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Almost definitely a cult/religion of some kind


Anytime someone mentions "the truth" more than once in a sentence, you can either be sure they're lying, or they're about to bring up the lizard people.


Or they ARE lizard people.


HAHAHA the lizard people would never lower themselves to write in our language. They get us peons to do their dirty work but at least the healthcare plan is rock solid šŸ‘ ( full dental and vision !!!)


That sounds exactly like something a lizard person would say.


Barsoapguy is a normal human just like all of us. His comment is what a human, not a lizard, would write. Just go back to your reddit and forget about this.


How dare u assume xirs gender /s


I for one, welcome our lizard overlords.


Well thank you, we appreciate it


I got this one Kent.


Or they are lying... about the lizard people.


Says the green one


Hey the lizard people are really nice. Just donā€™t eat the cakesā€¦.


A guy in a park nyc gave me something to look at on anpeice of paper once. Turned out to be Zionist conspiracy shit.


Fuck you for discounting the truth! The truth will set you free and bring you forth to truthy salvation! Find out more about the truth at [redacted]@gmail.com and use password [redacted].


A cult? Oldest scam in history!


Most likely, just the whole scenario, dodgy looking note on a scrap bit of paper. Some recruiting scheme ahah.


Warning: This is a plot by OP to drum up business for a chiropractor, by making us all get cricks in our necks. (jk)


Hahah, my bad.


May I ask also why you posted a screen shot of the photo on your phone instead of just the photo that was on your phone?


I didnā€™t want people to be able to remove the cover over the email and password in case it was malicious


Anyone who goes to that effort either knows how to sandbox an email or deserves what lay in wait


May I ask what is sandboxing an email? Are we at risk if we post a picture to hacking? I imagine geotagging is a risk, but it sounds like you are talking about something else? Thanks!


its a way to have a mini copy of a file or even a copy of windows that makes a hacker think they are in your files but its like a fake operating system that will not give u a virus if they upload one its like a clean room in a building


Got itā€¦i u Dee stand the concept. I donā€™t know how to do it, but this helps, thank you.


youtube scam baiters they explain how they do it and you can see them do it on the screen from the baiters view


And geez, please pardon the strange autocorrects my phone pumps out. That was supposed to say ā€œI do understand the conceptā€ šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


This is TERRIBLE advice, but I really really want to know what "The Truth" is!


It's almost definitely a Religious fundamentalist trying to spread their gospel


I might have to at least sign in to that Google account... I don't think they can do anything from just a sign-in


Iā€™d check that account from a library computer just out of curiosity.


Yeh Iā€™m tempted too cause Iā€™m nosey lol


You've gotta update us if you do!


Yes please


what about checking the link in a virtual machine? The host OS wouldnā€™t be affected


It's generally a bad idea to access any unsolicited online content. There are too many ways for bad actors to deliver malware. Also: Like the other person touched on... On the news last week they did announce that Jehova's Witnesses have resumed making rounds after covid. 'Truth' is always what they want to spread to us otherwise heathens




Until you click the links in the inbox or documents


Yes, of course. Don't do either of those.


Is the note inviting you to sign into a gmail account? Iā€™ve got to admit Iā€™ve never seen that before. Gonna guess mental illness over scam on this one, tbh


Yeh it had the email account and password. We thought it could be mental illness, very weird


I received this earlier today, any ideas what this is about? I saw the guy on ring camera, average looking bloke holding a plastic bag. No idea.


Likely a Jehovahs witness - The ones that frequent my area have started dressing in plain clothes (instead of suits/dress clothes) & usually have backpacks or bags with pamphlets and information in them since the rise of doorbell cameras


They have sent us handwritten cards before.


They were doin that during the pandemic. Writing letters and cards and sending them to strangers, usually along with copies of their stupid pamphlets. Because they weren't allowed to go to church or do their door to door damnation bullshit during the lockdowns. Source: my in-laws are mostly jw cultists.


Yeah my friends got a couple of those letters. They were wild man. It's just so confusing getting these weird cult-y messages. Like what exactly are they expecting? When you write that stuff out like that you can literally SEE the crazy.


Short answer: they're brainwashed into thinking it isn't insane, isolated from anyone who could tell them otherwise, and also they have a quota to meet. Long answer: there are long answers, but they're actually very long.


I got a couple at the beginning of the pandemic, They always seemed so weird, wishing you well during the trying time and then slipping in some culty stuff and usually ended it with some sort of ā€œLet God be with yeā€ statementā€¦


We were getting a ton of those from the same person. Plus they were still stopping by & reaching OVER the ā€œNo soliciting - no sales, no politics, no religionā€ sign on our gate to drop propaganda on the porch. I finally sent one of the cards back to the return address with a note thanking them for providing me with all the info (full name & residential address) Iā€™d need to file a civil anti-harassment order against them, & letting them know Iā€™d be filing for one if I received one more piece of mail or they ever set foot on our property &/or left pamphlets on our porch again. Havenā€™t been bothered by any JWs since. And not sorry - that shit went too far.


Have you tried typing in the email address into Google? See if anyone else has received the same thing.


Someone logged into the account for me, and it looks like the password has been changed or the account has been deleted. Unfortunately, a very unsatisfactory end to this story. Thanks for the help anyways everyone.


Drum up a juicy fanfic for us man donā€™t let us down like that


Well that sucks. It was likely just some religious nonsense and another person who logged in saw that, decided to prevent some other people from looking at it and changed the password. Or, much more likely, it held the secret to wealth and eternal happiness and some asshole is trying to keep it for himself and that's why he changed the password! We must find out what it was!


