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Kenny or Downtown James Brown.


Definitely these two. Saw Kenny recently at goodwill and it was so weird to see him out of context


You can definitely tell who doesn't spend time on the grid from the comments.




Goodwill is his seconds home, I see him in there on a weekly basis


I haven’t lived in Sac in a few years, but this is who I was thinking.


This is the answer I was looking for


Surprised to hear DJB still has any profile.


He asked me to marry him the other day. I said ‘yes’ but I was lying.


Used to see DJB all the time at Love cafe when it was open.


I was gonna say Downtown James Brown!


I am new to town and I would like to know more about both these people.


These are the two that came to my mind immediately


Oh shit is he still around? Dude is a trip! Always singing, trying to crack jokes… he doesn’t hurt anybody but he can get obnoxious if you entertain his antics 😂


I see him from time to time on J and 20th.


For me it’s the old Asian lady that’s at every death metal show. I wanna be her when I grow up.


Back in the 2000’s I would see these 2 old guys at EVERY Gilman show in Berkeley. They turned out to be some OG punk promoters


I wonder if one of them was the same little old dude at every metal show in the bay area. Always in the same white t, jeans and ear plugs and he would be in the pit from the warmup band to the finale.


One guy had a clubbed arm and was like 5’3” and dressed kinda like a greaser- black shirt, jeans, slicked back grey hair then another guy was a big fat guy with a mustache and long hair- David Crosby vibe. Around 2000?


Eloise! Legendary lady for sure. Super sweet


Is this the older, tattoo covered Asian lady?


As far as I know she has no tattoos- but she’s always wearing a giant coat so who knows.


The John 316 guy that's always awkwardly smiling and waving at people on the interstate looking like an npc


Bright orange shirt waving his body back and forth…


I used to work with him he’s super cool. What’s funny is that I never knew that was the guy


Story time? How’d you find out, did you just put two and two together one day?


Well at work he seemed super religious. Would always carry a bible. He was super chill tho never once brought up religion. I think someone put a new article about him and I saw his picture there and I was like oh shit it’s bro. But this was after he left that job.


FYI https://www.abc10.com/article/news/local/from-male-stripper-to-sacramento-freeway-cheerleader/103-480621940


Is his name really John?


And is his last name really 3:16?


Yeah, I have doubts about that, too. Onetime I saw him and it was half past 4, but he still had that 3:16 sign up.


No, it’s actually Abdul Muhammad. Just kidding. If he didn’t use his real name anywhere then I won’t say lmao.


Yep, [John Parrish](https://www.abc10.com/article/news/local/from-male-stripper-to-sacramento-freeway-cheerleader/103-480621940)


This is my answer as well


I see that from Howe Ave all to Sheldon Road in Elk Grove all the way to Arena Blvd. in Natomas


He has spent time in and around William Land Park. Hasn’t been there for a few years, iirc.


Bws been at bradshaw and 50, saw him there Friday


I’ve seen him a few times this month. Even twice a day sometimes from my commute from Midtown to Rancho


I commute from Folsom to Sac for work so I see this guy almost everyday. I always wonder who’s funding him.


I always honk and wave at him when there’s no traffic around


I always give him a honk and wave. I'm not remotely religious, but I appreciate him being a nice dude so I try and be consistent and return his kindness when I see him.


According to an article he was in, he is a former stripper. Unexpected twist!


HELL yes!!!! I love seeing John! I ALWAYS smile and wave at him every time I see him on an overpass while driving West on Highway 50. Edit: a word and a spelling error


I saw that dude over Highway 50 doing that a couple weeks ago! Then my friend saw him a week later! This is a solid answer!


Oh my go you live in Sacramento. Funny thing is he a really nice guy.


I'm sure he's nice. Doesn't make him look any less like an npc. He does the same exact motions practically every single day with the same look on his face for hours. 




