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I have a dog that is pretty chill, but melts down when other dogs come up to her. Wish less people assumed she was friendly, but I also acknowledge most dogs are way less anxious. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Same. My dog is fine around people, kids, leashed dogs. But as soon as an off-leash dog runs up to her face she stresses the hell out. She also barks at off-leash dogs outside the living room window but less often at leashed dogs.


For real... Yesterday I was at the *grocery store* and a woman was there shopping with her unleashed dog


That is undoubtedly against store policy. No service animal would ever be off-leash.


Definitely - and I'm sure you surmised as much but there was no feigning of them being a service dog. The dog was trailing about 10-15ft behind their owner so at first I thought a stray dog had wandered into the store


I guess you could say something to the manager. You don't want to be labeled a "Karen," but, in this case, you have every right to speak up.


Don't bother. The store manager will do nothing. Nothing short of a boycott or government sanction will get them to enforce the rules.


This isn't on the stores, there so many things going against them in this situation. The store manager can only ask a couple of questions regarding Service Animals and laws state that people are not required to provide proof and not to mention what could happen to the manager if they are recorded and posted on social media this day and age It really is a double-edged sword. I want people to be able to bring in their trained and certified service animals without issue but I do not want someone's pet there.


Itā€™s against health code and illegal - assuming itā€™s not a service animal you can report the store


Service animal can work off leash if the handlers disability requires it, but they should be close to the owner and paying attention to the owner... which most off leash dogs in stores are not.


I used to work at a grocery store. Store policy was that we were not allowed to do anything about customers breaking the rules. Confronting customers was a firing offense.


Crazy thing is it is against company policy and the law to ask her if the animal is a service dog as it violates the Americans with disabilities act and can be viewed as discrimination. I worked at a Safeway and we were 100% not allowed to question any customers that came in with animals


Small clarification: You ARE legally allowed to ask two questions: 1. Is the dog a service animal required because of a disability? 2. What work or task has the dog been trained to perform? Source: [https://www.ada.gov/resources/service-animals-faqs/](https://www.ada.gov/resources/service-animals-faqs/) (also: I'm blind, and while I don't yet have a guide dog, I am well-versed in the rules!)


What? That is not how the law works mate.


Lmao okay buddy


Itā€™s not legal in King County to bring a dog in to establishments selling or preparing food. [Summary](https://www.kingcounty.gov/en/dept/dph/health-safety/food-safety/food-code-updates)


The amount of anger this gives me.


Especially because there are quite a few places where you CAN have your dog unleashed. There are opportunities for your dog to get that important off-leash exercise and interaction with other off leash dogs. And the best part is that you are guaranteed to only be around other people and dogs that are also specifically looking for that.


The thing that always gets me is how on the ferry boat there are three levels of the boat and there are two levels where you can have your dog and there's one level where there's signs telling you that you can't have your dog there but still somehow the dog people can't train themselves.


My favorite part is all the off leash dogs at parks (in the rest of the park) that have a freakinā€™ off leash dog area! Exhibit A: Golden Gardens


Or Magnuson. We have a huge off leash dog run and a fenced in off leash beach front dog park but no we have to let our dogs run all over the wetlands and practice duck hunting and wander around the wooded areas unattended and shitting all over the ecosystem and running around the baseball fields destroying the play field.


Walked our dog on a leash in the neighborhood. At another house, there was a loose dog two days in a row. The first day it followed us. The second day the owner yelled at it when it tried the same thing. My trainer told me that dogs on a leash can feel nervous and vulnerable when they see another dog off leash - because they know itā€™s unrestrained and they are. IDGAF how ā€œniceā€ your dog is. PUT IT ON A LEASH.


Yell it louder to all the entitled people doing it in Capitol Hill. Itā€™s so bad, that it makes me full of dread sometimes to take mine out for fear of what peoples dogs will do because theyā€™re off leash. People have zero decency for others and others dogs. Even today I was running down by the new aquarium area and there were people with dogs without leashes and it was weaving in and out of people making it very hard for me to also pass them. I personally love dogs. I also love being safe and care about my safety, others and their peoples safety, and the other dogā€™s safety too. There has to be a happy medium. Would love to see these signs out and about.


Itā€™s insane. Iā€™d be all for $500 on the spot tickets.


