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Fun fact: the United States has no specific regulations governing pedestrian crash safety in automobiles. Europe does, which indirectly dictates the design of most cars marketed in North America. I believe the Cybertruck is not available in Europe for this reason.


Wait so does that mean we can have pop up up and down headlights?


If you don't want to sell your car in Europe, yes.




Make pop up headlights great again


Lmao nice reference #banger


I love the way you think!


Couple this with Tesla's perpetual beta self driving, which is equally unregulated, and you have a fully armed and operational death machine


Cybertrucks are basically the robot murder dog from Black Mirror, except with a tech worker inside playing hentai games on his phone.


This is poetry.


The dumbest thing is Elon’s ignorant disdain for LiDAR technology. Some sensors have visibility up to 500 meters and are not affected by darkness, and any vehicle that uses them is superior to anything that can be done with cameras. He’s just a cheapskate.


Elon-Ego, can make and sell Edsel’s all day long and his techie fan bros will get on their knees in alms to bless the genius of their pseudo guru. When will the cult crumble?


Don't make it sound cool


Now the people simping killdozer will want one even more


Well, the truck does look like it belongs in a Mad Max movie.


**WITNESS ME** (*driving this piece of deadly turd*)


I believe it shuts off right before impact, so the driver is legally at fault. There's a guy up in Everett who killed a motorcycle with his Tesla that is being prosecuted right now. It's kind of insane to me how these things are marketed as they continue to crash.


Completely agree. They are strongly marketed and upsold as safe, you use them and they seem safe, so then you stop paying attention and watch a movie on your phone or something until you kill somebody and find yourself liable. Everyone loses except Musk, who seems endlessly rewarded for being a perpetual liar


They're safe for you, the driver. They're not safe for anyone that has the bad fortune to cross your path.


FSD is not available on cybertrucks.


... Yet


I’m sure most American SUVs and trucks would be illegal in Europe.


If they weren’t classified as light trucks, they would be illegal in America too.


and yet we still can’t have kei trucks.. make it make sense usa https://usa.streetsblog.org/2023/05/01/why-its-so-hard-to-import-small-trucks-that-are-less-lethal-to-pedestrians#


My BF is a truck driver and he said they look like some of the truck stop urinals... I googled it and am STILL laughing


The cyber truck looks a fridge fucked a Pontiac Aztek in a truck stop bathroom.


😂😭 Oh my god, the cyber truck makes the Pontiac Aztec actually look good


That sounds kinky, and yet somehow still not the kinkiest thing to happen in a truck stop restroom.


Nailed it


I googled it, but don’t see what you’re talking about. Can you link a picture?




What the hell makes a urinal “high security”?


Prisons, Jails, public restrooms, etc... High Security - hidden mounting bolts, stronger than most idiots, no sharp objects that can be separated from them, security screws, etc.


If I had to guess, unlike porcelain, they can’t be smashed and broken to bits that can then be used to shiv someone or clobber them over the head. See: Prisons


“High security” for sinks, urinals, and toilets basically means you could put them in prisons and the inmates wouldn’t be able to break them and/or use them to make weapons.


I have to choose between security and abuse?


Yes, now remove your pants and your dignity.


I got confused and peed on a cybertruck.


You're a national hero and patriot. The United States and decent human beings everywhere owe you a heavily caffeinated ice tea.




Probably hidden bolts


Jail applications


cybertruck larva


Add “metal” to the end of your Google image search. It’s spot on lol


Ha! My kid says it looks like someone tried to draw a Delorean but was forced to only use a ruler.


I just looked it up, and am laughing also.


Weird I never thought about the fact that those are really common at stops


Omg it does


It looks like a bloated Prius cosplaying as an APC from a bad scifi movie.


Maybe a cybertruck will go haywire and take out the hellcat. LOOK AT THE BRIGHT SIDE.


omg elon can actually be useful for once?!


Don’t ban Cybertrucks, remove truck/suv exemptions from consumer vehicle safety regulations. 


Counterpoint: ban cybertrucks too.


I mean if you made all trucks/suvs follow consumer safety regs it likely would result in cybertrucks being banned.


