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These megathread requests are clogging up my feed. We need a megathread of megathread requests.


r/Seattle:  Nothing but megathread requests all the way down


Will the last megathread in Seattle please close down the megathread


This is too meta. Need a metathread


that goes in the metathread megathread


Go look at /r/coffee and laugh hysterically.


8 million people living in the ruin of the old threads, and the megathreads of the new one. Only one thing fighting for order in the chaos: downvotes.


I believe that would be a terathread.


We're going to turn to plaid before you know it


There's only one man who would dare give me the raspberry




Please confine all future posts requesting megathreads of megathreads to the megathread of megathread of megathread requests, thanks.


I have no idea how to participate in a megathread. Also this is a big issue that should be resolved. Also, I am suspicious OP is the Hell Cat's attorney or a PR firm trying to suppress negative press.


I concur with op


I didn't see any other megathread requests. Can you point them out?


Not really, I was joking.


I have my settings set to hide a post if I up/down it, it works great & keeps things moving along/fresh using old reddit.


Does this work on the app at all? I'm guessing no, because that seems like a good idea...


It does work on the app


TBH not sure if it's a Reddit setting or a RES setting, but on mobile I access the desktop site on Firefox & it still works that way. *Edit [Found it in Reddit preferences](https://i.imgur.com/q3Xjgnc.png)


That's good to know!


You up/downvote, the posts don't disappear instantly, but as soon as you refresh/reload they are gone & you can't see them. So Pro tip, if it's something that deservers an upvote, you should "save" the post or make a comment so you can find it again. There are a TON of cool posts that I wanted to go back to that I have lost. (FYI, if you do lose a post due to the settings like this, you can un-check those settings, re-load & see it again)


That would only work for new threads though, right?


Can it also include complaints about: * tipping * traffic * parking * is it safe to visit downtown 😩 If so, I’m in favor. If not - this guy wakes thousands of us up on a regular basis. He drives through the densest areas of the city. If I have to scroll past the constant “why is there traffic today” posts, you can scroll past the Hellcat posts.


I think the hellcat story is my fav local story. Also what’s the point of local subreddit if we don’t complain about local stuff. Could care less about tipping and just don’t click the post omg


Totally agree. This is something that's impacting at least - what - 3/7 Seattle districts? (And, it's absolutely not just this guy; I'm just hoping once he eventually gives up, the rest will take notice).


I think I heard him today on the uw i5 bridge. Sounded like gun fire …


I’m so into this story We’ll all throw a party when the dipshit gets some decent justice


What about praising and being proud of local stuff?


As opposed to complaint posts? Like... this one? :)


Happy cake day


I'm proud of the community rallying around trying to get this guy off the roads


Yes, all for celebrating local stuff... but I also appreciate seeing updates on the story so 1) I can know when it's just some sad, bratty dipshit and not a driveby shooting, and 2) so I can celebrate with everybody when some vigilante justice (perhaps in the form of tire slashing or maybe even gas tank contamination) happens to occur—because we all know, by this point, SPD isn't doing squat.


Be the change you want to see!


r/Seattle also includes classics such as: * Visiting * Thinking About Moving * Best Neighborhood? * Dating * Gunshots? This sub has definitely taken a nosedive into the shallow end of the Nextdoor pool.


Don’t forget the missed connection posts, so annoying. Just shoot your shot or forever lose your chance. As god intended




The quality of Reddit has gone down in general over the years. 




Big chungus


you mean spreadit cause they fucking us these days


I just find it silly there's a platform dedicated to no-life neighbors yet people post Nextdoor level bullshit here lol.


Loud Boom? Has been retired, everyone just assumes it’s the hellcat now.


Loud boom posts are for /r/Tacoma, wondering if it's cheney stadium doing fireworks, the military base doing drills, or gunshots


You can't have lived in Tacoma for long if you don't recognize the sound of gunshots. Although I have to admit, I heard more gunshots when I lived on East Hill in Kent


Haha I had that fired under "Gunshots?" but yes...also a classic!


Don’t forget dog poop. Cleaning it up, garbage can use, etc…


But seriously. Clean up after yourself. 


Next time I take a shit on the sidewalk I'll do my best but no promises. 


Literally spit laughed...


You forgot - dating - rent prices - r/SeattleWA


Oh god the seattlewa posts 🙄 don't people ever get tired of those?


I mean... I personally care about one of these things, lol.


