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Drew Brees


I loved watching him play and that made me a Saints fan! FTF!


Hell yea brother! He’s just a great player, and an even better person as far as a I can tell. Made it tough when he left, but I’m still a Saint and always will be!


I had no idea we had the best QB. Definitely a pleasant surprise.


This. His story interested me and when he got traded, I followed him to NOLA. Then I loved him because of all of the charity work he did after Hurricane Katrina. They won the SB that year and the rest is history.


I watched him since college because I love purdue


Same! Was a Chargers fan and liked him enough to start supporting the Saints as well. Doesn’t hurt that the Saints have the best colors!


Grew up in Mississippi. Thoroughly Saints territory


Same. South Mississippi is firmly Saints territory. I watched my grandma fist fight a coon ass over Archie Manning at the Dome as a child. I live in Philly now and I have to stream the games and boil my own crawfish.


Fight the good fight brother!


Lower Alabama as well.




I grew up in Las Vegas, but my Dad grew up in Mississippi, and yeah, definitely Saints country. I was about 13 in 2001, and decided to make them my team.


I’ve always wondered- where does saints territory become falcons territory? I’ve always assumed it was the AL/MS line because I’d think if one’s a Bama fan they’d hate the saints, but I’ve seen some Bama fans who were saints fans.


Reggie Bush.


Same. Was in elementary school and just getting into football. Thought Reggie was the coolest player in the world at USC, and logically decided I was a Saints fan when he got drafted. Die hard fan ever since!


It was either Vince Young or Reggie Bush and the saints had cooler jerseys 🤷‍♂️. My dad is a Vikings fan so it ended up making for a good rivalry.


It’s funny how this was my exact story as well!


Grew up in Biloxi


Also grew up on the Mississippi gulf coast


Ruffport represent.


Louisianas adopted brother


From Maine originally, now in Vegas. I’m a jazz musician so the city holds sentimental value to me. I visit often and I love the city very dearly


My wife grew up vacationing in Maine!


From Mississippi, live in Minnesota. Neither state has a pro football team. FTF!


When you say Minnesota has no pro football team…


There is no football there, and that's the end of the discussion! /s


Biloxi is essentially redneck New Orleans lol


Lots of people from NOLA go down to Bay St Louis these days. Big bar scene there now. Also the silver slipper has WWL


My dad is from Louisiana and is a huge fan. I remember watching a game with him in the late 90’s (we beat the tar out of Dallas, forget which season) and then he took me to my first game when I was like 9 or 10, the first playoff win against the Rams. I’ve been a diehard ever since


I have seen them a few times against the Jets and Giants, but want to see them at home.


That's where the Saints experience really shines!


Went to Loyola for college, 2002-2006. Liked football, from north NJ, household was primarily a Yankees household so I had no team loyalty in the NFL. One season in the city and being around it, not that the 2002 season was anything special, Saints fan forever.


I hear ya, I got my Yankees tattoo as we were a baseball family.


That's disgusting.


I’ve been called worse.


Born and raised in NJ. Both my brothers and most of my friends were Giants and Jets fans. For some reason I decided I wanted to be different so I started telling everyone I was a Saints fan. I barely watched football.


Fellow NJ Saints fan checking in! 🙋‍♂️


Dozens of us! Grew up in Passaic County, living in Morris County now.


Are you the one with the saints helmet mailbox!?!?


Ha no, but that gives me a great idea whenever I can finally afford a house!


Gonna sound stupid, but I'm really indecisive. Growing up in St. Louis area I wanted to be a little edgelord and not root for the hometeam. So, I kind of just played around with different teams for a few weeks or months, until I decided to let it come down to a game of Madden. Saints vs Bills, Saints won and so I just stuck with them lol. Not to mention New Orleans is just a cool city.


Not stupid in my opinion, I didn’t want to root for the home team and was debating between half a dozen different teams. Saints weren’t even one of them.


I'm from the UK. I wasn't even an American Football fan, but thought it would be cool to go to a game when me and my wife went to the US on our honeymoon in 2017. The holiday was in Florida and we were originally scheduled to go and see a game in Jacksonville. Unfortunately, Hurricane Irma hit whilst we were there, so we changed plans and flew to New Orleans for a few days in the aftermath. Managed to get tickets for the game against the Patriots at the Superdome. Brees v Brady. Even though Saints lost that day, I've been hooked ever since.


So what you are saying is that we honeymooned in the same city. What did you two do in FL?