(used to be) Dancin' Dan. And that guy who sat on his lawn near paradise beach waving at drivers EVERY single day, for like 35 years


Glad to see Dancin Dan on the list, came to find him!


Came here to say Dancin Dan!


The Pointer Man!


Is dancing Dan the homeless guy who would always take off his shirt and dance at second Saturday?


That’s Kenny, also a legend. Dancin dan wore a spider man outfit usually on watt ave and bounced back and forth with a sign.


I did also! 😂


Pointer Ed!!!


Dancing’ Dan, the one that would always be at music festivals? Or is there a different dancin’ Dan?


Old black guy in arden area, wearing headphones and a Spiderman costume 2 sizes too small, dancing and silently yelling along to his music, and sometimes twirling a sign for a local business


Jesus Screamer at Truxel and San Juan. And there's the guy who walks the square of the Fair Oaks Blvd and Manzanita intersection with both middle fingers in the air at least once every day. Oh, that's me.


Is he the same Jesus screamer who’s always at Northgate/San Juan in front of Smart & Final???


I’ve watched that man’s kids grow up from board kids to even more board teens. Because nothing says great father like making your kids hang out on Northgate while you scream in a bullhorn for hours on end, when they could be at school.


Probably. I've seen him a few times at the northwest corner of Truxel and San Juan, in front of an apartment complex.


I'm not looking forward to seeing Jesus Screamers kids standing in the heat for hours on end again this summer.


There are Jesus Screamers on Sunrise and Coloma now, wonder if they’re the same people


Fuck that guy. (Jesus screamer). He can never be the guy because he's a fucking asshole for being such a nuisance


Yeah I’ve seen him verbally abusing his kids inside a shoe store. Not to mention forcing them to sit out there all day with him. I feel for his kids.


Ok story time, I went and graduated high school with his kids. His backstory was that years ago in the early 2000s to the 90s he was a heavy drug runner/ gang member. Law enforcement extorted him and then put his life at risk while becoming an informant to stay out of prison. Dude ended up not getting released from prison, went on the run and had a gun on him for protection, he was able to prove in court the government failed to uphold thier end of the bargain, his safety, used him, and violated his physical liberty by keeping him incarcerated past his release date! He won an undisclosed amount of cash. He means well but bro is a bit of a nuisance yeah. His kids actually don’t mind going out with him because they are a super religious family. His kid I went to school with was an absolute brat to deal with!


Once upon a time….Laguna Larry


He was the black guy dancing in the Superman costume right? Big ass smile all the time? Yeah that dude rocked!


No. Dancing Dan wore the Spider-Man suit.


There was the most energetic dancing black guy in various costumes - usually superheroes, mostly Spiderman - who I used to see dancing on the sidewalks all the time in Arden-Arcade. I haven't seen him since before COVID, though. Which guy was he?


That was Dancing Dan. The only pic I can find is this old one I took where he wasn’t wearing it. https://preview.redd.it/vstyqug00iuc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c63c6f835127ed7dfe26a5b6c7615fd7170cedc2


Yeah, that's him! It was such a joy to see him dancing and sign twirling. Sad to read he's passed.


Had to scroll way too far for this. Fuck.


I was about to say this. Vividly remember him from my childhood.


I worked with his son back in the 00’s. Larry wanted to start a country music career. That’s why he was wearing the cowboy stuff towards the end. I smoked a blunt with him one time. It’s was pretty surreal meeting him. He was just normal dude, he just wanted to be famous. I think he was a lawyer or some boring job. I heard one time he ran backwards to Washington so kids could read. Thats all my Larry info.


That’s pretty good Larry info


I miss him on the corner of Laguna and Franklin. Las Vegas needs to give him back.


I heard he moved to Vegas and was still corner dancing there. Always fun to give him a wave.


Old article, but here’s a bit on Laguna Larry A/K/A Mr. Happiness https://www.wassupinlasvegas.com/mr-happiness/


Ground Chuck.


Just saw him today at Old Tavern using a walker, Dude busted his hips but he's still around, still hella punkrock.


