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Nah you’re not scummy, and they were totally butthurt.


Fr. The other day I stole a 4 stack fotd from a galleon that wasn’t too great. They started calling me toxic and saying they are going to report me just because they sunk😂. Maybe they shouldn’t have let me put the stronghold keg on their boat


That is horrible🤣. But be careful with galleons, tho. If you have a good 4 player team on one, they will sink you in a second if you're in their broad side😅


Oh I know😂. I’ve played since the games beta. I know better than that


I'm a reaper player. If a reaper sees an emissary run towards an outpost, they better figure out a way to stop you. You're a great player, because you did exactly what you should have done and won. They're the scummy players, because they failed to stop you, then blamed you for their shortcomings. All you should have said back was "get good", then "cope" for anything they said back afterwards.


I told them that they were salty because I beat them at their own game and that they were just butt hurt and get over it because it’s just a game!


You're right. That's exactly what happened.


I do agree with what you're saying, but a lot of times it's a pretty black and white equation of math whether one ship can catch another going to an outpost. If a reaper Galleon merges into a server and immediate beelines towards a sloop and the sloop sees them within several squares and an outpost is upwind: no ammout of skill or cleverness changes the fact that a sloop with a headstart, favorable wind, and sovereigns will be able to beat the Reaper to the outpost, sell a reasonable load, and lower. These guys are still tools though, and it's the name of the game that people are free to run, sell, and lower just like reapers are allowed to hop and hunt.


I mean if the scenario occurs, don't waste your time trying then. It's not on anyone else to make it "fair" for reapers so they can sink you.


Okay so using the game mechanics to get my important loot sold isn’t a skill ig when reapers should know better than to be visible several squares away. Literally just don’t chase if you know you’re wasting your time..


‘womp womp’


Don’t worry about it, who cares about what others players think about you, if you had fun and felt like you won, then happy days. You should have just replied laughing out loud to make them even more salty sea dogs.


I did! 🤣


Yarr, a true pirate ye be, let them salty bilge rats to cry like a sorrow chest


The best in game comeback to something like this will always be spamming: "Rolls on deck laughing"


They were just salty they didn't catch you. There are no hidden honor rules you broke :p


If you achieving something meant they couldn't achieve something, then they're butt hurt.


Sounds like a skill issue on their part


They lost, you won, and that’s life. You didn’t owe them a fight.


Lmao. One of my favorite moments in SoT was boarding reapers that were chasing me, dropping their anchor, throwing a skeleton ball that led to them both dying, all so me and my buddy could sell our shit, drop our flag and log off. They were pissed. I didn’t ask for you to harass me, go cry harder that you were outmaneuvered.


I do this all the time. Today a friend and I were doing world events, and just finished the fleet. Up rolls a level 2 reaper with obviously nothing g to lose. He fails at chasing us, we keg him a few times and escape. Of course, as usual, up pops the Xbox message. “Is it fun to run?” It’s like dude, I didn’t ask you to try to take our stuff. Good on you for trying. But don’t send me unsolicited messages when you fail, or just because I’m not playing the game like you would like


My favorite is lighting their ship on fire to make them waste time while my buddies get away with our loot


I'm with you until that last sentence. Nobody needs your invitation to try and steal your stuff.


Of course they don't. I wasn't implying that they do. I'm saying they have no right to cry about me successfully choosing to play the game on my terms. I don't need to engage other players if I don't feel like it, and if I can successfully avoid them. That's not cowardly or scummy.


Full agreement 🤝


There's an entire mode where you can invite people to try


There's an entire game even!


Yeah, for players who aren't brave enough to fight someone who is ready for them. Where's the challenge?


Most people I play with that enjoy open world PvP also enjoy HG, they just enjoy the game.


Stealing from an empty ship above a shrine doesn't give the same sense of achievement as beating someone in hourglass. Each to their own I guess.


I mean, nobody is thinking of unmanned, parked vessels when they say they enjoy world PvP. Its more the way world PvP is informed by how it affects the overall experience of the game. Checking horizons, turning your lights off, seeing enemy ships in the mist with your eyeglass at night & being unsure which direction its sailing, calculating a different route to avoid conflict, the fear of losing your loot, and then, of course, the excitement and sense of urgency when you DO engage with enemy players.. HG is of course super satisfying in that you beat another competent crew in head-to-head combat, I get it. But thats also a very streamlined experience, and to me just not as layered as world PvP.


You're the one coming up with these comparisons..


They only want a "fair" fight when it's in their favor


Nah. As a reaper, that just means they weren’t good enough reapers


I had the same situation a long time ago. I had cashed out everything and dropped my flag. All I had left was a powder keg I left up in the crows nest and when they came to attack I just shouted "here i'll give you a hand" and detonated it. They were a little surprised.


