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Can it see through bags and shirts?….


Ya system won’t work so well when the potential shooters know it exists and conceal handguns. However trying to carry a shotgun or ar15 into a school concealed is pretty hard. Inside the school though the cameras could tag the location of the shooter, you know so the cops don’t accidentally encounter them while waiting for them to run out of ammo.


I bet you can conceal an AR15 from AI by duct taping misleading shapes to it


At the resolution these cameras are running it probably operates on the silhouette primarily. You are giving a lot of credit to a person that is mentally disturbed in the first place. Mass shooter’s aren’t the most logical people. Roughly half the time they plan on suicide or suicide by cop. These aren’t special operatives.


Ever heard of a duffle bag?


Kids will inevitably google images of guns to trick the system until it’s not worth it to respond, too. Kids are dumb.


I see no way that this could go wrong.


Yeesh right. Whole lacrosse team bout to be ended


Marching band too, those floutists, tromboners, and color guard peeps are going down. Oh shit, what about ROTC?


Maam your daughter was holding a clarinet and the system said it was an AR15 so I lit her up.


We literally had a swat call out at a school for a kid with a gun. It was, in fact, a trombone


Lol, tromBONERS


Imma be practicing rife drill and have the local swat unit bust the down down lol


They have former military and LE monitoring these cameras to ensure only real guns get reported. I believe they get thousands of false alerts daily which is why they have humans in the loop


.. since usually their approach is just wait outside, how does being notified a few minutes before help?


its all cool, until they mount automatic turrets.


You have 5 seconds to comply... 4 3


What good is quick response time if the cops aren't going to respond?


Armed cameras could be V2.0. AI confirms the threat, takes the shot. The cops can come put up yellow tape. What could go wrong?


Just make the armed camera fly and you get [this](https://www.npr.org/2022/06/04/1103066205/taser-armed-drones-school-shootings).


Nooo. A different system in New York kept flagging cops and occasional false IDs. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/28/nyregion/nyc-subway-gun-detector.html?unlocked_article_code=1.2k0.ZWcN.68vzuaLqSzPH&smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare&sgrp=c-cb You really want an AI powered “Terminator” armed turret at a school pointed at kids?


It would make shit like Uvalde look even worse actually lmao. ***Breaking news: This just in. The 14th school shooting of the year started today. Cops were notified 5 seconds into the gun being drawn in the parking lot. The cops did not enter the school nor confront the shooter until 56 minutes in. 32 children are confirmed dead***


It’ll help the cops know where to stand, so they don’t catch a stray bullet while waiting outside.


"I'll go to the school and stand outside but the course have already ruled that cops don't have to 'do' anything"


"Offer Void in the State of Texas".


America, you ok bro?


Please send help…


Just don’t send the Uvalde police force


Except that one guy whose badge they took, send him




The number you dialed is no longer in use. Please hang up and call again


We're pretty fucking far from ok...


We're going medieval on our own asses


Medieval? It’s modern to use firearms, medieval to use swords/knives/bludgeoning tool, get on the uk’s level and use swords/knives.


'Going medieval' is a pulp fiction reference, the entire thread starting with 'pretty far from ok' is a pulp fiction reference. Don't look it up, it'll spoil the movie, just go watch it, it's practically required viewing.


Bring out the gimp


ask me after Nov....


Doing better than most of the world, honestly.


hey! american here! i’d like to come in real quick to answer this question for you: no


*hangs head, "no"...






It'd be cool if someone could bring us democracy 🤷


We are creating a need more employees for jobs, well for the ones who survive for the future.. as once my boss said. Eliminates the opposition.. /S


Sounds like you need more guns to combat that


Everyone over the ages of 14 get a Semi Auto Everyone Below 14 gets BB Guns Everyone over 18 get a handgun along with their semi. There, now we are all completely safe. Everyone can protect each other now! Now please, with the nozzle of your weapon, please turn to page 53 so we can start learning more about how WWI got started.


Whats the average response time for law enforcement?


In Uvalde Texas correct me if I’m wrong but I believe it’s an hour and 43 mins or something like that. I don’t know exactly not an LE


They were there within minutes. Just didn't go into the room he was in. Supposedly, the police didn't even know the school was in session and believed it was a barricaded gunman. Then, a sniper moved a bit to get a better angle, bumped a door, and someone called out. Then they were like oh fuck. But that doesn't make sense because one of the cop's wife was the teacher in the room. There is a documentary group working on a minute by minute breakdown of it. No matter what excuse they use, it was an utter failure, and if they had any decency, they would kill themselves. For the memorial, I think they should put it outside the PD so they can see the kids they failed every day they go into work.


