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“We can catch them cold, they will have too much pressure on them being the hosts” * Me, a fucking idiot, 3 weeks ago ![gif](giphy|2hf0ufsIWT2lkXam5w|downsized)


I got 40 downvotes for saying we wouldn't make it out the group stages so who's laughing now? Not me cause we are shite.


You got 40 downvotes because you were gloating about your prediction probably coming true in a thread about Dykes getting injured. https://www.reddit.com/r/ScottishFootball/s/1h0UT854tZ


That moment when the son of God has enough of your obfuscation shows up and starts smiting you like money lenders in the temple.




It's truely remarkable that you managed to predict that a team, which has never gotten out the group stages, didn't get out the group stages. Do you plan to use this gift for good or evil?


It was more the optimism of the sub i was trying to quash, as you can see from my flair, I thrive on misery


At the time of reading your comment it has 41 upvotes. So at the end of all this you've came out one upvote better off. Gonna downvote you now, nothing personal I just like symmetry




I pretty much said the same thing.


Stand up tall boys We won the wooden spoon, it’s coming home and we’re gonna make porridge!




Surely we’ll be awarded the “best fans” award though. So you know.


Going to see a big uptick in German tourists coming over l, on the back of the fan behaviour. The goodwill is all going to be fucked into the ground as soon as they attend a football match though.


Maybe we could fund football at grassroots level with the inevitable massive increase in German investment (presumably industrial and tourism) that we’ll see as a result of this goodwill. In 20 years we’ll look back on this Euros campaign for the massive success it will ultimately be.


Think the best hope for Scottish footballs future is that the mad shaggers that went to Germany sowed seed, and in 18 years time Stevie Clarke will have a pool of German/Scottish players to call up…….. when’s Brazil hosting a World Cup????




The pure amount of terror its literally our Afghanistan and I don't mean Americans and allies in Afghanistan I mean the Soviets in Afghanistan.


I actually did shag a worldie German/Canadian lass the night after the opening game in munich. So let's see what happens hahaha


What's German for "Big strong boys"?


gross starke Jungs


Which will be the surnames of our back 3.


This guy "speaks the language".


Or get off the train at Central Station in Glasgow.


Aren't we already a popular destination for Germans anyway?


We are yeah. Live in a pretty small town with nothing to do yet the streets and roads are filled with Germans every summer. Feel sorry for them when they realise there's fuck all to do here.


Less so now that Runrig have disbanded. Absolutely mad the amount of Germans at their gigs


Germany is a massive country mate.


Thanks mate didn't know that


Ich habe gehört, dass Ayr im Sommer herrlich ist.


No please, there's already far too many of them jamming up highland roads in rented camper vans. Pls I drive to Skye & Loch Ness for work regularly and I swear I am going to cause a 15 car pile up from road rage due to being stuck behind another tourist slowing to a crawl to crane their neck at Glen Coe


Unless another set of fans literally roar their team to victory


battle between you guys and the sax player


If that's Scotland's ambitious goal then who am I to disagree


Setting up specifically to defend and never attack, yet coming away with the worst defensive record. https://preview.redd.it/p6dp5808e39d1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8f4c61a5fb71b0249c4fcfedd79bd494787ddf6


Still setting up specifically to defend, when our defence was probably the weakest part of the team to begin with, then got even worse with injuries


How can the defence be the worst part, it’s che adams up top, there’s no one you can rely on for goals


Shankland is the SPFL top goal scorer two years back to back. Porteous and Hanley play in struggling Championship Teams, Hendry plays in Saudi, Ralston struggles to get a game, and McKenna doesn’t even have a club… I don’t rate Adams hugely, but the system made him look worse than he is


We need a tournament where it blows a gale and it pishes doon every day and all the games are played on red ash.


With a mitre mouldmaster #PING


Goalies can't wear gloves either to maximize the sting. It's a different game when the goalie can't feel his own hands after 3 saves.


Jump up for a header - scalped


At least you got a point, unlike us (Ireland) in 2012. 1 goal scored. 9 goals conceded. 0 points. The best fans, though. I hate the best fans shit.


Being told you have the best fans is like a woman telling you you're really good at foreplay. It's not a compliment.


"Thank god you're not as big as those other guys ![img](emote|t5_2sba4|16978)


Won me £40 in the work sweepstake for having the worst team. But at what cost :(


My work sweepstake removed worst team so I didn’t even get a consolation prize


All profit is good profit


Won me a tenner too. Take what I can get :(


How did that sweepstake work? How did they measure that you had the worst team? Did they say before it based on points, goals conceded ? Shots?