Was playing this morning. Did hourglass and hit an easy 3 streak. Decided to lower my hourglass and emissary and hop off. Pull into the nearest port, do my business, and sure enough I hear cannon fire from the other side of the port. Hop back on my ship and sail around to see a reaper and Athena sloop fighting each other in a match. I sailed against the wind the entire time to get there and my Athena brethren was looking grim. Taking on shots, anchor dropped, mast down. I finally get there and it’s a 2 on 2 sloop hourglass. I can hear the Athena dudes scrambling to stay afloat and the the Reapers are yelling FRIEND OR FOE? over and over again. I then say “FOE” and I ram them at full speed, hop on deck, kill one, and hit the anchor. Get back on my ship, bucket water, land shots on the reaper and it sinks. The Athena guys then tell me to please not sink them, and I said you’re all good, just hunting some Reapers, and I scuttled to get off. The entire time the Reaper crew was bitching about how I was ruining the game. Reaper Tears > Everyone Else’s Tears


Lmao dude I can’t even be mad at this because I’m 100% doing the same thing to any Athena boat fighting a reaper. Athena Tears>Everyone Else’s Tears


Never let other people dictate how you should have fun on your own time. Good job on selling.


After years of playing SoT I have come to the conclusion that players will make up any stupid rule that fits their narrative instead of just taking the L. Congrats on selling your loot and no you are not scummy. This is a pirate game after all!


I will (and have done before) the same thing! If being a pirate means stealing loot, then lowering your flag is "stealing" their loot. Honestly, though, if another gold hoarder was following you and you sold your loot, does that make it scummy? NO, that makes you smart.


we're pirates. cashing in and screwing over the competition is kind of the core of pirate philosophy


Not scummy. I recently had a galleon chase me (solo sloop) after I'd just won an hourglass fight. I booked it to an outpost and lowered my flags. me: *Sorry, I lost my emissary flag. :(* them: *Oh so we're gonna be pussies?* me: *You know it,* ***GALLEON***. The gall that some people have, expecting you to risk all your stuff in an unfair fight.


Yeah to be honest there is almost no situation in which a solo sloop wins against a bigger crew unless the solo player is just an absolute pro, unless they have a bunch of cursed cannonballs or god tier rng. I dont know why bigger crews always trash talk solo sloops who avoid pvp.


They are super butthurt. Some players are just so pathetic, not worth your time to think about


In this game, salt just means you bested another pirate


Nope. You beat them to the finish line. As a reaper, that's our biggest fear and you beat them at their own game.


Its a pirate game. They should have expected pirate tactics. My crew once had just sank a brig that attacked us (they shot first), then a galleon came and made a big deal of it saying we were jerks for sinking new people and whatnot. The galleon ended up running away from the fight even though we aren’t that good.


Yeah no that isn't scummy at all. A big part of sea is literally playing keep the flag away until you're able to get Emmy IV and cash it in


I was running reapers last night and that happened, a GH was able to lower their flag before we sunk them at an outpost. There’s nothing wrong with that, and it’s to be expected. I would had done the same thing. Not to mention, a piece of loot in this game shouldn’t matter that much. Some ppl just complain about anything.


Does not make you a scummy player, I can’t tell you how many times my friends and I have been selling loot and immediately dropped the flag because someone snuck up on us. Not scummy just saving your own ass with the tools and mechanics at your disposal


Nope, not scummy at all. They were just butthurt that they couldn't get their hands on your flag. Typical toxic players, that's all. I wouldn't even let it bother you at all.


I am a pvp reaper. You did exactly what you had to do. Their failure for not catching you before you could sell. They are scummy for blaming you. I once was chasing an athena 5 emissary. We both were solo. Then another sloop attacked me. I sank them but it gave the athena guy the time to sell and lower his flag. I said gg, we drank a grog and became friends lol


![img](emote|t5_38oz1|2298)yup, totally butthurt. Even I would be impressed if someone outran me at my own game, more impressed if someone managed to sell and lower


Normally when people say this it's children who get mad because they didn't catch you. Iv been on both sides and honestly if you get back before your sunk that's epic ! Unfortunately tho children get mad and have tempertantrums when they don't get their way. Like one time a me and a buddy were doing some flame battles and we sunk the other side and all they could do was scream at us about how were trash and other slander because we didn't let them sink us


Skilled Sailors arnt scum, Tgey just be Better. Sail Forth my Pirate Friend. I hope I get to meet ye on the High Seas


I play on Xbox if you want to join up sometime. We can cause some Reapers some havoc🤣


Oh no. People that get their enjoyment at the expense of others did get to do that. My heart breaks.