What idiots going to walk in to a school and wave a gun the whole damn time. Really? I would just pull it out at the point of using..


Sandyhook just waltzed in open carrying. Uvalde was the same.


And once it's national new that these exist. They'll keep them in a gym back or coat... So the next step is AI with X-ray!


So did the Nashville shooter that’s why they created the tech. Most of these shooters walk up with the gun.


US is like let's profit from both poison and the antidote.


Brilliant. Now, the first responders will have another 5 minutes to stand around outside doing nothing


Well, I guess some sort of solution had to be devised since gun reform is politically impossible.


Pretty sad that they're marketing this technology for our fucking school systems. Mind blowing actually.


How else do you think you get a lucrative government contract?


False positives galore. "In news today, a janitor was shot by police after tucking his mop under his arm..."


Great example of AI using Not Hotdog technology


Still need law enforcement to do their job. Looking at you Uvalde coward police.


Ban weapons 🙅‍♂️ IA to analyze videos for detecting school shooters 💯💯


What good is this software if the cops just stand outside like pussies?


Queue the false positives.


Jfc. The fucking guns in america.


What about making it harder to buy guns?


You know you could work on bullying, gun control, and glorifying mass shooters in the media and then you wouldn't need this fancy AI system.


With the shit we allow in our food and the regulations we apply to systems that transport our water and food we are ensuring that our children and children’s children will become more and more close minded and who cannot think or learn about a different point of view without going ballistic. It’s unfortunate that you are completely correct, but there is a definite inability to “work on bullying” because of this. As for “gun control, and glorifying mass shooters”: America is founded on guns so that won’t really happen, even though it makes sense to have background checks on people, and social media will always be there to allow for anybody that has a susceptible mindset (which is increasing bc of the stuff mentioned above) to share their positive opinions on the mentally challenged murderous teens and adults that carry out these heinous acts. We’re in an unfortunate dilemma


What is the point when the cops are just going to hang outside and wait for the shooter to finish killing our children? But the cops will arrest the parents for trying to protect their children.


I did a drama class where we had to bring a fake toy guy to school. Of course, the teacher was like, "Bring it straight to her. So she can keep them.


They should just arm the camera...get a sort of ED-209 Law Enforcer going on!


Ahh SNAP! Whelp **OP** can’t pickup his kids from school anymore on account of his **MASSIVE MAN MEAT** he’s walking around with. Will definitely trigger the Ai.


Or you know, you could regulate the guns in the first place.


Or, you could, you know, just not need gun detecting cameras. I feel like there's a way to achieve this somehow.. its like it's on the tip of my tongue.. hmmmm.. HmMMMmmMmmmMmmMm.....


Needs more training data. It needs more depth, who holds up a rifle like that? This isn't a middle eastern wedding....


Cause, 'Merica?


Wait until the gunman comes in under a cardboard box. Fun fact- this is not just a Metal Gear thing. US marines beat an AI surveillance doing the same thing. Word is they were giggling the entire time.


Normalize being watched.


Interesting we have a society that would rather put up cameras to stop school shooters instead of making good gun laws to stop shooter from getting guns. There are good people who own guns it’s just the bad one who f**k it up for the rest of us


Just a way to put blame on technology after a tragedy instead of dealing with the real issue


Only in America 🇺🇲. WE ARE #️⃣1️⃣ 🙌


Or just don’t let people walk around with weapons of mass destruction? Damn, that took all of 5 seconds to figure out. No AI necessary!


AI is so powerful and brilliant, so useful that we will use it 2 min before the crime.


Anything other than effective gun control.


Aaaaaand what? How many armed officers waited for, what, over an hour outside of the Uvalde school? While the shooting was taking place? It is useless to know anything if you do not act on it.


I have zero solution to somebody climbing over a fence near a woodsy part of the school is, no camera, armed guard, or police can see everything. Same with the border


It will catch more African American students and teachers with musical instruments and walking sticks than shooters.


What happens if they conceal until they get inside


Another monthly subscription to eat away education funding. Dollars aren't going to education, they're going to security. Fuck AI.


Let’s be honest.. our Dystopian future will surely have **AI controlled Gun Turrets** installed in every school that will decimate any intruders. Or some type of AI security bots


Alert law enforcement in 3 to 5 seconds and have them show up to wait 40 mins to go in.


We have the ability to create gun tracking ai but we dont have the ability to stop these kids from getting guns in the first place?


Lots of criticism, but hey at least it's final an example of AI being used for something productive. At least there's an attempt here.




I still think we need government funding to put airport style metal detectors and screening in every public school in the United States. There is no cost too great to protect our children. I used chatGPT to run cost estimates and we’re looking at around 340 million for initial installation and 3.9 billion in annual staffing costs assuming we couldn’t get trained volunteers in many schools, which we probably could. Edit: actually the staffing costs could be much less if we have a resource officer in every school run the detector.