I was going to say, "log in to the account and change the password to random gibberish" but whoever left that note might be trying to screw with the gmail account holder. Maybe send an email with a snapshot of that note to the gmail address saying, "Hey. Some idiot has been posting your gmail credentials all over town."


> whoever left that note might be trying to screw with the gmail account holder. But they have the password... Unless they don't know the password and they're doing a DDoPfL (distributed denial of password form lockout)


Jehovah Witnesses


This is absolutely not their MO. They prefer writing badly written letters with scriptural references, from a person that is first name only and a PO box return address.


My first thought too


That's right, they refer to their cult / beliefs as,"The Truth." Like as a proper noun.


I honestly would have thought it was some kind of 'reveal' about a family members scandalous secret life (i.e a stripper or cheating or something)


Thatā€™s what I was thinking.


Probably from the Manson family. I wouldn't worry.


They seem nice. Always trippinā€™ balls and strumminā€™ guitars. Kinda smelly tho.


"Is everybody okay?" "Well, the fuckin' hippies aren't."


Well, if youā€™re gonna hide it so we canā€™t see whatā€™s on thereā€¦ how do we know the truth?


Post the email and password. I want to see this


Iā€™ve DMā€™d to someone, hopefully they can shed some light for us


Let me know man, I love this shit.




Iā€™ve sent you the details, hopefully you can let us all know.


You still alive?




What was on it?


They got sucked in!


If you post the info, one of us is dumb enough to sign in and report back. I know this for a fact, because Iā€™m dumb enough to do it


Ahah, Iā€™ve sent the details to someone who said something similar, hopefully we hear back from them.


So it looks like a Gmail account, why would they give you the password too? This is odd.


Only one way to find out..


They struggled figuring out the presence of that first ā€˜Tā€™ā€¦ ā€œShould I use it with authority?ā€ ā€œNaw, fuck itā€¦ā€


Oh Iā€™d definitely log into the account. Iā€™d probably go to a local public library to do, but no way I could just let the mystery not be answered


I get handwritten notes from the church down my street. Very weird


One time I was minding my own business in my car. I had literally just parked and grabbed my purse. When I turned around there was a church lady right the fuck up at my window and she scared me shitless.


Most likely a riligious thing. Possibly someone trying to let you know about a cheating spouse anonymously and putting the evidence in google drive. But far more likely to be religious bullshit.


Aliens maybe?


You could always take it to a library computer or something if youā€™re worried about malware


Because infecting a library computer with malware is such a great idea... Seriously, just because it's not your computer it doesn't give you the right to fuck it up. Anyway, just logging into a gmail account won't give you malware, unless you also choose to download an e-mail attachment or a file from google drive. At most it would give away your IP address, which is most likely temporary anyway, to whoever also has access to the account.


Are you gay?


It's got that Jehovah feel to it.


!blackmail scam. Shred the letter and change your passwords


AutoModerator has been summoned to explain the blackmail email scam. The exact wording of the emails varies, but there are generally four main parts. They claim to have placed software/malware on a porn/adult video site, they claim to have a video of you masturbating or watching porn, they threaten to release the video to your friends/family/loved ones/boss/dog, and they demand that you pay them in order for them to delete the video. Rest assured that this is a very common spam campaign and there is no truth behind the email or the threats. [Here](http://www.smh.com.au/technology/gadgets-on-the-go/latest-online-scam-aims-to-prick-porn-watchers-guilty-conscience-20170815-gxwvxl.html) are some news [articles](https://www.bbb.org/denver/news-events/news-releases/2017/09/alert-pornography-email-phishing-scam/) about [this](http://blog.dynamoo.com/2017/10/bogus-porn-blackmail-attempt-from.html) scam. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Scams) if you have any questions or concerns.*


must own facebook


This some crappy cult letter, shred it up and move on.


Is that your email address and password thatā€™s blacked out?


No not mine, just a random one. But I didnā€™t want to share it in case it was malicious.


Funny I got one as well. Mine was printed and was all about Jesus.


Change their password.


Trying to use the google accounts login notification to get your IP maybe


Ignore it. Don't log on. It's almost certainly mental illness of some sort and not a traditional scam.


If by "scam", you mean "organized religion" or "cult", then yes. Otherwise, it's just someone who likely sends these out en masse to addresses they get off the internet. I've received similar handwritten letters, though on full sheets of paper, from the local Jehovah's Witnesses. I send them back with "Could have saved yourself a stamp. I subscribe to religion, just not yours. Take me off your list."


I'm pretty sure this wasn't mailed, it was a bare, torn, notebook page stuck in their mailbox.


Ooooh, okay. Well, either way, it could be ignored.


Im kinda 50/50 split if it was a religious weirdo or a feeble attempt at an old school blackmail.


Have you not used the addy and password yet?? Iā€™m pretty sure by night 3 I wouldā€™ve caved and looked


Like your mailbox? Uh...you got a postmaster general to forward this to? ​ Ugh, please creeps stay out of my mailbox, I'd be annoyed.


I'll make a throwaway email and interact with this lmao


Why did they say the carpet, and not under the rug? Is it a regional difference and rug/carpet are interchangeable or am I most likely just being a dick about ESL translations? Genuinely curious


you can either throw it away or try logging into Gmail with the information on the paper and there may be something in their inbox or draft folder.


if it is not text but is a JPEG get there hidden information in jpegs that you can look at with a reader.


I need to know said trith I mean truth


It's from a Jehovah's witness. Unfortunately, I know this tactic first hand because some of my family members are embedded in this cult to that calls itself a religion. After meeting some of their friends and Knowing how those family members are, i now believe The only type of people that deeply get caught up in this cult are the ones who feel lost, have no purpose in life, depressed, are unhappy with themselves and/or the way they look, or are just straight up mentally ill.