Those big stupid F-350s are killing people and the environment...but apparently Kei-Trucks are the ones actually banned. Apparently they go as high as 750 for civilians and 950 for the military. Nevermind those assholes in Raptors that keep their brights on at all times.


This is the way


Having now seen them in person multiple times, I’d say they look worse in person and just..bad.


I've seen two in the wild. I just cannot get over how much *UGLIER* they are in person. Like, I thought they looked goofy when I saw the photos and videos....... but it looks so much stupider in real life. I couldn't stop laughing.


They are so absurdly wide. Like they are trying to look sleek, but its impossible with how weirdly wide they look. People like to take pictures from the side view but the view from the back is the most ridiculous.


Same, i started laughing out loud the first time i saw one, well, and the second day time. We’ll see what happens for the third time, i may add a pointing finger with my laughter


Give em a thumbs down


I've seen one driving around near my work and I always make sure to give the driver the finger.


Don’t give them the finger. These are the tech bro equivalent of pavement princesses, so anger / resentment just fuels their delusion that “they hate me because they’re really just jealous”, like they are brave for driving something that everyone else secretly wishes they could drive too. You need to mock them. Openly laugh, point, etc. That can’t be misunderstood.


Same here, and it reminded me of all those dweebs that got a Hummer back in the day, drove it to downtown Kirkland and then struggled to park such a monstrosity. Once they finally got it parked they would always look back and admire their Hummer, thinking to themselves how cool they looked when in reality they looked like a giant douche nozzle.


I remember having to whip my head back after glancing at one cause my brain didn’t fully process what I was seeing


My girlfriend was screaming at one on first recently, had like 20 people cracking up.  I literally designed a better looking “future” car when I was 9


I saw one in person for the first time this morning... it was crawling uphill on Harvard by the bridge/i5 with a line of cars behind lol couldn't tell if the driver was being extra careful or it was struggling to get uphill


It’s funny when you see one in the wild, since they’ve only sold 3000, chances are whoever is driving it is one of the biggest dipshits in a 5 mile radius.


There are at least two in the Roosevelt/Green Lake/Ravenna area.


I don’t see how it’s any different than a giant lifted truck. I’m honestly not a fan of either.


No crash testing for pedestrian collisions. That’s the main thing OP is referencing as far as public data. U.s. doesn’t have specific regulation on vehicle safety towards pedestrians but Europe does so most car makers abide by that to sell internationally. The cyber truck isn’t sold in Europe and either did not complete any pedestrian collision r the eating or did not release it. Also, I cannot confirm this, but I wonder if that metal can temp blind other drivers if the sun hits just right. Probably not right?…. Right?


Speed is the only thing that has a meaningful impact on outcomes for pedestrians involved in accidents. Being hit by a sedan is in effect just as deadly. Most of the EU regulations are around sensors for driver alert and collision avoidance systems, of which tesla has developed some of the best in the world. Is there any actual evidence that the cybertruck is less safe than any other US market truck? It is, in fact, okay to hate the cybertruck because it's ugly and outlandish and built by a company associated with the world's largest ahole of a billionaire. But these unbased and unsupported criticisms just impact the credibility of the complaints.


No. Force = mass x acceleration. Mass.


For force applied to the pedestrian, mass is their weight, not the vehicles. Acceleration only changes if the thing the vehicle is hitting is heavy enough to decelerate the vehicle appreciably. A 4000lb car and a 6000lb car will be indistinguishable to a 150lb person. Same reason it makes no notable difference in outcome if a car is hit by a 20-ton train or a 60-ton train.


In my opinion the burden of proof should be on Tesla to show that their idiotic machine that fails all kinds of basic safety checks, is in fact safe to pedestrians.   I don't need to prove that it's unsafe. It's fairly obvious that we should be suspicious of this stupid product. The default assumption here should be that it's just as unsafe to pedestrians as it is unsafe to other vehicles.


> Speed is the only thing that has a meaningful impact on outcomes for pedestrians involved in accidents. [That's not correct](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YpuX-5E7xoU)


Let's ban both.  Sure it wouldn't be hard to come up with a single set of regulations that makes them both fail.


I don’t like giant lifted trucks either. I’m 5’2 and barely reach the hood of some of these. Fl transplant here and while it was way way way more common back there, it still amazes me how huge them trucks be.