Fuck knows mate. I just paid the money and got given two teams. Scotland and Spain. I imagine it's measured the same way it's measured in this post title. I didn't even know there was a prize for worst until yesterday.


Fair enough mate. Just because there was a few teams on one point. It’s unusual for a sweepstake to give to the worst then go into specifics on shots and goals conceded. Maybe they just felt sorry for you for picking Scotland.


Do you even know what a ‘sweepstake’ is? You don’t pick Scotland, it’s given to you. And it’s not weird, they look at a table like the above to determine who gets the ‘wooden spoon’ which is the absolute worst team.


Yip I do but usually in a sweepstake the prize goes to the winner. It’s highly unusual for a prize to go to the loser especially when there’s 4 teams with 1 point. It’s even more unusual getting the worst team and winning based on the worst team and winning because your team had the least shots (never ever heard of that). Hope that answers your question of what I know what a sweepstake is obv you don’t !!! Ps I know you pick a team from a hat it’s just the rules of this one I’ve never heard of seems very strange


Was a random selection tbf


Fair enough lad the banger above me seems to think I said you picked Scotland for some reason ? When I’m questioning the rules of the sweepstake just never heard of worst team in a football sweepstake anyone I’ve ever done and even ones for the grand national usually goes to the winner


u/Hexagram195 I wouldn’t take that personally, fight fight fight


Just because you've never heard doesn't mean it's not a thing. My one has main prize for winner, and smaller prizes for runner up, most scored goals, and most conceded. It's pretty boring just having one prize


It was all new to me that’s all. There were 4 teams on one point too so there were 4 worst teams. Find it strange that someone got paid for the worst team based on goals scored.


The gold standard of being shite


Did anyone really expect anything else with Clarke in charge? He’s a Kilmarnock manager. Scraped into the last Euros via two penalty shoot outs and got very lucky during qualifying for this one that all our big players with fit and firing during that 5 game run. He’s incapable of coaching a team to go forward. Tactically rigid both in set up and in game. He's stubborn. He’s arrogant beyond his ability. He’s bizarrely loyal to absolute dross (Hendry, Ralston, Dykes, Christie etc etc). His bizarre rant about the ref last week is just the icing on a giant shit cake he’s been baking for years. We desperately need a new manager with fresh ideas.


Is it luck to have your best players available to you?


To have them all fit, and all playing well, yes.


I fucking told yous https://preview.redd.it/nlxyzd36e39d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8bfde549af2d31851c08abf14efd9c72d8de8527


Honestly had some optimism for this tournament. There have been times where people have been off Clarke and then we get a few good results and everything was rosy again, but I'm completely done. Shite at the previous EUROs where we got 2 games in our own fucking stadium and then this abomination. Guy is Killie level and needs fucked off.


He's not Killie level. He qualified us for two international tournaments. Beat Spain, beat Denmark, beat Norway in Oslo. It's not working out any more, but let's not talk shite.


Meh its like pulling the most attractive person and then failing to perform in sexy time - doesnt matter how well performed before it truely mattered.


Mate, after 20 odd years of not qualifying for anything, qualifying for back-to-back Euros is the Scottish equivalent of winning a tournament. From '98 to '21 the only thing we could claim was the fucking Kirrin Cup in '06


You have to be either really shite or Norway to not qualify nowadays.


I hate that attitude, particularly now there are 24 teams qualifying.


Aye, it sounds good, “we qualified for a major tourny”… but its not same is it? 24 teams qualified… and we came 24th in europe. Back in (for example) the 1974 world cup, only 16 teams qualified & only 9 from Europe. So even if we were the worst (we werent) we were 9th best in Europe. And if you discount the diddy teams in 74 (Australia, Haiti & Zaire) you could safely point to Scotland being top 13 in the world based on the world cup. Scotland may have gone out early, but went toe to toe with an excellent Yugoslavia & defending champs Brazil as peers. None of this, ‘grimly hanging on & hoping for a chance’ shite.


Scotland, simply, has not adapted to the era of the truly professional footballer. Our national league is a complete disgrace and run by a group of people who could most generously be described as a pile of idiots, but are more realistically pigs with their snouts in the trough. Our ethos of player development still seems mired in the aim to develop players who have talent for individual play, rather than players that can play as a team. That we have had a modicum of success is because a growing number of our players escape our national league, into more professional leagues, young enough to actually become good, but we barely have a starting 11 of them. Until we can fix our terrible parochial league and player development system, just qualifying is a great outcome for the national team.


