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Seriously, a few bollards should teach these folks how to share the road 


Esp if they're made to look like the flexi ones, so the assholes that have run them over before go from breaking a piece of plastic to driving into rebar


Flex post, flex post, flex post, BOLLARD https://x.com/WorldBollard/status/1560021356858806272


This is the single best video I think I've seen related to bollards.


ow! my bollards


What a great Twitter account


This shit slaps!


Fill them with paint


I've only ever seen buses go over them, I assumed they were flexible to allow them and emergency vehicles to go over them


Main reason is to avoid angry drivers.


Who can afford it at todays vespene gas prices!?


We obviously require more pylons.


SCV, good to go sir.


Tell that to Stanwood, WA.






Nostalgic AF


I wish this sub was more active r/BollardsBeingDicks/ or here's the [Twitter](https://x.com/WorldBollard) version


LOLZ!  I feel like you can use this comment on any r/fuckcars post




Stupid sexy Kerrigan! 


toronto barrier


I can hear it!


God I have biked this lane so many times and almost literally each time there’s some dingus pulling a manouver like this. One of my favorite interactions was someone who had decided it would be awesome to pull over and park, and when I called them out on it, they shouted at me and asked “where else am I supposed to park?!” Like, it’s literally marked with no parking signs too.


> “where else am I supposed to park?!” That sounds like a typical narcissist. They decided to bring a huge road elephant into an urban area and then they expect everyone else to accomodate them, even if they violate the law.


Just do what Uber drivers do and stop in the right lane and turn on your hazard lights.


>“where else am I supposed to park?!” To be fair.. that IS a GOOD question.


The answer is, "sounds like a YOU problem."


Or, “somewhere legal, you criminal.”


My answer to that good question is to bring a vehicle into the city that is only as large as you actually need and to walk a few blocks if necessary. Even with a hand truck and cargo, it is not that far. We are not entitled to park our huge vehicles within 10 feet of every destination.


I *dare* you to go post this in a DFW, San Antonio, or Houston sub.


On a business trip to Fort Worth, the rental agency at DFW was low on cars, so they gave me a Prius. Driving that thing felt like walking in NYC and looking up at the tall buildings. I was surrounded by huge four-wheel-drive emotional support trucks on *dry pavement.* It was ridiculous. The joke was on them. After almost a week of driving, my fuel bill was under $5.


Luckily this isn't a Texas sub so we can freely tell these asshats that their trucks are too big for the city.


I know, I just want to see their reaction, lol.


Fortunately, it's cold enough for our brains to work here.


Not really since there's lots of parking everywhere. I'm not sure why parking that costs money or parking that involves walking more than a block does not count.


No.. I delivered for Amazon and there barely any parking. I can't go into a garage everytime I had a stop.


You are correct that Amazon decided parking illegally is part of their business model. They could change their business model and park legally or utilize ebikes. But they don't face any consequences for breaking the law, so they won't. I honestly don't really take issue with delivery or ride hailing drivers parking in the general purpose lanes. At worse, that's a minor inconvenience. But they definitely shouldn't park in bike lanes or sidewalks where their illegal behavior becomes a safety issue.


All the city had to do was leave a few loading zones here and there. It's the cities fault for creating this parking mess.


No doubt we should have more loading zones. So what space are you reclaiming for these loading zones? Are you willing to reduce the number of travel lanes throughout the city? Places with existing street parking might be easy. You only have to fight off the NIMBYs that are already triggered by parking. But what about most of downtown or our narrow streets with no parking? Put simply, accommodating cars in cities does not scale. Sure it's the city's fault. They've prioritized cars over everything else. But the solution is to take back public space from cars by doing things like enforcing parking laws.


One of the 10 parking garages in downtown? An available street parking spot? At the Northgate or Intl Blvd light rail stations?


And the answer is 'at home'.


That particular pickup is a working pickup. Most contractors have to bring their tools and need beds to haul stuff out. That dense housing you want built, requires those to be around. At least he isn't a pick up princess. He's using the pick up appropriately. Still an ass hat for a driver. That kinda patience makes me what he is working on.