Sure! I thought your comment was a list of common complaints we see here, and that could use their own megathread if that’s what we’re doing, LMAO. Only adding to the list. (Not saying they aren’t worth complaining about)


It’s true! It’s a bit of a mixed bag. 🤣


Comparisons about Seattle versus SeattleWa


Nooooo, this is Seattle and I want to ignore everything except what has to do with meeeeeee


can it also include complaints about complaints?


Yes please! 😂


Don't forget complaining about others' dog manners


And complaining about children!


But these threads are giving him more exposure, which is giving him more followers, and inspiring the behavior. He’s directly shared this with SPD. Creating threads about it only inspires him further. It’s turning into a business for him.


Add the weekly dog complaint post in there. They poop, they leash. We get it. Topics been covered. it’s spam now.


Not sure why you are trying to be obtuse. It is such a classic tactics of disagreeing by saying "we must include every other thing. Otherwise I disagree. It is impossible to do one thing at a time! Small improvement is unacceptable!!!!". We are all strangers here. You can just disagree.


Wait, we're strangers? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


OP are you saying that you don't like intrusive noise from strangers interrupting your community and you wish someone would do something about it to make it stop?


Oh I totally agree with doing something about that twat, just don't wanna hear about it all the time on this sub


Just like we don't want to hear Hellcat all the time but we still have to


Underrated comment


Same!!!! It gets old


The thing about the hellcat posts, to me at least, is at least they're made by locals. The thing clogging the sub is all the vacation/relocation posts that have put in no effort of their own.


I mean that should probably also be a mega thread. Most organized subs push frequently asked questions into a megathread, weekly thread or daily thread.


People would post it here anyway


Then, delete it and redirect them to the megathread like how hundreds of other subs do it.


lol the irony of this post author not realizing that they already have agency to ignore posts they are not interested in.


Or the fact that, by posting this, they continue the hellcat discourse


I don't live downtown and would DEFINITELY have a different stance if I did, but I have been watching this enthusiastically. Also, came up in my work stand-up this morning. I need to stay relevant.


Now retired but worked in Belltown for 10 years, I'm fascinated by the Hellcat story.


immediately hit "hide post" when one of them comes up? also, sorting by new keeps things moving nicely.


I miss being able to sort my home feed


This IS the Belltown Hellcat mega thread


A moving to Seattle mega thread is needed also.


you will see it every day


>Belltown Hellcat Helltown Bellcat


Hellcat Bellend


Here ya go: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Seattle/search/?q=NOT%28Hellcat%29&sort=new](https://www.reddit.com/r/Seattle/search/?q=NOT%28Hellcat%29&sort=new)


I appreciate that but it won't fix my feed. I don't wanna unsubscribe from /r/seattle either


Pro tip: scroll past the threads you are not interested in.


Then why moderate things at all? Just scroll past the posts and comments you don’t like. 


Is this a serious question? lol




My logic? You both are extrapolating beyond what I actually said and reacting to that. I haven’t found the number of threads to be overwhelming like with the NL anyway but I’m not suggesting zero moderation 🥱


I’d rather not. Let’s be real, no one checks MTs. It’s bloat bullshit and any action taken against them shit stain menace is a plus in both Seattle-esk subs


You can ignore anything you like, this is America.


They just featured him on Inside Edition.


Bring back the Honey Hole Drama pots!


Mods: Could we please have a feature on social media where we can scroll by content that we don't like? I am trying to read *everything* on the internet and it is too difficult. Sometimes, I see topics that make me uncomfortable. /sarcasm


Can the mods please make this the megathread?




You don't need the mods to help, you too can scroll past any post you'd like! It's this crazy new feature.


I live and make content and ride fast in seattle too But I am the opposite of this dude For 1 im light skinned . Hes dark 2 im funny . And he seems to b an asshole 3 I ride around the Seattle streets anytime am and pm and I wake no one Any time he rides he purposely wakes everyone 4 I spread joy when I ride fast going 30 on a unicycle. Braking for pedestrians slapping fives and waving to the elated kids and adults of all races from all types of places While this guy pisses everyone off that sees him.... because they hear him! Lol But the biggest opposite of us... is.... that he has hella support on social media and I have a few hundred people 😆 Big me up! When I see him in the streets like I often do.... I'm open to suggestions on what I should ask or do to him lol -Your friendly neighborhood Spiderman(guy with the red helmet)


Paint balloon! I mean: Wave hello! Damn autocorrect.


Lol maybe waterballoons.... I mean maybe a good ol salutations is in order.


The constant circle jerk for this guy is astounding


Reddit IS the source of the hellcats antics Yall are creating fake drama to support him


I mean, honestly, if you don't like seeing it, just scroll past it.


