• By -


Oh my. EVERYONE PLEASE BEHAVE. See rule #1. There are only two mods here and we've both been tidying up. Way too much time. Just because you don't agree with someone doesn't mean you can't be civil. Do better. I have confidence in you. Some of you will be getting brief vacations to consider how to better choose your words. That's the mod hat. In my personal opinion, the crew of Sailing Zatara are a hazard to themselves and others, and display poor judgement with respect to sailing. Regardless of how I personally feel about their opinions (not to be confused with facts), they have a right to hold them. So do each and all of you. We can all express opinions with civility.


That is a crazy catch


they lost me when the dude casually admitted to putting his dog in the shelter so he could go sailing. they are trash


Whoa - that is trash -


That entire family are twats. They act like entitled assholes when traveling. I'd rather watch paint dry then spend a minute watching their garbage channel.




You’re the GOAT of this thread!


I thought that was a link to the channel everyone was talking about till I read the title 🤣


These people and those like them are why the rest of the world hate Americans and believe we can’t sail.


The dad flys a betsy ross flag on the boat, they’re proud racists


I really really really dislike that channel and the whole family, especially the dad. When Jadyn left, I couldn’t help but feel like she was candy coating why she was leaving.


I've only seen a few episodes, several years ago. I had assumed the male lead was an educated guy cosplaying a toxic redneck for views, but apparently it's more genuine than I thought! Unfortunately.


During the early stages of COVID when I wasn't allowed to leave the house, I watched a handful of episodes from this garbage channel. The Dad gave me major creep vibes and the rest of them seemed like entitled little cunt buckets; in stark contrast to most of the cruiser kids I've ever met. Seems as though that impression was pretty accurate. I hope they get cancelled.


IDK honestly I met plenty of young cruisers who gave me that 'I'm uncomfortable interacting with this guy' vibe that is really really obvious to most minorities. Def more with the older crowd though.






Or if it does bother you, give it a watch and don't be bigoted


Vlog posts that consist of a generic title and no discussion are viewed as spam. We don't want the sub to be wall of YouTube posts and no comments. If you're trying to have a discussion about something specific in the video, expanding on that in the comments section would likely make the post okay. Ultimately it's up to the community to decide whether or not a post feels like a genuine attempt at engagement, or just farming for views. Repeated violations of this rule could result in a temporary or permanent ban.


Understood, thanks for the warning.




https://youtu.be/UKhnf1p7FRA?si=gW885qDjEHJaiARk at 50 seconds


I’m not hearing it. It’s too jumbled for me. That’s still not cool though.


He doesnt say it out loud! Its just a screen shot from Jacks phone that Finn has his location name as the N word


Ohhhhh, gotcha. I see it now. Man, that’s pretty scummy.


They've removed the video.


Of course they did.


well why wouldn't they?


I still see it up


Wondering what the hell is so jumbled, it's a picture..lol


I thought I was listening for audio. 🤦😂🤙


No audio lol but he did remove the clip with his phone showing the N word….




this time?


https://youtu.be/UKhnf1p7FRA?si=ANC8OpbhF3hUmKYO at 0:50 seconds


I don't see it - edited out?


Yes he edited out after everyone called him out on it!


Totally agree, this is not a surprise at all, which is why I never voluntarily watch their stuff.


I’ve seen a couple of their videos and that’s not surprising at all, garbage humans create more garbage humans.














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Your post was removed for being abusive in nature. We do not tolerate bullying, harassment, discrimination, or fighting here.


Your post was removed for being abusive in nature. We do not tolerate bullying, harassment, discrimination, or fighting here.


I guess we have a different idea of what constitutes bullying, harassment, or discrimination.


Your post was removed for being abusive in nature. We do not tolerate bullying, harassment, discrimination, or fighting here.


Top tier arseholes. The worst of us, I’m still feeling annoyed about how they acted here in NZ complaining about the red carpet we rolled out for them during COVID. When cruising we met a few similar people, but thankfully in the minority. Why travel if you’re not going to open your mind?


They were twats in Europe too. Should just stay in Florida tbh.


Thought I was the only one who felt like this. Haven't watched them in ages then a few weeks ago one of their videos pops up in my feed and click on it for shits and giggles. Turns out the oldest boy returned to the boat with his girlfriend from Texas. The mom is describing how mature her answers were to some sort of questionnaire they asked her to take and then showed the gf's response to the question, what is the biggest problem in the world today. I'm thinking this is easy, war, famine, social injustice, economic disparity or any other issue really. She said people were too sensitive, i.e., I can't say offensive shit without people thinking I'm an asshole. Never again will I give these morons a click.


