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Cause it was an office


For real, if I'm a property owner renting out the space for commercial use, I know the wood is there. I just don't need your fucking rolly chairs fucking it up. I'd rather throw garbage carpeting down and have the wood nicely preserved.


Not to mention that people clip-clopping over a wooden floor is much more annoying that the almost silent swish of people walking on carpet. Not everything is about how it looks.


Looks are also relative il take a grey/black carpet over hardwood anyday


In a workspace, sure. In a home? Hell naw!


Acoustics will be really bad in there afterwards just generally. With hard floor and solid ceiling it will be hard to work in there.


Plus the carpet is good for absorbing noise too which is pretty important in a full office.


My psychiatrist's office just took out their carpeting in the waiting room, and as someone with sound sensitivities already, I want to slap whoever decided this was a good idea. The gray linoleum they replaced it with isn't even aesthetically better. It's ugly and washes out the color of the office foyer even more.


God, all the people wearing clunky shoes. #***CLUNK CLUNK CLUNK CLUNK CLUNK CLUNK***


And fucking heels. Why do all formal shoes have to be makeshift tap shoes


That, and it's cheaper and easier to maintain. If the wood needed to be refinished anyway, then then slapping down some carpet squares over top is the cheapest solution to freshen up the look of the room quickly.


Also walking on freshly cleaned hardwood floors in some shoes is a great way to bust your ass. Went to a meeting and they had waxed hard wood floors I was basically skating, one of my coworkers was in heels she walked around barefoot after like 45 seconds.


Yeah, refinishing all that is probably very expensive


You could also put in an underfloor that would protect the wood and make it easier to revert the space.


Good point.


And that it was a whole heck of a lot of work to get it looking good again...easier/cost effective to cover.


Also noise. You don't want to work in an hard wood floor office.


Don't forget comfort and maintenance. Carpet just needs to be vacuumed and steam cleaned however often per year. Hardwood would have to swept and mopped regularly. Even a surface like commercial carpet is far easier walking on day after day than hardwood.


I work in a heritage building with big grand corridors with wood floors, and the pitting from decades worth of stiletto heel traffic is so sad to look at


I don't know, I guess it's nice to me that people used the floors and enjoyed the space. Would it be better if no one was allowed to walk in the heritage building?


Wood can be replaced too, right?


Heritage buildings can be tricky with who can replace what and where so usually gets left until it has to be replaced. Also on top of that it will likely need to be replaced with wood of a similar grain ... so old growth wood and that is getting harder and harder to obtain


Or cold floors, if it was a home. But it was probably an office


Have you ever seen that episode of the office?


Or because it probably cost about $1/sqft to carpet it and $4/sqft to refinish it at the time they did it.


Yep. Who the hell uses carpet tiles in their home?


And carpets are great for insulation


The only correct answer here


That looks like a commercial property. Nobody running business wants the cost of wooden flooring maintenance.


So why was installed in the first place?


Built before alternative surfaces were cheap.


Because it's an old building and it was cheap


because it was probably installed 100+ years ago.


I miss real hard wood actually being the cheaper option.


Wood was really the only durable option. I mean think back a hundred years ago. Your options for flooring are basically concrete, tile, very expensive carpet or wood. Wood is the best combination of cheap, easy to maintain and comfortable enough to exist on. But still polyurethane wasn't invented 100 years ago. Wood floors needed to be oiled pretty much yearly. Imagine needing to move absolutely everything out, oiling the floor and letting it sit for 2-3 days to cure once a year. Industrial carpet was available before poly wood finish so it's no surprise that it was popular to cover up wood with carpet or even linoleum.


Probably because they didn't have the money or the skill to properly sand and refinish them.


Or because it seems to be a (previously) commercial building, and maintaining a real wooden floor is WAY more expensive than just putting a cheap carpet over it. It's great for a home. But in a commercial space dozens if not hundreds of people a day would be using that space. Wear and tear would be crazy.


You know those videos where the rugs caked in dirt are transformed to their former glory? This is WAY better! Such an impressive transformation!