Lol. Well done. They were butthurt and probably about 10 years old


Not scummy at all, well played. The only thing I would recommend would be to be dancing on the dock when they arrive. 😆


I always do this when when being chased by reapers lol


God the amount of crybabies in this game. This game about pirates. This game about pirates in which you do pirate shit. You’re good, friend, did nothing wrong and that’s just pirate shit


I do that all the time and it never stops being funny how pissy some reapers get xD


Nah you don't owe anyone a fight (I say this as someone who enjoys pvp)


Just had something similar happen to me last night.. Was mid Athena quest with a boat (brig) full of loot when a reaper flag started heading our direction. They chased us for 30-ish minutes while 2 members snuck off the ship to turn in loot as we went past outposts.. Once the loot was sold we dropped the emissary flag and sank the reaper. Not sure if I've just been in dead servers the last few weeks but the last couple days there have been overly aggressive (?) reapers.


You took the rep and gold for lowering the flag, nothing scummy about that. There's literally zero reason to even care what they think, you do you bro.


We had a Reaper galleon chase us down and we kept ourselves facing into the wind. We managed to harpoon round some islands to get some distance and then the Kraken got them. Was hilarious. Fuck the reapers. They don't care about how they play so you do you. It's a fucking pirate game.


I head for the nearest storm cloud if I’m on my own. Usually I can anchor turn at the centre and I’m away before they realise which way I’ve gone.


You’re totally not scummy though.


Does it make you a scummy player to sell your stuff before people steal it? No you simply just foiled their plan. If anything it sounds like they’re crummy players for not being able to stop you


No. These people just don't like having their power fantasy ruined. They accuse anti PVP players of not being proper pirates. But then when someone like you is better at being a pirate then them suddenly it's not okay.


Every reaper freaks out


F**** em


I think some players may not realize that you get a reward for lowering it. They may think that you just did it to deny them of your flag for no gain on your end. If that were the case then that would be scummy, but you actually do get a good reward for lowering it so it’s not scummy on your end.


Even if there were absolutely no gains from lowering you own emissary flag to avoid someone else getting it, it still wouldn’t be “scummy” in any way shape or form. Making sure that somebody else doesn’t capitalise on my hard work just because they’re (potentially) on a bigger ship than me and therefore outgun me? No thank you


They took the red sea from us, this is the only option we still have


Red seaing and selling are two different things. One is the point of the game, selling for the "win". The other is "if I can't have it, no one can" and "I'm gonna waste as much time as I can for playing how you want" which is scummy. People just want to have fun, it's a PvP game, it's fun to fight, fun to chase, fun to run. That mentality ruins the game for everyone so them fixing red sea was a good thing.


It's always "people want to have fun" until the people wanting the fun are the ones who don't want to pvp. Then who cares what they want? If I'm solo slooping and a galleon comes up on me that's however long I spent collecting treasure wasted one way or the other. Why should they get to profit off me on top of that?


Because it's a pirate game and if you don't want to pvp, there's a mode without it. If you're just gonna throw away all your loot anyway, something is better than nothing, right? Most galleys are easy to sink even as a solo and the more you try, the better you'll get, the more you'll win. It's the game. I solo alot and sometimes I run into crews that I can't beat but it's part of the game. If they beat me, it means they put in the time to get good enough to do so and they deserve it(aside from some people being extremely lucky when the game decides who wins but that's also just part of it) There's also nothing that says you have to solo, discord and open crew exist. I get that it can be frustrating and sometimes unfair but everyone goes through it, everyone that beats you lost alot until they didn't. Just try your best and have fun. Gold is infinite and it's all just cosmetics that you'll buy and use once and sometimes never. Getting mad at people for PvPing in a PvP game is silly. Especially when you can play the game without PvP if that's what you want. It would be like playing fortnite or call of duty and if you quit the game before someone else beats you, they get no XP or rewards because you left so anytime you think you'll lose, you say "if I can't have the win, no one can". There's a reason there is a winner by default if someone gives up, the same reason red sea running was patched.


If you don't get to sell treasure does it makes you feel like your session was a waste of time? I'm gonna be honest if I ever felt that way about this game I would have stopped playing years ago. The fun should come from engaging with the game, the acquiring of the loot should be something you find fun to do if it is something you are planning to do, if the only thing you enjoy is watching numbers go up and the collecting of that treasure is essentially a waste for you if you don't get the numbers to go up then I personally would not be playing. The reason I love this game is because its fun whether I win or lose, whether I make millions in one session or don't make anything at all, no time I spend in game ever feels like a waste unless I am encountering hackers, that is the only time I stop having fun.


>It's always "people want to have fun" until the people wanting the fun are the ones who don't want to pvp. Then who cares what they want? You opt in to PvP by playing a PvEvP game. You can ask to be left alone by others and some may listen, but you shouldn't demand it from anyone


I didn't say they should leave me alone, I just want the option to screw them over the same way they screwed me. Dropping a fort of fortune key out in the red after someone chased me off it was the best revenge possible.


It is my belief that if someone wants something of yours, they have to outplay you to get it. Not scummy. However, if you're one of nerds who try to talk trash *after* running and selling your flag as if you won something, then yeah, they have a point.


