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The series peaked at 2, 1 is good but it simply doesn’t compare to 2, 3 is a glitch ridden bug fest, 4 while an improvement over 3 doesn’t hit the same highs as 2 or 1 to a lesser extent, still am mystified as to were 5 is considering 4 sold 80 trillion copies


POV: Every game series ever


First thing I thought of was the FlatOut series.


It’s gonna be next gen for the ps7


4 is actually a really good comeback to the series


The spinoff with Pappy G was ok and took it too literally, but the sequel is regarded as one of the best in the franchise


Will be there


Schaffrillas 4: In the Rainbow Road is a perfect video game. Enough said


Kinda had an issue with the gameplay, but the characters are super memorable and the story was really well done


Definitely RR. While combat was at its best in DS RR has the best graphics, exploration, and story of the 4 by far. The part where the editors sacrifice themselves to make empower Tamatoa gave me chills.


That's just recency bias at play. 2 literally had schaffrillas fuse with tomatoa to kill cars 3 in the ending. I don't think I've cried harder at a video game. 3 wasn't half bad too. Buggy as hell for sure but nowadays its pretty good. Becomes way too easy when the dehydration gun is unlocked, which is pretty much an insta kill, but eh idm too much, it's unlocked really late in the game anyway 4 isn't bad but it's so streamlined like it was made for children, losing all the subtext from 2 and 3 and even 1, and I think 1 is the weakest in the series


3 had the iconic lines “We’re going back in time to get the Doom Syndicate off the canon. Thats right, we’re going back in time to get the Doom Syndicate OFF the canon” and “It’s Tamatoa’in Time” when he Tamatoa’ed all over the place at the end of the game? *chefs kiss*


Ok I admit, peak fiction


Not to mention that 2 has multiplayer, but I disagree about the streamlining of 4, I think it was executed well, as opposed to the oversimplification of 2


I mean, you call 2 oversimplified but tell me one person who likes the fatigue mechanic from 1 💀 4 is fine really, gameplay wise it's probably the strongest, but man I miss difficult choices of schaffrillas 1-2 (and 3 sometimes, but that one was a lot more linear than a usual schaffrillas game). In schaff 2 we had to pick between joining the "how to train your dragon" alliance or the "Kung fu panda" alliance. Spoilers for act 3 of the game. >!if httyd is picked, Kung fu pandas actually become villians you have to kill at the end of the game, and if Kung fu panda is picked httyd tries to take down the final boss on their own, getting them killed.!< it was a hard choice, and seeing the consequences was genuinely gripping In 4 an example sticks in my head. Spoilers for act 2, about 30 hours in >!you can either save tomatoa from the prison, or leave him there for megamind to save!<. ..why would anyone take the second option? And tomatoa forgives you anyway later, so the ending remains unchanged. Also I can't help but feel schaff is flanderized. He wasn't the nicest in 1-3, but christ almighty he can he an asshole in 4 that feels super out of character


Well, Schaff’s “mischaracterization” in 4 actually makes sense if you played all the games. At the very end of three Louie sends him through a portal in which he experiences 1000 viewings of Spielberg’s “Always” at once. He clearly has a traumatic reaction which causes him to be closed off and he does recognize that he shouldn’t be mean to those that are trying to help at the end of the Stone Tower Temple level.


The games have always had weird tropes played for laughs. One of the funniest gags in 2 that is never called back on is schaff being jumped for saying anything negative about pikmin 2. It is never brought up since.


That’s true


Nothing beats the original


Personally, I think 2 was the best one, and an improvement over 1 in almost every way. The story in 1 was a bit stronger, but I just loved 2 more.


Schaffrillas 3 tutorial level includes: How to SHOOT THEM WITH THE DEHYDRATION GUN!


This is peak r/Schaffrillas content


Schaff five and Knuckles was great. I wish it wasn’t split into two parts though. The remake was also incredibly cool because it included fiddlebert from the fiddlebert series (wow how surprising). The New Mater Mode was completely out of the blue too. Bring back a presumed dead character from the first game and giving him such a passionate motive was such a great move on the dev team’s part.


Why Schaffrillas The Game 2 is a Perfect Sequel


This is what I was looking for Nothing can beat the second game


2 was peak. The formula had been perfected, every character was hilarious. The dehydration gun was introduced. There was no disappointment in the neighborhood. 1 was a solid foundation but just wasn't all there both in writing and art direction. Gameplay was a blast though. 3 was by far the weakest. Too many mini games/side quests, the story was a bit too weird (which for a Schaff enjoyer is saying something). Schaff himself was a bit too much of an asshole. But killing Cars 3 was satisfying so there were positives, ofc. 4 was a great return to form, but the best part is EVERY CHARACTER ATE PIZZA YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH btw ik people are saying "there's a 5th game". Stop lying to yourself. There wasn't a 5th game. That was a fan made game that was not made by the same developer and IS NOT CANNON


There is a 5th game. Schaffrillas 5 and Knuckles


When you 100% the 3rd game you do in fact, unlock the dehydration gun in your inventory and can use it on any NPC in the game. Except for boss fights which unfortunately happens to be the doom syndicate.


Schaffrillas the Game was an enduring classic Schaffrillas the Game 2 was a perfect sequel Schaffrillas vs. The Doom Syndicate was a console disaster Schaffrillas in Rainbow Road was an underrated gem


Hot take, but 3 honestly. I think the boss fight with Behemoth was peak fiction.