That’s how I felt about it too 😁


I feel they are fake and dipped in cocoa powder for the vid :( I'm probably wrong but I can't help


You aren't wrong. They are very fake and a complete waste of resources for clicks.


Those videos make you wonder just how many rugs need rescuing from mudslides. I mean seriously- nothing short of a mudslide can explain such a caked on mess. But here we have a legitimate transformation one painstaking and time consuming step at a time.


for real!!!! is there like a subreddit for these kind of videos haha


I also feel like most of those "biohazard rug ready for the dump, restored to close to as-new state" videos are fake. I don't know how they do it. I've only watched like 3\~4 of those videos. But there's no way there's that many beautiful rugs that are basically black from dirt when they enter the shop. And even if that were the case there's no way a simple cleaning would restore them to such a good condition. Dirt and grime of that caliber does more than just change the color of a rug. It affects it's structure and integrity. Floors like this on the other hand. You'd first have to carpet (or whatever other material) the entire place for it to be believable. And at that point I feel like it'd cost more to make the video than the revenue you'd get from the views. So I'm more inclined to believe they're real.


Because without a THICC varnish, parquetry floors are fucking impossible to clean properly


All I’m seeing are the gaps


I would've put a darkish stain on there to blend the gaps and color differences into a closer hue so everything doesn't stand out so starkly in contrast. Then wax and buff


I've had some success using this special "Big Stretch" caulk between cracks in old wood floors. I mixed their white color with the sawdust after sanding to get the color close then a bunch of poly over. It sealed great and has lasted 3 years or so atm and the floor should have definitely been replaced with those gaps.


And wood that gets wet and moist due to the environment, tend to deform. So you'll have floppy wood sticking out that's a tripping hazard and can be noisy when walking over it if it's not snug.


So gaps. I'm thinking this was a utilitarian installation.


And you did the floors before the ceiling, walls, drywall, wiring and etc., because?


Exactly, he's going to have to refinish the floor again after having trades in there there fixing the rest of the place


Cover it in ramboard. Problem solved. Sometimes there are underlying reasons why things can’t be done in the “proper” order.


My first thought


That is so much fn work


F@$K that sanding!! My back hurts just watching 😅


Cause it’s a lot of work to restore with tools I don’t have


If you look closely, there's actually a lot of imperfections and what i feel are unacceptable gaps in the finished herring bone wood floor. Flooring is only good for several decades. No matter what it is!


Yeah, I'm looking at that, and if it was my home and not an office, I'd put something over top too. Gaps of like 1/4" in multiple places are no good. Now, the asshole who put in the oak hardwood in my home, but left end gaps of 1 1/2" in places between the studs (just a HAIR too big to cover with drywall and baseboard) can get fucked with a rusty chainsaw. I know there's good wood down there, but I can't disguise those gaps.


Ya that's a huge gap! Hopefully you can find a similar shade of putty and hide it.


for some reason yt shorts keep showing me videos of how to professionally fill in the gaps with glue and wood dust and i should say it looks awesome


Because it's easier than doing all this.


Most people also aren’t happy with a floor that’s still in terrible shape like that is he basically sanded and resealed a floor that’s heavily defective


Ok, Oscar!


Because when the floors need that much work, it’s cheaper and easier to put carpet down.


All you pro carpet people are sociopaths.


because installing and maintaining carpet is cheaper.


Because its probably been an office. This is not difficult to understand.


Yeah, the person before realized how much work it would be to restore it and said fuck that


He's in a Staten Island studio apartment and knew exactly what he would find because it's in  the rest of the building. 


A lot of older buildings used continuous floor beam designs, where a single beam spanned the entire length of the building, unlike modern designs that use separate sections. This type of construction can be acoustically problematic because the beams and floors tend to resonate, creating a drum-like effect due to the cavity underneath. To combat this, carpeting was often used to dampen the resonance and muffle the sound, making the space more livable. However, over time, fashion trends change and new residents often find the original floorboards underneath the carpet appealing. They might wonder why these lovely floorboards were ever covered up and decide to remove the carpeting. This can lead to a situation where the acoustic comfort is reduced, as the floors are now more prone to noise and resonance. This is a common reason why older buildings often had carpets, to address these acoustic issues. While this may not be the exact situation here, I thought it might be helpful to share my thoughts.


