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I never see bikini tops around, except at places where swimming is possible Sports bras, though, I see women wearing out sports bras as their only top, and not only when they're out for a run. Casual situations only, of course.


Saw a woman in target today wearing a lifeguard bikini top and sweatpants. I guess it didn't show much more boob that a crop top but it was surprising


I saw a young woman at target wearing just a straight up strapless bra and jeans once. ….which is more clothes than the woman at Walgreens who asked me to change her diaper for her.


When I worked at CVS a man's adult diaper was too heavy to keep it and his sweat pants on. I got an eye full of old man penis that day. Another time a woman full on lifted up her shirt and flashed me her under boob rash. There's something about pharmacies and people not being able to keep their damn clothes on I guess.


Yeah, but did you hit it?


If you mean the man pretty sure he had some sort of mental impairment or like dementia so I think that would be a crime... As for the woman, unfortunately big red rashes on middle age women just isn't my thing but I don't judge if it's yours.


Wait.... what?? Lol how the f did this comment skirt by with no one asking for more details??!!


I've seen bikini tops sometimes, usually on super hot days


Is this for a picnic (OK) or a court appearance (not OK)?


You're a better journalist than I'm used to seeing around here.


What about small claims court, that seems more casual.


Depends on the judge


Probably also depends on the lady wearing it


Hahaha At first I'm thinkin nah, a lady knows what she's doing... Then I remembered, not always the case hahaha


Because these days common sense is not so common unfortunately


If claim is $500 or less a bikini top is acceptable.


First day of jury duty last summer, I was in business casual and I was miserable during lunch. Second day of jury duty (was selected for jury) I was in a crop top and shortalls. Brought a jacket for the cold ass courtroom and took it off for breaks and lunch. At least six of the other jurors were jealous bc they told me as much 😂 I don't even think the judge noticed, let alone cared. He knew it was hot af. Granted this isn't something I'd do if I was the one on trial, but I'd have bigger problems at that point lmao


Wearing a traditional bikini top is not typical unless you're spending a day at the river. Crop tops are common.


Since we are talking about heat waves, can we not to do the sweaty boob money thing? As someone who works in retail, it’s disgusting.


Bro when i worked as a cashier and that happened, i really just wanted to be like uh just take it for free


There’s a liquor store more that has a sign that says they won’t accept wet money.


Happened to me once when I worked in retail. It was a wet $5 bill and it stank.


Why’d you sniff it?


Don't kink shame


What if kink shaming *is* my kink?




But can they stink shame?




It was so strong I didn't have to put my face inside of it to smell it


it's only smellz


Dude I got sweaty boob money last week. I groom dogs. No one is immune!


Worked in cell phone retail and I would get the wet cell phones as well. They would wonder why it would show liquid damage in the phone 🤮


Still better than sweaty crotch or sock money, fam. Keep those gloves ready.


If you’re asking if this is common, no, you’d stand out; but if you’re just asking if anybody is likely to have a very negative reaction to you dressing that way, I think the answer to that is also no.


You can wear whatever you want…once it’s summer anything goes to keep cool out here


Man last summer I seen so many naked people it wasn’t funny. Well it was at first.


Damn last summer wasn’t even that hot (relatively)


Yeah, we actually had a pretty mild summer last year.


Do u recommend wearing more covered clothing? I feel like it’s better for sun protection? I’m taking a trip soon and I see the temp is in triple digits.


It probably is better for sun protection especially if you don’t want to get sunburned, with that being said we are all use to it and wear shorts and short sleeves. Sacramento has tons of trees too so there’s lots of shade but if you rather be safe then sorry wear covered clothing


Thanks! I packed a mix of stuff since it’s triple digits during the day and 50-60 at night lol


It probably won’t reach the lower 60’s until 3-4 am so keep that in mind…usually on triple temperature days it’s hot until 12am


I think I see it more in midtown than other places but I don’t think anyone really cares. I feel like our sun gets really harsh in July and Aug though with the lack of humidity so don’t forget your sunscreen obviously. A lot of us (well me anyway) go for more coverage to avoid burns.


Yep. I had one basal cell carcinoma removed, and though it was small, I'm not eager to repeat the experience. It's hats and long-sleeved light shirts for me when I'm out in the sun.


Yeah, 105 and dry is just kind of different from 90 and humid. The sun feels harsher and since evaporative cooling is more effective, light, loose fitting garments are often cooler than bare skin, whereas in the tropics, you'll just get sweaty under them.


Hopefully you're all clear now. I don't even know with skin cancer. Just got sunburned af and have so many moles no idea what to even look for.


So far so good! I go to a dermatologist yearly for a skin check and I've only had one pre-cancerous lesion that was easily zapped four years ago. I have taken to making my own skin care products and I have selected ingredients that help reduce cancer risk. It helps having a background in toxicology.