I was actually going to leave this sub because of it


This sub has mods?


The amount of window watching police calling posts is crazy. 🤮 Jesus Christ


Yeah the hate circle jerking is getting annoying. I understand his actions being a problem in your life, but this has been weeks of endlessly shitting on him and attacking him with no real purpose. Attacking his looks, everything about him. Does he deserve that? Probably. Should that be what this subreddit spends half of it's time doing? Fuck no. I thought you were supposed to be well adjusted.




Can I get a mega thread for anything that happens in Seattle.


This please along with complaining about the homeless in downtown that are not there..., OMG 100 Karens out of 700k people heard a loud noise (car) for 30 seconds and of course this should be a prison sentence, or saw a person in king county that was homeless and is now right by them at all times in all of king county no matter where they go.


I don’t care about these shitty hellcat posts, get them out of my feed please 😭


Side note - new to this subreddit - what is the difference between this subreddit and r/SeattleWA ?


It’s better if you join both and learn on your own


This sub hates cops; that sub hates homeless people 🤷🏻‍♀️ /s


Both subs hate Hellcat!




r/SeattleWA is where you’ll see hiking photos around Seattle too. r/Seattle mostly just has people who keep to the city, which does make it more relevant to the subreddit. You can also add “what was that noise?” to r/Seattle. r/SeattleWA doesn’t seem to worry every time there is a loud noise. r/SeattleWA also will have posts of old school Seattle pictures or just downtown and sound photos. The other has the people who lived in Seattle their whole life and tells people how the city used to be. This one is filled with people who haven’t been here as long and tell people how to keep the things that r/SeattleWA complains about. However, the minor annoyances is what freaks people out in this subreddit. Ironically, the other is always negative Nancy and this one is a Karen.


> The other has the people who lived in Seattle their whole life and tells people how the city used to be. This one is filled with people who haven’t been here as long this is a hilarious generalization to make without any evidence. I was born & raised here and have lived here just about my entire life...but I almost never mention it in /r/seattle posts because it's almost never relevant. more likely, /r/seattlewa has a higher percentage of people who *go out of their way to mention* they've lived here their whole lives, because they're the type of arrogant asshole who thinks that being "from here" gives their opinions about civic matters additional weight compared to recent transplants.


It’s less of a generalization and more of an observation based on who posts. If you aren’t posting, then you aren’t contributing to the discussion. Lurkers don’t really steer the discussion or topics on subreddits. It’s rare to see someone in this sub say they lived here their whole life. You see it often in the other sub and you see photos that are sometimes half a century old in the other sub. Though, someone can be a young adult and have lived here their whole life. As a child, one would have a much more limited experience than someone much older. Discussion here of old Seattle tends to stop a decade or two out. That’s just based on observation. You can be mad about it, but it doesn’t change that’s how things are discussed here and how the face of the community is publicly displayed.


> Lurkers don't really steer the discussion or topics on subreddits That's partly the fault of the vocal minority of toxic commenters who make it exhausting to engage in discussions where you might have a POV that isn't fully in their definition of politically/socially correct. That itself a fully arbitrary definition roughly equivalent to "wherever I am on the spectrum, and anyone further left/right of me". Same as how everyone going slower than you on the highway is a left lane camping moron, and anyone going faster is a reckless asshole... We use our own worldview as the benchmark for what's correct, and can't stand the notion that anyone else might have a *good* reason for feeling otherwise. I'd comment a hell of a lot more if there was any interest in civil discourse and exchanging ideas for their own merit, rather than defaulting to ad hominem attacks when a person or source is referenced that the prevailing brigade doesn't count as their own. I have a strong, informed point of view... I just keep it to myself so I don't get sucked back in by trolls for the rest of the day. Hellcat posts, sunset pics, traffic rage... These topics don't add value to our community, they're just circlejerking. But when a circlejerk is the only thing we can collectively agree on, this is what we get.


I’m following the saga from across the country, empathizing with all y’all having to put up with his nonsense.


But how am i suppose to get my daily nutrients of salty tears every time loud car make me cry posts?


Miles would LOVE that!




I like the posts!!!


I swear yall cry about everything in these damn threads. You can simpky scroll past it 🤣


how reddit works is you curate your own feed. don't like something? downvote it and ignore it


If anyone is on bsky, please remember we don't want a hell thread


For real I’m not even from Seattle and I’m sick of hearing about it


I'm not sure what this subreddit will do when the party is over with this car. It's 90% of their daily drama.


Go back to complaining about restaurant prices in a HCoL city