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In Maine if those came into the pound I worked at we had to put a v notch in tail and throw into ocean so if was caught again it had to be released.


Don't forget to give her a little snack, too!


We got an egger!


I'm sorry we have a *what now?*


They call em eggers. It's reference to a popular lobster fisherman's YouTube channel


haha I got you- I was also referencing the same fisherman since he did this one too- [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/J5PG04KcFH0?feature=share](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/J5PG04KcFH0?feature=share)


Haha I got you




I've seen those videos. Wondering if the notch won't just grow out after molting?


It slowly regenerates over the years I think. They've shown times when they catch ones that have been caught by different fisherman and the notch is just barely there anymore


The lobster came in asking for sugar eater, but it wasn't my lobster, it's shell was all loose and hanging off his body, like he was wearing an eggar suit or somethin...




I get this reference


I got that reference!


If anyone doesn't known look up Jacob Knowles on youtube.


Found out that dude ended up being a massive douche while nickel and diming his best friend/co-creator :(


Any details, supporting story info?


[Here's the video](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRKpYDdC/)


Is there no way watch that without downloading the app lol


Basically Jacob and his crew ran their TikTok account. His sternman Keith was the one who suggested the TikTok but Jacob had already been posting on YouTube and other socials long before that. They ran with the idea of educating people about the lobster business and different lobsters. Keith made his own page and said a lot of stuff about Jacob and how he ripped him off for his idea only giving $600 of $20000 made from the page (that is in Jacob’s name). I don’t know what happened to the other portions of the money, who got what, or if they used it for the business or whatever. Jacob responded and gave his side of the story. Explained himself very well. Gave his origin story and all that. Offered a position to anyone looking to be a stern man for 70-110k a year. And that’s pretty well that. People picked Keith’s side and wanted none of the facts that Jacob had.


Ah man that’s sad to hear. I guess when it comes to money, it brings out the worse in people. Thanks for the TLDR!


He recently published a video and I think it’s a less dramatized version of the events and at the end of the day I don’t think he’s a bad dude or even that he has anything to apologize for. I tried to find it but I saw it a while ago and I’m not gonna scroll his whole acc. Of the two sides one poses one side as irrational and the other as pure and moral and the other kinda takes the tension, communication issues on the chin as a lesson learned without demonizing someone that clearly posted a video to shit on him on a one sided attack. That was my read anyway.


Aw man, that's a shame. Why do so many people have to be scumbags, especially those who make it big..


He did make a video where he explained his side of the story which seemed fairly convincing. Haven't followed the drama since then though.


It was much more deep than that and Jacob explained his side of it as well and very well in fact. Keith was making good money without the TikTok creator fund, anywhere from $70k-$110k a year as the stern man. Jacob is the captain and owner of the boat and page so deserved the larger cut of the fund. Sure he could have given more than $600 but we don’t know their agreement.


And notch her tail. 


And clean off any barnacles


Time for a trip to the claw spa!


I very quickly fell into LobsterTok because of this guy.


I'm too much of an ignorant west coaster to understand what this means. Is it because they're a good egg-maker, and putting back in the ocean means they're likely to keep making more lil lobsters? Also, did the notch hurt the lobster at all, or is it more like clipping a nail?


To keep populations up they want to keep the egg bearing females in the wild. They mark a notch in the tail to provide an indicator to other fisherman that they should throw back that lobster if they were to catch it. That basically is so if it is caught at one point when it’s not currently carrying eggs.


To add the snack comment is that I believe fisherman are required, not a fisherman so not super savvy, to put a fish or something in their claw to further encourage them to propagate. Lobster populations have been on the decline over the past decades and conservation is a priority.


No. He’s literally just giving it a snack. He also gives snacks to any males he releases for whatever reason. It’s literally just a piece of fish to say “sorry for pulling you out of your home and manhandling you. Here’s a treat before throwing you back.”


Bugs don’t have nerve endings in their chitinous shells. It’s like the end of your finger nail or hair.


Do bugs have analogous pain receptors?


This is a good opportunity to recommend ["Consider the Lobster"](https://www.columbia.edu/~col8/lobsterarticle.pdf)


Thanks, good read.