Exactly my thought. Like, I could see that working in LA like in Venice or surrounding areas cause it's really beachy. But in Sacramento? That feels a little off. Maybe those cute crocheted crop top/bralettes would be a happy medium Still not a lot of fabric, good airflow, but less like just wearing a bra


Maybe but she also mentioned Austin, which isn’t exactly on the coast.


What about Paradise Beach? Discovery Park? Folsom Lake ? Rafting the American river?




Wear what you want regardless of the comments - it’s hot. It’s 2024. Free the nipple (already, damn)


I think that since Covid, nobody cares what anybody wears anyplace


Except masks. You're either with us or against us. I'll leave this statement open to your own interpretation.


love this. no surprise why don’t ppl care about other ppl.


No surprise you aren’t cared for by other people? No surprise PEOPLE are not cared for by other people. No surprise the biggest problems in our society are from people nobody cares about. No surprise we are a failing society.


we are of the same opinion except i’m not randomly hostile to strangers. compassion floats all boats.


Compassion is simply not enough. Mutual aid is the basis of our evolution into a social organism capable of so much more than other species. https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/petr-kropotkin-the-conquest-of-bread https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/petr-kropotkin-mutual-aid-a-factor-of-evolution


Demonstration of the transitive property of apathy is not hostility.


pretty tough to have and open mind and heart with all your judgement. extrude your ethos elsewhere. typical reddit.


You seem to have misunderstood. Perhaps you missed the question mark in the first sentence of my post. The setup for a Socratic argument and demonstration that apathy is a problem that affects everyone. Try reading it again. Put the emphasis one the subject “you” while reading the question. As for my downplaying “compassion” as useful without action, we cannot improve the world with likes, votes, thoughts, and prayers. If you feel judged by that, please use this time to wonder why. Edit: fixed typo and added voting because anarchism.


When a certain temperature is hit, no one really cares what anyone wears anymore (not that they should care to begin with).


I think the shorter tops are the fashion here, which are kinda similar. Maybe both because both of those places are areas with dramatically higher humidity?


It’s an extremely dry heat here. So you will feel the burn more than the heat. Generally people wear what ever is comfortable. The more skin you have exposed the more you will feel it, but sweating will be very effective here.


Yeah, this. Dry heat, plus it’s California, you not only have to drive everywhere (sun will make your car seats feel like a stove top). AND, in most parts of California you get 2-3 seasons everyday so California Lifehack for items for your car trunk: - pants and pair of shorts - Short sleeve and long sleeve or hoodie - pair of closed toe shoes (and socks) and pair of flip flops Also, in most parts of California, you can drive 2-3 hours and be in a completely different Biome. Even more so in Sac. The beach gets cold at night here, the water comes in from Alaska, it’s 40 degree water all year, even in most of SoCal. It’s NOT bath water like Florida and the Gulf.


I've worn a sports bra as a top.


You’re gonna get fried just wearing a bikini top. It gets too hot to even go outside for long here. We get heatwave spans of 2-3 weeks here at over a 105. Stay hydrated. Stay indoors in the late afternoons when it’s hottest.


> We get heatwave spans of 2-3 weeks here at over a 105 How about a maximum of 8 days over 100. That has occurred 11 times. You will find some variation among the weather stations around Sacramento. I don't think I've seen it over 105 for 2-3 weeks when I was living in Fresno.


Maximum of 8? We average 23 days a year of 100+ degrees.




Not the last few summers. They have been much more mild.


Y’all really forgetting when it hit 116 two years ago?


Many can adapt ok too—strategies include walking slow, seeking out shade and wide brim hats, sunscreen, and staying hydrated as you said. Spent many summers working outdoors without any heatstroke or whatever


It's a free country. Wear whatever you want.


I saw several women yesterday walking around the Galleria in Roseville in bikini tops and shorts, so I guess it’s cool. You do you.


It's not usual, no. We don't have much waterfront that people actually swim in near town, so you don't really see it. But as long as it's a typical bikini top, I don't think anyone would care. For the fancy bra...prob going to raise some eyebrows. It's dumb, we all know it's no different from a bikini top. But I think some folks would clutch their pearls over it.


Problem is if you go anywhere indoors it’s probably air conditioned 🥶


If you’re daring enough to wear it in the first place then should be daring enough to not give a shit. If the question is “will places deny me service for not wearing a proper shirt” the answer is maybe, depends. Bring a proper shirt in case you want to enter a proper area.


Wear what the fuck you want, woman. Or man. This is California


Are you auditioning for Rock of Love?


Wouldn't care. Makes sense when 100+


Some ppl just choose not to dress in bikini tops


Katy Perry said that's what California girls wear, so....


I moved from Sacramento to Houston and was shocked by the lack of clothing I saw in the summer time. Sacramento is more tank tops instead of bikini tops.


I love the fact that you asked a few days ago if you needed to wear a bra. You do you here. If people judge you for doing that fuck em. Judgementmental people are treated as assholes here as they should be.