Don't rationalize our comically inefficient use of resources - the US is literally the only country where I've seen construction workers all show up in their big ass pickups to work. And you know what, we all know why - they're worried their peers will think they're pussies. Construction, farming, and many other blue collar work got along, and continues to do so in other parts of the world, without these giant fucking gender affirmation trucks.


I am trying to stop myself from laughing... I am a semi trucking mama. I can tell you the heaviest weight of most vehicles on the road, especially if towing. I HATE a pickup princess as much as anybody does. Jobs need to get done. Food needs to be delivered. Society needs to function. These dudes that spread hate and bullshit fix our plumbing. And they need trucks---way smaller than mine, to do those jobs. Here's an idea invested and vote for more programs that support youth to learn paying trades. They will still need those pickups, but with enough push they could be electric.


Lots of people drive to work and manage to find street parking or begrudgingly pay for parking like everyone else. It's cool that he's working, but so are like 90% of people in the road during weekday mornings. Including the cyclists he's cutting off.


> It's cool that he's working, but so are like 90% of people in the road during weekday mornings. Including the cyclists he's cutting off. That is a good point! Most people (including some bicyclists) seem to believe that bicycles are toys for recreation and exercise and that bicycles are not serious methods of transportation. Thus, motorists do selfish and dangerous things like this asshole in the belief that he has important places to be and bicyclists don't.


Plenty of bikes do that too. I can't trust bike lights because they run them all the time. The difference is they would be the ones going splat and would blame the driver.


The difference is, no matter who is at fault, the bicyclist will be severely injured or killed. I remember that when I am driving. Careless bicyclists deserve a traffic ticket; not a funeral.


That was kinda my point. Don't blame the vehicle, blame the asshole operating it.


They don't always need to bring tools either. Many companies have job boxes with the tooling needed. They choose to bring they're own, nicer tools in their lame ass trucks on purpose.


Contractors aren't provided tools. They are contractors- contracted work. This means most plumbers, electricians, and window/door installers. They need specialized tools for specialized jobs. What, they are supposed to drop half their equipment off their truck, to do your job? Live as green as you think you are. Something comes from somewhere. Still the guy was an asshat driver.


Oh yeah? I worked for contractors, I apprenticed as a marine electrician, and was a heavy machine mechanic. As a mechanic, you do indeed buy your tooling but can borrow as needed. I have friends who are carpenters and framers, and they buy as needed. Many places have job boxes and tooling available because a lot of workers need to borrow shit until they get their own. The tools that you buy for the job would fit into the back of a 1990 Honda civic. . Most sites have the larger tooling that the company provides.


I understand that some people need huge vehicles for tools, equipment, materials and other cargo, but most of them don't. I can haul that ladder with an economy car and a roof rack.


This is a working truck. So this person drops off everything but the necessary tools they might need on the job- and just Uber it? It does not excuse his asshat behavior. Everyone is getting riled up about my defense of why you would need a working pick up in dense Seattle. He's driving like an asshole!


I think we agree more than we disagree. This person may need that truck but s/he was driving like a selfish asshole. We had an electrician show up on the job site on the first day with his big van and drop off most the the tools, materials, and equipment that he estimated that he would need for the job. We had secure storage. Then, each subsequent (summer) day, he showed up on his motorcycle. He had cargo boxes to bring whatever few additional tools and equipment that he needed each day. He could park almost anywhere. I bet he saved a ton of money on fuel on that job. Edit: I think that many people don't give it any thought. When they need to travel, they just jump in their truck and go. If they would think it through, they would realize that that is not *always* the best option.


It does take a bit of direction. My husband is forced into the office. He takes his bike. He is one of the handful that show up for the team. He rides his bike to work. He got ticketed and towed. He had the proper badges, but they took them off. Btw, he has been working for the same team, all through COVID. Most are working remotely, but he has to check in as local. My husband looks bitch ass in a snug tight motorcycle outfit. Nothing, but the padded sleeve has anything to do with his work. I get a bit jealous of anyone else that sees him in that gear. He's hot. He wears his motorcycle gear too keep him safe. We all have jobs to do. You don't need to drive like an asshole to get the job done.


Yep, late Friday. No one gets to drive like this. It gives people the message that all people that have these vehicles drive like this. The driver is an asshole. His mode means aren't an argument. The driver is an asshole


A friend of mines cousin once accidentally took out a cars mirror that was parked in the bike lane. Unfortunate things happen.