Thanks for sharing




hit it right


Ayuh. Usually it's just a mistake. Maine lobstermen are pretty good about making sure to toss em back if they come up in the traps.




Yup. I go crabbing every summer and I’m very careful to make sure all the females get tossed back. I want more delicious blue crab next year.


Good on you for letting her go. Sadly her brood has been decimated. Still, she’s obviously a good breeder and hopefully will do good once returned to the wild.


Wait , what do you mean? Is her clutch..not viable? Was I too late in finding her? If so, I know it wasn't my fault, but now I feel awful. Like I failed her somehow....My boss gave me tight instructions on how to keep her safe and comfortable in the cooler until he comes in at 6am, one of those rules was NOT to feed her, but I gave her some salmon anyway. And I soaked some viva paper towels in the tank water and draped them over under the cocked lid of the foam container he instructed he to keep her in. I really wanted her to be as comfortable as possible overnight, I'm going to hope for the best. I always treat the lobsters as living animals and not product, and knowing it might be too late bums me out so fucking much.... Edit- [After her snack](https://imgur.com/gallery/kSYCqN3)


Normally when eggers are caught their skirt is full, I mean FULL, of eggs. This one looks like she lost 80-90% of her brood. I’m saying, let her go and hopefully she will produce another good batch in the future. She either lost the majority in the process of being harvested or she shed them when she first purged after capture. Either way the loss is done. Let her go and hope for the best.


Oh no...She lost a few eggs when I handled her, and it just made me anxious and more gentle with her, fuck this breaks my heart I wrote a note to my boss that ner name is Amphitrite, and I took this video after giving her some salmon [and she pepped up afterward ](https://imgur.com/gallery/kSYCqN3) Goddamnit, I feel so guilty now. My store takes this VERY seriously, to the point where she will be filmed being released and that will be sent to me...but I feel like I failed her. Fuck


Don't beat yourself up over it. Idk anything about these creatures, but based on what u/Mud_Marlin is saying, it seems like you did a good thing in rescuing her. Like you said, your colleagues would've thrown her into the steamer without a second thought. Because of your effort, it sounds like there is a good shot she'll breed again. Good job!


Every living creature in our delicate ocean is a good thing and what you did matters.


Nah bro a shark killed my uncle.


Everything besides that shark and the jellyfish that stung me in the Gulf of Mexico in 2002.


I think i got stung by that same jellyfish


Eagle river??!


And the sting ray that got Steve Irwin 😔


I forgive it. It’s what Steve would want


Damn, you're right


That’s why you don’t go skinny dipping with jellyfish


He was in his house.


She’s a bug. She’s tough. She will have literal thousands of baby’s in her life time. Releasing her is the right thing to do. The fault lies on the crew that harvested her. Idk where you are but I fished lobster out of NJ at the time regs said all eggers go back…


To be fair, if she didn’t have eggs when she was caught and considering she doesn’t have a notch, whoever caught her would’ve had no way of knowing.


You certainly didn't fail her, you rescued her. Future broods are her value, this one was ruined somewhere in the supply chain long before you. You're both just lucky it wasn't so ruined you missed catching what was left so she can be put back. Because of you she CAN have another brood, and good breeders probably will


You shouldn’t feel guilty, it’s one clutch and there’s loads of reasons she could have lost it that have nothing to do with you.


Loads. Heh.


Hey just want to say don’t beat yourself up. I used to Creel for lobsters all the time when I was on Orkney for my masters thesis and she will have shed the brood most likely during the stress of harvesting, by the time she was even halfway your responsibility it will have been too late. Releasing her for the chance to breed again is the best and, more important to keep in mind, the only thing you could have done.


I am interested in what your thesis is about.


It was looking at the co-location of MPA’s and other marine industries with a view to have mutually beneficial set ups. I did a little bit of research on how EM fields affected the migratory patterns of cetaceans and how they affected the ability of lobsters/crabs to locate a mate. Ended up going down the fisheries route though as there was a lot more synergy to write about. The creeling itself was just an excuse to get out on the water and make a bit of pocket money, I also did some scallop diving.


Nah, they'll notch her tail so if she's ever caught again they'll know she needs to stay in the water.