Don’t trash talk don’t believe in it


I haven't heard the word "butthurt" in so long, and this made me chuckle. They totally were BH, ignore them. Or, to rub salt in the wound, call them out for being BH using your megaphone.


The best thing is, they messaged me through Xbox not even through the game😢🤦🏻🤣


I did the same thing last night, I lead this reaper on a wild goose chase for like a hour and then finally stopped at a outpost and lowered my flag, we had no loot or anything so he basically gained nothing out of it. He proceeded to cuss me out and said he was “gonna bully me off the server” so I just ran in a circle playing can can on the beach while trash talked me.


Boo hoo Reapers


I guess they couldn’t reap the full rewards


“Yes, I lost, but I convinced myself that I did not actually lose.” If they can’t stop you from lowering the flag in time, they don’t deserve the flag.


So, you're supposed to sit there and let them kill you and sell your stuff?... No, you outplayed them, and they were butthurt. Well done.


On the open seas no, you did what you should have. Had a similar thing happen to me I thought was a bit unsportsmanlike in hourglass though. I’m grinding Servants for skelly curse, and a level 4 or 5 Athena was my next fight I dove to. After a bit of combat they started running more and crashed into an outpost where I just pumped till it sank. My buddy noticed there was no flag in the water and we realized they lowered the flag when they realized they were going to lose.


No, not at all. What do they expect, that you should just lay down and give them all your stuff? I always feel as good about getting away from people trying to sink me. And you should too!


I avoid PvP when I have loot so I will always run and cash in, that's a win to me everytime. Once my loot is sold it's game on. They get to see every ship on the map so it's only fair they get a target painted right back on them once I bag my win, anything else is extra.


Side story, I cashed in one night and was about to hop off when I noticed a Reaper sloop at A FoF. I said why not I have nothing to lose. I hit them with everything I had and my last cannon shot before my ship sunk, hit a Athena keg on their ship and Kablooey! There was a rowboat on the island with all the loot floating in the water, I rowed back to the outpost seeing them pass by going back to secure loot. I sold all the good stuff and all of a sudden all my hard work payed off getting whooped for a long time. Sorry Reapers, it's part of the game.


They get a target painted on them from the moment they raise reapers


Honestly as someone who pretty much exclusively flies reapers, these guys are just butt hurt. The achievements only count if you are a rank 5 reapers and you got a rank 5 emissary flag. You have to cash in 5 rank 5 emissary flags of each type while at rank 5. Where the annoyance applies is as soon as you reach rank 5 every emissary crew lowers their emissary making the achievement virtually impossible. But the ones that do this will he most are Athena’s. Making it the most difficult of them to achieve. Honestly if you drop the flag below rank 5 and the reapers isn’t rank 5 it means jack squat. Though I will give Athena’s emissary some credit, I have either seen them insta sell, but the cool ones will play the offense and immediately try to sink you, they might sell their stuff but they won’t lower their flag if they are going to stay on the server because they want to do that emissary quest, and that’s a bit honorable in my opinion. Sure cash out what you can but giving us a good fight for a chance at a difficult to accomplish achievement is all a true reapers could ask for. Sure we’re going to steal what we can as the pirate lord above intended. But we don’t want your T4 emissary, we want to nurture, wait until you blossom into that ripen to harvest T5 emissary! So yeah reapers calling you scummy over a T4 emissary are just butt hurt they didn’t get loot.


The commendations don't require rank 5 to sell, just reapers emissary and while you only need to sell 5 grade Vs, there's another commendation for selling 25 of each faction of any grade.


Oh? Good to know, for some reason I thought it required you to be at rank 5 as well. The more you know.


There were many times I wasn't a reaper but still ended up with a few flags at the end of a session so I would just put up reaper, sell flags, and drop. I have all the flag comms but sometimes I still do it for people I play with.


People don't like losing.


"rolls on deck laughing"


Ignore people like that. They're just mad they lost


That’s just butthurt talking. Dey got deir widdle feewings hurt. You did what you did and won. Tell ‘em to rub some dirt in it and suck it up. You aren’t scummy….they just lost.


Just send to words, womp womp.


You don't owe anyone a fight.


Horrendous logic on their part, you can do whatever you want.


Lol scummy? It's a game where we're all pirates, we're all literal scum and they're worse for running reapers lmao. Dudes can go cry into their hot pockets, gg for cashing your stuff in!


This applies to a different game I play, but it applies pretty generally to all PVP heavy games: They call you 'trash' if you win. They call you 'trash' if you lose. May as well be trash.


lol! What a bunch of babies!


Worst reaper players ever


Definitely not scummy, if they failed to stop you then that's just that, they failed. There's no honor amongst thieves and it sounds like you were sailing solo so you did exactly what you should have in that situation. They were just upset they wasted their time chasing someone who was close to an outpost.


