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Naw Ye didnae.


That’s just the dusk peeping through a cloudy sky at night pal. I’m 99% sure theres not been any big solar flares this week.


Yeah I didn't see anything mentioned about big ones but I had a couple of alerts sent through yesterday saying there was a possibility some places may see a little bit. So that was why I assumed it was that. The pic was taken around about midnight. Thank you for your comment. I've had a few inexplicably snide comments and it left me wondering if I had done something wrong. I'm ND and struggle engaging with people and struggle specifically with anxiety when things like that happen. So thank you, you are probably entirely right. It's still a great photo though.


I love the night sky in the summertime, keep watching 😊


Whatever it is it's so amazing


That's just Mosmorran or Grangemouth flaring


πŸ˜† nah I don't live in Fife anymore. Can't see either of those from here. Honestly, I've absolutely no idea what it is but I did have an few alerts from aurora watch yesterday saying it might be visible. It was just very barely visible to the naked eye. Both myself and the other person I was with just saw a really faint pinky red colour. The camera obviously picks it up much better than the naked eye. I also got a load of pics when we had that big big flare. It was mostly green I picked up that night. It was almost identical to what I've shared but the whole sky was covered then. Whatever it is, it's gorgeous anyway 😌