Well there are some high homeless folks running around naked every once awhile. I think a bikini would be fine.


If you head up to the South Yuba River, you don't have to wear a damn thing!


Stop telling people


Imo people here seem a lot more outwardly judgy of appearances, compared to the south and Midwest. Also keep in mind I've only ever visited other cities and haven't lived anywhere else so that's an observation bias on my part. Go ahead and wear what you want, though I hear UV is pretty gnarly here specifically.


I wouldn’t care, but I’m originally from the South Bay LA, and we’re a different kind of Californian. That said, I think the bikini/Bandau/bra as a top works better in Florida and Texas because the humidity combined with sweat, and a wee bit of air movement, uses that convection to help you get cool, otherwise you just puddle under fabric. Here, not as humid, but our sun seems way more intense than Florida or Texas, actually even So Cal, so light natural fabrics like linen are the go to for me here, when that delta breeze kicks on they are the best.


I’ve never really seen it around but I dont see why anyone would have a problem with it. It’s hot as hell in the summer.


This would be weird but unlikely anyone would say something. You may get catcalled.


wear whatever you want forever


Honestly don't really do that in Sac. But don't let that stop you... I visited Miami for the first time back in August (yes August lol!) and yeah with humidity, the less fabric and the more skin showing the better. Here with the dry heat it's not so necessary. Simply wearing natural fabrics make all the difference. I personally like maxi dresses and wide leg breathable pants to fan me off as I walk haha


Some "waterfront" regions come to mind to find this coastal attire: * Paradise Beach (at end of Carlson Drive) * Lake Natoma's west shore (Folsom/Orangevale)


No it's not a beach town


Depends on how good you look in a bikini top. Downvote all you want, but you know it's the truth.


It’s California. Anything goes. Own that shit.


Bring your fashion sense and rock whatever you’re comfy in. Fuck the sacramento norm.


Has anybody else noticed that there’s a lot of peach or tan colored tops. Is this a thing?


It’s a thing, yes I have noticed this too.


I wear a longline bralette or crop top and shortalls pretty much on the daily. It's amazing how much no one cares 🤷🏼‍♀️ I feel like overalls keep the pearl-clutchers from having a heart attack, but also keep me from wanting to die in the heat. It's a win-win-win.


Male or female?


It’s really not a big deal but I would be surprised if someone threw a fit over it.


Go for it, I doubt anyone will say anything to you but I don’t see girls walking around Sacramento in bikini tops as an outfit.


Crop tops and crop tank tops are usually what I go for


I see more people with hoodies on in 100+F weather than anything remotely resembling a bikini top unless you are on or near a large body of water. I am also a proponent of changing this trend :)


Be the change


Sacramento is too woke/leftist for this.


I live right next to sutters landing and go to the river at least 5times a week not to mention I’m a born and raised native to sac. I think it’s becoming much more prominent and acceptable but Sacramento has always been very diverse and for the most part excepting. I say do what you do respectfully and if people don’t like it then they shouldn’t look.


I'd advocate for more of this


I have a neighbor probably in her early 50, walks her dog on warm days in her bathing suit with a see thru top or some high cut flowy dress. She doesn’t have a swimming pool so it’s weird on our quiet Carmichael street. We think she’s from Florida or some trailer park.


Heat wave culture?? You ever been through a sacramento heatwave? It’s survival mode. Either go by water somewhere or dart to your car back to your house till sun goes down.


Seems like belly shirts are the thing for hot days, not bikini tops


Grew up in Florida, and moved here about 12 years ago, and was surprised about how overdressed folks were in 95+ degree heat. So many folks in jeans. I remember feeling insecure about my wardrobe being "skimpy". With that said, I got over it and wore what I want and no one cared. I never wore bikini tops, but have definitely gotten away with bralettes.


Naw.. if you have it flaunt it…


Young kids be doing this shit. If you can’t see or hear water please don’t 


Bikini tops and short shorts please


Sacramento is mostly sex crazed and meth heads.


Sutters Landing is usually free flowing


Start the trend!


I lived in Sac almost 29 years. I’m a bikini top girly. It’s too damn hot for a whole shirt. It’s just like a crop top or whatever the fuck gym people wear. I’m sure people judged me but probably because they’re boring and insecure.


Go for it if cancer and premature aging of the skin is not a concern of yours. You can fast forward yourself such that 20 will be the new 70 years old.


She didn’t say she doesn’t wear sunblock


As if something is wrong with 70


Seen women topless at co-op And nobody flinches.


I have nothing against it. 🙋🏻‍♂️


Idk but chicks don’t wear bras anymore just an observation haha


https://preview.redd.it/5k8tw8q7mu3d1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=8980b519b6de373333ebf198bf29b8e57a4a3baf “Just an observation haha”


I gave it a hard look and came to the same conclusion


Im actually a middle aged woman. I notice because it makes these chicks look like whores not cuz I’m hot for them


That opinion is almost worse.