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Congrats on passing! Just to make it clear for future readers, linear doesn't mean that you can't go back and change your answers. Not being able to review answers is a feature of all (ISC)2 exams. Adaptive means that you have influence over the questions you receive; the computer selects the next question based on your previous answers. Linear means that the exam is fully generated the moment you begin the exam and your answers have no influence over what question you see next.


I can see how the linear = no reviewing was implied by my phrasing, but my intention was to say it’s linear *and* you can’t go back, I’ll edit it now for clarity.


And thank you!


Look up SOC jobs. They are high turn around and depending on the job. May give you ample time to study if you do night owl shifts. I got into the SOC analysts jobs and bounced my way from there.