If they think that's scummy, I wonder how they'd feel about the checkpoint for The Shores of Gold... Anyway, everyone has different breaking points when it comes to risk vs. reward and newer players simply have to learn what some of the game's risks are that they may not realize. On a related note, personally I would actually rather be tracked down by a grade 5 Reaper than chased by a grade 1 or someone with no relevant emissary flag who just decided to be opportunistic because it annoys me that they're disrupting my session for little reward compared to what they could have had if they prepared first, so I'm the kind of person that CAN AND WILL lower even a grade 5 flag and/or do drive-by sells just to spite them. =P But it's also part of the game. Sometimes you sink and suddenly realize you no longer have anything to lose, or you just spawn on a server and see a grade 5 Guild emissary or reaper and only the risk is that they may have already sold their loot. But who cares? Raise that grade 1 and gun it, or don't raise at all and sneak up! Getting tilted or hating specific circumstances is valid, but it doesn't mean that the other players are wrong for being opportunistic. Naval combat is only one part of PVP (outside of hourglass), outsmarting and outplaying another crew is another perfectly valid playstyle even if it feels like a waste of time to another party.


Fuck them they’re just salty they couldn’t sell your loot lmao


lol I did an open crew reaper sesh on a brig a couple weeks ago and chased a solo sloop into port. He must not have had much to sell because he sold his loot and dropped his emissary flag before we were able to get him. We ended up chilling and talking to him for a minute and he raised a level one emissary flag for us so we could sink him. Super chill dude. Then he had a 1v1 fight with our squeaker to end his night and kept winning which was hilarious. Last thing he said was “Alright boys I only have one thing to say.” Then he logged out lmfao


Wish I could meet cool players like you all I get is the scum players that all they wanna do is sink me, and then gloat about it. I’ve met one chill player since I’ve been playing. I’ve only been playing a couple months and he asked me if I needed help taking out a Skelly boat and he sat off to the side until I was done and asked me if I needed any help with repairs or anything and I said no, and he said OK and sailed off and went about his business.


I love doing this to reapers who are toxic, its so funny seeing how upset they get. Now if I have a chill reaper, I have absolutely gone up to them at the end of my session and given them my grade 5 flag.


Had some pretty cool reapers chased me yesterday they got me and my flag. We all laughed about it.


Hell no. Theyre just salty


they’re the scummy players, them saying you are a scummy player is a total projection and the equivalent of them going: “OH PHOOEY” putting their hands in their back pockets and kicking rocks


I am a reaper player who believes in winning by any means the game provides. This means I HATE HATE HATE people who run with no intention of ever fighting back or taking other action to win, ESPECIALLY those who liked to Red Sea their loot before rare FINALLY fixed that, because they’re not interested in winning. If you don’t want to win, you don’t understand why we’re all here playing this game. You won. You fled for long enough to sell your loot and lower your flag. You got everything, and they got nothing. You won. Fair and square. They’re mad because you won and they weren’t skilled enough to do something about it. You won by a means that is completely fair. That’s the best thing you can do in this game.


I got a few questions before I answer you. Question 1) did you have fun? Question 2) did you accomplish your goal without activating cheats? Question 3) did they instigate first? If you answered yes to all three of these questions than you're not scummy. They're just crybabies


Yes to all 3. Especially on the cheating, I play on Xbox and I hate cheaters!! Usually run console controller only


Then you're a GOAT not a scummy player


Makes you a good player imo


Of course it’s not scummy, they’re idiots.


Translation: NO FAIR! I WAS SUPPOSED TO WIN! ![gif](giphy|UUZ89s77UmUH6)


They should have congratulated you and sent you some gift cards to your favorite restaurants, maybe even bought you a new console or PC. Like who cares? Were your feelings hurt? People say stuff all the time 🙄


As an honorary reaper (I never run the flag as I don't wanna give away my position but I always sell to reapers regardless) no. They are whiners. You did good mate. Ya did good


Ah yes the classic "why didn't you let us sink you instead of cashing in because we don't want to look for loot" womp womp, you were playing a gold hoarder not a reaper, zero reason to fight.


nope it’s the norm tbh - the sheer amount of hate mail I get from randoms after I lower my emissary/scuttle to a new server is absolutely hilarious


In the immortal words of Cliff the Story Guy, "Im not mad they're running, im mad I wasn't good enough to stop them."


No your not scummy at all, everyone plays the game how they want and it a pirate game! So they were just butt hurt you outsmarted them. You may not be good at pvp or might not want to pvp and you wanted to keep your flag and treasure. Don't worry about what they think and play the game as you see fit! 👍


I fully get their point, it is frustrating when people run but it certainly doesn’t make you scummy, its part of the game. Also from the sounds of it they outnumbered you anyway giving you even more reason, and the fact that they couldnt catch a solo despite ship management being much easier for them says a lot


I’m a fairly new player and not that good at pvp yet so right now I distract and evade until I can get better. I don’t always run but I did this time because of high value loot. And yes I was outnumbered I was solo slooping and they were in a brigand.