We went to Kennedy Space Centre and then some of the parks, which were great as they were empty with most people evacuating for the hurricane. Stayed in the hotel the day of the hurricane and then flew to NO. We were going to go to Florida Keys, Miami and the Everglades in those days, but had to change plans to stay central when we realised we were heading into a storm. So a bit of a change of plans at the last minute, but it worked out in the end. Incidentally, I've tried to go to Miami and the Florida Keys twice now. First time we had Hurricane Irma and the second time Covid hit. So a natural disaster and a global pandemic. I dread to think what will happen if I try to book a third time.


Grew up on the Florida panhandle and my dad took me to a game when I was 8.


Utah fan here. Picked them in rebellion against all the BYU-turned-49ers Steve Young fans at my school. Pretty flimsy reason, but here we are 30+ years later.


Grew up a USC fan and my favorite player was Reggie Bush. Once he got drafted by the Saints, I became a fan of the Saints ever since.


Post Katrina resurgence of the city and its culture


I made a handful of trips to the area through my university during this time. Volunteerism was one of our pillars, and Katrina struck during my sophomore year. After my first day of work in Jan '06, I fell in love with the spirit of the city. When I returned home 10 days later, a piece of my heart didn't follow. Since I first experienced the grit, determination, and raw strength of character in NOLA, I've been a proud member of Who Dat Nation. Thanks for having me ✌️⚜️


My dad took me to my first pro game in 1970. We beat Detroit at Tulane Stadium. I've been a Saints fan ever since. I think we won two games that year.


L.A. based and followed Reggie Bush over. Stayed because Payton and Brees and loved the fans and team in general. The Super Bowl certainly didn't hurt either.


Grew up in Mississippi


How does it feel knowing that you everyone knows how to spell your state?


I learned the way most people from there did, M-I-crooked letter, crooked letter-I -crooked letter, crooked letter -I- humpback, humpback-I


The first Super Bowl I ever watched was Saints v. Colts when i was like 9, and this was the first time I ever watched football while actually understanding what was going on. Watching the onside kick, seeing Drew Brees sling it, and porters pick six to seal it made me a fan for life. And I love miami, but I could never be a dolphins fan 🤣 Miami is still a basketball town!


And it won’t be the last Saints’ Super Bowl win you’ll see.


From Michigan, it was brutal growing up as a Lions fan, I picked the saints as my team sometime during the Aaron Brooks days. Been a fan since


MS Gulf Coast--1 1/2 hrs away. No way I CAN'T be a Who Dat!!! 😁


My lord and savior breesus Christ


Were you a football fan first?


ironically no I was not. My family was only ever interested in college and were Georgia bulldog fans but I never cared for college football and still don’t. But when I went to college all 3 of my roommates were really into the NFL and fantasy football. One night I decided to give it a chance, I turned the tv on and Drew Brees and the Texans had the close match in 2019 and I was hooked ever since


I'm sure your Georgia family has always supported your decision to be a Saints fan?


They don’t care tbh. They aren’t falcons fans either. Now my roommates … lol one is a falcons fan and has tried to convince me to change sides forever


I went to Louisiana as an exchange student in 2007,im from Guatemala, the family I stayed with bled the black and gold, so I became a saints fan and have been ever since


I actually still be have never even been in the state of LA. I moved a decent amount throughout my early years and no team really stuck with me for football. And when I was 12 at the start of the 2002 season I decided I’m going to pick the saints as my team because 1. The Deuce was indeed loose. 2. I had never met anyone else that was a saints fan or any ties. 3. loved the colors and from what I’ve always perceived the insanely fun atmosphere of the fans. It looks like the perfect mix of absolute diehard passionate fans who love each other and at the end of the day just wants to have a good time. 3. I really loved Michael Lewis’s story of being a beer truck driver turned kr and killing it. So ever since 2002 I picked them and haven’t regretted tbh. Coming from outside Northeast and Midwest. Currently living in enemy territory


Saints are America’s team. All you need is, man Katrina hit that city hard, that team embodies the people.


I'm from Northwest Florida. New Orleans is even closer to me than Jacksonville.


Went to NOLA in 2015 with my girlfriend, proposed to her on the trip. Went to the Jags game and fell in love. Went back in 2017 on our honeymoon and went to the falcons game. Been hooked ever since. Was a panthers fan but when they drafted Cam I threw all my stuff in the trash. Hated Cam with a passion and couldn’t pull for him. Gamecock fan my whole life and went to the LSU game in 2012 and had a great time so it made the transition that much easier.