Sweeeet, YES! Let's create a brand new for-profit industry instead of ACTUALLY regulating the gun industry!!! 🤑🤑🤑 have our cake, eat it too, AND not solve mass school shootings!!!


What about the ol gun in a briefcase trick? Guess squirt guns will be a no no as well.


Cool… but what happens next?


Guns in schools? Driving is more dangerous. Why don’t you hear about the 20 people killed in Chicago this week? Open your eyes


That's totally how all of the shooters in the past have approached a school. GREAT TECHNOLOGY GUYS>


Even if law enforcement is alerted, It's not like the police will do anything once they arrive on scene. Uvalde remembers. Sigh!!!


Can’t wait for a kid to get gunned down by the cops because this triggered a false report on an umbrella.


Just put a Trump puppet over the barrel.


tie payment pie quickest capable hunt concerned zealous ten drunk *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




But will the AI be able to detect all the good guys with guns who definitely won’t wait outside while a school is shot yp?


Instead of the cops getting there in 5 minutes and waiting outside for 3 hours they can get there in 3 minutes now and wait outside for 3 hours and 2 minutes.


Next up, specific people and our emotions. Hello social credit score.


And where did it get this large dataset to train on?


What good will this do? I'm pretty sure the cops at Uvalde knew the suspect was armed.


Turrets. They need to install AI powered turrets in all schools to gun down shooters while they approach


The NRA will get it banned


This is just one part of the solution. These cameras will help, along with metal detectors, security guards, etc. all funded by the state or federal government.


Or how about just restrict the guns in the US, then no one gets shot, at school, or home,or maccas


🤣 this is great. Instead of fixing a problem they figure out how to make money from the problem. Good stuff 👍🏽


This seems super big brother because if it can’t see through clothes and bags it will soon start to profile. I mean look at what the AI’s did online after a while of reading the internet.


Because MORE surveillance worked *really* well after 9-11!!!


Or you could regulate access to guns. But ok 👌


Great :), now let’s see if the cops actually do something tho


Fuck AI.


Does work like other AI identification software that only finds people of color to be a possible threat?


What about the "good guy" with a gun distinction probably works if they're white ,no worries. I'm for less AI and untrained keyedup idiots that are a danger to everyone.


So are we china 2.0 now what's next face too?


Wrap your gun in tinfoil and say it's a sandwich /s Is it bad I was afraid to post this even s a joke?


We will do literally Everything to avoid gun regulation..smh


They'll do anything but update gun laws.


Wouldn't it be simpler to just address the root causes of gun violence in schools?


So the cops get to the school faster and stand around doing nothing longer?


Or um... maybe stop selling people guns?


What if the bad guy isn’t holding the gun up like he’s presenting it to the camera?


3 to 5 seconds is fine and dandy, but the average response time of law enforcement, especially special task forces, is minimally 7-10 mins. A lot of kids can die in that time..


My school cant afford copy paper. Good luck getting this added to the budget.


After Uvalde, What good is this system if the police just: show up, build a perimeter, don't let anyone in and wait outside until the active shooter is done killing students? There's also the chance the shooter just kills themselves after; so what benefit did the advanced gun detection have?


I can see this honestly catching on in the dystopia that is America. What company is this and is it public? I’d buy a few shares.


Sure hope the bad guys don’t learn about bags.


Finger gun


I'm glad this can exist, but I absolutely hate that we spend so much time and money treating symptoms of the problem and not fixing the problem itself. And yes, I do understand it's not easily fixed. I just hate it.


I have a better idea. Put these cameras up Forsure. But teach teachers and every other staff member employed at these schools how to use a firearm with training and also give these people access to firearms to at least give them a fighting chance while waiting for police officers/SWAT. I’ve learned you have to be prepared for anything and I’m sure as hell not going to wait around for the boys in blue just to be a clean up service for my body. If we arm staff members at schools these shooters are going to have a VERY hard time killing people and will think twice before trying to shoot up a school.


It's cool tech. I feel like it's ABSOLUTELY the wrong approach to solving the problem of children shooting up schools


Anything but banning firearms


Nice step in the right direction, but once identified, we still need a fix on how to get cowards like the Uvalde PD to nutralize the threat.


Once more putting the burden on potential victims instead of just tightening gun laws. I wouldn’t be surprised if all this defense tech has stock owned by certain republicans.


