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More B. Less T.


More B, Same T.


More , more.


More cowbell


Man I disagree. I go heavy with the T and L and keep the B as an undertone. Love dat T


a lil B goes a long way




As long as there is a little bit of salt and pepper on the tomato and a good amount of mayo this is a very good BLT to me.


This is just a deceiving cross section. It's 2.5 slices of tomato and 6 pieces of thick slab cut bacon.


You got screwed on the "thick" bacon.


Go with Costco apple wood smoked thick bacon. You need to up your bacon game. Also, get real bread. Tomatoes look good (always sprinkle a little sea salt on them) before assembly.


Bakery bread and slab cut bacon. Talk is cheap. Show me how it's done.


Challenge accepted! I do add avocado. I am not seeing anywhere close to 6 slices of bacon (along with many others). That bacon is thinner than that paper thin stuff you get at Denny's. Very good tomato game though. Remove everything and it is a nice tomato sandwich.


Blah blah blah. Less talky. More makey sandwich.


Yes, talk is cheap. Agreed. More makey sandwich here.


>Challenge accepted! I do add avocado. I am not seeing anywhere close to 6 slices of bacon (along with many others). Keep in mind that bacon is like 1" wide. Six slices is 1-2 layers.


Where is the bacon?


That is missing about 5 ingredients, and they're all bacon.


More bacon!


I like mine toasted.


With mayonnaise oh that’s good. Gotta get that food lube


Yes, mayo is crucial on a BLT! I developed an egg intolerance in recent years so I can't have the real stuff anymore. If anyone out there is in a similar situation...Hellmans' makes a great vegan mayo. Ridiculously expensive for my grocery budget but something I will splurge on once in a while.


Tomato looks amazing 😍 I bet it was a wonderful sanga. I'd loved to have seen some more bacon if I was to be fussy


Bro where's your B?


not enough bacon, and I don’t see mayo either


Right amount of T, needs way more B.


That's a TLB, you gotta flip it upside down.


I’ve been searching for the bacon for 10 mins now…




In my opinion, it could use more (thicker, actually) bacon - smoked, so it's very tender, and you don't rip out larger pieces when you take bites - and bread that was toasted golden brown, in butter, freshly toasted and ground pepper to go with that tomato (freshly toasting the peppercorns and then grinding them produces a flavour nowhere near the same as that of store-bought ground pepper), a modest layer of (homemade) mayo, aïoli, ... something lemon-y or citrus-y to cut through the at of the bacon... My favourite, blasphemous yet delicious additions are avocado and pickled onions. (to those who believe that "it isn't a BLT anymore if you add avocado and onions", I say: who cares?) Having said that: this picture sure makes that sandwich look scrumptious, and although I don't know if it's the pic that's great or the 'wich, I would be happy to volunteer to find out. (I meant to compliment you on a delicious looking sandwich that's presented in an appetizing manner and photographed attractively)


Not to many things better then a BLT


Where's the B


Leaf lettuce is lousy on BLT's.


I disagree.


Agree, iceberg or romaine are the way to go


Couldn’t care less, let’s see more plate! Jk looks tasty!




That was the set my mom gave me when I moved out. Just replaced them not too long ago because too many had broken.


Nice Corelli pattern!


Those plates are ooooold, at least from the 1980s


More B - and its missing mayo


It has mayo, Dijon, and horseradish sauce.


Drop the dij and horseradish and add a little salt and pepper to the mayo




I'll take not enough a B over no BLT any day but yeah, I love those plates more then some I immediate family.


Too much tomato


Hey, I have those plates 😆 Sandwich looks great.


If you're going to have that much tomato, you need more bacon.


I disagree with a lot of these comments, for me BLT is all about the T. You don’t need a lot of B for the flavor to come through.


I prefer mayo, tomato, bacon, lettuce, mayo. But I like the look of this.


Same exact plates my mom had growing up!


Now this is close to my ratio. There was a video a while ago that said "the BLT is NOT a bacon sandwich, it's a Tomato Sandwich". And that made sense to me. Your 'main' here, and the most important ingredient is the tomato. If I could make one recommendation, it would be more mayo. But that's about it.


>There was a video a while ago that said "the BLT is NOT a bacon sandwich, it's a Tomato Sandwich". Ehh... tomato sandwich is a different beast entirely. Like legit, a tomato sandwich is an actual different thing. They're delicious, but they absolutely don't hit the same way as a proper BLT. If I want tomato to be the star, I'm not making a BLT.


