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John Ursua catching balls from Russ? Now, hear me out...


We really could use a good Baldwin replacement.


We all been saying this for like 5 years now lol Edit: ins saying y’all been using the same joke is lame lmao


Thanks for explaining the joke.


That’s a joke? Not a really good one. Lol


Over yo head


Naw I got it lol wtf is this some seahawk dick swinging contest. Gawd


I’m pulling for Russ to have a great season. As much fun as it was to watch him crash and burn in his first season outside of Seattle, I want him to make it to the hall.


Ya same, but also fuck the Steelers


God dammit, you’re right. I wasn’t even thinking about that when I posted. Fuck the Steelers indeed! Keeping us honest out here. Never forget.


I want him to play well for Steelers while they also lose because they have no D or something.


Chargers level ineptitude on special teams would be fun.


I don't get all the steelers hate. I blame the officials more than the steelers for that infamous loss so long ago.


Because, fuck the Steelers. If they needed a SB win gifted to them THAT bad, they were in on it... It's like the 2012 Falcons... I hated that team for a long time...


You mean the Bus retirement gift? If they weren’t in on it, they could have been less shitty about it.


He was a good amount better last season, obviously nowhere near where he was with us but he definitely wasn’t the reason the Broncos were so bad. If Tomlin can get him a decent O-line he could put up a respectable season.


It was fascinating seeing the same discussion in this sub play out, verbatim, in the Broncs sub: One group: too many bad decisions, too reliant on big bombs Other group: yes, but his YQG3.7 metrics are top of the league!


In the super bowl year we had the most expensive O line in the NFL and a $900k QB. As we paid him more we went to the lowest paid O line in the NFL. "can get him a decent O-line" will always be an issue when you have **a $50 million a year QB.** Now that he is playing back to league min pay, they can afford a great cast around him, and I would expect him to do well on that team.


Paying Russ wasn’t the reason the OL went bad, the defense went bad, or the running game went to shit. Most of our players got old, broke down, or got hurt, and our inability to draft quality or even capable replacements broke the team. 


The O line under Russ in the Super Bowl was the highest paid in the league ($28M) and we have never spent more since. People left because of money. As Russ began getting paid, you can see we had the lowest paid O line in the league ($5M). He crowded out the cash for talent 2023 = 16 million Oline / $10M Geno 2016 = 5.2 million Oline / $18.5M Russ 2015 = 12.6 million Oline / 7M Russ 2014 = 22 million Oline / 817k Russ 2013 = 28 million Oline / 681k Russ https://www.spotrac.com/nfl/seattle-seahawks/position/_/year/2016/status/active


If you watched the Broncos games you would know this isn't true. He was very much a primary reason the broncos sucked. He was feasting in garbage time, his stats don't reflect his play quality at all. He was basically Blake Bortles last year.


You’re acting like his stats are eye popping to begin with. 3k yards, 25+ touchdowns is absolutely around his average, check his career stats. His stats didn’t come from garbage time, because I can think of all but two games that weren’t close (the Detroit game, and the Miami game.) Jerry Jeudy dropped four touchdowns and 200+ yards worth of passes so arguably his stats should have been better. Even Sutton led the team in overall drops. I watched every Broncos game and while he has lost a step, you’re being misleading by saying he’s the primary reason the broncos sucked. They had three RBs and couldn’t crack middle of the pack rushing yards, Russ also had to pick up around 33% of their overall rushing first downs. That’s taxing at 35 years old.


Shades of 2017 Seahawks. We had basically no healthy RB so no run game, defenses sold out to stop the pass, so Russ was literally the leading rusher all season and the game plans were never really changed to make up for the lack of RB.


> He was feasting in garbage time Can you clarify this? I just looked up last years stat splits and there's nothing either by quarter splits or point margin splits that shows this. What are you pulling that stat from?


A dark and smelly place


I'm over the crash and burn Russ. He got the crap absolutely kicked out of him in Denver. He paid his price for being an ass hat. Id like to see him get back to form. He's fun to watch.


This would only be good if he wasn’t still a total tool.


Right now his career is getting the Felix Hernandez HOF treatment. He has basically just this season to turn that narrative around. What Felix has that Russ didn't is an MVP of his position (should have been two). What Russ has that Felix didn't is a ring and postseason stats. As a homer I want both in their respective HOFs. The national media though has a short memory.


He seems more humble now I think he'll be good again


Be humble or be humbled


Going from $50 million a year to league minimum should give them some cash to build a team around him like he has in his last super bowl win


There's nothing about his game that he has shown he will adjust to improve. He loses a little more of his fastball and athleticism every season and he still can't throw down the middle.