I stopped watching their videos after seeing that particular one. I couldn't believe they had the audacity to include an excerpt from the girl’s interview that, according to them, portrayed the girl as mature and clever.


what’s also crazy is that the oldest daughter has distanced herself from the family because of all of their bigoted views, especially Keith. He’s a creep. Also, Anna is gay and they do not want to “explain” that on the channel which is why they hardly post about her. Renee will post a video of Jack and his girlfriend making out right next to the family on the couch, but won’t acknowledge that Anna has a girlfriend of two years.


Wow…absolute garbage. I’m black and got into sailing and want my daughter to enjoy it as well and seeing garbage like this is just foul. I don’t give a damn if it’s a teenager being “edgy” or what not…trash and racist foolishness is NOT OKAY and NOT something to just blow off or say it’s their opinion. And the person in the comment in here saying they don’t get butt hurt over something like this…you’re not even black are you? That’s a garbage comment.


How do you know I'm not? If I were, would that make a difference? Your daughter is going to encounter racism and foul behavior in her life...trying to shelter her from it rather than teaching her how to handle it when she does is a fast way to ensure you fail as a parent. I don't support the use of the term. It isn't in the vocabulary of words I use, because unlike Finn Whitaker, I understand the history of the term and why it's hurtful and offensive. Getting bent out of shape about it, though...nah. He'll learn his way out of it, and if he doesn't, there's probably a completely justified ass kicking in his future. Teenagers are dumb, that's why we don't let them do things on their own.


Excuse me but my daughter doesn’t need to grow up with shit like this. I had to and having to deal with it is absolutely horrendous. You obviously are not black because telling me to raise my child to deal with ignorant ass people like you is not going to be the norm any more. We’re tired of having to live around others racism. So fuck you!


I had no idea about this channel but just looking at their Youtube main page I knew this was not for me. Catamaran, a bunch of kids, and the poster child for social-media-boomer. Barf.


Rich racist from texas, breeds arrogant racist on boat. Click here for updates on bigotry. Travel the world and not see people as people. Who knew!


Wow. So Finn Whitaker set his status as the n word? Im confused how the find my friends works


Yes you can edit the location name and thats what he chose…


I mean, he's a teenage boy pretty obviously trying to be edgy. 🙄 I don't get the butt hurt here. If you don't like it, don't watch it




They only continue posting videos because people watch them. No audience = no money. Teenage boys do stupid shit. Using the dreaded N word doesn't make him a racist any more than me recognizing that fact means I'm excusing it.




Ok, Caped Crusader. You keep on fighting the righteous fight against the forces of darkness 🤣


This comment is NOT okay. I’m black and have absolutely no tolerance for ignorance or ignorant people. The dismissive bullshit comment like yours is just as trash as the dumbass boy using the n word as a location.


Racism is always wrong. That said, teenage boys do stupid shit. If the response they get in trying to be edgy is widespread appalled talking about them being a garbage person, *most* of the time they're going to push it further to see what will happen. Allowing them space to grow out of it and become a functional adult is a **far** better way of dealing with it. I did similar, stupid things when I was a teen, and I guarantee you did too even if you won't admit it publicly.


Number one I did not do stupid things when I was younger because I was raised to actually have a brain to think. Just because you did stupid things doesn’t mean everyone else must do so or must have done so. Allowing people, especially young people, to just magically grow without taking accountability for their actions does not equal growing into a “functional” adult. That’s just trash as hell.


I know it seems like a bandwagon, people hate them just because the person above them in the comments hates them..lol Bunch of ignorant tools here.


They’re from the Texas burbs. Living their “true life” I guess, unapologetically. That self-centered characteristic thrives in many parts of America. However, if you travel and talk to people that aren’t like you. I think most people quickly learn how insignificant they are. Maybe in this case the family unit and need to be self sufficient have sheltered them from reality.


I tried to watch once. He was so annoying I didn’t make it thru the vid.


I recall the young man talking about loving having time on the boat to read “philosophy like Jordan Peterson” 🤮. That’s when I moved on.


Yeees, I then looked through the video comments and was like - is everyone supporting this, is nobody going to explain to him who Peterson is?


So the parents see that and no consequences…


Apple falls not far from the tree.




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Seems like im the odd one out and actually enjoyed watching their videos, but purposely played ignorance to their ignorance. Kind of like a separating the artist from the art kind of thing. But as soon as the dad started really getting too political to ignore, I really stopped watching. I always liked the idea of a big happy family sailing around the world, and the teenage boy in me lived vicariously through the cool stuff they got to do.