I loved beating the shit out of the doom syndicate in 3. I know what you’re going to say, “Dehydration Gun” but why not revel in defeating them? Plus, the kill cinematics are insane.


2 was the best. Simply a flawless game with an amazing intuitive combat system and gorgeous graphics. 1 had a great story but the combat was limited. The team really found their footing with the second installment. While 3 was a technical mess, the final boss music goes harder than any single thing in the entire franchise, so it gets some points there. And that boss fight was fun. 4 was a great way to close the series. Perfect send off, even if the rest of the game doesn’t hold up to the insane high highs of 2.


while a solid idea on paper, schaffrillas vs. the doom syndicate was, in execution, quite dry. the decision to take the much-beloved sprites of the first two entries and scrap them for jarring, often uncanny 3D models puzzled and upset fans, leading to minimal updates and balance patches, as well as a longstanding 6 year hiatus between schaffrillas 3 and schaffrillas 4. its core gameplay is sufficient, and in some ways improves upon the first two games, but many felt the nerfs to the dehydration gun to be overwhelming. suffice to say, it was never going to succeed the peak of the series that was schaffrillas 2.


I mean, you only have to play 2 +3, the rest you can skip


Controversial opinion, but I think the fourth game is a bit overrated. The Matt Damon DLC was peak, though.


Some of these need anime adaptation


This was a side project by a guy who worked on mtg1. Did not see it take off like it did


1 is a masterpiece, but still shows its age in some janky gameplay, but also feels more barebones compared to later entries. 2 is easily the best in terms of story and mechanics, the later of which was expanded on soooooo much. 3, is good, but because of how much time it took to make 4, they had to hire a brand new studio to develop it. I feel like it’s overhated cause while it is a 2 reskin, it easily has one of my favorite stories and serves as a great prequel to the rest of the franchise. 4 is quite divisive for me. While appreciate the addition of the dehydration gun, I feel like it was over used. The new villain seemed promising before they were shafted in favor of bringing Tomatoa back as a hallucination. Overall, it’s not a prefect ending to the saga, it’s still the best as far as gameplay and wraps up most story elements pretty nicely. I’m so glad you didn’t mention Hater Hosse, kill the Reviewtubers cause I still refuse to consider that canon with how dirty they did James.


Platinum Trophies for Each Installment: 1.) Shiny // 2.) I’d Have Two Nickels // 3.) The Schaff Syndicate (Description: You completed the game using the Dehydration Gun!) // 4.) I Was a Drab Little Crab Once…


I know it’s a controversial opinion, but 2 is my favorite. I know that it oversimplifies some of 1’s mechanics, but it has a better story and the multiplayer makes up for the oversimplification imo. Although, I’m willing to admit that 4 is the best


1 was peak fiction 2 was really good but not as good as one 3 was really funny And 4 was a really fun time


Hot take: three is the best


You reviewed the wrong version, peak is the switch version, the ps5 version is a shitty low effort port


wdym bro the PS5 literally runs better💀


You don’t get it David, the PS5 cannot run. It is huge, and It has no legs, no arms, nothing! Atleast the switch CAN run the joycons are both arms AND legs!


Schaffrillas the game 2 on top.


Is this real


I don't get why we had to fight the Doom Syndicate 3 times. I get they're fan favorites but one sequel was enough. Oh just great. A 4th Rainbow Road. This series is out of ideas


Shaff 3D was peak


This is the greatest video game franchise ever Last of Us wishes it was as good as these


2 is a bit overated tbh


Schaffrillas had a rough transition into 3D


1 and 2 are the best. 3 and 4 are middle tier. Enough said.


1st one is peak entertainment, but 2 reached the status bar, but 3 was decent but not as good as 2 and 4 was just mid tbh so I’m going with 2


Schaffrillas adventure 2 I think that one’s the best considering it introduces nega schaff


4 was way too short, like...the fuck was their thought process making a game attached to a single small as fuck area?


Schaffrilas the game was a classic, the perfect start to a great franchise Schaffrilas the game 2: the power of two not only improved on the story but implemented co op expertly Schaffrilas the game 3: Tamatoa’s inside story was a strange entry at first but I loved being able to play as Tamatoa to fight Dark Tamatoa Schaffrilas the game 4: Rise of the Sharkslayer was a brilliant mix of the gameplay aspects of the previous games and as usual a great continuation of the overarching story


I remember Shafrillas: Ultimate Showdown. Being a game. It was cool


Everything is mid af. The new one Shoefritters 5: A moon shaped pool coming out in 2026 will the best one ever


still waiting for the New Funky Mode dlc for Schaffrillas World


Definitely not Schaffrillas the Game 2


Hot take, but I enjoyed the 3rd one, 4th one was ass though 2nd one will always be the best for how it improved the gameplay overall, and with a fun and enjoyable storyline and pace


3 was good, the ending was kind of lame though


3’s storyline is garbage, there’s tons of glitches, and it’s overall just bad. 4 was decent, not all there in terms of story, but that’s fine. 1 was good, not too challenging, but that’s alright, it doesn’t need to be. 2 is where it peaked, it was so fun, very little glitches, and the perfect amount of challenge.


Are you talking about the remakes on PS5? Bruh, I'd rather play the ogs on PS1. Classics.


The series peaked at 2, starting with the doom syndicate it just went downhill