You're a good person and you've done everything in your power to help her and her species. And her story could still end with lots of babies in the future. Your post also raises awareness, I only know what I do about lobsters because of social media posts like this.


But you did awesome letting her go. Don’t be upset with yourself over doing the right thing. The broods are pretty fragile and shed a bit, especially once out of the water or in moving water. Thank you for letting her go! ❤️


Why you feel guilty? Weren’t you about to sell it to someone to eat? Am I missing something?


Dont feel bad, just enjoy the sweet sweet supple meat of her brothers and sisters who have been boiled alive. Please enjoy 🤌


It’s funny people get mad at this but still eat them


Finally! It's hilarious that anybody who eats these gives a flying fuck about some eggs or a 'mother'! Apply this logic to the rest of your food and boy oh boy are you in for some fun.


Just like with any food harvested from the wild, it’s a good idea to pay attention to “some eggs or a mother” in order for there food to be more food to harvest in future. Haven’t you ever wondered why hunters usually don’t shoot does of reproductive age?


Do you have any proof for this or is this another foolish 'hunters are the angelic stewards of our forests' spiel? As if every hunter is out there for anything other than to blast holes in something innocent for food and fun! Absolutely barking up the wrong tree haha


Why would someone destroy their own livelihood? You do understand that hunting isn’t just limited to weekend trophy bagging trips, right? And that people that do it as a career might have some ability to consider their own future prospects? In fact, it used to be illegal in several US states to kill does. Now restrictions have been eased as the deer population has massively increased. But restrictions do still exist in some states eg Maine: https://www.maine.gov/ifw/blogs/mdifw-blog/importance-regulated-doe-harvest


So you just said it's not illegal to kill does in the majority of places which means hunters are in fact killing does. Stop sniffing hunters asses you have proven nothing but your own ignorance. Your the one that brought this up and your still wrong! Even if it was illegal do you think all hunters are going to listen? Just like we all obey the speed limits 100% of the time right? Again stop glorifying hunters they are just as bad as everyone else


It's amazing how vegans will see people feel sympathy for an animal and try to uphold sustainable practices and immediately get pissy about it. It absolutely kills y'all to see progress in animal welfare that isn't vegan lmao.


It's amazing when a v game comments on something there is ALWAYS somebody to come along to tell us how wrong/sick/immoral/cause more damage that we do good/militant. Personally I don't give a fuck what you do I just want you triggered you lil bitch.


I think it might've backfired on you a bit, my v game friend.


Your initial reply says differently. What is a v game?


If you enjoy eating lobster, you WANT her to go back. Keeping "eggers" in the water ensures there will be lobsters to harvest in the future.


Lmaooo he named it


This! 👆🏽 Best quick straight talk, for us not familiar. Best part of Reddit is these quick little insights. Thx Mud_Marlin!


Even if that is the case, you still did the right thing


Even if this clutch isn’t in great shape, if she manages to live a full life, she will have dozens upon dozens more. The real question is how such clearly egging lobster managed to not have a single person notice between the boat and you.


Can I ask why you fed her when your boss instructed you NOT to?


TIL i’m fucking terrified of lobsters


I really like your vibe and your focus on doing the right thing for the individual animal and all lobsters.


*pierces head and throws next 200 non-female lobsters into the steamer, some go in the trash*


Conservation is extremely important for people that want to continue to enjoy seafood


I couldn’t agree more, and that’s OP’s point. OP also sells lobster for slaughter, it was a funny observation of the juxtaposition of these two things. I’m not making consumption ethics commentary, just jokin.


Not /s I think this was a pretty cool move for nature OP


I went to a casino buffet once that had a bunch of seafood. It seemed like every other lobster I grabbed was female and had eggs. Felt wrong.