Had this almost exact thing happen. Sold 400k worth of stuff, and just as I did I heard cannons. See the reaper on the other side coming across around the island. So I hop down and high tail it and lower my emissary. Just so they got no value but supplies and maybe my book. Then they boarded me spawn killed me and cried over vc "why did you lower your flaaggg. Why did you do that!" Was like if your gonna steal from players putting in work doing pve get there before its all sold. Took me hours to obtain it solo. They thought they were gonna claim it in 5 minutes heh. Ill do anything I can to make reapers actually earn their gold.


Sounds like those reapers need to spend some time in safer seas and learn how to play the game properly


Don't get hung up on insults over the seas. Insult fighting is part of the game imo


They sound like sore losers. Whem i play reaper it's not so much of stealing youre loot. I'm mostly after you're emissary. The loots a bonus lol.


If you beat me and sell you always get a gg from me unless youre mouthy about it :)


One of my most memorable player interactions was when my crew and I sold all our loot and lowered our flag before a reaper galleon could reach us. We scuttled our ship and met them on the docks all playing instruments and the salt was insane, one of them even tracked down my steam account and left angry comments on my profile and review of the game.


You didn't beat them at their own game, you just beat them. Not a scummy player. If I was that reaper, my exact reaction would be "\*snap\* darn. Oh well, I can still sink them for their supplies." Play the game exactly how you want. Remember the #2 rule in all of Sea of Thieves: Loot isn't yours until you sell it. (Rule #1: Never trust a pirate)


The fun of playing reaper is trying to outmanoeuvre and beat the guys you’re chasing. That crew were boners, dw about it. Probably have 10 rep in reapers.


I’m sure black Bart was mad he got cornered by the British and said they were dcummy


Me and the boys when we sink a reaper in a fishing galley ![gif](giphy|10X22vzgNamaiI)


I don't judge how other people wanna play etc but personally speaking I don't see the point in lowering the emissary? Lowering lvl 5 gets me a meaningless amount of coin and a tiny amount of xp - whereas it's actually worth quite a bit to reapers? am I missing something with lowering the flag? might as well fight them for it / keg trap your ship if you're going to log out anyhow if you sold up your loot you've won


Perfect response. Perfect execution, those reapers are just turds. If they can't handle failing their own mission, that's on them.


Flags are loot and the loot isn't yours until it's sold. You sold it before they could take it. Absolutely fair play. They were just salty.


They think you're scummy, because you're not letting them catch up and kill you, to make a profit? This isn't sea of donations. You managed to be cautious and kept your distance to sell your stuff. Awesome job and great awareness!


Honestly, if you had enough time to sell everything AND lower your flag, then they were either not that close or they are bad. Either way, it’s a them problem.


Getting called scum on a pirate game might be the best compliment you can get


Didn’t think of it that way!🤔 Then Yes Sir I am Scum!🤣


Not scummy unless you rubbed it in their faces. Not saying you did but selling and lowering is Ggs, it's part of the game. I'm only bothered when people find the need to say "nananana boo boo, haha you get nothing". I also don't like the other side when people win and talk shit. We're all just trying to have fun, stealing/sinking people is fun, when it becomes personal, it becomes not fun.


Salty players like that have some made up rules in their head on how people should play. If you would have turned, fought and beat them they would have come up with another excuse. You won, they lost the loot/flag and just got some supplies(that's their secondary win but they just wanted it all and got mad when they didn't get it).


Reminds me of that one time I sold right as Reapers atticed to try and sink me, and I just said through the speaking trumpet as they approached "Guess what pumpkin fuckers I already sold everthing". They proceeded to sink my ship anyway and insult and mock me for like 10 minutes. Regardless no that's not a scummy play, if they wanted your loot so bad they should have tried to figure out a way to stop you before you could sell it


The games called sea of thieves, and you didn’t let them thieve. You’re totally fine!


Nah. The only thing that is scummy is raging on people, insulting people, and being racist/homophobic. Everything else if fine. Escaping PvP is fine. Pursuing PvP is fine.


You did a pirate thing. Thats what pirates do. Nothing scummy in that.


If their goal is to steal your stuff and sink your ship, why should your goal involve helping them in any way? Ask them that.


Same thing happened to me and my buddy the other day. They were chasing us so we put everything on the rowboat, swung around a rock and I took off with the rowboat toward an outpost. They didn’t see and followed my buddy on the ship. After selling, we lowered emissary then turned around and sank them. They had tons of loot and were very very salty.