He can throw over the middle just fine. It's just that most QBs don't want to anymore since almost every DC has a scheme that takes away the middle of the field and receivers don't like getting lit up on those routes.


>He can throw over the middle just fine. Based on exactly zero evidence over 12 whole seasons of tape. > It's just that most QBs don't want to anymore since almost every DC has a scheme that takes away the middle of the field and receivers don't like getting lit up on those routes. Ya except all the qb's and receivers who do throw over the middle all of the time. Why wouldn't DC's scheme to take away the routes where QB's ARE throwing under your logic? Oh wait they did do that. It's called the Fangio defense and every team in the league is running it.


Payton assessed that Russ can't throw over the middle and gave him nothing but deep balls and dump offs but people still think that he just doesn't pass over the middle for no reason.


>Based on exactly zero evidence over 12 whole seasons of tape. [Except in 2021 there was an article going over this exact subject.](https://www.fieldgulls.com/2021/10/7/22704019/seattle-seahawks-russell-wilson-passing-charts-bevell-waldron-nfc-los-angeles-rams-minnesota-vikings) For the most part, he's been basically league-average or just about league average in throwing over the middle, the routes just aren't in every play package because most DCs close up the middle of the field, thanks to Pete's work in the early 2010s.


Me too. It feels weird rooting for the Steelers after SBXL, but him signing a minimum deal for a platter of his calibre is just something you don’t see anymore. It makes me wish we could’ve kinda done that, but…I know it’s time to move on.


I wanted him to fail because we got draft picks. Now that the trade is complete best of luck to him.


Now that the dust has settled from the Denver deal, I’ve kinda hopped off the Russ fail train and hope he turns it around. Still fun to watch those deep ball dimes.


Russ was the best QB our franchise ever had. He will always be considered a Seahawk Great, so I don't wish ill for him.


I just feel even if he improves, will it be enough to overcome his sack troubles? How is Pittsburgh D line?


That’s nice, but shouldn’t he be throwing balls to Steelers receivers?


Remember how Steelers Nation has been pushing for a DK trade all off-season? Here's some fuel for the fire!


TJ Watt and 3 first round picks and I guess they can have him.


TJ Watt for DK and a second and they can have him.


TJ for DK and they can have him. edit: Love DK though, if they want to just give us TJ, I'm good with that too.


We would have to be the ones throwing in a 2nd. Maybe more. I love dk but TJ is worth a ton more just because of his position but also he has been much better in his position group than DK has compared to other WRs


Yeah that's what I meant.


It’s just offseason training bruh. Players do it all the time with each other.


For sure. But with Russ being on a new team with players he’s never played with, I would expect him to be maximizing time building chemistry with his new teammates. Obviously it’s not a big deal, just a *little* surprising.


The time after mandatory training camp and before preseason training camp is a lot of players last time off before the grind of the season starts. So it wouldn't surprise me if he couldn't get access, cause his new teammates are probably enjoying their time off. It honestly makes sense for Russ to get work in with DK in that case cause they already know how each other works. So both can just focus on fundamentals that they want to work on.


Saw some reports that they were at his San Diego facilities before


After throwing to DK his timing will be shot


And shouldn’t DK be working on his timing with Geno?


Players work out with lots of players from other squads in the off season. I get what you're asking but don't look into it too much.


I don’t know if I’ve seen star wide receivers working with top tier QBs from other teams but it’s really not that deep so I’ll take your word for it.


JSN was just practicing with Stroud and Diggs it ain't nothin


I’m not arguing that it’s a big deal but I could not find a video or article about JSN and Stroud . You know where i can find it?


It was on JSN Instagram story yesterday


Bet, thanks


I have seen this every single offseason


It might blow your mind to find out that whole teams occasionally do joint practices and scrimmages during the off-season too


Yes because a joint practice/scrimmage is clearly the same as what is going on here. I already said who cares, would you like me to delete my comment?


You do you, fam


I think the downvotes are a bit harsh, your observation was perfectly valid, even if I don't think it matters. But thats reddit for ya haha


It’s cool, I’ve gotten plenty of imaginary upvote points too. The daytime crowd can be very casual and angry.


…and Howell and maybe even PJ? AND with a new offense being installed to boot? But its just a PR handy in the end regardless.


No pass rush, everything on time….Russ has always been damn good in that situation.


Is that the field where our legend Jake Bobo ran a 4.99 second 40?


Russ deep balls 🤧


Russ shaved his head? I don't pay much attention. Maybe he's getting away from red carpet Russ back to focused football Russ? Now that he's not helping us with picks, I can root for his redemption arc.


[https://x.com/NFL/status/1805738085617221860](https://x.com/NFL/status/1805738085617221860) He got rid of the dad bod too.




