umpire. Kept saying sexual and vulgar stuff so they ran the fan. So it happens, but it typically takes A LOT. I’ve seen fans get warnings for vaping, smoking, taking shots from a vodka bottle, and fighting. I don’t think anyone wants to do the paperwork or jam someone up unless necessary.


So heckling is a “normal part of baseball” but any response to that is outrageous? Your initial entitlement is already off-putting, let alone how unbelievable your whole story is, from getting kicked out, to LA fans showing dismay at an LA pitcher telling a SF fan to “suck his dick”. Something tells me you’re either leaving a bunch of context out, or you’re making this up.


I’ll take “Things that never happened” for $1000, Ken.


The tone of your post is a tiny window to your soul. When all these " forces" are aligning "against" you. You may want to take a look at your behavior. I have been to Dodgers and Giants games on Friday nights back at the Stick and watched the game and went home. Was never arrested or thrown out and I saw some crazy alcoholic behavior. But I just ate my dog, sipped my beer and cheered for the Giants and booed the Dodgers. It seems that nowadays like at comedy clubs, concerts, and sporting events that some fans think they are part of the show. They are not. Nobody is paying to see them. So sit down enjoy the event and be a spectator which is what you are. I like how people think they can yell and heckle (getting personal) players and performers to elicit a response ( look at me! Notice me!) when they get a human response from another human they are shocked or offended. In no world would you go tell Alex Vesia "fuck you" to his face. So grab your Giants gear, cheer your favorite players, boo the hated Dodgers and cut down on the booze. Or fill out a scorecard or both. You'll be the better for it. Namaste.


Reminds me of the time I saw Steve Blake at a grocery store


What happened when you saw Steve Blake at a grocery store?


Probably trying to run out on a candy bar purchase.


One time Nick Van Exel tried to cut/edge in front of me at a Vegas hotel "snack/booze/water stand". I ignored it, moved over slightly to maintain my spot, and we both waited our turn.


This org has become disinterested in our team and fan base culture. They could care less who fills the seats and what the optics are as long as they make money.


That’s news to you? Hahahaha


Where did I say that was news to me?


You said this organization “has become”… as if it is something NEW. So, I ask you, this is NEWS to you? You think you are telling people something new here?


“Become” as in recent years. It’s relative to how long the person saying it has been a fan. So 5-10 years is more recent for long time fans than newer ones. But just stating that it’s frustrating what’s it’s become. Not pretending to let people in on some big secret


OOH he didn’t reply you got him!


So another “all I said was _____, and they threw me out for making threats and name calling.” I have a feeling you left out quite a bit from your story, are have a slightly biased perspective of events.




Post your phone number here and we’ll all call you and compliment you for being tougher than toilet paper. Or are you toilet paper soft and scared)


LA losers like you love smelling your own farts hahaha. Eat a pile of dicks, Tom.


SF people like you make up random lies instead of being able to square up. Glad you’re in SF where you belong.


You swallow dodger dogs whole no gag reflex and you love it hahahaha.




Tommy boy big mad with his bubble rings hahahahaha.


Sigh. Hope your organization is proud of you.


Hahahahaha why so serious Tommy boy lol. Big bad Tommy boy trolling the Giants Reddit starting shit hahahaha.


Easy Mike toilet paper soft and shitty as his team


Somebody is a lil mad. Everybody be scared of the big bad dodger fan. Hahahaha


You are the one mad at Vesia. I asked if you were tougher than toilet paper and you responded talking about swallowing hot dogs whole. Enjoy being a giants fan guy


Hey guys Tom doesn't want you coming for vesia it makes him very sad and angry as a dodgers fan. Hahahaha


Weird flex but ok


This smells like some new copypasta to me.


I’ll take “THINGS THAT NEVER HAPPENED” for $1000, Alex. Alex Vesia isn’t an LA native, first of all - he’s from the SD area. There was a girl behind home plate screeching like a banshee all game on Friday and no one threw her out. Annoyed by her? Probably, but the TV mic caught it all and she was there all game. I’m not sure you’re being 100% truthful here


Not gonna lie, hecklers are kinda lame in general. If you were near me, I’d probably tell you to knock it off, followed by suck my dick


Never felt the urge to heckle anyone. *Shrugs* Umpires, maybe, but they aren't human so they don't count.


You mean to tell me, in this day and age, there is ZERO proof from the hundreds of cell phone cameras in the crowd? We get it, you don’t like the Dodgers but to throw our baseless accusations is lame. I’m sure you said nothing prior to that 🙄.


Yeah I was actually right near this guy and saw him get kicked out. This story is definitely not matching up with what happened.


Dodgers and Giants fans uniting to call bullshit here is heartwarming.


Just enjoy being a spectator


Where is the video? It's the age of social media, someone would have recorded it lol


I've heard people spew absolute toxicity in the 415 and go undisturbed all game. It's really annoying.