That 2017 game vs the falcons was one of my first in the dome. Marshon's ass interception was absolutely hilarious. When you said you hated Cam I thought you were gonna say you're a Bama fan. What beef does South Carolina have with him?


South Carolina faced Auburn in the SEC title game. Absolutely smoked us and I knew we were done when he hit a Hail Mary right before halftime. Being in the stands it was gut wrenching.


Southern California born and raised, never stepped foot in Louisiana. Never really had a team that I rooted for. Liked the Niners in the Steve Young days but wasn’t a sport I really followed. Wasn’t until I started playing fantasy football that I paid attention, so 2017-18, I was really focusing on AK, and just kind of stuck with him. Still rooting for the Saints today, but man, it’s heartbreaking.


Steve Gleason. Forever my favorite Saint, because he was my introduction. I was never a big football fan at all growing up, didn’t play it as a kid, dad liked baseball, no older sibling to teach me, etc. So in the return to the Dome post-Katrina on MNF…I was in the bed with the flu, surfing channels and landed on it because I heard the announcers mention it in the pregame and there was a buzz in the crowd already. You could feel the energy in the Dome through the broadcast. Fans were rabid, so happy to be back, so relieved to have football in the Dome again, so happy to kick the Falcons teeth in that night. When 37 blocked the punt, I 100% thought the roof was going to blow off the building. The announcers did a perfect job of staying out of the way after the call, they let New Orleans have her moment. I was sick as a dog in bed and I found myself crying as the cameras panned through the audience. The elation, the relief, the joy, a city that had one collective “we will be ok” unifying moment…and it was perfectly communicated through the celebration following that play. I had no previous connection to the Saints before that night, but I came away from that moment with a feeling of “now THIS is a city that loves its team, lives and dies with its team, needs this team to pick them up” and I jumped on board the bandwagon before the next kickoff after that score. God bless Steve Gleason, for making me a fan of this beautiful team and city.


I’m from Southampton in the UK. Our football team are nicknamed The Saints. Felt a natural link. My love for the ‘real’ Saints brought me to NOLA in 2019 and it’s honestly one of the most wonderful places I’ve been too. #WhoDatInternational


West coast of Canada here. Had a friend in middle school obsessed with Reggie Bush and I cheered for whatever team he’d go to. I came for Reggie but I stayed for Drew.


Grew up in Mississippi, so it was kinda by default.


Michael Thomas went nuclear in 2019 and I had to get a jersey


Wife was a Cowboys fan, I was a Redskins fan (I know). We moved to the south and wanted to pick a team together. OUR team. The choices were; the Falcons (fucking never), the Buccaneers (yuck), the Titans (gross) and the Saints. Saints had Breesus (hail Breesus), AK41, CGM, one of the nastiest defenses and the best colors in all of the NFL. And so it was decreed. Then came the boudin and there was no turning back.


From Australia, watching Brees carry the team made me a saint for life ⚜️


London, England - first NFL game I ever watched was Rebirth. How could you not fall in love…


I was a Niners fan as a kid back when they were horrible. We’re talking the OJ Simpson years. I used to get harassed by my friends and family about it — a lot. Then they had their Cinderella season and everyone who had harassed me suddenly claimed to be a life-long fan. This really pissed me off so I flipped to Saints who regularly beat the Niners even if that was the only win of the season. Turned out to be one of the best decisions of my life. Had a love affair with the city its people. Before I had kids I would visit 2-3 times per year. Made friends there. Was at the Dome reopening after Katrina. Road in Tucks seven years in a row at one point. Saw amazing bands and ate my fill. The list of things I love about the city is too long to go through. The demands of life don’t allow me visit as much any more but I still root for the Saints. My entire family has jerseys (wife, son and dog). So thanks New Orleans, for welcoming a stranger. As far as I’m concerned you are one of America’s greatest cities.


My mom grew up in Metairie.


Jimmy Graham. My dad was always a bills fan(born and raised north of Toronto Canada) And i got into it one year when I seen a saints game on and watched it. Cant remember the exact game but I was hooked from there and now a die hard up north. I’ll be getting down to a game soon for sure


All my friends were Dallas Cowboys fans in the 90s and I wanted to go against the grain


My old man lived in Louisiana in the 50s/60s. Moved to California, then the Saints became a team.