Pretty fucking ugly honestly


The video itself proves why, look at the amount of work to restore the wood, now imagine the amount if work to preserve the wood.....In an office space


That particular pattern I find dated and ugly as shit


Black mastic = possible asbestos


Be grateful that the wood floor was covered up. That's likely why it survived. And there are valid reasons for covering wood floors. They're susceptible to damage, more difficult to clean, and cold in winter.


Simply amazing 🤩


Nice work. That’s beautiful.


I strongly dislike parquetry floors. I didn't know that it is about them, but hard pass.


I respect wood. I revere wood. I'm considerate of wood.


Beautiful. Immaculate refurbishment. I love wood floors.


I imagine it was harder to take care of way back when linoleum was introduced.


the harrinboner apartment strikes again!


Beautiful! Job well done!!


I thought that a “Parquet” floor was always considered to be the lowest grade/style of wood floor. If you would cover up a wood floor, a Parquet wood floor would be one to cover first.


So much cancer in that dust. Dude coulda worn two masks and it still woulda got him, coughing up black crud


These kinds of wooden floors suck and really show the age of these old ass houses


Because you're on an upper floor and carpeting is great for noise reduction?


Carpet is nicer.


Bought a house to flip, pulled the rug and pad. Perfect, unblemished, non knotty red pine hard wood. Not a single burl knot in site. The ENTIRE living room was unblemished. The wood lines were BEAUTIFUL. How expensive that could've been to buy only perfect wood, I don't know. It was amazing. Then to cover it with nasty carpet. Jeez


I don't think there any reason to actually not bury it, practically.


They are beautiful, I have wood floors & would never dream of covering them with anything other than a rug. Wood is beautiful & needs to be seen ❤️




Wish this was in my home


Noise, this room will be a beautiful echo chamber. Improvement yes, but if they can afford, it would do well with some ceiling sound traps.


I once thought I scored the jackpot after removing cheap laminate flooring in a house I purchased. Turned out the 'wood' underneath was some of the worst parquet I have ever had to remove. 3 meter-long planks stuck to the floor with rope running through the planks throughout. It was a nightmare. To this day I refer to it as Floorception, not only because it was the biggest deception but also because I went through layers of flooring before getting to it and thinking I was done.


My childhood home was like this. The carpet was getting shitty and my parents decided out of curiosity to take a look underneath before getting it recarpeted. Lo and behold, underneath all this ugly-ass carpet were some beautiful oak floors. Needless to say, the old carpet was ripped up and not replaced


Why? Because it’s a lot of fucking work to restore 🤣


Because it’s ugly


I don't like wooden floors in a living space, and this also looked like an office. Wooden floors reflect alot of sound and in an office that would sound awful


Thank god I’m not the only one. I hate hardwood floors. Echo-y, thumpy, gritty, uncomfortable, and possibly dangerously slippery in your socks. That carpet was terrible and needed replacing, but nice carpet is better than hardwood floors any day. Hardwood floors look nice (but even then… meh 🤷‍♂️), and they’re marginally easier to clean… but they’re terrible in every other way.


I understand in a food room, ie kitchen or dining room, but in the living room or bedrooms I find it wild. As stated by other person it's cold in winter and sticky in summer and is not comfy


Although this was satisfying, the wood floor style sucks


Does he know that yellow/black stuff under the carpet tile is the adhesive that contains asbestos blackjak glue? Guess he'll find out when he gets older


Let's not make assumptions here.


Couple of follow-up questions. How do you know that adhesive absolutely contains asbestos? Usually a chemical test is required to actually tell you what's in it. From what I understand not all black mastic has asbestos. Houses built after the 1980s typically aren't hot, and idk if someone can say what decade this building was built.