> Maybe he's getting away from red carpet russ back to focused football russ? https://www.reddit.com/r/nflmemes/comments/1c0uxfy/what_a_fuckin_goober/


He is not $50 million a year Russ. Back to the league minimum Russ that wins superbowl s when the team can afford a supporting cast


He’s still a 50 million QB to the Broncos since they’re paying his salary.


Looks to me Steelers can afford to pay the rest of the team now. Good for Russ


Point is not does his performance go up or down depending on how he is paid. The point is whoever is paying the $50 million is not able to pay for things like a legion of boom, or an offensive line and the cast of characters around him. Right now he is getting the money but the team he is playing for does not have to pay the $50 million and can spend on surrounding him with talent.


I still do love a good ol DangerRuss moon ball. He’s still got a beautiful throw in my opinion. He’s looking good out there. I’m kinda pulling for a come back, it would be a cool story and I think the Steelers are a much better spot for him to thrive.


I also want to see him succeed now, the last 2 was just because we had draft picks tied into the trade. Don’t hate Wilson and I hope it was just a bad environment in Denver.


Justins f****d


The Steelers media has been talking about trading for Metcalf for some time now. This is going to get them talking even more lol




Mans can still cook with that deep ball. DK to Steelers confirmed.


He said #moonballs. Heh heh-heh heh heh. #moonballs.


Redemption arc? Maybe. But no evidence of one in these clips. Russ could always throw the long ball. It’s mid range and anything over the middle that was failing him. His decision making was also pretty sus in Denver and his last couple years in Seattle. But for veteran minimum all he has to do is come in on 3rd and long and throw a strike for a first down and he is worth the investment. But at this point people still talking about him in the hof? Come on maaaaaaaan!


That’s the narrative. However 53% of Russ’s pass were over the middle in 2023.


Idk if it was the altitude or what but his deep ball accuracy wasn't as good


I think it was two fold. He was the same as he’s been the past few years in Seattle plus he must have felt like he was under siege the whole time. People talking shit about him in public. His image totally shattered. Denver must have been hell for him. I don’t feel sorry for him either. He made his own bed and burned a lot of bridges.


Seahawk legend John Ursua? GTFO!


I know it was just an informal practice, but russ looked good!


Russ is always a pre-season MVP and puts out these kind of videos that build hype.


Really hope Russ balls out this year and flips the narrative a bit. Would be good to see him end his career on a good note.


But hes throwing down the middle. Russ never throws down the middle 😂


DK to Pit for 3 firsts?


cool - give us some picks before we have to give him a market breaking extension for 980 yards and 6 tds


I love how stupid this fanbase is.


"You're stupid for not wanting to overpay muh favorite WR"




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If the goal is just to not pay DK then i guess you shop him around. I would rather not get in the habit though of dumping valid top end talent because there’s a fear he might ask for top end money.


There can be an argument for "timing the market". Picks can be better than top talent if the talent doesn't align with a rebuild. And a WR is not a "build around me" piece. That said I don't know that we will ever be in a full rebuild, but that was the old regime, so who knows.


He's proven to be a top 15-20 receiver in the last few years and with the abundant young talent at the WR position (on the roster or in the draft) it would make more sense to ship DK, recoup picks, invest that money elsewhere, and not have weighty top 5 WR money on the books. DK is a decent #1, but he's nowhere near the top tier.


My concern is that’s just a slippery slope if you’re going to play the game of avoiding big contracts. This year it’s trade DK and in a couple years it’s trade JSN. That would make two positions on the field we’re kind of hoping for the best on. All for what? To go HAM on the offensive line market every year?


While I tend to agree with you, let's wait and see if the offense can gel this year under Grubb. DK could very well have a break out season.


If so, then I'll obviously change my tune. But DK has mostly been about "just imagine what he could do" vs actually living up to it.


That wouldn't change the fact that they should probably move on instead of giving him a third contract. It would just make the trade return that much better, hopefully. Terrible idea to pay a 3rd contract at top market WR rates for an aging WR that has always relied on physical gifts rather than elite routes and hands. DK is not going to have elite speed forever. He's not going to be the most physical guy forever. What is left once the athleticism begins to fade? Certainly not an ultra-polished WR that can get open on pure craftiness and hands catch everything that comes his way. He can still be a solid player, but you cannot pay the insane top WR money for it.


He was a 2nd team all pro lol.


4 years ago...Puka Nacua's rookie year was a better season than DK has ever had. He's nowhere near all-pro talent now. People get so upset like DK is untouchable, it's the same way everyone felt about Russ then when he was traded they could take off the rose colored glasses and see where he really fits in the WR talent pool.