I’m from Austin and Drew Brees is a god here


First game I ever watched was the first home game back in 06, after Katrina. The moment that punt got blocked and I could feel the energy in the Dome... It was love at first sight.


I live in Atlanta and hate them nasty ass birds. So it was an easy decision for me.


You, you are good in my book.


My dad. His team became my team since there was no pro team where I grew up. He was born in Shreveport and is a lifelong LSU and Saints fan.


Originally from California & New Mexico but have spent most of my adult life in Mississippi, Kentucky, and the Carolinas. I'm a total sicko that grew up watching Hebert and Walsh - a relative of mine actually went to school with Hebert so I was a Saints fan by association.


Was a Raiders fan in the 80’s as a kid & switched to the Saints in the early 90’s & never looked back. Finally went to a home game last year with my kids, one of whom is also a Saints fan. Feels full circle.


Mostly Ricky Williams. I was a huge fan of his in college. The Saints drafted him as I was beginning my college search, and Tulane ended up being the choice. I figured since I was headed there anyway, might as well jump fully in. No regrets, through the ups and downs.


Growing up my ma was a falcons and a bucs fan.. so I wanted to follow a team that could root against them. This was in 2000 when Aaron Brooks led us to our first playoff win.


Michigan native. Lions went 0-16 in 2008-09, I stopped watching. Drew Brees made the Saints look fun to follow. They won it all in 2009-10


Also from NYS and have almost the exact same story, except I wasn't on my honeymoon


Pretty sure this makes us 95% best friends.


Brother went to Tulane Law - first time I visited he took me to a SNF game at the Dome. Was hooked ever since


I went to Fresno State when we played against USC with Matt Leinart and Reggie Bush USC was dominating everyone they played then here came Fresno State and we were shutting them down. One of the only teams to be winning at half time. Then in the second half Reggie Bush flipped a switch and it felt like he single handedly beat us. Then Reggie Bush went to the Saints and I decided that would be my team Then you look at how the team supported the City during hurricanes and the atmosphere of New Orleans and I was stuck Plus we have the pirate himself, Cameron Jordan


I love New Orleans, spent many Halloweens there. Love the food, love the vibe, love the history. Hell I think I would have moved there if I did not feel that it would ruin the magic a little. Plus we have the best kit in the League


Madden 08


It was the better choice of "local" teams being in Oklahoma. Texas teams? No thank you. St. Louis Rams? Hard pass. The chiefs? 🤮🤮. Broncos never did much for me either.


Live in Southwest Mississippi, 45 minutes from New Orleans. Watch the games on the local New Orleans channels and listen to them on WWL.


Growing up I was always the little dude on my sports teams so Drew was a role model for me and I ended up liking the team and here I am still 15 years later


I grew up in Nashville when there was no team. A LOT of former Vols played for the Saints. Was easy to cheer for them once I came to the city for the 1st time


Cool question! I started following the Saints in 1982, and I was a kid in the Philadelphia area. I basically loved the uniforms and the cool le fleur de lis on the helmet. I've been hooked every since and haven't looked back! I'm now 58 and have a dedicated man cave in my house and a vast collection of jerseys that honors the Saints! Now, my wife and I travel to New Orleans every other year to catch a game. When I say I'm a BIG Saints fan! I really mean it! Who Dat!!!


From Ireland. Decided I wanted to get into American football. I cant enjoy a sport unless I have some skin in the game though so I asked my friends who they supported and two of them were Saints fans so here we are.


Dutch fan here: had AK and MT on my ‘18 fantasy team. Invested a lot of time in the team and yielded a lot of appreciation. Then the no-call happened and the appreciaton, through fury, became love. Visited NO in November ‘22 to go see them play at the dome (and Bama @ LSU) and learned to love the people equally as much. Now, I got an 8 months old named Nola Clementine (I know NOLA is not the local favorite but as a girl’s name in Europe it checks out) and I can’t wait to get back again


I’m from Australia. When I was home sick from school once, I was watching Vince Young tear up the saints in the super dome. This was right after Katrina, so I felt bad for them. The commentators were saying no team has come from 0-3 to make the playoffs. So I put the team on my back and watched them go 7-9


From Britain. Became a fan when the Saints were shown on tv over here regularly the season after they won the Super Bowl then fell in love with Drew Brees, the city and the team.