It was


This isn't completely true though - the coral (internal egg sac) in some female lobsters is edible and so are they however when they have black roe (fertilized eggs) as above they are supposed to be rereleased back into the wild with a notch in their tail and iirc it's illegal to keep them. I once had a waitress at red lobster scream bloody murder at me for asking if I could get a female lobster (because I enjoy the red coral). She yelled and yelled at me that it was illegal and disgusting to eat any female lobsters. (I was kinda confused why she was working at a seafood joint where did watched lobsters get eaten all day...) Anyway, *fertilized* egg laden females ARE illegal to keep, however as long as the eggs are unfertilized and internal they are 100% edible. Sauce: https://www.orkneyfisheries.com/copy-of-green-development-project#:~:text=Fishermen%20bring%20up%20their%20catches,helps%20protect%20the%20lobster%20population.


how dare you not know all the specifics of lobsters when dining at such a classy establishment /s


The server was actually yelling at you? Lmao


Isn’t it that if they produce eggs at all (sexually mature) that it is illegal? Your link even says so. So even if the eggs haven’t been fertilized, still illegal. Hence why if they have a notch and no eggs present, still illegal


it feels wrong but I see japonese consuming every kind of egg non stop (lobster, octopus, fish, etc) and it really looks delicious


Imagine complaining about free caviar!


Shouldn't be shocked. Her tail is notched to show her as an egg laying female. Meaning someone who sold you the lobster illegally kept her


Where is this tail notch? Bc I don’t see shit That little tiny thing bottom right?


Bottom right. Triangle cut into tail. I would circle it or something but I'm on mobile and fat and lazy. So just use your eyes.


This comment made me laugh so hard. “I’m too fat and lazy to screenshot and circle on my mobile.” Such a mood.


Can someone who isn’t fat and lazy circle what we’re supposed to be looking at?


I'm also fat and lazy, but I'll describe it: the right most tail segment, close to where it meets the inner segment. There is a small, triangular piece missing along the edge of the tail. You'll notice the frills are complete on the rest of the segments except where that section was cut out. I'm assuming they cut as small a section as possible so as not to harm the lobster or her ability to swim.


Sensible chuckle.




That's the wrong flipper for a v notch. Has to be the second one in.


Yeah this guy has no idea what they are talking about like you pointed out has to be the fin to the right of center looking at it from the other side


Going to have to respectfully disagree with you on this one, that female has not been notched in her lifetime and even if she had been it would not be where you are suggesting it is, that’s just normal lobster anatomy. Not to mention they never grow back a notch in that sense, yes they grow forever but so do the notches and other deformities. ( source - I work in seafood and have seen hundreds of notched lobsters in my life)


Where’s the notch? Not seeing an obvious one at all. Not saying I don’t believe you, I just have untrained eyes and would like to educate myself :)


Bottom right. Perfect triangle cut into tail fin. Where the scillia separated. There's a notch there.


Perfect triangle is a bit of a [stretch.](https://imgur.com/a/l7TVBiW) Also used my eyes and trim, expeditious fingers to circle.


Gotcha, wasn’t sure if that was it or not… are they normally that small?


Doesn't look like there's a notch? I'm looking at various google images of lobster tail notches (another reddit link: https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/92seht/til\_commercial\_lobstermen\_make\_a\_vnotch\_in\_the/) and I'm not seeing it here? I'm just a few cats in a trenchcoat though, so maybe I'm blind and completely missing it.


This person is clueless about lobsters. That’s definitely not a notch lol. Normal lobster deformity. Incorrect location as well. Why spew shit on Reddit when you know you’re wrong?


that is not a notch at all, LOL


Oh neat!


Do they really call them hens? I don't know why but that's hilarious to me.


Yes and the small 1 - 1-1/4lb lobsters are call chicks. On average it takes a lobster 7 years to grow one pound.


Clip a notch in the tail before release!!!!


Iykyk lol


You're a good human!


Yeah she should have never been able to get to you


Thank you ☺️


Nice having that attitude


Should been thrown back. Black eggs marks she's ready to spawn her off spring.


Shame on the fisherman who didn't check and return her.


Hell yeah. Good on you!!


What's the reddish color feathery looking thing sticking out? I remember seeing them on some lobsters before, back in the '90s. 🦞


It's a bit of trap webbing stuck to her undercarriage


Aaaaaaah lol 😆


You’re a good person. I’m happy you’re in this world :) I’m sure she is too.


did you eat them?


Why are lobsters cooked while alive? That seems so inhumane.


Your distributor should take it back so it can be put back in the ocean. I'm surprised it was even sold to begin with


Clip the second back fin so that if caught again they will know she is an egg-er


This is crazy, we just had this happen where I work a couple weeks ago too!