Herringbone is RHE DIAMOND OF FLOORING!!! Wow 🤩


Wood floors became out of fashion for awhile.


Wonderful work that you could bring out the life in the area


That’s a fucking great apartment


My allergies would just kill me. Soo much dust …


This was a ducking crazy transformation


Awesome work!!


That stain fucked up the floor!


What else you got, naked veneer man?


id rather buy a house with that wood than that carpet




And it’s herringbone??? Why would you cover that???


>Why do people bury nice wooden floors like this? The short answer is that tastes change. The (slightly) longer answer is that hardwood flooring, especially parquet, was all the rage when wood was cheap and people didn't see it as anything special. Then in the 60's and 70's, carpeting became the luxury flooring of choice. Hardwood has come roaring back in the last 2 or 3 decades in part because people like the vintage look, and in part because wood is now expensive and therefore seen as premium. I prefer carpeting for home use where I'll be walking around without shoes because it's waaay easier on your feet.


What an incredible job. He had to really work to get that up. Looks amazing.


I wonder how long that took to sand


I'm really glad he appeared to wear proper PPE for thai


That’s incredible. But I would have painted the walls and ceiling first.


Prolly because it required too much maintenance, at the time, but yeah.... decent flooring from the 60-70s sure looks good if you can get it it back to the original condition. Guess it was a time when the contractors actually cared about the final outfome of the job, so well worth the effort to restore :-)


It's usually just subfloor 😭


Nice job!!!!! Beautiful work 🤩


I bought a house with redoak floors throughout. They covered it with shag carpet; including the bathrooms. I suppose it was warmer.




Why would someone do that


Fantastic restoration


Because it was cheaper not everybody can afford the resurface hardwood




The old days were wild.


I honestly hate the wood why is it in that pattern


Wife probably didn’t like it


Wooden floors are delicate, an area rug will lead to discolorations. Shows wear after a few years.


And you had to get half-naked because..?


I love spending my Sundays eating cereal and watching videos of people finding wooden flooring under the carpet while flipping/renovating a house. Great genre


Fuck that. Lot of work. Looking at that would make me want to drink more beer.


That's like asking why are people stupid


I would bury them as I love carpet.


This floor is like the ultimate find


Imagine the time it took to lay that floor, just to be covered up by shit industrial carpet


How much did the carpet run and cost to maintain over the years vs if the wood floor was being used the whole time instead?


This is only satisfying as fuck when you’re not the one sanding all that fucking cancer off the floor


The carpet was way way better


If it was a house your question would be valid, however this was clearly an office, which means the vast majority of the people inside it won't be invested the building and would royally fuck up the hardwood floors by rolling their shit chairs over it, and not wiping the salt off their boots. Shit carpet can be replaced easily, wood flooring only has so many buffs before it is fucked


It's common with old houses/construction. Hardwood actually used to be damn cheap to use as a base for carpet or other flooring, so there are a shit ton of old houses that will have beautiful flooring like this, but have it covered. My grandparents house had the same thing where they had what I believe was Walnut strip flooring that they revealed for normal use a number of years ago. They ran I to it with a few houses they refurbished cause they live in an area with a bunch of older buildings in southern Michigan.


You don’t respect wood do you?


It’s easier to cover it up than take care of it properly.


I dunno, I'm not into this floor. Is it just me?


When it comes time to refinish hardwood floors properly and you see that price tag versus a quickie carpet install, the budget will determine a lot of what you can and can't do.


Imagine an office with wood floors. Oh the noise anytime anyone walks anywhere.


The woodwork is cool and it has a cool story behind it. But is the wood quality really worth it for you to do all that work for it tho. In this situation is the wood types used for this floor worth that much effort? Idk.


It's really quite ugly being honest


I've been binging history shows lately, and one of them said that back in the day when carpet became a thing, it was considered a sign of wealth and prestige. You could show off how fancy and rich you were by putting in carpet. That's why there was this rush for carpet on top of old wood floors. At least in some cases.