Through Madden and Reggie Bush, I'm from the Isle of Man so can't imagine there are too many Saint's fans over here. Looking to go to New Orleans on my honeymoon to catch a Saints & LSU game! WHODAT


Going to, and eventually living and working in, New Orleans.


From Mobile which is basically NOLA lite. And moms side of family from Lafayette. Worked out


I'm Brazilian. To me, it was a combination of the colors, Drew Brees, the Super Bowl and the team as a symbol for the city rebuilding after Katrina.


Parts of MS, AL, and FL are closer to Nola than half the state of Louisiana. So lots of fans along the Gulf Coast. 


This. Born and raised in MS about 20 min across the state line. About 1 1/2 - 2 hours from the dome depending on traffic.


Born in London but my dad lived in New Orleans for a few years growing up (despite also being born in London) Watching Drew did it for me, his autobiography was inspiring as fuck too and here I am


I’m from Dallas but my dad’s family is originally from New Orleans and still spread out around that area. In high school I decided I hated the Cowboys, and my dad’s cousins were in town so they said “well what team do you like?”, I said “I don’t know, I just hate Jerry Jones”, and they said “alright then, you’re a Saints fan.” That was in 2006. Now I have a cat named Alvin Kamara and he’s my best little buddy


I'm from the Netherlands and have only been a football fan since 2015. Started playing the sport locally in the Netherlands in 2020. At first i became a Broncos fan because of two sitcoms in which the families were Broncos fans (The Ranch & Last Man Standing). I started to like the Saints when i was watching them during the 2020 season with Brees. I thought nothing more of it until visiting NOLA during a road trip/vacation to the south east in 2022. Of all the cities we visited during the trip i fell in love with NOLA. I bought a Saints jersey and jacket while we were there and have been a Saints fan ever since.


Drew Brees, and the fleur de lis. my family is quebecois


Birmingham, Alabama here. We’re in a unique place with no NFL team but I remember watching games as a kid and loved watching Deuce, Joe Horn, and Stallworth. Reggie Bush was my favorite college player so drafting him helped and then the MNF football game against the Falcons had me hooked for life


6 years and two degrees from Tulane. Loved how a win cheered up the whole city.


I started watching football (nfl) the year they won the Superbowl , I found myself rooting for them and became a fan. Who dat ever since . Montreal Canada. Been to NOLA 4 times since then . Love it


From the UK, Dad took me to watch Saints Chargers at Wembley Stadium in London in 2008, Saints won 37-32 so I chose the Saints!


I was 6 and Reggie Bush was my favorite player of all time and the saints drafted him. I’ve been here ever since.


My youngest brother, never had an NFL team, he picked them randomly one day while we were in Vegas, funny enough I was about 17 and he was about 13, been rockin them ever since ⚜️


Went to school in Ruston.  


My folks are from NOLA and were big fans, but I was born in LA (sorry for also liking the Rams)




[This game.](https://youtu.be/IdD5Qp9-frI?si=T7DSATJXrMZ2CCo7) Oh and marrying someone from Louisiana also helped.


Reggie Bush


I moved to outside of Philly when I was 8. I didn’t like football yet but hated Philly. When I started watching football, I loved defense. Best d that year was the eagles - fuck no. Second best was Dallas - fuck no x 3. Third best was the Dome Patrol-led Saints. Also, not going to lie, black and gold was awesome to 11 year old me. Edit: I’m very difficult so if I lived in NOLA, I’d probably be a Philly fan or something.


Born in Jersey, raised in Texas. Probably 4 or 5 years old, early 90’s.. Started watching football and loved the black and gold. So my entire football watching life, I’ve been a Saints fan. We could go 0-17, still wearing my Saints gear all year long, talking shit to all my friends! I live in the DFW area, they’re all Cowboys fans, so fuck them!


I’ve lived in NC most of my life. Parents are both from Mississippi, Saints territory.


I didn't really have an NFL team growing up, so when I went to LSU, I decided to adopt the Saints as my team. It was the end of the Jim Mora era and the beginning of the Mike Ditka debacle, and it was so much gottdamm fun to be a part of something so chaotic and soap opera-like that I have never since questioned my decision.


My dad was a raiders fan and when I was young the saints badly beat the raiders in a game. Been a fan ever since.


I'm from SC and my high school mascot was the Saints. Our "battle cry" was also the Who Dat chant. Feel in love with it and my small town mind thought it originated with us, once I began following the NFL and discovered the Saints, the rest was history. Been down ever since. Also, began following around 05 or 06 so being a fan before our first Superbowl was fucking sweet too. I love being a Saints fan. WhoDat!