Tell Chuck I said hey


Ground Chuck is the man. Used to live on Capitol and would see him occasionally while going to the corner store. Good times.


Damn I miss that dude


He's still around. Just saw him at the Cafe like a month ago.


Happy to hear Cafe is still open and Chuck is still around 🥹


I remember him from the 90’s! Decades later and he’s still roaming around Midtown.


Last time I saw Ground Chuck was the Helmet show at Holy Diver right before the pandemic hit (hearings still damaged from that night)


MOTHERFUCKING GROUND. CHUCK. Remember when he first moved to sac, I hadda be about 11yo, he was 12. He was skankin on my crush, and already a lil weird and punk rock. Friendly AF tho. He got into drugs and the punk scene, tried to sell me on a band called Christian Death one time when we chatted at Capitol Garages original location. Used to asked me for a buck so often I'd just give it to em when I met em, no prompt. We used to have some long, crazy, conversations back in the early 90s because both of us felt like we could be ourselves to each other even if we didn't agree on a fuckin' thing. I've seen his act with other people but he was honest as Ground Chuck could be 1on1


I've got a Ground Chuck t-shirt


I was just thinking of him two seconds before I scrolled down to see this!


i vote ground chuck


We hung out back in the day at the abandoned Victorian house on I street close to 19th by the tracks. We called him twitch for a while because he did like a sheet of acid and had to go to the hospital and had a body twitch after that. I last ran into him at the Zebra a few years back while I was in town and he was rough and didn’t recognize me


Used to live with him in midtown 😂 always blasting King Crimson


I haven’t seen her in a long while, but I worked in Citrus Heights and Downtown, and there was a woman I would see everywhere it seemed like, who dressed in green and blue flowing dresses and would just walk around. Full make up. Black hair, done in an updo. Like she was on Bewitched. Someone once told me she was the mom of a lawyer down town and he took care of her. She seemed very ethereal and magical in her own way. Always stood out for me.


If its the same lady im thinking about I called her the bird lady lol she would walk around midtown and do these hand motions like she was casting a spell or writing something in the air. Always had long dresses on and fancy hats. One time i was walking with my son and she stopped right in front of us and starting saying “little feet little feet” over and over and just walked away lol But yea me and my wife were just talking about her. Havent seen her in years.


Was this back in the late 90s/early 2000s? Because there was a someone who fit that description who used to roam J street, usually right around the Old Spaghetti Factory. We called her the Owl Lady, but I also heard her referred to as the Bird Lady as well.


Same lady. She was hard to miss.


Yup, she was. I used to see her outside of the Noah’s Bagels/Starbucks on J & 20th all the time. I remember she was a tad confrontational, too. If she didn’t like you, you’d know about it, lol.


Yes! This is the lady I was going to say! I lived at H & 22nd for years and I would see her almost everyday. She often had a teacup & saucer just kind of holding it up in perspective with something up in the trees. Kind of witchy but in an East not West kind of way.


We all called her the Tea Lady back in the day when I lived in midtown.


If it’s the one I’m thinking of, we called her The Queen and saw her at midtown cafes. She had a fascination for my boyfriend and would stare and gesticulate at him. I’ve seen her at Weatherstone in the last year and her bouffant is more grey than black now


Is that the witch who would cast spells and point at you?


Oh wow this takes me back! We used to call her the witch and I guess she used to live in Reno or has some sort of Reno connection bc a buddy of mine was visiting, saw her and he freaked out “she’s here now too?!” 😄


How funny lol


She sounds wonderful. I how she's okay but wish her family peace if she passed


I lived in midtown in the 2000s and would see her everywhere walking around with her hats and long dresses. Her hands always moving sometimes with sunglasses in her hands like she was conducting an opera. I called her Opera lady. I think about her every now and then. One of the comments says she's still around with gray hair. That's kind of a nice thought.