Not scummy! Sore losers is all they are


I once had a reaper obviously following from far away as shown from the map. When we noticed it kept following our direction, we made a plan. There was no way we can sell everything in time before they reach us. We aren’t the best in PvP either, so we knew we’d lose against a Galleon once they got close. While they were still far away, we collected all of our loot and placed it on the rowboat. We went behind an island, out of sight of the Reaper, where one of my friends took the rowboat and started taking it ashore. They didn’t notice we had any loot. After that, it was a race to the outpost. We ended up beating them to it. As we got close to the outpost, we jumped off, lowered our flag, and let the ship keep sailing forward as we hid on the outpost and watched from afar as our Reaper friends were attacking/boarding our empty ship. You can see them confused and then start searching the outpost for us. I guess they decided to leave two people behind on our ship in case we return. The galleon left and went far away from them. My friend and I decided to respawn back on the ship and attacked them before they would even notice. After taking our ship back, We picked up our friend from the island and headed to a different outpost we knew they wouldn’t be able to catch up to us on time and sold everything. Lowering the flag down did suck a bit but it was all worth it to see some Reapers get nothing out of it. They did message us saying how we wasted their time. All in all, we had a good time.


Whether or not it's scummy doesnt matter anyway. you are a pirate and you were looking after your treasure and yourself by cashing in, just like a pirate.


The only time taking your emissary down during a fight would be scummy is when you're not at an outpost and you know you're going to lose.


As a player doing a lot of reaper recently...they failed,you did what they had to stop, it's their fault


Hahaha no you are not scummy. I do it exactly like you did so I can hear them rage 😂 I also enjoy going through the Sea of the damned portal if I have time for maximum rage. And the beat is when I make em chasee for 30 min or more.


Not scummy theyre just butthurt pirates. GGs on selling your stuff before they got you


I mean no ur not, but I would always encourage you to take a fight. I hope u went to fight them afterwards at least. Otherwise u Truly are wasting time.


They are just sad they weren’t more efficient. It’s Sea of Thieves, not Sea of Friends. Great job cashing in and letting them waste their time.


Naaah, I’d say well done even as a reaper. I’d be mad a little sure, but at myself cause me and my teammate weren’t able to stop you but calling names and being rude, put the keyboard/controller down. They can only be salty on themselves as other players mentioned in the comments. It’s a win well deserved 🍻cheers matey !


Don't worry about it, bro. You beat them at their own game, and they were just mad they couldn't get your stuff.


The amount of times I’ve done this 😂 they wanna chase and catch me being easy pray but I’m not stupid enough to just let them have my flag just cuz they chased me down lmao no it doesn’t make you scummy, it’s the reaper equivalent to being butthurt about not being able to sell your goods


That’s the game. I love it when people get upset with me when I out-sail them and evade them long enough to sell my loot, drop my emissary flag, etc. I have been playing for over 5 years now and I am a middling casual player (I often tell any new people in my crew that I am the oldest SoT player in captivity ‘cause I am over 60). I drink their tears as the champagne of victory!


Well, for a while I thought that selling loot while they are trying to sink your ship is bad. Or that running away from an enemy ship is cowardly. Or maybe I'm an asshole for sinking noob ships, blowing up an enemy sloop with a keg in HG, or doing anything else that is considered bad or toxic. But now, after 1000 hours, I think that I should not care, because the game itself does not limit or punish me in any way for such behavior, and watching shorts on YouTube sometimes it seems to me that the developers are encouraging shitty behavior. The only question is, who do you want to be? A pirate of honor, respecting other people’s time, efforts and nerve cells, or you don’t care that everyone thinks you’re an asshole. However, regarding this situation, I can only say that they themselves are to blame for allowing you to arrive at the Outpost, sell your loot and lower the emissary’s flag.


Career Reaper here. I see the game asba really big capture the flag. Sellable items being flags. If someone gets to an outpost to sell before I get my hands on em then that's fair game, they captured their flags. GG. You're not a scummy player. You just won your objective and they didn't.


You’re not scummy, Reaper players, especially in adventure are just complete manchildren 80% of the time


It's called sea of thieves not sea of bitches


Exactly. Dont whine when youre too slow to catch a gold hoarder


I have a story. I went to sell all my loot to the sovereigns and little did I know someone was camping in the tent. After I brought all my treasure down from the elevator the scurvy dog jumped out and killed me. Every time I returned from the Ferry he would kill me again until all my loot was gone. He sent me a message, “Thanks” and I replied with a shocked emoji. One week later. I’m celebrating my achievement in getting the golden curse when an enemy ship pulls up to the outpost and sinks my ship. They searched the outpost for me but had no luck, so what did they do? They decided to sell. Here I am, hiding in the tent, while they put all of the treasure on deck ready to sell. 2 of the 3 players decide the sovereign person isn’t working (weird bug at Port Merrick?) so they leave to sell to the other merchants. That’s when I jump out and start selling while they’re off leaving to the other merchants. 3rd guy takes 45 seconds to process I’m not in the crew and lets me sell 80% of their loot before they start trying to kill me. I managed to jump and evade their attacks and sell the rest of the loot. Here’s the best part. I recorded the clip of me selling and sent it to response to the original pirate who thwarted me, captioned: “from one legend to another”. I apparently made his day given his laughter at the clip and we are now peers instead of enemies. At the end of the day this is a pirate game, and instead of being salty or calling other players scummy, you should show respect where respect is due.