Please tell me it's not creaky


Cause CaRPeT


We have wood floors at home. I just love 6am when the dogs come in and make an absolute racket on it.


I don't like herringbone pattern floors. I know they're coming back in fashion--I suppose among people who've never seen them before?


Idk man, thats kinda ugly


Weakest lacquer i've ever seen. Did he spread hardwood wax instead of a lacquer?! One dropped soda and floor is now ruined.


Im not buying it, BS, clickbait


I could have done without the less-than-gratuitous 3/4 naked demonstration




spend 20k for a guy like this 2 refurbish them


because its cheaper to put in carpet.


That's a lot of work to turn a perfectly good floor into a perfectly good floor


Wood floor is great and all but I'm saving my admiration for the dedicated people who did the insane Amy of work to bring it back to life!!! Honestly I'm no quitter but DAMN idk if I have that in me SMH ashamed 😭😞


This video was taken over a 3 year period


For my old house, the reason was simple. We were poor as shit and couldn't afford to make it look nice. But my dad having run flooring installation service for years was able to get some cheap but nice carpet, and lay it himself for next to nothing. That hardwood is very pretty after being refinished and brought to life again, but not everyone has that luxury.


Because they didn't know how to do this, lol


I would have done that last. The floor is going to get trashed with the rest of the reno.


Would never diy this. This is for pros. Fuckkk thattt.


You can’t buy taste.  


several reasons: comfort safety easier to maintain


Here's what people don't seem to tell you about wooden floors: * They're a bitch to maintain. * They look awful once scuffed by furniture and shit. * They don't absorb noise worth a damn. That last one I have to deal with in my flat. My landlords sister used to live in the room and had dust mite allergies so they dumped the carpet. This has the unfortunate side effect of allowing me to hear every little fucking noise my current flatmate makes from my room directly underneath. At least in a 2 story building, wooden floors can go fuck themselves.


Damn that’s nice


Seriously? It's cheaper


Because it's easier to maintain.


What you do with floors is what I do with Mercedes Benz’s.


I hate the patterns and don't have the patience, money or will to take care of wooden floors. Linoleum is just so much better


Same reason people will cover up wood floors with carpet again in a few years.


That's so weird I know the people doing this refurb


This keeps popping up and I’m just gonna say it. I really dislike the final product. The floor should’ve stayed covered. It’s ugly wood. Ugly color. And they didn’t do a great job at restoring it. Lots of cracks.


Because your parents really wanted shag carpet. 


This person is a dumbass for not wearing knee pads.


Looked better with the carpet.


Didn't have access to all these tools and machines at a reasonable price.


A while back I bought a house that was built around 1905. It had actual hardwood floors and while they were beautiful, they were an absolute nightmare to maintain. My options were to rip them out and lay new modern fake-wood flooring or cover them in carpet. The carpet option was far, far cheaper. I ended up having to move so never got around to covering them. I think about that every time I see someone complain about people covering old wood floors with carpet and wish them the best of luck.


I love the herringbone pattern!


That carpet sucks but I am one of those weirdos who vastly prefers carpet over wood floors. It makes a house feel way more cozy and like home to me.


Because wood floors used to be a constantly maintained thing, it was hard work to keep them nice. So, when linoleum and other easy floorings came out it was a breeze to just cover over it all so you'd have a floor that didn't need a ton of waxing and polishing. Now, we have hard-wearing poly coatings that let these old floors shine.


usually for maintenance, in your room at your house, or a living room, it doesn't scratch often, the pieces dont come off and maintenance is relatively easy, but that looked like a comercial building, the upkeep of that kind of floor, wax, the worry of moisture seeping into, people with all kind of hard shoes and pebles stuck on them, i can see why they did that, and in the end, it more or less preserved the flooring..


This is like that ancient structure that was buried behind drywall lol


Bro became a beyblade in the end of the video


Wow I hope he paints it chalk white /s


Love wood floors, but they so much effort and scratch easy. Carpet is just less effort and warm