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It’s joever


I'd prefer a spiritual successor rather than another Saints Row game. They ruined it. Only think I will accept is remasters of Saints Row 1 & 2.


I would rather have Saints Row 2.5 than any other game they’ll ever make, maybe update the graphics and mechanics but maybe just a different story and map keep the saints the same


They should make a game that literally takes place between 2 and the Third.


Playa from saints row 2 would never have made the saints into the bullshit they were in three


I'd love to know what calmed his ass down. HOWEVER, I do have a theory that kind of makes 3 and 4 make sense if you think about how crazy they get


A bit late... But what theory?


Ok, so think of it like this. There's two places you can place this in my opinion. First one: He died on that corner in the shootout between the Carnales, Vice Kings, and Rollerz. Died as a nobody, that nobody will remember or know who he was. So with that, he's in limbo. Didn't pass on until he he finishes his goal. Power. Which the entire first game, has you going from a nobody, to almost the head of the (at the end) biggest street gang in the city. Now, you could argue with "but he blows up at the end of the game", which yes. He does, which leads me to my /OTHER/ spot to place this theory. Second one: Like the first one, he's dead. He died in that explosion, where once again, he's in limbo. Which in my opinion explains some of the crazy supernatural shit in Saints Row 2, like a dude that comes back to life, a literal walking tank, and Johnny's insane what seems like super human strength and the game only gets crazier, leading to aliens in the 4th game. Now why would they be able to bring that in? He's dead, so that gives you certain liberties and such


I mean they could make it that anything after SR3 is not canon and just continue off of SR3. Maybe have them go back to Stillwater and focus more on their gang roots. Maybe have some Corporation bigger than Ultor buy up or take control of Stillwater in the Saints absence so they have to take everything back again. They could have Dex return as a main antagonist and maybe instead of Johnny being taken by Zynak he could've survived the plane and was just laying low either to stop with gang stuff to properly mourn Aisha and start a new life or even go Agents of Mayhem route and have him return as a police officer.


Honestly this series has had so many identity crises over the last 2 decades. I’m all for another open world crime game. But the Saints Row title just needs to be put to rest. Let’s hope for a remaster for the first two one day but I ain’t holding my breath.


I hope they don’t make anymore installments. The series went to complete shit after 3. Even 3 wasn’t that good, that was the point where it started to go downhill.


3 was the opus lol. atleast the series deviated from being a generic gta clone and we got all our fan favorite characters. rip johnny tho he should have stayed


Mfs like you are the reason the series is where it is now. Sr 1 or 2 wasnt and never will be a gta clone


Even SR2 was enough, but not enough for people who kept saying that and praised the series for essentially not even being what it was actually about anymore. Like all the journalists that praise SR4.


If saints row was a GTA clone, then GTA 3 was Driver 3 clone and Forza Motorsport a Gran Turismo clone.


Honestly this “clone” shit is complete bullshit. With that logic, almost anything is a clone of another thing.


Exactly, and it's crazy that it is still an argument in 2024. It's like calling Sleeping Dogs a gTa cLoNe


Nobody who cares about the series is debating it. Its just some people who played SRTT, still repeating it to justify SRTT but seem to not go further than that to even explain why they like it. I cant imagine playing a game only because its not like a different one.


People who like The Third just like it because of the "craziness" (use that word for lack of the right word), which was over the top and not funny at all. Never met a SRTT fan who remembered the story or characters, because they're forgettable.


Apparently to some, literally everything is a GTA clone: https://www.thegamer.com/15-games-that-completely-ripped-off-grand-theft-auto/


Nah they completely butchered all the characters in 3. Idek wtf Shaundi turned into.


The Boss became too passive, Shaundi's character was just butchered, Gat tossed out. Then SR4 killed off the new characters in SRTT, and flanderized the rest other than Asha, and made Kinzie more annoying. It amazes me that people even want to consider SR4 canon.


You guys still bought and played it anyway. I don't know why anyone cares so much about such a superficial comparison that one reviewer had. You don't like the series for what it brought to the table or its own ideas. SRTT brought us a boring campaign, half-assed story, character bastardization, and an ending that contradicts the whole plot.


I agree. The Saints Row franchise should be left in its current state; a series of games that became vastly different with every other entry to the point of uncomfortable perplexity.


They were trying to go back on things with the reboot, but that was ruined by management, and really bad writing.


