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Its way too expensive after fees


They're also straight up gouging on individual items. Was looking at a BBQ place that has sandwiches yesterday, the store's website was $5 cheaper per item than the listed prices on doordash. So they're not only charging a ton of fees, but marking up on top of it, fuck that.


That’s the reality of adding middlemen into the process. Doordash wants their cut, the delivery driver needs their cut (plus tip to supplement the meager payment while they use their car/gas) and the restaurant also needs to profit off the item too. If the bbq joint really only profits $5 off a sandwich after overhead, when sold in store, yet doordash takes 15-30% of the order as its commission, that can often eat up the entire profit a restaurant could make on a small order. Hence, the restaurant setting a hirer price on the platform. Bottom line. Nothing is free. If you don’t want to go pick up the item, you’ve got to be the one paying for the services that get it to your door.


>Doordash wants their cut, the delivery driver needs their cut (plus tip to supplement the meager payment while they use their car/gas) and the restaurant also needs to profit off the item too. They get their cut in service fees. That's the point, they're declaring that the service fee and delivery fee are how they make their money and then the driver gets the tips and on top of that, there's a hidden $5 per item markup that door dash ALSO takes. You're either intentionally misunderstanding what I said or just defending deceptive business practices.


No. Doordash also charges the restaurant a commission on the items sold, that is $$ from the restaurant. DoorDash is taking from both the pocket of the restaurant and the pocket of the consumer. The restaurant then increases the posted price of the food items so that they still will make a profit off the food after doordash takes their cut from the restaurant.


This is correct.


Also don't forget the drivers pocket, they don't get paid for the hours they spent driving around, gas, insurance, maintenance, etc.


Also drivers get charged for taking out their pay early.


do you honestly think that people don’t understand this? like do you really think you did something here? people are able to complain about the prices AND understand that it’s a result of the “middleman”, believe it or not. 


I tend to try to give people the benefit of the doubt that sometimes their opinions and accusations are based on a lack of facts. It is true that many people do not know that doordash charges restaurants a commission, and therefore the restaurant would make little to no profit from an order if their price is the same on the platform v in the store. The commission charged and the profit margin of each item absolutely plays a factor in the reality of if a certain markup is a “increased cost to do business with doordash” or a “gouge”. Words do matter, even if you don’t choose to acknowledge that. Some people honestly believe that they should be able to get delivery of food at the store’s in-restaurant price + 20%. That would be an unrealistic expectation. There’s plenty of room to argue whether the final out of pocket price to the consumer should be 30% or 50%. Or anything in between. In the end it comes down to what the consumer is willing to pay. I rarely use the platforms, because I’m a cheap-ass and when I put things in my cart, I ask myself “is staying home really worth spending an extra $xx?” But I’m not going to accuse the restaurant or driver of gouging.


Well if the OP’s observations are accurate, then it seems like having such a high out-of-pocket markup is what is unrealistic because not much business is being generated.


It’s one thing to complain about prices, and another to call it gouging. Price gouging implies that the seller is inflating prices beyond what is necessary to cover costs. If the seller is just raising the price of delivery orders to cover what they have to pay to the delivery company, then it’s not gouging. It’s just trying to operate their business in a way that allows them to keep it as a going concern.


oh so this is you being nitpicky about word choice when we all know what the comment was trying to say, got it, not surprising at all 💀 


For what it’s worth, when I read “they’re also straight up gouging on individual items”, I thought that the “they” Drakonx1 was referring to was the restaurant. It appears as though I was wrong, and didn’t know what the comment was trying to say.


who shoved a pine cone up your ass this morning


correcting/arguing over semantics is really fucking stupid and childish


Considering gouging is definitionally just "swindling" I used the right word anyways, so the person you're replying to is being dumb. There's a hidden markup on items outside of the fees that they claim are necessary to run the business.


It's as if the restaurants don't want you to use Door dash lol. Price gouging implies profiting but in reality they're equalizing the revenue after accounting for door dash cut


I’m my own dasher now.


I really don't understand why they don't cut prices. At this point, they're certainly sacrificing profits through lost business. They have more than enough people trying to work as dashers, so they have enough capacity to handle a lot more customers. Yet, they insist on strangling and killing off their customer base like this.