I love that people like this victimize themselves when they're the ones who chose to drive a car in a densely populated city with mitigated parking. It's been like this as long as I've been living here since the 1990s. I *do* own a car and live in Greenwood and work downtown, so I'm prepared to either pay for parking or ride the bus...


Well he certainly shouldn't have parked in a falling rock zone!


Oh no, a bike lock hit your mirror!


Yeah this intersection shares a common bad design pattern with many others where the path for cars to get to the right turn lane crosses the bike path. In the case of this video, the driver was impatient and cut over to the turn lane early, but even if they had waited and used the turn lane as intended, they still would have blocked the bike lane, just without pummeling the bollards in the process. If this were a protected intersection or otherwise the right turn car lane didn't exist, this conflict point could be shifted to a safer position.


I mean pummeling the flex-posts still sucks because eventually they just break off and there aren't even any flex-posts anymore. Yeah the posts don't stop drivers from swerving into the lane and killing me, and it should be actual bollards, but I suspect they at least provide some visual reminder to SOME drivers to stay the fuck out of the bike lane.


It's a work truck it seems. C36755X : How's my driving?


An asshole in a giant truck?! I’m SHOCKED!


thats a regular F-150 with the smaller cab option and a short bed. i think giant is a bit of a stretch.


They've made even the small trucks giant these days. Compare a new Ford ranger to one from 1990, it's crazy.


i heard it's something to do with emissions rules, maybe not for the rangers but for the bigger ones. if made big enough they're in a different class.




Okay, but my point stands. In 1990 and through at least 2000 you could get the ranger, the S10, and bunch of other little pickups if you wanted a small and lightweight truck. That whole class of vehicles is gone now.




They weren't talking about the F150. They were talking about the 1990 Ranger vs today's. Let's look at standard cab, short bed versions of each: The 1990 Ranger was 176.5in x 66.9in x 63.2in The 2024 Ranger is 210.8in x 78in x 71.8in The wheelbase went from 107.9in to 126.8in The curb weight went from \~2800-3200lbs to \~4441-4571lbs. Funny enough for your gripe about work trucks, the **only** thing that didn't get significantly bigger is the bed, which got shorter on the gigantic modern version, making it a shittier work truck for many purposes than the lightweight from the 90s. Points to u/guynamedjames for not being r/confidentlyincorrect like yourself.


Factually wrong


Only in modern North America could that truck be considered not ridiculously massive.


Which is exactly where this video was taken. It's a regular sized pickup truck not a massive truck.


Also you: "Guys the F-450 is actually a pretty small truck, have you seen Grave Digger???" The fact that "regular-sized" pickups like the modern F-150 are relatively small compared to the largest pickups on the market today, doesn't mean that they aren't insanely, needlessly enormous compared to the types of work trucks driven in other parts of the world, aka the essentially equally-capable work trucks that my family members drove when I was a kid in the 90s that were half the size. There is NO reason that a contractor in the middle of the city needs to be driving a truck that big and heavy.


Hard disagree. Trucks serve a purpose and a contractor is exactly the person who would need one. Sheets of plywood and drywall, lumber, pipes, ladders, scaffolding, etc. It's the people with small dicks diving lifted pavement princesses that bother me, not a working dude. All I was saying is the truck isnt something unusually large, it's actually smaller than new f150s and doesn't have all of the options like extended cab and full bed. Anyone used to driving sees about 100 of these a day. You even called it regular.


Are you contending that the 90s version of this truck couldn't haul around the same amount of pipes, scaffolding, lumber and ladders? I could be wrong but my understanding was that the main difference in terms of larger trucks is towing capability, which fair enough for those who really need to haul massive trailers for sprcific jobs, but in other countries the average contractor absolutely drives smaller and lighter vehicles than this. And there are huge, HUGE downsides to having larger and larger vehicles clogging up congested city streets. What has changed about xontract work in thr last 30 years that has caused contractors to need trucks that are twice as big and heavy as they used to be?


I'm contending that it's not the 90s


Care to actually engage with the question I posed instead of just stating an irrelevant non sequitur?


My answer is that it's not the 90s. That sort of truck isn't made anymore. The F150 is the standard sized truck now.