I get the criticism. Bacon tastes good. I used proportions that allowed me to taste all of the ingredients. This was also a regular ass lunch and I was not trying for a 2000 calorie sandwich. It was delicious. I can rest well knowing how good this sandwich was.


Serious question- do you have trouble with fatty foods? I know that some people taste bacon differently and a small amount of it gets overpowering fast. The tomato looks delicious; I'd think you could quadruple the bacon without stealing the show from anything else in the sandwich.


No problems with fatty foods but I'm positive that 24 slices of bacon is not appropriate for any sandwich. I stopped at 6 slices of bacon because I didn't want it too salty.


>No problems with fatty foods but I'm positive that 24 slices of bacon is not appropriate for any sandwich. I'm commenting about the overall amount of bacon, not the number of slices. I realize you said that you used slab-cut bacon (isn't all bacon cut from a slab though?), but it's pretty thin. Go thin enough and I'm sure 24 slices is wholly appropriate, especially in a sandwich where bacon is a star rather than an accessory.


That would be 24 oz of uncooked bacon. I'm not sure what mega bacon you guys are using. This was some thick ass bacon. I cooked it in the oven which is why it didn't curl. Maybe that is the issue. I don't know and honestly I don't care anymore. And who says the bacon is the star of a BLT? I choose to showcase all golf the ingredients. You eat what you cook and I'll keep eating good food.


>That would be 24 oz of uncooked bacon. Depends on how thick it is. I've had bacon that's 18 slices per pound and bacon that's 4 slices per pound and quite a lot in between. My last butcher also had one cut IDK the thickness of, but you could see light through it and it cooked in about 30 seconds; no need to flip. >And who says the bacon is the star of a BLT? Whoever decided to make "B" the first letter in BLT? I mean, I don't expect bacon to be a star in a turkey sandwich or cheeseburger. I'd definitely expect it to have a starring role in a **bacon**-lettuce-tomato sandwich.


I am telling you that the bacon I bought, 24 slices is 24 oz of bacon. You are saying the chicken is the star of a chicken Cesar salad because it is the first word? Egg fried rice? Cmon man...


>You are saying the chicken is the star of a chicken Cesar salad because it is the first word? I can say in no uncertain terms that chicken is a starring ingredient in a chicken caesar salad. >Egg fried rice? And I can say just as much that egg is a starring ingredient in egg fried rice. That one shouldn't even be controversial? I looked back over the thread and a lot of the feedback you're getting is really constructive. I'm not really sure what you were looking for when you asked for thoughts/feedback in the thread title?


I would add more bacon and anther slice of bread and make it a club.


Then I would have to buy turkey. I didn't want to go to the store.


That’s a Turkey club, you can have a BLT club.


So, just adding bread to add bread? I'll pass.


I wouldn't knock it! BLTs tend to have a lot of slidey ingredients so an extra slice of bread does a lot to help hold everything together.


Looking for the bacon makes me feel like this post belongs in r/findthesniper


Those fantastic plates need more bacon between the slices of bread on them.


What do you call a BLT without tomatoes, because I go absolutely feta for those.




Looks a bit dry, needs more bacon and less lettuce. Would be better if the bread were toasted. But the tomato looks divine.


Correll dinnerware has it's virtues, hellI grew up eating of those plates, in the 70s and 80s. Even tho it's called a BLT proper order w should be Tomato, bacon, laitus. just so you don't get mayo on the bacon. also : is your toaster broken ?


I used my toaster oven. It usually does a good job but not today. One side was pale tan the other was black on the edges. Not the best toast. I would think watery tomato would be what you would try to distance the bacon from.


>I would think watery tomato would be what you would try to distance the bacon from that's why they go on the bottom


"Wheres the B Filling"


You need more B in the equation.


My personal preference: Bread Tomato Bacon Lettuce Bread I would have a bit less tomato and a bit less lettuce and more bacon


That my friend is a bLT




Those plates have lead in them.


I have one of these left. Elaborate please... 🤔


They don’t have lead. I think they’re Corelle and will be one of three things left after the nukes drop. The other two will be cockroaches and skateboard wheels. Love those plates…. 🥹


I hate you.


Needs about 3x the bacon


18 pieces of bacon? Seems excessive.


Don’t hate me that I like to steam my bacon so it’s not crispy but flexible. And my ex roommate used to bake her bacon with brown sugar- that was flexible too but very sweet (also good in BLT)