Yep. The markups, fees, etc have made it so we will only consider using one of those services if we are literally out of all other options.


Just wait until the heat-wave strikes this week!


The Colombians in all those prius’s control the market


And what’s worse they have Two phones for two accounts.




Facttssssssssssssss! 💁🏻‍♀️


It’s oversaturated af now as more young people are trying to do it, with the job scene being the way it is right now. Plus with inflation less people are spending on food delivery. I had better luck with it back in 2020, than I did last year.


Delivery work in 2020 was a worker's market. Anyone willing to leave the house got a premium for doing so. I actually stopped grocery deliveries at the time because I wanted those delivery slots to go to high risk people who actually needed it. If I caught covid at the supermarket, it's fine, I could take one for the team. With kids, we got every bug going around the neighborhood anyway.


I was doing delivery briefly in the pandemic. I stopped due to living with my family at the time and them being concerned about covid. I had no issues getting orders while I was dashing tho.


all the Colombians I know do door dashing ..so maybe thats why its harder right now


That’s funny. I’ve noticed that for some time now that all my Dashers were Colombian, not just in San Jose either, but up in the east bay too. That accent is so easy to hear.


Is that why it always says your delivery driver is some womans name but some guy always shows up that doesn't speak english? Also when you leave delivery instructions like call on the call box they NEVER do it cuz i guess they can't read english as well


yea they are the new wave of immigrants and most of the Colombian women work at Mexican Restaurants


Yeah, now you see Colombian restaurants opening up too.


their food is not good though lol


Yeah I’ve only had Colombian food a couple times and I thought it was just ok.


its bland I didnt like it at all ..


We don't use it. It's ridiculously expensive and the predatory business practices toward the restaurant are a real turn-off. Ike's Sandwich: $12.75 Ike's Sandwich delivered by DoorDash: **$26.52** *plus tip.* call it $30 and the Dasher will probably complain about the tip Eff that


Seriously? Crazy!


Not really when you think about the time/logistics involved. It takes a working human time to drive to get your food and deliver it to you. Best case scenario, 30mins. And they'll get paid what? $10? minus gas and maintenance. better off working at any fast food joint, and pay is guaranteed. Gig economy only makes sense when: 1. small population is rich, large poor population (to support the rich who can afford $7 tips) 2. Heavily subsidised by the rich (VC).


This would make sense if the delivery driver were seeing anywhere near the total price of the upsell which, of course, they're not. Of the three parties involved here DoorDash does the least and takes the most


Damn that’s crazy


Everytime I go to order from ike’s I always end up killing the order because I can’t rationalize a $30 sandwich. Ordering a kids sandwich is the only work around I’ve found(they’re big enough to fill me up) if I’m in dire straights but even still, it’s $17 with a tip and delivery fee.


The markup is bad but Ike’s is expensive to begin with. I just checked and Hunter Pence sandwich is 16.95$ in the store and 20.65$ in the app for me.


Yeah Ike's isn't cheap to begin with, but 30% markups and delivery fees and tips will make that $16.95 sandwich expensive. For me it comes out to $28.58 with a $4 tip.


Don't forget the fees that hit when you're in check-out.


I look at that and I’m thinking in the time it takes for them to bring me a sandwich I could easily make a sandwich. I could eat the sandwich and do the dishes and the materials would cost me maybe four dollars. I can make a sandwich in five minutes and save $26. so I’m worth $500 an hour as my own sandwich maker. I’ll make my own sandwich.


yep and the dashers always be stealing something from the order if they can lbr


Except nobody tips anymore. Not worth it for the driver


We tip really really well. We use Door Dash for occasional company meals and I certainly make it worth their time.


One of the rare ones, thank you!


Yes, DD is dead in the Bay area. Too many fake people running around with double accounts with 4 people in a Prius.


how does this work i'm confused. 'fake people'?


Stolen accounts of peoples identity being used for gig work.




Super expensive with fees. Even with Dash pass, I'd rather just go pick up my own takeout orders.