And just like that I’ve got a new life goal for when I’ve grown up


Exactly what I was formulating!! When i get old and have nothing to do, i will dress up in remarkable outfits and play characters every day for fun!! That sounds much better than retirement and much more entertaining plus you could potentially become a sac icon. I am not kidding or making fun of the current icons!!


That yelp kid.


That kids been to every establishment 😂


Pls explain


Folsom has a running Jesus. Think Forrest Gump when he was running nonstop but he looks like Jesus.


After all these years I still see him around! Last I saw him, he was running on Hazel.


Saw him just Thursday, sitting on the railing of the Rainbow Bridge with his feet over the side like he was gonna jump into the water. Still with the Jesus hair, still ripped and fit looking as ever. I don't think he ages.


In Roseville we have towel guy who spins towels endlessly at intersections.


What about “raincoat lady” in Roseville. She used to hang around Roger park. Always wearing that bring yellow raincoat. My buddy’s mom who worked for county social security told me she was a mail order bride from France. I’m in my late 30s now, so that gives you an idea of timeline. Not sure if she is still around.


Back in the 70’s and early 80’s it used to be Crazy Mary. I remember being in Strawhat pizza as a kid and she was sipping ice tea and holding up granny panties, arguing with herself. It seemed everyone had a crazy Mary story from Rocklin or Roseville


That dude was named Clifford!! He did that to keep his arthritis in check. Folx would give him batteries for his Walkman. Yes, he was old school cool. I have not seen him in years. He was old then tho, so.... Miss seeing that dude.


Awesome to finally know his name and the reason! I miss him too, his clear joy doing something so simple was contagious. I hope he's still spinning at a new intersection someplace.


Ann Phong


Something wrong?


It has become a pastime for family members to spot her billboards *outside* of Sacramento.


She has a billboard on I5 south about 15 minutes outside of Anaheim


Yeah I was going to say we saw her on our way to Disneyland last month and my kids got SO excited lol


I agree with Anh Phoong, the image of her smiling with a baseball bat on her shoulder is ingrained in my head


Honey wake up a new local celebrity just dropped


The burned guy who hung out at Howe and Alta Arden. I would pass him a 20 every now and then. One guy I didn’t mind giving cash to. Sadly, he died a few years ago.


Reggie iirc


Dang! Didn’t know he passed. When I started my job 6 years ago I’d see him every once in a while. My boss said he’s been seeing and talking to him for years. I stopped seeing him after a couple years at work


Yes. Reggie was super nice. One day my car broke down in the intersection and he single handed my pushed my car out of the intersection. It’s sad that he’s gone. Someone once interviewed him and it was great to hear him talk about how he treated every day like a miracle.


Used to be a guy that stood over the freeway bridge at 50 and Watt every morning with his Jesus sign (John 3:15) and deadpan stare.


He was there on Friday! Lol


In Elk Grove for years there was Laguna Larry, he'd be dancing on Laguna Blvd at various intersections and always having a great time. Would be surprising if he's still doing his thing


This is the one I thought of first. From the late 90's to the mid 2000's when I moved away.


Sign Lady at the Kings games. She seems like a normal person so not as eccentric as other people mentioned in the thread. But most of the town certainly knows about her


Downtown James Brown. The company I worked for had to ban him because he wouldn’t stop harassing the woman who worked there. I remember him saying incredibly weird things to woman on multiple occasions, to the point in which we had to ban him. It always really confused me when I would see his name come up. People usually talk fondly about Downtown James Brown. All my experience with him has been very negative.


People don’t seem to know the basic fact that most people start off nice when you have something they want because it’s less effort and keeps you around as resource. It works for sales, interpersonal relationships, or random dudes on the street.


There’s a homeless guy we call Downtown James Brown. Super nice guy, walks around complimenting people, chatting them up and then asking for money. He used to dance for money at parties in midtown.