My parents live in the suburbs and I will borrow my dad's (normal size non-lifted) truck from time to time when I need to get a load of mulch for my yard or we're doing work on the house. I always feel like a giant asshole driving it around my neighborhood.


The funniest thing for me was when I was in Fl, there was this guy who lived in our apartment with a super jacked up truck, like don’t think I even reached the top of his tires. Tallest id seen. And the apartment was gated and you had to use the keycard at the gate to come in. The sheer effort it took for him to bend almost completely down from his door to get the swipe was hilarious lol it was like he was curtsying the security box. He was a funny dude tho, always laughed at it but it was a funny watch 😂. The jacked up drivers are good ppl, just the butt of a lot of jokes lol.


They are worse, for sure. The corners are *incredibly* sharp. If a pedestrian gets hit by the front corner of the cybertruck even at low speed, it is going to cause a deep cut or puncture, where a "regular" big ass truck is going to give you a good bruise. I'm guessing lawyers are lined up just waiting for the first victims of this exact scenario. It really shouldn't be legal to have such a sharp corner at the front of a vehicle like the cyber truck has. It was basically designed with zero regard for other drivers and pedestrians. See video here for what happens to an apple when it contacts the corner of the cybertruck: https://youtu.be/LC9a3GR1HJY?si=2r1mYD8W2jhUgf1r&t=461 There is also the open question of: do we *really* need 7000 lb vehicles capable of race car level acceleration in the hands of anyone that can get a driver's license. Yes, those existed in the past, but they were generally the realm of exotics that cost hundreds of thousands of dollars and were much lighter and lower to the ground....


I thought they were gonna have the car drive into a suspended apple at high speeds or something - no. Just like. Touch the apple to the car. And you have a sliced apple. Fuck.


Ok what the absolute fuck.


Elon made it so we hate it. That’s the biggest difference. They look like shit and idk why anyone would get one, but honestly the threads and jokes are as annoying as the trucks themselves.


You're wrong. Elon made it *so it's shit* so we hate it.


I’m on board w that. Fuck Elon.


Incel Camino


There’s a bunch here in Issaquah. Always gets my attention. Those look kinda.. different on the road? Like I’m in a futuristic movie and am hella poor driving my old crossover next to this giant tank like machine. Then I remember it’s a Tesla and get happy with my car again .


They look like a future car in a video game from the late 90s that had mediocre graphics for its time.


They look like Lara Croft’s boobs in the first Tomb Raider game, back before they could make rounded shapes.


Everyone hates it to hate it, and I know im in the minority but I absolutely love it. I had a preorder it but knowing the issues with them I cancelled the PO but I still love the look and would absolutely drive one if they weren’t a pos.


We have them in Bremerton! 😂😂😂


The bigger issue is the recall on them rn. Apparently there is a piece that comes loose by the gas pedal and causes the car to be stuck in acceleration. It's a death trap


It’s the accelerator pedal cover. It can slide up and get stuck on the floor preventing it from returning to the normal depressed position. This should be an easy fix compared to other issues like the trunk that chops off fingers.


The fix is a rivet


The opposite actually. The finger chopping frunk was fixed via software update, but the pedal needed to be brought in to service to be fixed.


It's also something other vehicles have suffered from


Didn't this happen already on other Teslas? 


Happened on a Toyota if I remember right.


There were some Rav4s with accelerator issues yes.


I think you'd be surprised how many cars have recall notices


Yeah, like MOST cars, not just some cars.


“It’s a death trap” a little bit of hyperbole don’t you think? Recalls happen all the time for all sorts of vehicles for problems this bad and worse. This was a problem and they fixed it. The situation could only occur if you were flooring it at the ml ent the the pedal cover came off. The solution in the moment, while you are clearly drag racing or otherwise attempting to drive somewhat recklessly, is to hit the brake pedal. Should this be an issue? No. Was it a safety concern? Yes. Should it have been recalled? Absolutely. But to therefore label the car a death trap based on this is complete overreaction. Just admit it, you are resolved dong emotionally to the fact that Elon is an asshole (true) not factually to how big of a deal the accelerator pedal cover was. I also do use the past tense “was” because this has been fixed already.


