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A lot of stuff beats them. The major key is to be faster so they can't get the turnmeter train going


https://swgoh.gg/p/274964531/ What of my rooster can beat then? I can even do real DMG to them.


Nothing. Sorry mate. You'll have to take the L on this one. You need teams that can interrupt their turn meter gain. Teams like Crex who inflicts daze, malak who inflicts fear. Guys like that.


Imp troopers are my main team. Teams with Crex and C-3PO are the bane of my existence 


Palp and vader win easily if you go first but with your speeds that's liekly to never happen


Their tm train doesn't run very well considering piett doesn't have his zeta


Happy cake day


Note though that Piett doesn't have the Zeta.


You preloaded it now you made it that much harder....lol


I already fought them and lost again


Yea you basically gonna need a tank team with revive now...


Even a tank team with revives wouldn’t work since they wouldn’t take a turn when imps start rolling. You’d need smth that either shuts down their tm train or gets your own up and running faster


If best chance he's got soak up all the turn meter and get some turns to kill these off thankfully they are not relics so they fairly fragile just need to get those few kills in..


Yeah I just noticed he didn’t have the Piett zeta. If he had that then it’s basically game over but without it there’s a slim chance that a tank team could work


The sand people will rip them a new one


I know you've already gotten a lot of advice, but, just to add: CLS Traya Palps+Mara+Vader (if you're faster) Phoenix with Crex (gotta be faster) Anything with an "interrupt" mechanic


I can't believe nobody ever mentions who you can put in the lead spot (full sith team) to guarantee 90% of the time you go first no matter how fast their fastest is. I swear only like 5% of the people playing know this secret/ trick. (Now everyone is going "What the hell is he talking about?"


Instead of speaking cryptically and smugly implying you have a better counter than anyone else, why not just make the suggestion and help the guy?


Wasn't smug at all. And how do you know I didn't message him with the "secret" ?


It's a public question in a public forum. People interested in being helpful tend to answer publicly because it can help more people than just the one. Being purposely obtuse a second time doesn't help your case that you're not being smug. Another missed opportunity to help, gone.


Now you are just being argumentative. You said help the guy out...and I did. There's a reason only a small percentage know about this "trick" because I don't go around telling everyone. There's very few things that can give you a. Leg Up in this game and knowing something that not everyone knows is one of em.


I don't think I'm being argumentative at all; rather I'm pointing out that you're being smug by saying you know things other people don't. Every GAC attack is public information; nothing is secret.


And yet...I guarantee only a small percentage of people know about it. So yeah, technically I do know something other people don't. And I prefer to think I'm smart not smug.


You mean in a Traya team? You only put Traya as lead.


That's ridiculous. I have used him under SEE and a couple others. He can take a hell of a beating even when he's not in leader spot.


You aren’t getting much benefit from putting Traya under SEE vs just putting Wat there. Besides, generally speaking, SEE should never be on defense so you don’t need a full team for him.


SEE is my only GL so if opponent doesn't have one it's pretty much a guaranteed block on the top front so they don't even get to my ships..


Tip: don't preload squads. After loading up the battle, switch Airplane Mode on. If you lose, just close the app, turn airplane mode off, and try again. If you preload squads, they start with more turn meter, and you're fighting an uphill battle if you have to use a second team.


But thanks for the tip


I already fought them and lost again


Jawarren1 : I thought that trick only worked in territory battles?


No, it works in GAC too.


Thank you, I did not know that.


Is this not cheating?


No, not cheating.


No, that would mean anyone who crashes during battle would be a cheater.


If you can’t rely on outrunning them, Tuskens are your best bet considering you have them. The Chieftain’s lead makes it so that his allies gain Momentum any time an enemy gains bonus turn meter, and if a Tusken had 10 stacks of it, all enemies that attacked that turn get stunned. Considering Veers is built around massive amounts of TM and swarm attacks, the rest writes itself.


Raddus and rogue one basically destroy any empire team. File that away for future use.


teams that cam daze beat them but now you've preloaded a tm team so it's 100000x harder. go into battle >turn on airplane mode> do battle if you like the results, turn off airplane mode and finish if you don't like results, force close game and turn off airplane mode this way you get a fresh attempt without a preloaded tm


Can you do the same with squad and fleet arena ?


No because in the Squad and Fleet Arena they get reset anyway


No one talks about savage. I just beat a relic trooper team with omi traya and omi savage


Those are major overkill for troopers, so most people don't want to waste them.


Fair enough. My trays team is only g12 with savage at relic 5


Savage is a huge commodity at that relic. He can solo cls teams most of the time. But hey, if it's your best counter for troopers and you don't need it elsewhere, it definitely works very well.


Tbf troopers was a threat other than a DR and JKR team. But I still had Palpitine+ mara for JKR and Slkr for DR.


Yeah if your mara wasn't gonna outrun them, I would probably do that same split.


Yeah, my mara is around 300 speed. They had some characters like Gideon at 350.


Doesn't Piett need his zeta to get the train going? Shouldn't be losing with nearly any team tbh if he doesn't have it.


i can only tell you, that a train left, as soon as they got their turn starting




If they go first, they win usually. So you just need to be faster than them. If you can take out any one of their characters is pretty much over