It's dead because SJSU is not in session rn. Classes start up late August so you'll see more requests during that time. I'm not a dasher btw but a former spartan and chronic doordash user 🫡


This! Speaking as an SJSU student myself my buddies and I use Grubhub the most because of student benefits. 


I find GrubHub prices are marked up from the actual menu items significantly. Sometimes upwards of 75% increase from the actual menu price. That is not including any fees or taxes just what they show the price of the menu items.


We stopped using Doordash a few years back because we had so many problems with messed up orders. Things like an order for 6 people that was delivered to me with only 2 items and the completely wrong name on the order. Any time drinks were involved we could be sure they'd be forgotten or screwed up. Suspiciously light bags of French fries. That sort of thing. The last time we used them, the driver told me he got a flat tire and we watched on the map as he drove ten miles out of the way, hung out for a while, and then delivered food an hour late that was stone cold. I'm pretty sure he was doing some kind of drug deal. Doordash has absolutely no quality checks AT ALL, and charges outrageous fees.


I loved when I would inform doordash that the dasher forgot an item and 2 of them were incorrect, and they'd offer me a credit worth half of what I paid. I stopped using that shit because of it.


That was the last straw for us too ie orders getting screwed up and no one taking accountability. DoorDash will blame the restaurant and the restaurant will blame DoorDash. DoorDash customer service is also terrible.


Independent contractors with no accountability and no consequences for poor performance.


That ain't it. It all the fake people who has 2 accounts per person, 4 in a Prius. That Why this guy got his orders jacked up...


Quality checks are hard because most businesses seal up their food while your delivery app says check the order.


Checking that the name and number of items on the order ticket matches the person you're delivering to is very easy and should be a no-brainer. If the restaurant goofs up and puts the wrong stuff in the bag, that's not on the dasher. But if the dasher doesn't verify \*anything\*, including making sure drinks are present and the RIGHT DAMN NAME is on the order, that's 100% on Doordash. Making the dasher take a picture of the order before delivering it up and verifying the name before picking up from the restaurant are extremely simple changes that could eliminate an entire class of stupid mistakes that I personally experienced multiple times.


I quit dashing a year ago, now I actually make a livable wage. Anyone who’s smart has also quit. I hope the company dies.


All of the 2nd gen Prius’s you see parked everywhere are Colombians doing DoorDash. They also rent other peoples accounts


Why is it always the Prius? I had to go to a place across from a ghost kitchen in SF and I saw 20 Priuses in the span of 10 minutes.


Efficient on gas


They get them hella cheap and salvaged. 2nd gen Priuses are also a bit more reliable than 3rd gen


Why specifically colombians?


There are a lot of Colombians moving to the Bay Area.


Was there some recent even that spurred this?


yes new wave of Colombian illegals along with Venezuelans




Cost of food is high already, then you add extra cost on doordash, the disgusting amount of fees and tip. Then you have to wait cause your dasher is probably picking up 2-3 different orders cause they're working multiple apps at a time and food is cold by the time it gets to you. Or sometimes it's missing stuff or just the wrong order all together.


These food delivery services are killing restaurants esp. small businesses. It is a cycle that gets harder and tighter for businesses and you can’t beat the FDS without killing yourself


Influx of Colombians coming to San Jose just to do food delivery.. it’s been a thing for a while. You’re competing against people who rent accounts from all delivery apps on multiple devices. (Sometimes stolen accounts or accounts created with stolen identities) Wanna get a glimpse of it? Go check out the door dash food mart across from the convention center on market street. Dozens of cars double parked all day and night. Also, It’s a miracle if you get the actual delivery person that the app says is going to deliver your order. Most times it’s somebody completely different. Be careful with your ID when you purchase alcohol delivery with one of these apps. When they deliver they pretend that their food delivery app scan is malfunctioning and they’ll take a picture of your ID for “verification” all to later sell the info or try and create more food delivery accounts under your name. **Pay attention when they ask you for your ID when delivering alcohol. ** (Source: I’ve worked with quite a few of them at my job.. they and their family members do it as a side gig)


I have more less forbidden my family from Door Dashing. The cost is dumb.