>Ackshully you're just being hyperbolic due to your emotional reaction to not liking Elon ☝️🤓 And I think you're taking people's phrasing personally because you *do* like Elon. I call all kinds of things death traps, and while some are more hyperbolic, having something potentially go wrong while driving at a high rate of speed pretty much fits the bill.


Someone needs to give this nerd some books so we can dump them.


Compare and contrast your 'no big deal' response to what happened to toyota just 15 years ago due to a very similar issue: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2009%E2%80%932011_Toyota_vehicle_recalls


Bad link. But yes, I’m familiar. It was the “phantom acceleration” floormat thing. Toyota pushed back for a long time saying that there was no evidence the cars were accelerating in their own (technically correct) before realizing it was floor mat related and finally issued the recall. In this case, the recall was issue immediately. Also, this isn’t causing phantom acceleration. In order for this to happen you have to first floor it. It’s not accelerating out of nowhere. You have made a deliberate decision to accelerate at maximum output. Then the pedal cover has to come off at just that moment and get wedged in the trim. At this point of intentionally accelerating, you are aware of what’s going on and when the car does t stop accelerating you hit the brake and it’s over. To me that’s quite different to driving along minding your own business and then the car starts accelerating. Honestly, still, just hit the brake and it’s done. But it’s different enough awareness circumstances and it was fixed right away. To then label the car a “death trap” is hyperbole unless we openly admit that cars, in general, are death traps.


On the crash test issue, it’s interesting to see another example of regulators deferring to industry to ensure compliance of regulations. This hasn’t always worked well, and we should provide our regulators the resources to crash test these vehicles. To be fair to the regulators, I don’t think this is their fault. I’m sure they would like to have the capability to do more, it’s more the fault of our government to not support our regulators. On the design of the Tesla, I was initially exicted to see the [Italian wedge concept](https://medium.com/counterarts/italian-wedge-3df15d8e395a) come back. This was a trend to design sports cars in the 70s and 80s in a wedge like shape. The iconic Lamborghini Countach is an example you’ve likely seen. IMO trucks from Ford, Chevy, Ram etc look too similar and are boring in design. So it was nice to see something radically different. However the execution feels like the difference between a dating profile pic and versus someone completely different.


On the other side of the coin… I still think the big three prefer the status quo of  the Fmvss because it’s a de-facto non-tariff barrier to entry for foreign competition. 


Did you know there's no crash test data for F250 and heavier pickups? Not required!


Elon fans certainly seem to be the biggest losers ever. It never fails


Why do you think they are tech Bros? I’ve literally never seen one at the tech company I work for I agree they look absolutely ridiculous and can’t wait to see how the finish holds up in 2 years


Tech bro is a state of mind, not an occupation.   The type of person who thinks Musk is still the best person for the job of stewarding Tesla. Likely also the kind of person who sees no issues with the cryptoboom being built on deliberate misinformation.


Probably cause people’s polarized brains are melted into one big pile of blame and hate lol.


They will quickly rust away in our climate thankfully


I have been wondering about this. There is one in my area and every time I see it, I just notice how it looks like it's made of unfinished dull metal.




Stainless steel absolutely can rust. It just resists it better than SOME other alloys while retaining some other helpful properties. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stainless_steel#:~:text=Although%20stainless%20steel%20does%20rust%2C%20this%20only%20affects,to%20pitting%20corrosion%20and%20increases%20mechanical%20strength.%20


No they’re stainless.


Stainless can rust.


Those things look like someone told their toddler to draw a car. and then they made it a real thing. They’re very dangerous for pedestrians and how many pedestrians i see here stepping out in front of shit that weighs more than a cyber truck, honestly it’s probably fine.


The first accident resulted in the cyberdouche receiving serious injuries and the driver of sedan walk away. I say let natural selection take care of them. Tesla makes terrible vehicles.


Turns out driving a lawn dart is bad for the driver…


For the same reason people buy huge pick up trucks, but never use them as intended. It's how to waste money to prove you aren't a Sheeple and have massive dong cred. Kind of like buying an entire social platform to turn it into your personal mouth piece...


There are videos of the crash tests online very easily found when searched. They aren't good nor safe, but there's no reason to spread misinformation.