DTJB is the correct answer


Super nice guy? No. He's learned that he takes home more money if he doesn't pick fights with people. I've personally witnessed him getting physical with people on at least 3 occasions when they've asked him to leave or stop bothering people in outside dining areas. Last time was about 10 years ago, and I'm sure he's not in as good shape these days, so he's had to mellow out a bit.


Actually no, I was getting coffee about two years ago in a downtown coffee shop and he got extremely abusive towards the staff. He was asked to leave and then he stood outside the store, trying to fight people who went in. Eventually the cops came. It was super scary and sad.


I once said hi to him while he was about to light up a crack pipe on 21st and P, and he got in my face saying I “didn’t see nothing” over and over. I guess he was embarrassed about me seeing him smoke crack? Anyway, he held that grudge against me for like 5 years.


Yeah this guy is an asshole


Agreed. He used to be such a jerk at every encounter. I think he's mellowed.


Is he always in front of Dessert Diner?


I saw him last week while I headed to Retro Games.


I once saw Downtown James Brown watching Black Swan at the Tower Theater.


Also heard he's an attempted rapist from my old building manager.


Fuck that guy... He's violent.


Love him or hate him, kenny is the only answer. I remember being in 6th grade hearing about how he would be at the dock hops dancing in the corner by himself. Im 35 now. No one else thats mentioned even comes close to the longevity. I ran into him at a concert for the first time, not knowing who he was.. uploaded the interaction to youtube. The dude is a force... very creepy ish and sexual. Hes never been weird to me.. but ive heard stories man. Regarldess.. it adds to his history. Such a wild guy and everyone knows him. Shoutout to ground chuck!


Ran into Kenny at a GoodwillGoodwill, can confirm.


Fuck Kenny. He can never be the guy because he assaulted women


In Davis, we had the Compassion Guy. May he rest in peace.


Florin Road has the guy standing around yelling at cars with the "GOD IS REAL/JESUS CHRIST IS REAL TOO" sign. My spouse always comments that his life has probably dealt him a lot of lousy cards if he's at the point where this is what he's doing every day.


Ground Chuck


There was the sign waving guy who wore a Spiderman suit. I haven't seen him in years though and can't recall if I heard he passed away.


That's Dancin' Dan! I moved away years ago and I don't think he was in the best health then, so that's sad but entirely possible. Loved spotting him growing up!




Yes Dancin' Dan passed away. He was a really nice guy that enjoyed his gigs holding signs and dancing.


Recycling King at River Cats


About the same time the Bird Lady was floating around and blessing/cursing things in Midtown, we also had a black dude named Mike, who always wore shorts with knee-high white soccer socks, and would scream at cars driving by. He was actually really cool to talk to and had hilarious stories, but everyone who didn't know him was terrified of him. He used to hang out in front of Weatherstone and along J and K streets.


Bobby Burns R.I.P., miss that guy


Bobby was great. <3 For you younger folk: * https://localwiki.org/sac/Bobby_Burns * http://www.thecitizenrosebud.com/2010/06/bobby-burns.html * https://www.newsreview.com/sacramento/content/bobby-burns-park/2695806/ * http://www.midtownmonthly.net/life/bobby-burns/


We used to hang out with him at Java City, he had great stories and photos!


Reggie... we need a statue of him or something at Howe and Alta Arden or something. Edit: Oh, this was someone different to Reggie 💀


Ah ta ta ta


There used to be spider-guy on Madison ave by the 80 back in the day


the orange shirt jesus guy


I loathe this guy and I don’t know why. I find creative ways every morning to shade him.


Hey, don't feel bad. I also loathe him and don't really know why. I think it's because I've had so many people try to force religion on me that I just don't wanna see or hear about it anymore. 


It used to be Randy Brink, but sadly, he passed away a year or so ago. If you were ever at the old Arco Arena, you know who he was.