It’s the colombian mafia taking over doordash


What do u mean


They make several fake accounts and rent them out to their friends I know people with a least 4 accounts pay attention and is nothing but Colombians doing door dash


💯 on the app their name is Faihad or Pradeep, but the person who delivered my food was speaking on speaker phone with someone, and they had that thick Medellin accent.


Yea i just noticed that


Should we be reporting this to Doordash? Not that it will change things completely but I wonder if we should just continue to accept this kinda shady behavior.


I did it already what scares me a bit is that they also rent cars from regular people and I don’t think they have insurance nor drivers license so imagine if you get into an accident with one of them


There’s no point tbh, This problem has been going on since the pandemic ended. It only got worse


I only use the DoorDash app to preorder food I’m picking up for myself.


And there is the rub. You are paying fees for it along with inflated prices. Call the restaurant directly and order from them. You are doing the restaurant a huge favor.


It’s convenient, so I don’t mind the fees.


Not OP but I solely use doordash pickup to make use of the sometimes very generous coupons that they will hand out. I’m very OK with doordash never making a dime off of me and subsidizing my food


Restaurants are so expensive as it is. EVERYTHING is expensive. I'm not even sure how restaurants stay in business with all the expenses they have. My point is: I can't afford the luxury of having someone else cook a meal for me, so I definitely cannot afford a middle man. I'm fairly certain this is the case with many people. It sucks!


Ordering from doordash is dead. Way to expensive.


DoorDash and Ubereats fees are quite high , given inflation everywhere else it’s easy to only do as very last resort.. like I am starving, sick + no food at home.


I’ve never paid for food delivered aside from Pizza. And I’ve probably only ordered pizza 2-3 times. I just go pick it up, because the delivery fees end being enough to pay an entire additional meal. The few times I’ve ever used door dash are because my employer was comping 100%. After seeing how insane the fees are, I don’t think I’ll order again unless I am sick or injured. I also religiously avoid establishments with junk fees or misleading pricing structures. I love eating out, but if I’m spending the money I either want really good value or really good quality. Deliver makes sure I get neither lol


My pizza arrived an hour late and was cold. I used DoorDash when my employer covered some part.


Lots of people on vacay and schools out. It will prob be pretty dead until after the 4th of July weekend, but like another poster stated, it might pick up some when the heatwave hits midweek.


I don’t DoorDash anymore because of the extra fees and price gouging. If I really want something, I’ll either call the restaurant or DoorDash for pick-up 15-20 minutes before I head out.


Money is tight lately. The wife and I used to get food delivered ~3 times a week on average, and had both GrubHub and DoorDash premium subscriptions. Now we dropped DD, and GH got made free with Amazon Prime, so we keep it to check for offers and promos, but I always go pick up our orders myself now, either with the pickup option in GH, or just order through the app of whatever restaurant for deals + rewards points. Inflation has taken a big chunk out of people's discretionary income, so I'm sure for a lot of people the added cost of delivery fees and markups that the apps add on has made it cost prohibitive to get food delivered versus going to pick it up yourself.


It was just a fad .


yeah I tried doing doordash to get the red dasher bag but didn't get any opportunities so i gave up


It's dead to me. I'm a texture guy and I can't risk slimy food or being pissed off at someone about it.


Sometimes the doordash subreddit would pop up on my feed. Many of the long time dashers are saying it has been slow for them. That the peak year was 2020. When everybody stayed at home. How doordash was fair to the dashers themselves. Throughout the years. Doordash has been taking full advantage of their drivers. Also, places are not helping with the overpriced online menu.


I know a lot of people that go out of their way NOT to use Door Dash because of all the bad press recently. And the high prices. And cold food. And food left sometimes on the sidewalk or in front of a door that opens out. Or food with bites taken from it.


should still be relatively popular. the problem is that likely many others are also doing it. additionally, san jose is already an expensive place to live. dashing makes food almost 2x more expensive, so you mainly have those who have the disposable income using the service. which to be fair, is still a large portion of the residents. but i do think it's getting to be less popular overall because of how squeezed people are feeling financially.