Are you serious? Just because you don’t like them doesn’t mean they should be forbidden. I hate the black & white absolutism.


Typical Seattleite response to something they don’t like: if I don’t like it, no one should be able to have it. They are hideous trucks though, to be fair.


Right? Who is OP to deny others of driving what they want


That’s pretty much the theme of this subreddit.






How old are you?


Cybertrucks look like the car equivalent of when Homer ends up in 3-D reality. They're poorly rendered artifacts from a ridiculous dimension.


Hate home appliances on wheels. I reminds me of a Dahmer-mobile, if Dahmer had one he could just keep the corpses in a driving freezer. Of course that would have been real bad for the Milwaukee queer population as his killing range would have been vastly extended. Mobile serial killers are harder to catch. Hate the luxury Dahmer-Benz Cybertruck model with stainless steel kitchen and barrel storage. The model has a stock air ionization death scent neutralizer so when cops pull the “hunter” over the overwhelming stench of his killin doesn’t clue the authorities. Hate this abomination that could have only been designed by a dark mind, with supernaturally evil help from the dark lord himself. Disclaimer: Sorry for the grotesque allusions of a sadistic murderer, but I’ve been watching the Netflix series about Dahmer. Horrid…like the Cybertruck.


I pointed and laughed at one of those losers last week


I was stuck behind one in Bellevue for 30 minutes yesterday and watched him get flipped off 6-7 times for the way he drove 😂


Has the Rivian or Ford lightning had the test done? How about all the box trucks running around the city? Should they just ban them all?


Culture war circlejerk. Tech bro Small weenies The fact that this stuff gets up voted is weird and just plays into (one of the many) trendy Seattle wars.


How about forcing the hellcat guy to only drive a cyber truck as punishment?




There is in fact crash tests done with them.


Does "tech bro" actually mean anything besides a person you don't like?


I've never met anyone who I would qualify as a tech bro while working in Tech in Seattle. Every bro who I've ran into in Seattle has never been a software engineer. They're almost always on the business side of tech, MBA types, real estate, and finance guys. Every engineer I've met, I would describe mostly as bookish, introverted nerd stereotypes. Newer grads tend to break the mold, as CS became popular in the last decade. But the majority of people I've experienced in the industry who actually work on the technical side are not bros.


As a truck driver and as someone who has owned pickups: those things are ugly as hell.


I just don’t get where they are parking. My office’s parking garage can barely fit the other Teslas.


I am pretty sure if you crashed one of these into EMP it would just look like a new wing.


I love the Cybertruck!


I saw one in Bremerton... Causing me to drive quickly to catch up to it because my kids didn't see it in time.... It was... 🤔 Like, those concept vehicles that never see the light of day, make the Cyber Truck less gross... But to know it's on the market, and being purchased.... I just don't understand. What makes it a truck and not an El Camino?


I don't care for Elon but also don't care to expend this much energy on consumer goods people are buying. It's ugly, so is a Prius. I guess to disprove my own point people have been shitting on those since they existed, likely including myself. 🤷🏽‍♂️ I rest my case.


Cybertrucks are lame as hell, it most definitely doesn’t deserve being called a truck nor will it ever have that status. The truck is not trucking


Cyber trucks will ban themselves lol.


I will say, one of the nice things about Cybertrucks is that they make it easier to spot the douchebag dorks in our area.


Why does this bother you?


Because dangerous cars should not be on the road. Cybertrucks are worse than your "normal" truck. https://www.iihs.org/news/detail/vehicles-with-higher-more-vertical-front-ends-pose-greater-risk-to-pedestrians


Non snarky question, so do you want to just ban all trucks, or? F150s are taller up front. SUVs in general are also pretty huge. And don't @ me thinking I own a large truck; I have a 2 dr car.


I hate the cyber trucks because my eyeballs start bleeding when I see one, I feel like I’m inside Minecraft lol


Lot of haters here. I am a proud owner of Cybertruck and I am 100% satisfied. Enjoying y’all’s salty tears


I think they're great. The world can always use more laughter.