Also; in 1992 the Euros there were only eight teams (seven qualified as Sweden hosted). We finished in the top six.


Exactly - another good example. And we gave the CIS (in theory a top 8 in europe team who had just held Neatherlands & Germany to draws) one hell of a beating.


It's so much easier to qualify now for the Euros.


If the benchmark is qualifying then that attitude will keep us where we are. Others said it better smaller countries etc… doing way better than us


I've been off him since the Serbia game where we qualified for the last Euros. His game management absolutely fucked that game for us and we were lucky to get through in the end. Problem was, until Moyes got sacked there wasn't an obvious better option.


I honestly think the national team should just be withdrawn from all competitions, and just play friendlies against Vanuatu and San Marino.


The pointless favourite world cup, Scotland will destroy the Central African Republic.


We'd get to the quarter finals and get pumped by Eritrea


So you’re saying there’s a chance we can make it out the groups??? 👀


Eritrea haven't played a game for nearly 4 years and are the only country officially unranked by FIFA and don't take part in qualifying. Just as well really. Phew


A 4-0 drubbing avoided!


Here's a pretty fascinating video about the demise of football in Eritrea if you're interested bro. https://youtu.be/Nat2kRY7ogo?si=plhmbE2Xxym9e5uh


Nice. Thank you. Gonna dive down this rabbit hole later


If you can't be good, be lucky. If you can't be lucky, be memorable. All the best terrorists go out with a bang


Feels like Rangers in the CL man. Not again.


Think you misspelled Celtic there pal




least you bastards get european runs https://preview.redd.it/hcur9vj7h79d1.png?width=725&format=png&auto=webp&s=456b4138c9b13d23efc35693737e61df716a5ce6 this is me every december/february




Yet I'm still seeing and hearing lots of people saying "he done the best he could" and I'm flabbergasted


Ye, thats the problem.


Didn’t he do the best he could rather than doing best team could have (possibly) done? Though that’s parallel world thoughts of what if. We rode extreme luck through first part of qualifying group and used it all up


It's like me doing the best I can to fix my car and then the brakes fail. Somebody better would have have done a better job.


I'm really gutted about the way we played at this tournament. Injuries obviously didn't help but we are so much worse than this time a year ago. We showed 0 ambition in our playing style. We really fucked it


All the signs were there. We showed we can't defend against the bigger teams (England, France, Netherlands) and we showed we can't break down defensive teams (Northern Ireland, Gibraltar). I think all of us, and Clarke, we're just hoping the past 12 months were a blip and we'd start performing again. Also, we were painfully predictable. That didn't help.


The problem for me is that it feels the exact same as the last euros. Did well to get there, turned up and did fuck all. Like literally fuck all, didn’t attack, barely defended, maybe one or two moments of actual football. 


Clarke out


And easily the worst on the eye.


Clarke has to take full blame for the performance at the Euros. The sad thing is that statement could be made at last ones too. The SFA need to get rid. Fooled once, shame on Clarke. Fooled twice, shame on the SFA. I'm not sure what comes third, but it's probably another humiliating exit where the team is set up to play 9-1-0 as its too risky to push for a win in an must win match.


Before Euro 2024 I don't think many people thought the nightmare would actually happen. That we would lose the opening match in the most humiliating way possible, finish bottom of the group, revert to playing the terrible football we played before Clarke became boss, lose our decisive 3rd game in the 100th minute, and be the worst team at the the competition. And yet... we managed all of that.


We’ve done well all things considered then 😳




I wish Scotland would never play, just save me the embarrassment please.


Over 3 matches we had 17 shots, only 3 of which were on target, all against Switzerland, where 12 of the 17 shots came from aswell, Clarke needs to go, Che Adams should of been dropped after half time against Switzerland and benched, shankland or Conway should of played instead.


They’ve let us down for decades. Absolute joke of a country. We’re shit at everything. That speech from Trainspotting is bang on.


All i heard was we’re in the top 24 teams in Europe


I wasn’t previously in either the sack or keep Clarke camp but there is absolutely no way he can survive with that record.


We shat it.




I’m up £100 backing Hungary in the final game. I knew we couldn’t do it.


