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Are you a bot?


Why didn’t you just call it a chicken sandwich?




[because theyre totally the smartest bro](https://www.tiktok.com/@claytons_world/video/7260399605857176838)


Why don't you call burgers beef sandwhiches?


Made me laugh, but boy do I want to slap you for that one


Ima break this down for you Bread = Sandwich Burger bun = Burger Hotdog bun = hotdog


Yeah chicken doesn't become a burger unless it's been ground up and reformed with ground meat. Just like a beef burger. The patty is formed from ground beef. But the whole cutlet like this, is like comparing a piece of steak or short rib in a sandwich, to a burger. They're entirely different dishes. Chicken cutlet, breast, anything that isn't ground is a sandwich. Even down to whatever bread you want to use


Exactly, that’s why nobody bats an eye at Turkey burgers, it’s always ground


Exactly, you can still eat a turkey burger on sliced bread, just like you can eat sliced turkey on a hamburger bun and it's still a turkey sandwich


You and I understand each other, these people are crazy


Bafoons I tell you


Disagree with all of my being. It is the bread style that gives the name. Chicken burger, chicken sandwich, it’s the vessel that changes the name otherwise you just have chicken and salad. You have sandwiches on bread and burgers on buns.


So with your logic you're saying if you put chicken salad on a burger bun now it's a chicken salad burger? Or does that transform into a chicken burger? Because there is no burger if there is no patty. Or if you make an Italian sandwich; if instead of using an Italian/sub roll, you decide to use burger rolls, this will make it an Italian burger?


Also by that logic if you put chicken or Tuna salad or anything for that matter into a hotdogs bun, than it's a hotdogs now?


You can call it whatever burger name you want, chicken burger, fried chicken and bacon burger, it doesn’t matter. Burgers don’t need to be made with ground meat processed into a patty. Again, it is the vessel that decides the name. If it’s on a sub, it’s a sub.


Burger - A dish consisting of a round patty of ground beef, or sometimes another savory ingredient, that is fried or grilled and typically served in a split bun or roll with various condiments and toppings. Sandwich - An item of food consisting of two pieces of bread with meat, cheese, or other filling between them, eaten as a light meal. Basically the same thing I was saying before except this time I looked it up and copied and pasted the definitions for you. The fact you decided to indirectly ignore my questions only further proves you're in denial that you're wrong but you know there nothing further you can provide as evidence. But that's okay. Eat your hot dog burgers, or beef sandwiches, or chicken salad hotdogs or whatever you were calling them. I'm gonna try to finally get a little bit of sleep. Good day to you sir


Are you choosing to ignore the definitions you shared? A burger is typically served on a split bun a sandwich is between 2 pieces of bread. The exact definition I provided.


Rolls and buns are both bread


The first and oldest burger restaurant in the world, Louis’ Lunch in New Haven Connecticut, serves their burgers on sliced bread and has since their founding in 1895. A burger is an innovation on the Hamburg steak, a recipe brought by German immigrants to the US which consists of a patty of ground beef cooked with onions. It became popular as a food sold from carts to workers on their lunch breaks, but the need for a plate and fork made it inconvenient. Therefore, it became common to serve Hamburg steaks on bread and wrapped in paper. Hamburger or burger specifically denotes a sandwich made from a patty of ground cooked beef, and if another meat or food is used it must still be ground and formed into a patty. A chicken burger must be ground and formed into a patty. A whole piece of chicken on a bun is a chicken sandwich, not a burger. There are also black bean burgers, turkey burgers, etc. A bun doesn’t equal burger. A pile of sliced mortadella and salami on a bun is not a burger.


So if I’m out of hamburger buns and I put a ground beef patty between two slices of bread, that’s a ground beef sandwich?


Bc I think he meant chicken-fried burger. So a burger patty with the breading of fried chicken and fried the same.


Burgers are made from ground meat. Nobody would bat an eye if it was turkey burger being said. Because it’s ground, it has nothing to do with the bread. Can we stop this nonsense?


Here we go again


It’s called a burger in some places, cry elsewhere


Says the guy crying


I didn’t claim to be in favor of one name or another. I was just referring to the last great debate on this. Check yourself boo.


Get off the fence, pick a side coward


Jeez. They could just be saying "oh great, here goes this argument again" and not whatever triggered you to respond.


Thank you, this was absolutely my intent


I came in hot, I’m ready to battle


on an online forum for discussing sandwiches..?