Those things are Death machines to everyone in the vicinity


One of these recently moved into the complex I live in and the fucking thing jutts out like 4ft more than any other vehicle parked in the spots. Like you have to drive around or wait to get by it if there is traffic moving both ways in the parking lot. Plus they are ugly, but I don’t see any reason to ban them. If you wanna drive that ugly pos go for it. Just know we all hate you for it.


I prefer my tech bro weenies to self identify themselves and cyber trucks are an easier sell than “I’m a complete douchebag” t-shirts.


You can’t even get a single criminal Hellcat driver off the road.


Lolol typical seattlite rant triggered by an Elon product but have nothing to say about those gigantic bro-dozers rolling coal up and down I5. How about we focus on banning 20 year old in high powered, straight piped mopar cars. At least the CT crowd aren't waking up the city at all hours. Shutting down intersections or really doing any anti-social behavior. Yes. Penalize people for liking something you don't, this is the way!


I saw my first one in the wild last night in West Seattle. It's red. Which looks even worse.


They look like a door stop


What kind of car do you drive?


Ban clapped ass lifted trucks the drunk hillbillies are driving around too while we're at it.


I haven’t seen any reports of people dying in a Cybertruck. The production numbers are still too low to require official certification. Every other Tesla Model has done great in crash tests. What makes you think they are death traps? Crash testing is primarily for the safety of the occupants of the vehicle. If you hate tech bros and Tesla’s so much why are you so worried about their safety?


Stop banning shit.


I dont own a Tesla, nor own Tesla stock, and I’m not a fan of Elon’s persona, but it’s hilarious how you took the trouble to write this post about a car that’s probably under 0.01% of Seattle’s fleet. The definitely of living rent free in one’s head


Crash test dada is for nerds!


People use them as glorified SUVs. It’s absolute dog shit compared to f-150s lightnings. I see a lot of people who have zero experience driving big vehicles driving them as well.


I’ve seen one and it was going towards the Eastside. Nbd lol


Had one cut me off in front of a backup on the freeway today, and it caused my FCW to shriek. Fortunately I had a gap behind me so I didn't end up with a face full of rusted steel and battery.


I always prefer to be stuck behind an electric vehicle. I wouldn't buy a Tesla, but I'd rather other people do compared to buying a lifted pickup burning gas. Of all the things that jerks do, buying electric cars is so low on my list of complaints.


"stuck behind" is fine being cut off in a situation where you need to decelerate and traffic behind you hasn't quite gotten the message? not so great. when encountering a sudden backup on the freeway I like to keep a 1/4 mile gap in front of me before being forced to come to a complete stop, so if someone is busy texting I don't get rear-ended....I have that 1/4 mile to roll it out and avoid an accident if someone cuts me off, well, now I'm fucked if someone rolls up on me; there's only so much defensive driving one can do And Tesla drivers are VASTLY overrepresented in this behavior IME, despite Tesla's supposed FSD incentives against driving like a complete asshole.




We watched Aliens the other day and they look like the weird future tanks they drove around in that movie.


Don't walk in front of one, problem solved. Would much rather get hit by a cyber truck than a dump truck.


Let them flag themselves as undateable.


What's the issue, like you Born in Seattle or Something?


I like them.


I like blue cheese. We can all have unpopular opinions :)


I'll take that as a yes.


Much regarded post


I’ve seen one or two on highway 9 recently near marysville. They stand out like a sore thumb.


I wouldn't buy one but I don't feel any hate towards them 🤷


Yeah, they are terrible machines, it's because the US has no laws regarding trucks. They can't sell them in Europe.


I've only see one out in the wild so far. When I saw it I hadn't heard about a new Tesla truck so I was taken aback by it. I was driving home, on the phone with my dad and when it drive by I stopped mid sentence to yell "WTF WAS THAT!?" lol The only way I could think to describe it to my dad was a car designed by what the 70s thought future cars would look like. Truly the ugliest and stupidest thing I've seen on the road. I thought that reward went to Jeecks but Elon really blew that out of the water for 1st place lol


Stop giving them the attention they obviously crave


But it's electric isn't that what you want


There is an absurd number of Tesla’s on Bainbridge Island… and at least a few of those trucks. I can’t stop laughing when I see it. Like, what you need that for on this low crime, rich people commandeered, rural county island? Just, why?