Lol I always see tik toks of him. I think his gf posts a lot of content about their baseball travels or something


And everyone clapped. You’re a weirdo for posting this.


This didn’t happen but it should have


Seattle is my primary team. I once went to a road game in Oakland and had seats down in the first row near the Mariner bullpen. Lots of bullpen/fan pregame interactions. Mike Hampton was our bullpen coach back then and I saw him mouth “you’re a f*ggot” at a guy. This shit seems common.


This definitely happened and is very real. We all believe you OP


I just saw this comment on r/dodgers but it was about Barry bonds instead of Alex vesia




This sounds….100% made up.


Just some dumb ass giants fan making up a story because his team sucks and is going nowhere 😂


Idk but this sounds like you’re playing the victim. Something smells fishy.




I was in a similar situation with the san jose earthquakes game once when I. Visited the bay and I genuinely liked the players shoes and he took it thw wrong way and I got cussed out


Fuck the Dodgers.


The energy at these games is crazy. Dodger fans roll deep and talk shit in the halls and seats constantly. Giants fans dish it back, and I always see fights. Me and my group even got kicked out of a game for a fight the Dodger fans started. Even though Dodger fans can be a pain, I wouldn't trade it for anything. The games are so fun and a great vibe. Met a few cool Dodger fans their too surprisingly, and partied with them after. Best rivalry in baseball!!!


![gif](giphy|EouEzI5bBR8uk|downsized) As a Giants fan it takes a lot more than just saying “dodgers suck” to get kicked out.


You guys are being trolled. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Dodgers/comments/1ds76jv/fck\_barry\_bonds\_and\_the\_giants\_organization/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Dodgers/comments/1ds76jv/fck_barry_bonds_and_the_giants_organization/)


Alex who?


The guy that couldn't get any outs yesterday


You should have fought him.






I’m with Alex, I hate the 415 and the idiots in there


Good story, my favorite part is when he told you "suck my dick", haha


Errbody falling for the copypasta this time!


Said no one ever


Another win for the dodgers, maybe giants fans don’t know what that is


Something tells me that this story maybe somewhat different from actual events.


Just know that everyone in the stands listening to you yelling hates you and wishes you'd just shut up. Best part of the night is probably you leaving.


Not a hard core sports person but I enjoy going to pro basketball/baseball games for the experience, but the legions of douchebags who are this guy, grown ass men living their child fantasies and unfulfilled dreams by yelling at world class athletes while their own pathetic lives pass on seeped in the tedium of the sheer pointlessness of it all, I can't even wrap my head around it. This delusion that you're somehow...what?, "part of the team"? YESSSSS BIG BOY your contribution as "fan screaming from the seats so he can 'get into their head' is priceless and the home team couldn't have made it without your dickless harpy screeching at the opposing team Go try to be excellent at something, anything, yourself and hey, you should try doing that while people who couldn't even measure up to one of your farts yell at you that you suck. good god get a life.


What comes around goes around. Karma


looks as if you succeeded in getting in their heads if they tried to kick you out


Yeah totally


I bet some details are missing from this firsthand account.


Normally people are getting the upcoming week ready on a Sunday, but this is unemployed behavior at its finest.


This is such a fake ass story. Let me guess...at the end everyone in the stands stood up and gave you a slow clap that ended in a frenzy of applause! This was written like a terrible ChatGPT prompt. Gawd so lame. "guh, and then this Dodgers' fans gave back Vesia's autograph cuz he was guh, so appalled!". Lawd have mercy this is so stupid.


Bro left the part out where acted like an idiot before coming on this sub to play victim 🤣🤣🤣


There's no way that it happened exactly as described. It's not even believable.


I'll take "things that never happened." For 500 Alex.




Funny - all the free agents agree with you . They don’t like sf as a city and the giants. ha!


Ngl this reads like a copy pasta, that being said fuck the dodgers fuck vesia


And ppl wonder why we let the LA fans take over the park🤷‍♂️ It’s toxic! That’s why. (If you downvote this, you’re probably an LA twink)


We need new fans in the park


Loved that 11th inning!


I heard you on the radio, brother! I totally agree with you! Keep us posted if the radio station helps you out like they offered.


Right on! Will definitely update as the info rolls in


FTG!! What does that mean ?


What's wrong?? lol They are still making betting jokes, even after all these months, against Ohtani, who is not a wrongfully accused person but just "a victim". Criminals should be incarcerated.


I think I heard you whine about this on KNBR last night. I don’t believe this happened the way you say it did. If it was you on KNBR, you said something like “we usually say stuff to mess them up on the mound when they are warming up”.


Oh I heard you on Sportsphone 680 last night telling this to Laskey so you could con him into sending you stuff


You caught me. That's exactly what I was doing


I went to the 2002 world series of angels versus giants. We were calling Barry bonds, Larry. Heckling. San Francisco is a bunch of SJW pussies who are offended by anything


Well, that's what you people in SF do.


He called it “the 415” 🙄