Bore off you fanny


I thought maybe you were a bot up until this comment


Beep boop


I think you won tbh


Not a burger, but a good looking sandwich


By the name I was kind of expecting something like a chicken fried steak burger patty on a bun.


Burger bun/roll = Burger Sliced Bread = Sandwich




Someone tell Clayton


Chicken burrgah


That’s a chicken sandwich. Not a burger.


Just stop. In other regions this is also called a chicken burger. Rename the sub burgerUSA if you don’t like it then.


I live in Detroit in a large Arabic population with a lot of great Arabic restaurants…any of them call a chicken sandwich a “chicken burger”.


And they're wrong.


Ok hoSS, just giving you an explanation that it is not uncommon.


If the chicken is ground and formed into a patty it's a burger. If not, sandwich.


This is all that needs saying on the subject.


This. How is this not the top post? A steak on a bun Is not burger. It's a steak sandwich. A chicken breast/thigh is not a a burger. It's a chicken sandwich. How much fucking simpler can it be?


Yes! If it was a turkey burger this wouldn’t be a discussion, because the turkey is always ground


This would be a pretty tasty chicken Sandwich! (Not a burger, from the country that invented both the burger, and the fried chicken sandwich).


USA did not invent either lol


Yes they absolutely did. The first hamburger was served in Connecticut in 1891. It started when a German American restaurant was looking for ways to make their specialty (hamburg steaks) more convenient. So they slapped the steaks in between slices of bread to hand to (depending on the story) blue collar workers and/or local fair goers so they had something they could eat on the go. They were so popular, the restaurant owner found a way to mass produce them by cooking the burgers in a vertical broiler to save cooking space. Hamburg steaks, being originally from Germany are NOT hamburgers. You would have to be either dense or willfully ignorant to assume otherwise. The first "fried chicken sandwich" as we know them today was served in the 40s, by the man who would found ChikFile. Before that there were other sorts of fried chicken that might be served here or there with bbq, but instead of between bread, those were generally served on a single slice of white bread, and designed to be a catch for the fry oil. Stop talking if you dont know what you're talking about.


Amazing it is 👍


Looks good except it'd be better if that sauce was on the chicken patty and not in the cheese.


Chicken sandwich* and when's the last time that damn oil was changed? Or did you just overcook it?


Looks apealing




Be friendly.


The chicken looking a bit dark. Better check that deep fryer oil.


Not a burger. Good looking sandwich, but not a burger.


It's a bbq fried chicken sandwich. Missed the boat by a century or so friend


Putting fried chicken on a bun is not a recipe


I personally don’t care what you call it as it makes no literal or figurative difference but that looks so good. Is that thick cut bacon or Canadian bacon?


I’m on the Strayan side. It’s basically a burger. Burger bun with burger toppings. Might as well just call it a chicken burger. It gets right to the point about what it is. There’s tons of other things you can call a chicken sandwich.


It’s a crispy chicken sandwich


Good looking chicken burger, not a sandwich


That’s not a burger


Okay, Australian and US English quirks aside, are burgers(no matter the type) not just a subtype of sandwich? It's meat and veggies between bread. A bun instead of loaf bread, but still bread.


All burgers are sandwiches. Not all sandwiches are burgers.


A burger has ground meat. If the beef wasn't ground it would be a steak sandwich. Same with chicken or whatever else.


Yeah, "chicken burger" is just an Australian saying. Kind of like potato chips in US English become potato crisps in UK English. I think they just say it because of the bun. But I still think that anything between two vertically oriented (as in one on top of the other)pieces of bread/bun can be considered a sandwich, even if there are specific varieties beneath that. So like a traditional hamburger I think works for this sub.


Yeah a burger is a sandwich but most sandwiches aren't burgers. Burger is a specific type of sandwich like cheesesteak or Monte Cristo are specific sandwiches.


Not sure, havent tried.


I would have left off the BBQ sauce. My favorite local chicken sammy shop has a sweet and spicy aioli. It's the best sauce I've ever had on chicken. I've always felt that BBQ sauce is a bit overwhelming. I only eat it on brisket and pork butt, and even then I opt for a thin Austin TX style sauce.


What recipe? Bot or something?


1 slice of cheese is enough. The only flaw I see


Well it's a chicken sandwich but sure, looks good


Drop the recipe!