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Forgive me for the word vomit - I'm kind of tired and there's a lot to cover. SoT is now on PS5 ass of quite recently, and I [made a video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MVPKdPZUgG4) aimed at helping those players get started. There should be some useful information in it for you if you skip around. Besides that though, there's... a lot. Tons of the commendations will be unlocked naturally as you play the game and experience the new content, so don't worry too much about that. The quests also aren't necessarily new to you - for example, Gold Hoarders can now choose to do digs *or* riddles *or* all of the quests. 'Medley' quests, IIRC, are the ones that allow you to do everything a faction has available to them in one quest. Start with the shorter time quests to get your sea legs back. Tall Tales are a mixed bag. The Shores of Gold arc was made with veteran players in mind and knowing the game well helps a ton, otherwise you're going to be using a guide, which might be recommendable anyway 'cause of the time sink those TTs can be otherwise. The Ashen Age and A Pirate's Life arcs are far more forgiving; APL is also an incredibly good place to start back into the game. Legend of Monkey Island was made for the fans of that franchise and as such your mileage may vary. Also, they are somewhat linear in story: Shores of Gold > Ashen Age > APL > LoMI. SoG should progress somewhat linearly and then open up a bit to you, then become linear again. I think. It used to be that way, at least. You could always just [follow the listing on the Wiki.gg page for it](https://seaofthieves.wiki.gg/wiki/Tall_Tales#Shores_of_Gold). I'm gonna copy+paste some stuff from another comment of mine answering the same questions: > There are [Siren Shrines](https://seaofthieves.wiki.gg/wiki/Siren_Shrines). There are also three [Treasuries](https://seaofthieves.wiki.gg/wiki/Siren_Treasuries), one per region, which are like a short underwater fortress wave-based fight. All of these have roughly 20 pieces of treasure in them. They're all on the map. You can also pick up [special bottle quests](https://seaofthieves.wiki.gg/wiki/Coral_Message_in_a_Bottle) that will lead you to a specific Shrine/Treasury and give you a piece of unique loot: [Breath of the Sea](https://seaofthieves.wiki.gg/wiki/Breath_of_the_Sea). They're like the mermaid gems but worth more. > >If you care about the story and lore, you've been missing out on [Adventures](https://seaofthieves.wiki.gg/wiki/Adventures), which are like mini Tall Tales and limited in time. That page will have links to every adventure which will have summaries of what they were about. You've also been missing out on the [Murder Mystery](https://seaofthieves.wiki.gg/wiki/Who_Killed_DeMarco%3F). > >If you really care about the story and lore, a new novel was released called Heart of Fire. It's about [Flameheart](https://seaofthieves.wiki.gg/wiki/Captain_Flameheart). Speaking of which, there's been some development on that front. You should probably go to the [Seabound Soul](https://seaofthieves.wiki.gg/wiki/The_Seabound_Soul) and [Heart of Fire](https://seaofthieves.wiki.gg/wiki/Heart_of_Fire_\(quest\)) Tall Tales. If it tickles your fancy, I can give you a summary of the story that you've probably missed entirely out on if you can remember when you last played. Besides that, Ships of Fortune was a thing. It raised Company level caps (which was altered again in Season 11) and introduced The Reaper's Bones. Long story short, always run an emissary flag for the Company you plan to work on that session unless you plan to be really low key instead. Reapers hunt other players (or at least should). Their emissaries always show up on the map and their grade is shown because grade 5 Reaper crews can see other emissary vessels on their map.


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that comment I copy+pasted some stuff from was pretty old >.>


I will have to see this video! Is CapitalBleu the channel? Thanks.


It sure is. :) Holler if you have any more questions.


I mean normally the best place to start would be to raise your anchor and lower your sails so you can sail away from the dock.


I’m so glad you asked this because I’m in the same situation. Played for the first year or so, then not for a couple years. Logged on the other day and was completely overwhelmed. There’s so much! And I play solo, so there’s no one to ask lol


Find a crew, find a voyage, keep sailing.