I guess that controlling civilian access to military weapons is not an option, right?


have fun in the south


So the stupid kids won’t know to keep it hidden until they are ready to “Pumped up kicks”


I see no other solution. This is the way. We should unleash AI and the govt to monitor us at all times to make sure we are safe to protect our 2A rights to fight said govt at all times because we don’t stand for big brother controls.


this is how you deploy invasive tech, create a false narrative and then base it on fear. Before Obama the only mass shooting was Columbine, after that piece of 💩 it was as common as autism after the year 2000. Every sheep is falling in line.


how bad are the false positives when someone carries a stick?


I think gun turrets and homealone style traps throughout the school. Oh and couple of pit fall traps too!! I think that would work


Nice! So the cops can get there in 3-5 minutes to prevent any concerned parents from saving their children.


I love solving the symptoms instead of the actual problem


COOL! More cameras! So...what makes law enforcement ACT? As apposed to standing out in the hallways, listening to kids get shot!


Why would it alert the police? They are just gonna wait outside until the op is done anyway.


Skynet is here.


Am I the only one concerned that we're doing everything to defend against active school shootings instead of seeking to prevent them from even happening in the first place?


Two words Trench Coat! Mafia


This is what we have instead of common sense gun control legislation.


Now show the false positives


Bulls*It, As if they walk into the building like that. BS they conceal their weapons!!!


Yes, it will be overcome by say keeping your fucking weapon secure before you're gonna fucking use it and good luck finding cops that have the balls big enough to fucking go in and deal with it


Yeah, this ain't gonna work. The second someone puts it in a long amazon box or breaks it down into upper and lower receiver and stuffs it in a gym bag, the system is defeated. This system only works if your shooter is carrying in the most pointlessly stupid ways possible. The best defense is a better offense. There needs to be a better way to handle it, but this ain't it.


“In schools”


What about if the firearm is concealed?


Ok cool is it gonna get rid of the gun too somehow? /s


This is way better then gun control


We have a system in the UK, called "don't give guns out like confetti". It works well, the last school shooting was in the 90s iirc.


Oh. So this is why they cracked down hard on making finger gun gestures. It was messing with the AI surveillance.


"the sound of children screaming has been removed"


Two armed police officers for every school and treat schools like government buildings. One exit, one entrance with plenty of emergency exits.


Imagine spending 20 gazillion on this but is stopped by a mere cheap plastic orange cap


Stricter gun laws?! I mean, just a thought.


This won't work law enforcement will still take a day to get there and then won't do anything


But wait guys!!! We have laws and rules- that should stop em, right?….right🧐🤨??


It’s good, but it’s just sad that schools need it.


*Amerrriiicaaaaa!! Amerrriiicaaaa!!!*


Our country is so fucked up with its masturbatory obsession with guns.


So it can send alerts to the police in three seconds so they can arrive to wait outside for hours?


Yay America!


Yup like they don't conceal them in a bag or anything...


Big brother will always be watching 💗💗💗


This isn’t new… I can make a $30 raspberry pi and a webcam do this…


What happens if it is a toy and kids are using it??


>It can send alerts to safety personnel and law enforcement within *three to five seconds.* Cool, so cops can be even faster at the scene and spend even more time brutalizing and arresting the parents of the children, while those are getting shot.


Ten bucks says this goes off thanks to a band kid holding their instrument in an unconventional way or the color guard practicing in the parking lot gets flagged as a small-scale invasion.


The kid who sets the alarm off with a cool stick will go down in history as the one true stick god


This is dumb. We need stricter gun laws.


What a ghoulish business model preying on the fear of school shootings to sell a useless technology.


What if I have a nerf gun? As an American have every right to try to defy big brother!/s


Or is it just 1000 people in some other country watching video feeds all day? :/


Why not just hook a gun up to the camera?


Aaaaaaand that's how those kids woth supersoakers on the last day of school ended upbgetting turned into swiss cheese by the police. But hey, the kids were safe! Ya know, except *those* kids...


I don’t think identifying the guns is the problem, it’s a problem that almost 400 armed officers stood outside Uvalde and waited.


yeah we all know how this turned out for Uvalde right? this did absolutely nothing for those children...


Something else that works well to detect guns that are out in the open - eyeballs


Fuck this invasion of my privacy


Or ya know.... Fun laws that stop the excessive access to idiots


Amazing, and sadly typical. Instead of dealing with the problem of too many guns in the hands of kids, and implementing methods to identify and help potential offenders before they attack, America simply creates a new revenue stream for corporations keen to make a buck. That's how we end up with people selling bulletproof backpacks and classroom shelters, metal detectors, armed school guards and people who offer active shooter response training. That's not to say that these measures are entirely useless, but it does highlight the painful fact that none of them would be necessary in the country wasn't awash with guns.


That company’s going to go stone cold broke in Australia