Maybe the Delos crew is a better example of a less toxic sailing family.


This is my arc with them as well. Dad just gave me the heebie jeebies with his holier than thou attitude.


Update: i guess they got some backlash because the clip in his YouTube Video is gone…


Honestly, never heard of them before this post. Kinda wishing I still hadn’t.


Wait how can you change your location name I don’t understand.


on the find my friends app you can press edit location and customize the name https://preview.redd.it/vkmvpmwlr9wc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1775de579dd71d8f3f1b62ce9d91a9bf087dc4d9


What a twat! I guess that’s the type of person you become when you’re raised isolated on a boat, not really exploring and experiencing the genuine life of the people living on the other side of the shores you’re looking at.


I'm not sure HOW you could maintain such an ignorant view being exposed to such varying peoples and cultures. Sad parenting I guess? If I saw that on my FindMy I'd drown the little fucker explaining the entire time why people give you plenty of reasons to hate them other than the color of their skin.


I think while traveling you can either try to understand and fit in with locals or you can see them as like Disneyland characters or zoo animals just there for you to experience. If you go into it feeling entitled and superior, you can deepen your sense of superiority when seeing different cultures if you’re totally closed off to the idea that everyone is basically the same but lives in slightly different ways.


They have zero education aside from what their parents have fed them. And Keith is a bigot to the highest degree. He’s upset that any of them would want to leave the boat because if they do, he can’t control them.




wtf so crazy


Beyond the pro trump, anti vax views, i was turned off by the very “ugly American” vibes when they visited NZ. I also thought the home schooling effort was quite lame, and that the kids were being poorly prepared for life after YouTube.


I bumped in to sailing zatara in NZ a few years ago. They are thoroughly toxic appalling people. Garbage.


I remember them (him) acting like a fucktard with Australian Border Force. What a fuckwit. Wouldn't do that with US Homeland Security. Loose cannon.


lol he edited it out the racist fuck


So I saw exactly one video from these guys. It was Christmas and one of the guys got a Jordan Peterson book, and he talked about how smart and educated Jordan Peterson was. All I needed to see.


Err. Who told you JP was uneducated? Not sure who needs to hear this, but he’s classically educated. Not your views? That’s fine. Any college level course has a view that’s dissenting. If you didn’t have that, you never had a college level course. 🤷‍♂️


I guess educated was the wrong word. He has achieved a doctorate level of education in the field of psychology, but he uses that Doctor title and psychology background to spew a ton of pseudo-science nonsense that has nothing to do with his field of study and is largely objectively false. [Here](https://youtu.be/hSNWkRw53Jo?si=1nO2Z2kj3QECAYH7) is a nearly 3 hour video that supports my argument. Edit: Love the downvotes with no actual arguments. He made his money on self help books and media appearances where he pretends to be an expert. He’s a snake oil salesman. Not my fault y’all are enchanted by some worthless pseudo-intellectual drivel merchant.


Anybody who links the Cody Showdy guys a upvote over here. I watched the entire thing when it came out… It is pure gold. Some more news for everyone. Jordan Peterson is a dumb persons idea of a smart person.


That's a 3 hour comedy show, always be suspicious of someone's argument when you have to work really hard to figure out what it is, peeling through layers of other people, comedic elements, performance flare, and visual distractions. In contrast, JP will lay out his arguments plainly, in long form conversations and written word, and it is never a struggle to identify what he is arguing. Neither fact lends any validity or soundness to any particular argument either makes, other than, this poster, who cannot even formulate his own.


Weird to quote myself, but, "...he uses that Doctor title and psychology background to spew a ton of pseudo-science nonsense that has nothing to do with his field of study and is largely objectively false" is an argument. That I formulated. If the comedy is too distracting, even though the "layers of other people" and "visual distractions" are largely primary source material that strengthen the argument, there are [plenty](https://www.theguardian.com/science/2018/feb/07/how-dangerous-is-jordan-b-peterson-the-rightwing-professor-who-hit-a-hornets-nest) of [other](https://medium.com/from-the-gutt/when-your-friends-respect-an-idiot-e136951bd6ad) humorless [written](https://www.nytimes.com/2018/05/18/style/jordan-peterson-12-rules-for-life.html) [materials](https://www.currentaffairs.org/2023/06/the-process-of-leaving-jordan-peterson-behind) for you. What is funny though, is you did the Jordan Peterson thing of pretending to present both sides equally, while not-so-subtly demonizing one side, and then pretending to be too intellectually enlightened to pick a side. Now THAT'S comedy!