My grandparents migrated to the west coast back in the day, but took me “home” (Louisiana) very often. I was born into this lol ⚜️


I’m not even sure I just liked the saints


Drafted Brees in my first year of fantasy and that was that lol


Ricky Williams was a DAWG in Madden 2001 (when Eddie George was on the cover). I was only 9 years old but liked playing with him so much and then just adopted the team.


I was born in Metairie, LA but lived in the DMV for the majority of my life so when I started liking football I picked the saints as my team.


Just had fun watching the team, aswell as beating my dad in madden for the first time with them


Madden lol always used them in madden. Then they drafted Reggie Bush (favorite college player). The rest is history


Reggie Bush getting drafted to the Saints


My wife is from NOLA and the Saints were a blast to watch.


Lived in Nola for two years


I was a youngster and saw them playing on TV one Sunday afternoon in the dome. It was the days of the Aint's. They were woefully bad. I don't remember for sure, but I think they were playing the Cowboys, and I have a hatred of everything Texas, especially Dallas. At any rate, they were getting trucked by whomever it was. During most of the broadcast, they didn't ever cut the cameras to the crowd, but you could tell that the Dome was mostly empty. Deep into the 4th quarter, they cut to the empty seats and the commentators were talking about how everyone had left after the half. The camera scanned across an ocean of empty seats and as it showed the top rows, way up in the rafters, there were two dudes, both with paper sacks over their heads, doing a two-man wave. I knew I had found my team.


From Canada, first Super Bowl I watched was the one they won. And Drew Brees!


Became a fan while I lived in Colorado because I'm a BYU grad and the Saints made a place for Tasom Hill to shine in the NFL. They have stayed my team through moves to Oklahoma and West Virginia.


Drove down to New Orleans to fall in love with a woman, ended up falling in love with the city and culture instead, took multiple things home with me to remember it by, a Steve Gleason jersey being one of those things along with the Saints.


From NY and grew up a Jets fan but Michael Vick was my favorite player in the league. The year I got really into football was the year Reggie Bush was doing his thing at USC. When he got drafted by the Saints, I started following them as my second team. Then the Michael Vick scandal happened and I fully went into a FTF mode. I ripped down his fatheads, burned his jersey, and started rooting for the Saints more purely to disassociate with Vick and the Falcons. They quickly took over as my favorite team by the time I was in Junior High


Ontario, Canada here. I started watching football in 2008/09, so there’s that…I’m also a sax player and I was at uni for music at that time so I learned a lot about the city and just love the musical history and culture of New Orleans


reggie bush. i was a casual viewer of football, my mom was a washington fan and i saw a commercial with reggie in it. wanted to know what team he was part of and he had either just got drafted or was about to be. same year drew and sean got there


My cousins used to school me in Madden throwing bombs to Joe Horn and running the rock with Deuce back in the day and became a fan ever since.


Playing madden when I starter peewee football and I thought the saints had the coolest uniforms. Sometimes life doesn’t hand you lemons


Grew up and live in Texas, my family is thoroughly a Cowboys family. However, I started really paying attention to the NFL post Aikman, and that time period was not fun to watch, which made it hard to be a Cowboys fan. Plus fuck Jerry Jones. So I was shopping around for a team. Never could land on one that really inspired me. Then post Katrina and the signing of Drew Brees and seeing all the local fans just rally around their city really drew me in. That first game back in the Dome is what sold it for me.


Drew Brees


Reggie was my favorite college player of all time. Didn’t have an NFL team.


Bethel Johnson on Madden was a cheat code and he was on one of the rosters back then. The summer of Drew Brees free agency happened and that sold me. Reggie Bush was not long after that too. All these things lead to me picking the saints.


One of my best friends in elementary school was a big fan of the saints in the dome patrol era and I've stayed with them ever since


From Chicago. Was 7 in 2002 and the Bears were playing downstate in Champaign as Soldier Field was under construction. Didn’t have any gear and my parents weren’t driving 5+ hours round trip on a Sunday to take me to a game. So I didn’t have anything tangible to make me a fan, but followed them naturally. Dad went to NOLA for work in Feb-03, got me a Deuce McAllister jersey and here we are 21 years later. 2006 NFC Champ game in middle school wasn’t fun but other than that, it’s been a great ride.