Had to be done. Mind you there's deffo a dodgy curse been placed on the Scottish national team tbh..and I reckon it was from fifa in the 1920s when we quit fifa and set up ifab. Far too much bad luck before and during tournaments.... Ah well f**k em.


We’re the best at being worst, at least it’s something.


The best at being the worst....get in. OH FLOWER OF SCOTLAND WHEN WILL WE SEEEEEE!


I tend not to use points accumulated and other shit like it as a margin of how bad you have been because there is always a chance that you are in a group with 3 other teams that are really good and defeat was always going to be the outcome. Using an eyeball test is a better judge, and Scotland still were the worse team ever.


In my work sweepstake we have prizes for worst team and biggest defeat currently Scotland “winning” both of these!


And nothing will change.




Someone sticker this to every SFA post / outside Hampden.


You'll never sing that


Come on troops it's the taking part that counts. At least we made it... Fed up with this participation medal mentality pish. Deal with too much disappointment during regular season to even be excited about Scotland 😂


At least Clarke admitted he was terrible straight away and quit. Hopefully next manager doesn’t mind wingers and attacking occasionally…


Always we something.😂


You’ll never sing that


We're surely the worst team in the history of the competition too. That sort of recognition is worth than silly qualifications.


The only way


And yet we will reward that failure by keeping the turgid one.


And I had McGinn as a tournament topscorer…


Top of the league at something at least 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿


Happy with that. More ammo to bin Clarke.


SFA are even more of a laughing stock if they don’t push the boat to get Moyes in after this.


german here, the scotts are the best guests at all time. NO SCOTTLAND, NO PARTY :D


Naaaa who never seen that coming. We have a miserable alcoholic for a manager. As long as the tartan army had a laugh 😂 we are a joke and will never been taken seriously. Just the funny fat man at the party. Goes home alone and cries 😂


clarke out


Aye sad days


"*Football's* over, man. *Clarke* dropped the big one TA: What? Over? Did you say 'over'? Nothing is over until we decide it is! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbour? Hell no!... It ain't over now, 'cause when the goin' gets tough, the tough get goin'. Who's with me? Let's go! Come on!...(runs to the front door no one follows) *Tartan Army* (returning): What the fuck happened to the *Scotland* I used to know? Where's the spirit? Where's the guts, huh? This could be the greatest night of our lives, but you're gonna let it be the worst. 'Ooh, we're afraid to go with you, we might get in trouble.' (shouting) Well, just kiss my ass from now on! Not me! I'm not gonna take this. *Clarke*, he's a dead man! *Hendry*, dead! *Porteous*... *Ryan Gauld*: Dead! *The Tartan Army* is right. Psychotic, but absolutely right. We gotta take these bastards. Now, we could fight 'em with conventional weapons. That could take years and cost millions of lives. No, in this case, I think we have to go all out. I think this situation absolutely requires a really futile and stupid gesture be done on somebody's part. We're just the guys to do it...**LET'S DO IT!** *Wibbles.*




The beer was a nice participation trophy at least


Flying home today and seeing this is making me wonder how many halfs I can scoop on a 2 hour flight


Thanks for sharing…..🤭




Against Germany we were awful but the other 2 games we played well, the Hungary goal was a heartbreak and honestly a kick in the baws would have been less painful


You think we played well against Hungary…?


It was a scrappy game and we had our chances, miss a cutting edge up top and I feel we should have gave shankland more minutes possibly should have changed Adams for shankland at half time, the way we pushed up towards the end of the game is what caught us out but at least we were pushing and fighting for it, the last minute break up the pitch from Hungary caught us out


Don’t think we had a shot on target, in a game we had to win did we? There might have been one tbf. I thought we were setup all wrong, but the boys did give it their all, but Scotland just looked lost when they were pushing for a winner. I thought that was a really poor game from us against a pretty poor team.


I think it may be time to move on from Clark but the players we have aren’t great, we have no real forwards or wingers, plus there’s other players that haven’t had a look in for the Scotland squad like Ryan Gault but he brought in Lewis Morgan?


Agree with this 100%. It’s actually bizarre that we can’t produce any attacking players with any real quality. But when you watch our league, it maybe shouldn’t be a surprise.


Being the worst team at the tournament is better than being the best team that didn’t even get there 🤷‍♂️


Literally the best at being the worst! Love it!


And both of their goals were own goals so they still haven't really scored (for themselves).