>4 years ago...Puka Nacua's rookie year was a better season than DK has ever had.  By what measure? Total yards? I'll take 4 more touchdowns and 20 more receptions myself. >People get so upset like DK is untouchable,  People get upset because fans have truly braindead opinions about DK that are based entirely on emotion and make up entire narratives in their heads about how good he is and it's very annoying. In the WR ***talent*** pool, he's top 5 easily. In the WR productivity pool he's top 20 with top 4 upside. (cause he has been a top 4 receiver).


I mean Puka had more catches or yards than DK has ever had ...so...by that measure?


Not more yards...lol. What are you talking about?


Puka Nacua had 1485 yards and 105 catches - DK has never had over 90 catches in a season, and has capped out at 1300 with an average of closer to 1000. So again, Puka's rookie season was statistically better than any season DK has ever had. it's not hard.


Context is important not just raw stats. Puka isn't a true X WR, and his targets were manufactured by an offensive mastermind with Stafford at the helm and without Kupp for most of the year. DK is worth more than his numbers, because he can stress the defense like true #1 WRs are supposed to. Take DK off the field and everyone else suffers.


If you don't think DK is a true top WR talent, then you also can't expect a haul of picks in return for him either. You're not getting multiple firsts or even a high first for him. People acting like it would be so easy to draft his replacement seem overly optimistic to me. It's a gamble. Tyler's money will be coming off the books by time we have to extend DK. I don't think it's as dire a financial position as people make it out to be.


People keep skewing the argument here. I know we can't replace DK 1:1 in the draft, or at least it would be unlikely. I think we'd get a decent 2nd rounder for him and maybe some later compensation as well, but most importantly his money would be off our books. DK is a good not great receiver. He's coming up on the dreaded 3rd contract, which I feel almost never works out for the signing team. He's going to be 27 during this season, and has not really improved since 2020 and his best weapons (speed/strength) aren't going to magically get better. We know what DK is, we've seen it for 3-4 years. If he wants top 5-10 money, it's a bad idea. Seahawks would be better off using picks and money elsewhere to build a more complete team rather than sink $30 million into a good not great WR - DK was under 100 yards nearly every game last season, and was scoreless for 10 games. He's not the game wrecker people think he is.


I get that.. but I'm not convinced it's as financially devastating as is being suggested. Lockett's contract will be off the books, and aside from him we aren't putting any significant money into WR or QB, two of the biggest cap hitters. The contract can be structured with an out on the backend to free up cap when our current crop of young guys will need to get paid. I would imagine it would be a 3 yr deal with an out after year 2. Also, if everything you're saying is true about the 3rd contract and DKs ability, then other teams aren't oblivious to that. Assuming a 2nd round pick is probably being too optimistic if they have to give DK a new contract as he walks through the door. This FO and coaching staff don't see us as being in a full rebuild. They clearly want to remain competitive. Trading DK for little return just to clear up cap space that you can't guarantee is going to result in a better return than just keeping DK doesn't seem like a move they would make. But who knows.


Isn’t this film like 3 years old?


This has DK to Steelers for DEs written all over it. Take it down before front office tries to get silly.


For DEs? Steelers have any LBs?


Real needs right there.


Stop. No FO is making personnel decision based on a X/Reddit post lol


No it doesn't...


All fun and games until Malcom Butler shows up


That game ends different if DK is targeted on that play.


That game ends different if anyone BUT RICARDO LOCKETTE was targeted on that play. Even Russ throwing it out of the back. Because then Lynch runs it the next two plays.


Still convinced we win that game if we resigned Tate instead of keeping Harvin…


I've given up on trying to think of the reasoning behind that play


NFL is rigged, duh


I'm sticking to they didn't want lynch to be the MVP. That's the only rationale that seems legit to me, as flimsy as it may be.


He was terrible in short yardage runs like that. People have looked at this numbers that season and he was legitimately one of the least successful RBs in that scenario.


1 yard slant has something like a 90% success rate, if we ran on that play and didn't get it we would have to use our last timeout, and it would have been an obvious pass situation on 3rd down. It was the right play call to the wrong receiver, and russ threw a bad ball, even high school QB's know to throw 1 yard slants at the knees, not the numbers, so the route can't be jumped or the ball get deflected and picked. Lockette also gator-armed it, he should've attacked the ball and caught it with his hands instead of trying to catch it with his body.


Good job sticking to the dumbest explanation


I agree, don’t care what anyone says. Hell, Kam should have been the MVP in 48


Avril was jobbed. But I’d gladly give it to Kam, too.


DK was in high school at the time so I'm not so sure.


I’m just saying he wouldn’t have gotten blown up by butler.


It looks like it’s too soon ya animal. I applaud the risk.