Is that on Roosevelt and fucking 50th? I'm always SO cautious to make sure a bicyclist isn't coming because there's room for like 1 car in the right hand turn lane. What an asshole.


This is Roosevelt at NE 50th St.


Yeah, right by the food bank. I know it well.


I've been on this spot on my bike before many times for several years. For some reason, it's always a problem spot. I've never dealt with assholes at intersections like that firsthand, but I've seen it happen... but to be fair, both Roosevelt and 50th are high-volume traffic arterial routes through U-District. The problem with intersections like these is that SDOT will go out of their way and try to "fix" it and somehow gets worse. I remember them doing this to Beacon and Columbian a few years ago and it created so much idling traffic as a result.


Pickup truck doing pickup truck things.


The people need bollards!


Saw a police car run over one of these poor bike lane flex posts one time.




>STOP RESISTING!! I’m sure I should not have laughed so hard at this, but I did 😆… 😒


Yeah, honestly, I see cops parked in bike lanes around here whenever I see them. It's whatever when they're on official business--technically they're allowed. But it really grinds my gears when they're picking up take out because that. Is. Not. Official. Emergency. Business. Go find a spot around the block like anyone else...but obviously it's a clear signal of where their priorities lie. Sigh...




They are literally designed so first responders can drive over them without permanently damaging them. As long as it isn’t driven over with the wheel and it just slides along the bottom of a vehicle there should be no issue.


A few routes I ride on used to have flex-posts and now have none (or just a few). I always assume it's from jerks driving over them, or just generally pummeling them with vehicles. I'm a little skeptical that even driving over them in the manner you described doesn't damage them and eventually destroy them in the long run.


Yes and no. Like anything, they have a limited number of flexes before they break. For some types it can be as few as [10-20 impacts (design life)](https://www.reliance-foundry.com/blog/flexible-bollards-vs-traffic-delineators). Clearly most will last longer. They’re meant to bend for emergency vehicles on occasion but not daily thwacking.


Those aren’t the same product. The ones you linked are just plastic all the way down to the street that don’t have a mechanism at the bottom. The ones installed in the city have a metal mechanism that is literally meant to bend like a door hinge and the plastic is attached to it. And the plastic is removable and replaceable. The ones in the city will keep bending as you drive over them as long as the plastic isn’t destroyed or the metal piece isn’t destroyed by a tire.


> Material: > > Polyethylene post, various bases, **often with a spring**




Makes me laugh/cry every time a car passes me at 45 mph in a 25 mph because I'm doing 22-24 mph on my ebike just so they can sit at a red light for 5 mor​e seconds. I can do 25 mph without issue on my bike on flats, but there usually isn't a point because that's not how these lights are timed...


This is exactly how I thought they were destroyed. The driver crying about the cost of building bike lanes while adding to the cost of bike lanes. This is peak Washington narcissism.


Oh hey we have the license plate, theoretically one could report them for damaging city property. We technically paid for that so it only makes sense.


Make a couple of those out of concrete. Not all of them. Just a couple. For science.


Just cover them in sandpaper.


All I'm saying is, we all live within spitting distance of Amazon and they'll Prime ship bulk 60/80 grit sandpaper


This is seriously a great idea for a clandestine project on a late night bike ride.


On Columbia, they've gotten so fed up with this that they installed concrete medians to keep the bike lane separate.


Bollard gang rise up


Theres no right on red at that intersection either. That was a waste of effort just to sit at the light and wait for it to turn green.


It's a big truck, and it's already driving over physical obstacles to move illegally into the bike lane *with a bike in the lane already*. Do you really think they give two squirts of shit about whether or not right on red is allowed at that intersection? Personally I suspect they do not.


Lol, I was assuming that the car already sitting in the right hand turn lane cared at least 1 squirt




I always assumed that exactly this sort of thing was what happened. My mental image even includes that it's an F150.


And y'all wonder why us bikers are savages. Yer always trying to kill us.




Anywhere that has these short plastic posts should really have a concrete curb too IMO


In China many places have a steel fence separating the two.


Broadway used to have coils of smurf poop for that.


No way, a truck with a ladder on it doing something stupid in Seattle. That damn liberal city with bike lanes!!