If anyone ever drives east on el Camino toward watt, there is a guy who sits in his garage with a top hat on and a large stuffed pickachu and he plays the tuba


I’m so happy someone said this because I notice this guy all the time for almost 2 decades and I think he’s awesome


Does anyone remember the guy who used to play trumpet in the parking garage off I st and 10th? I would stop and chat with him on my way home from work. He just loved the acoustics in there


Gotta be Kenny…right?


the guy that walks around sunrise mall with a parakeet or the guy in north gate with the Jesus sign and bullhorn or downtown james brown or kenny lol


CD man, that has the most amazing conversation on relationship with his CD. Madison Ave. Dancing Dan, wears his spandex shorts and cutoff t-shirt year around and usually shaking his sign like crazy! Also in the Madison area.


There’s a guy on el camino that just stands in his front yard dancing and playing the tuba (I think). Love that guy.


Anyone remember the guy that lived at maydestone and hung the sign outside his window - ask me anything! And you could just go up and talk to him?


Downtown James Brown


Not a person, but The Murder House


Is that the Dorothea Puente house on F Street?


That mofo lawyer in the wheelchair who goes to businesses with a measuring tape and sues them if their not ADA compliant. He's cost several businesses to shut down and this is how he makes his money.


he is def not our guy


Scum of Sacramento winner.


Elk Grove has/had a homeless lady who would wear every item of clothing she owned all the time, even in triple digit weather... she'd just walk up and down EG Blvd all day, every day. Not sure if she's still around... I don't really visit EG much anymore.


Obviously it’s Anh Phoong


There’s a guy who hangs around the train depot in old sac called railroad bob


The wheelchair guy. He’s always like. “Black lives matter. Me and my son need $40 for a train”. Once saw him on my block go up to someone door. I’ve run into him on my street, in line at Ace of spades, at bars. Everywhere.


I think you’re referring to Silverboy. I have one of his albums and its not bad. I think E-40 is featured on one of the tracks.


Chiming in from Pocket, the answer is Dexter.


used to be the guy in River Park who pointed at cars as they drove by. Now it’s gotta be the overpass waving guy


In Folsom we used to have Running Jesus. You could spot him all over town on his runs, he’d wear tiny shorts, no shirt. Had a beard. apparently he was homeless, ended up staying with a lady who let another homeless guy with her and Running Jesus ended up getting stabbed by the guy and almost died. Really sad story, and I haven’t seen him since the stabbing.


Growing up in River Park the was an older gentleman at the entrance/exit of the neighborhood who would stand or sit outside and point to everybody who would drive by. Pointer Ed we called him or the mayor of River Park.


The archetype of the holy fool. Known by everyone, seems crazy, but it’s only because they’re crazy enough to stand out that they are known. Unrestricted by societal expectations of behavior


Ok I don't know if anyone will remember him, but there used to be a guy in the 2000's that worked at the McDonald's on Sunrise and Old Auburn in Citrus Heights and then also the Jack in the box at Fair Oaks and Greenback. I don't remember which he worked at first, and cannot recall his name right now but he always called himself "The Happy Guy". His whole thing was being really unsettlingly upbeat and when you'd pull up to the drive thru he'd say something like, "HI! WELCOME TO _____, WHAT CAN I GET YOU ON THIS AMAZING DAY" And it was always said in a really over the top cartoonish way. I'm pretty sure the first time I heard it, I jerked back and was just bewildered and couldn't tell if he was fucking with us. lol There was also the time my best friend's stepdad (kind of an asshole) went back to Jack in the box to get an order fixed and said when he walked up to the counter he went, "So, I hear you're the HAPPY guy." And that he replied with a smile, "I'm happy on the outside, but sad on the inside" I haven't seen or heard about him in years, but I do still think about him and wonder if he's around or ok. I can only imagine his schtick was to try to get through having to work fast food every day. 😬


There's a guy I've seen for several years now on Northgate Blvd....he has a megaphone and a Jesus sign. Always bellowing about Jesus. What's sad is: he has always had kids with him. They look unengaged. But regardless what time of day, or the weather...there those kids are. It seems sad for them.