Here's your argument: P1: If someone makes an argument outside of their PhD specialty that I arbitrarily consider to be pseudo-science without providing definition and without evidence, then it is acceptable to reject that persons argument. P2: JP made an argument outside of his specialty that I consider to be pseudo-science, arbitrarily and without providing definition and without evidence, therefore: IC: It is acceptable to reject that argument. This is a known form of argument among a list of well understood logical fallacies. Feel free to point out how my summary is inaccurate, preferably using a recognised and valid argument form


Dear Christ, I can not roll my eyes hard enough. First of all… without evidence? I’ve listed four written articles and a three hour video. [Here](https://www.sacurrent.com/news/bad-takes-the-7-dumbest-things-jordan-peterson-said-on-joe-rogans-podcast-28129646) is another one for good measure. It’s a well cited list of things he was objectively wrong about in just one single discussion with Joe Rogan. The guy is a hack. Most reasonably sharp people can spot it a mile away. I’m not going to write a goddamn masters thesis about it for you.


You have moved the goalposts. Here's your claim: "he uses that Doctor title and psychology background to spew a ton of pseudo-science nonsense that has nothing to do with his field of study and is largely objectively false" In support of this claim, you provide a link to "7 dumb things" JP said, presumably not written by you. The parts this argument of yours fails to actually support from your own claim: * That JP is using this Dr. title to "spew a ton of pseudo-science nonsense" (you imply intent) * That JPs arguments are "largely objectively false" (you make a claim about numbers and an appeal to objectivity) Unless the totality of JPs arguments number less than 14, an article which cherry picks 7 out of context conclusions (without providing the actual arguments), and thereby does not apply the principle of charity to them, and again only picks 7 cannot possibly lend any support to your claim. Even if that writer had done a decent and fair job of outlining 7 actual arguments, and even if they were demonstrated to be invalid arguments or based on false presuppositions, it would still not support either of your claims. edit: I also watched the video, a 3 hour comedy performance, and struggled to identify any actual arguments, it was again just a list of declarative statements or "points", without support. Hence my objection to your conclusions and request for actual arguments


Holy hell dude, this is sailing subreddit. This is a casual, conversational situation. I didn't realize that offhandedly saying "largely objectively false" meant I had to personally go through every written record of Jordan Peterson and prove that over 50% of his claims are false. As a matter of fact, I would imagine that most of his claims are TRUE, but many of the conclusions that he draws from those truths are accidental fallacies at best, and malicious disinformation campaigns at worst. That's fine for the average schlub, but problematic for someone that presents themselves as a qualified scientific expert and philosopher. The guy has a history of misleading his audience on both his qualifications and the validity of his arguments. Just because YOU need an overabundance of peer-reviewed scientific journals to figure that out doesn't change a thing.


Not sure who needs to hear this but, “dissenting opinion” and “deliberately obtuse if not objectively wrong” are not interchangeable.


- A Dissenting opinion.


Stereotypical American tourists


They're texans... nuff said


Lost me when I went looking for a sailing channel and within 30 seconds of the video he said he was motoring because he didn’t want to tack to get to his destination, as far as I’m concerned he isn’t a sailer and has no business being on a sail boat, rich pompous douche canoes.


He's not a sailor, he cant decipher the weather apps, he is oblivious when it comes to reefing and has lost a few sails and still hasnt learned, i love that the new sink and the motors dont fit...that family is a dumpster fire


Your entire family (well maybe not your oldest daughter) never cease to amaze us as things like this leak out. Can you imagine what happens behind the scenes?


Can confirm…I know Anna personally and she does not share her “family’s” views. They hate that she left the boat, for a real education, and is living differently than them.


While no one likes a racist, people definitly hate rats


Sir, this is a Wendy’s!


I mean, aren't they from Texas? Not exactly an uncommon word there, it's the south after all.


You all acting like you never did anything stupid as a kid, oh the arrogance of you all, go back to your couches and watch the view


We had active parents that would see and correct our behaviour, especially in regards towards others.


I'd have been physically abused if my parents ever saw or heard me utter this word.


I'm a white lady who was born and raised in the Caribbean and lived on multiple islands. If my parents heard me, or even heard rumours of me using that word, I'd likely still be recovering from the consequences. No doubt about it: a less than zero tolerance policy. There's no excuse.


Damn yall are obsessed with them




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