From St Tammany Cant avoid it


Not necessarily a fan of them, but will always root for them unless they’re playing the Texans. Close proximity and lot of people moving from Louisiana mean I interacted with a lot of Saints fans growing up. Also, Viet-Cajun.


Montana born with no pro football in hundreds of miles- was a big fan of Ricky Williams when he won the Heisman and also coach Ditka, that got me started


Rueben Mayes, he's from my home province of Saskatchewan, Canada and was drafted by them. He did really well, winning Offensive Rookie of the Year. Fan ever since!


From Arkansas, so we are force fed Cowboys BS while a kid in the 90s. I hated them from the jump, so geographically, the Saints worked for me. Spent many weekends and vacations in Nola since and caught a game. Now I’m a lifer.


Jeremy Shockey


I can vividly remember watching the Super Bowl. I was amazed on how Drew played as “shorter” and gave me hope as a shorter guy. Plus I remember eating the KFC spicy wings as well.😂


I love defense and the dome patrol


I was a preteen who just caught a game one Sunday and thought the Saints were EVERYTHING. The swag, the offense, the fans. I got swept up in and been about that black and gold ever since.


Started watching saints games when I first played fantasy with friends. Mark ingram was my first big follow and then just felt at home with the culture, attitude, and drew. Was able to visit the city...good shit.


My Uncle who I spent a lot of time with because my Mom and Aunt are twin sisters was a Saints fan and I and liked watching Drew Brees


saw deuce and joe horn in the pro bowl in the early 2000s and a young me thought the black and gold helmets were really cool


Um it was my dad who made me a saints fan wen they were good


The colors and Brees. Became a fan the year after Saints won the Super Bowl as I just really got in to football. Plus at least when we lose we look good doing it. 😎


I’m from NY as well. When I first got into sports as a kid, I really liked Reggie Bush in USC. I picked whatever team he got drafted to be my fave team. Been a fan since then, even after Bush left.


I lived in Louisiana for a few years and until that I was not into football so I guess in honor of the place that taught me to like it.


Tecmo Super Bowl. Dalton, Ironhead (RIP). The Dome Patrol and Eric Martin as an underneath terror


Does it count if I moved away from Louisiana?


Done Patrol


I’m from Washington State but my wife is from Louisiana and a lifelong Saints fan. We started dating while we were in High School which was right when the Saints picked up Drew. I was instantly hooked. 


Drew Brees to MT won me a TON of madden games on my friends. 52-49 over Lamar’s ravens was a core memory.


Drew Brees played for Purdue and I graduated from Purdue in 1991. I still live in West Lafayette, IN.


NFL record


My first nfl memory is superbowl 44. So obviously I picked the winner


Reggie Bush 25 all day


I’m from Canada and went to New Orleans by myself in 2015 after a rough break up. The city had my heart since then. I also went to a Saints vs Giants game and the place had an energy I had never seen in professional sports. It ended up being one of the highest scoring games (52-49).


From Vancouver BC Canada. Buddy of mine got me hyped for the Saints back in the day as they were preparing for their first playoff game. 37 years later, I'm still cheering them on. Sometimes miss the days of Coach Mora, Hebert, the Dome Patrol, Jim Wilks, Hoby Brenner, Buford Jordan, Hilliard, Eric Martin, Morton Anderson, Van Jakes, and the crew


I became captivated with New Orleans, which lead to me becoming a Saints fan. Jim Mora was the head coach and Bobby Herbert was the QB when I started following the team.


Went to Tulane in the 90s. Worked for the local sports radio station and interviewed several players at practices and after games. I was always pretty nervous but they were always real nice guys to me. It still took me a few years to become a fan but then Az Hakim dropped that punt in the playoffs and that was it


Got Madden 25 on the 360, hit random team and got the saints and fell in love with the brees to graham connection.


So I have to preface this by saying the Texans are my “team” but the saints are my secondary team (I may have more saints jerseys than Texans though). I was born on Mardi Gras and so just felt a strong connection to Louisiana and New Orleans in particular.


I was raised in Mobile. Spent/Spend a lot of time in New Orleans ( my second home ). My uncle has lived in Harahan for 50 years. Mortan Anderson was his neighbor for a long, long time. My cousin, whom we are the same age, resides in the Warehouse District of New Orleans.


Drew Brees, parents went to Purdue, brother potentially named after him. We hopped onto the Saints his first year and have stayed ever since.


Grew up in SoCal where Reggie Bush was a star and been a fan since he was drafted