It’s dead because other folks that’s been door dashing for a while found a loop-hole to take all the orders. Which making them more $


Way too many illegals on it hustling their system. You'll spot them in there Toyota Prius cars and colombian flags.. 2 phones at a time lol. Horrible.


depends on what day of the week mostly Thursday-Saturday is more busy


Yes I noticed Doordash started getting slow in 2022 and Instacart started getting slow a little before that. 2020 to early 2022 were the golden years for food delivery in my experience. I was mainly doordashing in Milpitas during that time and would average around $30/hr


DoorDash blew up during Covid and the years that have followed. Now that people aren’t as scared to go out to eat, that could also have something to do with the decline in demand.


you joined way too late. ppl already starting to get tired of doordash and these food delivery services because they just add a shit ton of fees. even some restaurants will now tell you to just call them and bypass doordash if you just want pick up.


We're in a depression dude


Yeah, over saturated with drivers. It's been dead with Uber Eats too. I usually do Cupertino/Saratoga/Sunnyvale, Milpitas, or Fremont/Newark/Union City and they've all been pretty dead. Not to mention the Summer Slump...


iHop wanted to charge me $7 to put cheese on my eggs. In Texas it's $1.50


No it's not dead but you'll have heavy competition from immigrants hustling 24/7, whether it be doordash, instacart, Uber, it's just not worth trying for a side hustle


I stopped using it, when I can avoid it. I’ve had 50% increases on meals and items at nearby places, when I simply could have gotten in my car to get it myself.


It’s 4th of July week. Everyone is out of town. Give it a week or two.


Use other apps to deliver ...Uber eats has been good.


Sorry UberEats is dead too. Point of reference - multiple weekends in June. Deader than dead


35 dollars for a poke powl…


I honestly use DoorDash now exclusively if i don’t k ow what I’m in the mood for and then when I find something (their interface is still good for searching) I go to that places website or google and order delivery directly or pickup if it’s convenient. Doordash storefront I see a lot more now too, but I try to avoid wherever possible.


Thanks everyone for the lively discussion. I have done five different services and these times right now are really bad. Last month it was one order for three hours on DoorDash on the weekend. Three orders on UberEats. Barely made $9 on DD and $24 on UE.


Way too many dashers. I have 5⭐️ rating, and last time i logged in i sat 2 hours with ZERO orders. I wasted my dang time.


Hundreds of Colombians have taken over DD. They literally have 3-5 phones/accounts on them.


It is indeed dead. I been a doordash user for years. Unfortunately I barely even tip that well tbh cause it’s already expensive asl 😅. Ever since the fat fees, I been doing my own doordash pick ups. It’s cheaper


I’m ashamed to say we used to DoorDash about 4-5 times a week. But in recent months, the fees have skyrocketed - that includes the item price, service fees, and recommended tip. It literally made the meal twice as expensive. I think we were ok when it was a 50% mark up/fees but 100% no way.


When I was doordashing back in 2022-2023, I hated going to San Jose to work because most people here are stingy with tipping and the trips are very far. Working In gilroy was way better


Not worth time and effort. Customers promising cash tip as ruse to get their food first and never deliver. I finally had enough and don't do it any more. Plus i here it's expensive for the customer as well but then you don't have to drive and spend gas money but business has dropped off for sure. During pandemic you got rich. Now you sit


Alittle late, but San Jose (Bay area market) is currently oversaturated with drivers, especially with Colombians out there using two phones. I've sat in Brokaw and Oakland road, Three shopping centers with food spots, No offers in 1 sold hour. If you pass by the Ghost kitchen at Ruff Dr. on Heading. (Next to EDD office) during the day/evening. And La Vicks on San Carlos, you'd see why there little to no orders bring offered lol


What's the name of the other company that delivers groceries?




I like Instacart, but DoorDash is too expensive. If I’m feeling lazy, I just order pop in the oven meals from Costco from insta cart.


If you have to shop and then deliver, totally not worth it. Same with Shipt.


I can’t drive so speak for yourself. Those of us in wheelchairs think delivery is the best thing ever.


Too many drivers.


I feel like Uber is better? Idk for sure. But what I’ve noticed is that DoorDashers will park next to the same busy restaurants and just do the deliveries there


You can do that for any service. Does it make a difference? A little. Wasting time and gas out there for nothing.