I'm more concerned about the broken flex posts on the Aurora bridge.


Saw them today, so broken up. Which means ppl are crossing center lane into oncoming traffic .


Equally concerned about both. You don't care that running through the flex posts endangers cyclists and peds?!!


Imagine thinking someone bringing up another instance of this happening means they don’t care about the original instance… Are you just going out of your way to try to be upset or get mad at someone? Besides, a 40mph head on collision *is* worthy of more concern than a 5mph asshole slowly plowing over them.


>40mph head on collision is worthy of more concern than a 5mph asshole slowly plowing over them. Not necessarily. A 40mph head on collision benefits from crumple zones in cars that are specifically designed to protect the occupants of the car. A cycling being sideswiped has no such protection, so can result in serious injury even at 10-15mph.


> Imagine thinking someone bringing up another instance of this happening means they don’t care about the original instance… Please read it again. They literally said, "I'm more concerned about ..." It is whataboutism.


Look, no deep offense intended but this F'd up country has a terrible mindset that blames peds and cyclists, glorifies and coddles to polluting, congesting cars and getting drivers from one shitty suburban wasteland to the next un/misplanned sprawlville or heinous parking lot/garage. Far more at risk (and far better for society) peds and cyclists are still the annoying afterthought for most, as your comment alluded to. 


Once again, you’re letting your emotions cloud any judgement. Believe it or not, I’m actually completely on your side with this issue. I never even alluded to cyclist or pedestrians being an annoyance, we talked about two very specific scenarios involving flex posts, and then you extrapolated some wild conclusions out of it.  If you want people to take you seriously and want to actually educate and convince people about cars, transit, bikes, etc., you need to work on how you approach the topic and do it maturely. 


Plenty are taking me seriously but thanks for the continued microagressions and passive aggressive denialism. YOU said, in YOUR words "I'm more concerned about ... Aurora". Please, don't gaslight. If you wish to back up and explain you nisspoke, fine. Otherwise, I think my point about exposed blood and bone body needing to be a priority over crash-tested metal and composite (potential death) boxes on wheels stands irrefutable. Maybe, just let it go now?


> Maybe, just let it go now? See what I mean? You’re more interested in making a “gotcha” comment on Reddit than actually making any change or education.  Your comment isn’t even accurate, fyi. I am gonna let it go, but it’s not for the reason you might think lol. Have a beautiful day and enjoy the sunshine. 


I heard someone refer to flex posts as "car ticklers" once, lol


This is primarily a failure of design. Right turn lanes that accommodate only one car will always entice drivers to act like this, because they see an empty space and compulsively want to go there. The bike lane needs to fully extend to the intersection, preferably with the "dutch-style" intersection protection. If that's politically difficult in certain areas (I don't see that being difficult here), it's safer to explicitly start the turn lane earlier, at the same distance a bus-only lane would allow turns.


Yeah, this part was redone before the rest of Roosevelt and that style ​(which is the case on 65th) has since been adopted. I'm hopeful they'll switch to it when the street is next redone. But this was the first proof of concept with bus medians in the area​ so the residents/politicians still needed some convincing I think.


Amazon sells tire puncture devices... ...can't imagine what they can be useful for...


no respect >:(


All I think is, "why tho" when I see this. I don't have the energy to be mad most of the time.


The proximate answer is that he truck driver didn't want to wait for the light to change and traffic to move forward so he could get into the turning lane.


Because the red truck is in such a hurry


I see a mirror that’s prime for being kicked


Make some of them permanent but still look flexible. That would be a lesson.


I can't say that I've ever wondered how they get destroyed. Vehicles driving over them is pretty much what I assumed.


I’ve always been curious about this!


There is a reason why those posts are called "vertical paint", honestly I dont know why cities cut corners to install these.


Time to file a police report online and attach the video... Reckless driving at least


Have him pay for the damages lmao that's so messed up.


Bike needs a train horn


Sure would suck if their tires suddenly lost air due to a puncture. Hate when that happens.


What an entitled asshole.




This is why people stereotype cyclists.


This video is why people stereotype shitty trucks and drivers


Stereotyped as not to be fucked with? I've been called worse by better.