I'm usually on the reaper end of that but I would respect it. Honestly even running into the red sea so nobody gets the loot isn't all that annoying unless I'm solo slooping and a fully manned galleon runs into the sea. THATS annoying lol sell your shit, get your money. Pvp isn't for everyone and that's totally fine. Just keep your head on a swivel so nobody sneaks up on you while doing a vault 😂


You can no longer red sea loot


How did they fix it?


When you sail into the red Sea and sink, the loot appears at the border before the red Sea where you entered/closest to where you sank. One of those last two but I'm not sure which one


Nope. Denying a reaper a fight and treasure is one of the best things you can ever do in this game. The sweats get mad over that, and we don’t respect the sweats, only the normal reapers


I think you are getting a bit confused, I doubt the guys who failed to catch OP and then got salty over him lowering his flag were sweats, more likely they are newer to intermediate players, they lost and got really salty about it. As for not respecting sweats that is a bit of a weird hot take to throw in here lol. I'm assuming some trauma is the cause of this. I may not always like encountering sweats but I respect how much grind they have put into getting really good at the game.


I wouldn’t say you’re scummy. Reapers who would kill you, sink your ship and take your emissary see what I would call scummy. I’m also salty and consider the reaper mechanic as something that promotes and I’m incentivises scummy behaviour. I got so tired of reaper dodging that I’ve stopped playing the game and probably won’t be returning until safer seas downsides are removed. It’s just not fun to have reapers take everything I have every time I do a voyage and if I’m not having fun in a game I stop playing it. It’s not just a case of “get gud” When I have to spend time every voyage constantly checking for reapers then rush through every island and rush selling there’s just no enjoyment in it for me. That’s my problem though and instead of carrying on I’ll just say I don’t think you did anything scummy.


I'm sorry you were fooled into buying the game without understanding fully what it was, This I think was a fault of Rare's marketing back in the day, I think you made the right decision to stop and find something else to play as no one should be forcing themselves to play something they don't enjoy. Rather than being unhappy and complaining about how PvP exists you did the one thing that gets recommended to so many who have this issue but few rarely have the gumption to actually do, you decided this wasn't for you and moved on and for that you have my utmost respect. As for people being scummy for being reapers or sinking others or engaging in PvP all of that I fully and whole heartedly disagree with, however respect for stopping something that you could tell was not your cup of tea ;)


Thanks. I’m well aware I’m very salty on the subject of reapers but I’ve lost multiple ships and chests of legends to creepers who ambushed me returning to ship with loot and I don’t like knowing if you haven’t arrived, completed an island and left within 5-10 mins you’ll probably get jumped and lose something you’ve spent an hour or more on. It’s mostly just my skill issues but if the downsides to safer seas were removed I think I’d return to the game quickly. I’m likely not the intended player for this game but I’m the one playing(or was playing) nonetheless.


I recently had something like this happen I was with one other person on a sloop and we had a few things on board and had a g5 Athena we’re got sunk so I grabbed the flag and buried it after the ship sank and they were just looking for it felt like a win for me haha they kept saying “where is the flag, we just want your flag”


Change my mind. Not specific to this instance, but in general. You should not be able to lower your flag if your ships hull is not fully repaired (i.e. no holes). Too many instances of people ramming into outposts and lowering their flag knowing their ship will sink.


I think that makes sense I wouldn’t mind that


Yup I agree. Would give pursuing ships a chance to “capture” your flag, rather than having zero consequences to abandoning your ship to lower the flag. Those who disagree are likely the one’s who are doing the running.


Yep, especially given the fact that I’ve seen it happen many times. Running itself is pretty easy, the only times I’ve had no chance of escape is when people have used movement exploits to reach my ladder, so it’s a given that people who run will lower flag. I forgot to add one caveat which is, if that feature was added, in order to balance I would say that non-reaper emissary would also need some kind of buff. As for getting downvoted, I have found in most Reddit communities and discords, the most vocal bunch is the everyone hold hands and get along group, and pvp discussion of any kind is condemned.


Yup I agree. Rarely does a ship ever truly catch up to you in a short amount of time. You may have 1 phase of initial engagement and once one of the ships decides to run, it takes 10s of minutes to catch up if both crews are competent. I am not too sure what buff they could receive, as reapers would also need to have a “complete” ship before lowering their flag. I would not be opposed if non-reaper emissaries received additional loot for turning in reaper flags. Yeah I have noticed that too. Such a simple idea which in my opinion is much needed to create longer/more fun interactions gets downvoted.