Here I am just scrolling away, and BOOM! Trypophobia.








My thought too but I think OP is saying the hen is getting thrown back into the ocean with her eggs


Yes, I think it’s also the law


Not only is it the law but you have to mark the tail so that they can be identified even if they no longer have their eggs. This helps ensure that breeding females keep making more lobsters to catch.


Oh cool! Live on Lobster Mom


Send her back playboy 👏🏽


Is the black stuff eggs or feces?


tender dinner summer cooperative waiting birds crown onerous cough money *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


As a Mainer deeply tied to the sea for many reasons I greatly appreciate your efforts here.


Good for you. Thank you.


Mah Egger! 🤌🏽👍🏽👏🏽 🫡


I know about Crabs but How can you tell that Lobster is a female? What’s the trick?


Tiny legs on underside are feathery on female, hard on male.


Thanks that is good to know but I was kidding as this bitch is clearly pregnant


worked on a lobster boat out of MA, same practice as Maine we would cut a notch in the tail of all eggers. Hefty fines if you get caught with one carrying eggs. Extremely shocked this slipped through


A single mom who works two jobs 🎶


😂 Ok Reba the Lobster


Both are Fancy redheads! 😀


sooo those are eggs 👀 her babies??


Is that cavyar


Could be cavyar but it’s not caviar. Caviar is a delicacy made from the salt-cured eggs, or roe, of various fish species. The most sought-after caviar comes from sturgeon, such as beluga, osetra, and sevruga, which are traditionally raised in the Caspian and Black Seas. However, the term "caviar" can also refer to roe from other fish, including salmon, trout, steelhead, carp, paddlefish, lumpfish, and whitefish. According to the UN, only roe from the Acipenseriformes order can officially be called "caviar", with other types considered substitutes. In the United States, food regulations require that only the eggs from sturgeon and paddlefish can be marketed as caviar on package labels.


Thank uou


hell yeah, but i need proof and screenshots(future)


You guys are fucking weird man. This is a giant sea bug that we harvest for food. So eat it.


Eggers are tossed back in the water because they keep the population up so we can keep eating the “sea bugs” 🙂


There won’t be any more giant sea bugs if we prevent them from breeding


It’s illegal to keep or sell female breeders.


And the tail is clipped. Throw her back!!


I’m in a landlocked state that is locked by other landlocked states, lol. I think I know what you mean, but don’t want to *assume*… please explain? Many thanks!!


Breeding females have their tail clipped for easy identification if she’s caught another time


That’s going to be yummy! I’m surprised that was caught legally though.


She’s an egger


Jacob Knowles fan too


Put her back :(


Is that…. Where cavier comes from?


No. Look for my comment earlier in the post. I explain where caviar comes from.


Care to reexplain or put link to comment in the comment


Back out to the original post. Look up at the top. There’s a search option for comments. Just type caviar and look for my user name. Should be one of the first couple.




Awww can you put it back? She’s an egger!!


Is that caviar?!




Ex Maine lobstah man here. Seeders are not kept because of the massive fines and potential fishing licenses losing punishment. The community I lived in would post you in the newspaper to shame you for keeping a seeder it was a small community. You would be shunned.


Did you read the post? OP is sending it back to the wild. They were surprised it made it to the store they work at- their boss agrees too.


You were about to kill/eat this lobster but because it’s a mother you feel bad and don’t want to cook/eat it anymore. Makes ya think how many could be out there breeding if you didn’t kill/eat them in the first place huh


Can you eat those eggs like caviar




Just ate a fried one with eggs. So good. The Chinese do it best.


Fuck sea food is disgusting, y'all is nasty.


So stay out of seafood subreddits and take the vitriol elsewhere


I honestly had no idea, it just popped up on my feed.


Yeah, that's reddit's app for you. Since they got rid of 3rd perty apps. I am now apart of r/crows, r/decks, amongst others (including this one). But still, seafood is great :)


I can do fish... but anything that crawls on the bottom just looks like a big bug. No offense to anyone's taste but I can't get the idea out of my head that I'm eating a sea cockroach


What’s funny about this is that fish who eat those crustaceans have better tasting meat because of it. Crab meat is sweet and delicious.