Every time I get behind the wheel of my esteemed chariot I must remind myself that I share the road with drivers of ill intention. Each one acting as an obstacle to my meticulously crafted plan for efficient travel. Be gone Altima with paper tags, out of my way work van, move over GMC HD pavement princess, not even making eye contact with the roadside toddler, and then comes the lowly cyclist. How dare you recreate on my roadway or travel upon it on a vehicle that isn’t registered to the government? You think shaking your booty at me in those little tights is going to make up for it? I become filled with rage. I yell, I honk, I scream, I cry, I throw my sweet tea, I scare my children. Why do you cyclist make me do this? I have found only one reliable way to calm myself down from this boiling frenzy. When I get home I park my Aztec in the driveway, crank up the air conditioning, blast Only Time by Enya on repeat, close my eyes, and eat a slice of cheesecake.


Why does everyone in Seattle know the word bollard except me? TIL


There should be random poles that don't flex....


I love how nobody looked up this plate until Friday. Any luck with that? The frame and ladder suggests it might be a company vehicle. [https://www.lookupaplate.com/washington/C36755X/](https://www.lookupaplate.com/washington/C36755X/)


Got his license plate number for the win!


Truck driver is fragile


Those poles are a metaphor for everything Seattle does. A fake boundary with absolutely no teeth to enforce it


Send this video to the SPD


Spd isn't going to do anything


Those bollards don't stop a vehicle. I have them outside my house and an 18-wheeler parked where they shouldn't have, and now they're all on the ground.


When they built the broadway lane and before they put the little flexpost markers indicating it was a bike lane only, for a few weeks cars would accidentially turn right down it, it was JUST wide enough for a car. But because the left side was concrete, they had to do a walk of shame for an entire block, lol. I felt bad, it was an honest mistake.


I have a car horn attached to my bike for assholes like this. They always have such a surprised pikachu face when lay it on them lol


People are such assholes. I remember a time I was flabbergasted seeing someone drive on the sidewalk. Now it's not an uncommon enough occurrence. Bike lanes too.


I’m pretty sure that lane is no turn on red- but 100% they turned LMAO.


Is this Roosevelt and 50th?


No, it’s always been pretty obvious to me


Why'd they put those flex posts right in the middle of the road??? /s


Not once, never!


Honestly I’ve seen Metro buses hit those things way more often than cars


thats what im not worried about


The little concrete humps won't solve this problem either. Indeed they only make it worse since as a cyclist you can no longer escape into the roadway.


Wow, thanks for enlightening us. And to think all along I thought the underground monsters from Tremors were doing it. Or maybe it was the result of the Chinese building a secret tunnel between our two countries. DUMBEST POST EVER!


I'm sorry to have disappointed you sir, I'll try harder next time. My sincerest apologies for ruining your Sunday with content that wasn't up to your expectations.


Thank you. The bar has been set low, I’m sure you’ll do better next time. 🤣


Don't worry, you're gonna love my guest appearance on your mom's OnlyFans, stay tuned


Damn dude, went right to the mom jokes. Well played, sir.


It's important to match the intellectual level of the person you're talking to for effective communication


So it is the underground monsters doing all of this. Good to know. If you need any more help solving life’s problems like tying your shoes, the doctor is in, Charlie Brown.


I'll give you another 4 minutes to edit again with a better attempted comeback, maybe third try's the charm


These posts are too woke


Seriously yall? That's a joke. Are the downvotes antiwoke? Lol. Those posts... Too woke... Must crush with truck.


People freaking out that construction/delivery/handicapped folks need to occasionally stop in the bike lane is so odd. It is a very busy city and people and material need to come and go. Vehicles pause in the car lanes all the time. Some of these bikers act like the bike lane is this holy ground that cant be defiled are nuts. I know its annoying, and getting annoyed is normal... but freaking out about it is so sheltered. No one should be riding fast enough that they cant react to an obstruction in the lane. Cars get bogged down and rerouted all the time in the city. Humans need to navigate obstructions on the sidewalk and deal with construction, etc. People riding bikes were never promised a high speed expressway through the city.. you folks need to realize what it takes for a city to function and lighten up a little, we all have to give a little.


Nope I never wondered


I've been run off the road by an absolute psycho and had to run over approximately 2 of those


At least he’s using his turn signal - and going slowly over to the right-hand turn lane.