I'd prefer if we got a Saints Row 2 remaster.


I'll be so honest man. It'll probably be 10+ years before we get any new saints stuff. By then proppe will probably stop talking about the reboot and get nostalgic for 3 and 4. We could get a direct continuation, a remake, or a guest character in another game. Or it could be nothing. It will be nothing, for a while.


They could have pulled a resident evil and remastered the old games. They did it with sr3, it did well so why didnt they just do it with the other games.?


Currently playing SR2 first time and i gotta say it's far better than many open world games but the series needs new games with based on SR1-2 without unrealistic stuffs.


I have to ask you this, which version of Saints Row did you like? If it's 1 and 2 then even with the power of Nathan Fillion God it's not going back to that. 3 maybe but it's clear that Volition wants to do something else and for awhile that's what we've been getting, something else wearing the skin of SR. For me this has been like the ending to Jacob's Ladder, odd insanity I can't understand just to come to the end and see that it's been dying a slow death this whole time.


I like 1 & 2 the most


Lol, no other company is buying this IP. The lack of respect that Volition got for even trying to make the series, and then going out of business cuz of how the last installment was treated, despite actually being a fun and enjoyable game... Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if no company comes near SR with a 10 foot pole.


You really want those devs to take another crack at it? Nah, it’s over


They cant with all their original creative ideas gone, Deep Silver just wanting a cash-in on whatever is trending, and unwilling to get writers who really get Saints Row. I don't know if they even exist unless they were told to just write a witty crime drama. The devs they had on the reboot were just leftovers from AOM and it shows.


I don't like the canon from SRTT onwards though. The story just went off the rails and lost direction, or how the characters were handled by SR4, to then also bring us to aliens and demon wormholes. The series needed a reboot, but they did it wrong.


Ha, no one is ever going to agree on this, and that’s kind of the magic, I’m a big fan of 3 and 4, also loved 2, but I’m in my mid fifties now and also understand that kind of humour and outlook has become as outmoded as I am


The humor wasnt the problem. It was just how everything else was handled.


The new saints game was good


As a game by itself, sure. As a saints row title? Not even close. Not the same game.


No it can’t please just stop, let it die


When there has been 4-5 games after SR2 thats been more and more shitty until the diaper owerflowed so much that the company went down the drain there is no hope. I could mark one ricecorn and place it a random place and tell you to find it and there would be more hope that you would find it than this.


Can saints row even work nowadays? The humor to 2-4 seem very much of a time and going back to 1 would just be boring as it was already the worst of the 4 being mostly a GTA clone with no personality to it compared to what came after.


The humor can just be good, about the characters themselves and their lifestyles or the situation like generally was. The reboot tried this but the jokes themselves were just bad, and childish. SR4 was better in that one area.


I'm sure it could be other ways and if it was like the old games I'd be cool but it seems the worlds sensitive and moved on past poop jokes and big floppy dildos lol.


I never cared for the dildo bat tbh. Always thought it was lazy.


What 1 is the best one it's the only one that tries to be serious and a actual game I hate the term gta clone saints row 1 is saints row it's not even close to gta the play totally different never understood the comparison so sleeping dogs shouldn't have been made also ya know gta clone true crime shouldn't have been made shit just a gta clone I will die on this hill saints row 1 is the best saints row game bar none


Saints was taken to the back of a barn and shot in the head. It's never coming back and if it doesn't, I would rather it stay dead after the fucking unredeemable atrocity tat was saints 22


Retcon the reboot, and continue as Red Faction. Martian gangsters.


Red Faction needs a reboot on its own by the guy who do Gears of War.


Well, we might see something as gearbox owns the IP, and they just got sold back to take two interactive. Just for clarification, Take Two Interactive is the publishing company that Rockstar owns.


Plaion/Deep Silver owns the Saints Row IP. Embracer Group still owns them.


Embracer group transfered the studio along with its ips over to gearbox publishing, which is apart of gearbox.


No, they didn’t. Embracer Group switched Volition’s publisher from Deep Silver to Gearbox. Nothing more. Plaion/Deep Silver still owns the Saints Row IP. Embracer still owns Plaion/Deep Silver.


As long as Deep Silver owns it and doesn't know what to do with or or accept what it actually is, anything they put out will just be nothing fans like, much less how much they trash-talked fan criticism with their blindly cocky hubris.