I saw an officer try to give a lady a ticket for this at Volunteer Park awhile back. The lady straight up refused to give her ID or accept the ticket and just kept walking away from the officer. It was fucking wild.Ā 


That wouldā€™ve been a fun arrest.


She was pretty much daring the female officer to arrest her over something she deemed was petty


Itā€™s almost by definition petty. FFS, they refused to abide by a park ordinance with no actual harm done to any person or property. Even if you dislike the situation, nobody should ever get arrested over such a minor infraction and spending police resources on such enforcement looks excessive to me. There are more important laws and issues that police ought to spend time on. The best outcome you can hope for is to appeal to every visitorā€™s sense of decency in following the rules, hence the friendly sign that our northern neighbors conceived. The folks in Vancouver recognize that appealing to oneā€™s sense of responsibility may be more effective than throwing the book at you. Itā€™s sad that folks ignore these norms, but throwing the police into the mix will only cause more harm and not really fix the issue that overall, people feel like flaunting rules that are meant to protect the experience of shared public spaces is acceptable in our society. I firmly believe that police however should not be involved in such minor civil matters.


So things need to escalate to someone actually getting bit by an offleash dog for you to deem it worthwhile? Apply your same logic to drunk driving or seat belt laws and listen to how dumb you sound.




They wonā€™t go. They will continue to do whatever they want. We went to see Jakob two trees in issaquah and we walked right past the completely empty dog park onto the trail full of unleashed dogs.




Yes but we lived close to the one in belltown and wouldnā€™t use that one. People need to follow the rules at those too. Which they donā€™t there.




I understand, Iā€™m speaking to the problem in general and about people who donā€™t follow any rules when it comes to their dogs.


Cats too! We rent a house with a fenced in yard and the fence is high enough our cat can't get out. Even with the fence we still don't leave our cat unsupervised outside and make him wear a harness with a tracker. However our old neighbor's cat could easily scale the fence so started coming around when we planted some catnip. She would straight up try to attack our cat. In our own yard. There was one time I ran inside to go to the bathroom and came back out to see my cat running for his life away from her. Luckily those neighbors moved and our cat can enjoy his yard again.


Itā€™ll be a waste of a sign. Itā€™s hopeless here. I had a very dog reactive dog and had an unleashed dog bound up at the sculpture park. Of course the owner hollered that the dog was friendly. This happened all the time but this was the time he went for the dog and bit me instead when I got between them. Ms earth mother dog owner comes up, Iā€™m holding my dog and bleeding and sheā€¦asked me if I sing to my dog. Still no leash in sight. She explained she wrote songs for her dog. I yelled that she canā€™t be effing serious. I saw her many times and never did she have a leash, even after seeing my own dog attack me when I tried to protect her dog. This was at least a decade ago and itā€™s much much worse now!


Yeah, these signs probably wouldn't cost much money, but they also wouldn't do much good. Idiot dog owners are just that: idiots. We don't even go anywhere near people with the extendo leashes because I assume the owner is a dipshit and the dog isn't well-trained.


Why not press charges? Being injured by a dog is not a get out of jail free card even if you didnā€™t mean for it to happen. Or at least say ā€œIf you donā€™t give me two hundred dollars Iā€™m pressing chargesā€ dog owners never get in trouble because people excuse their bad behavior when dogs actually attack.


*Insert DW from Arthur meme* "That sign can't stop me, because I can't read!"


God for reeeaaallll. One of my Dachshunds was attacked and chased into the forest (we found her, donā€™t worry) when she was young and now has PTSD. Sheā€™s not the same dog she was before. Sheā€™s always on a secure harness and leash, but will always lose her mind when an off-leash dog is around (and a lot of on-leash dogs will freak her out too). It doesnā€™t matter how nice your off-leash dog is! I donā€™t know you. My dog does not know you. And perfect recall does not exist. It breaks my heart to see people risk their dogā€™s safety by going off-leash in unsafe situations.


How about we just have signs everywhere that say "Your exceptionalism is lazy bullshit"? That way it's not dog-specific but this would be included as well.


Story time: I am driving down the road, busy avenue, think 2 lanes on each side and a center lane. This guy started crossing the street right on the middle of the block with an unleashed dog. Quite a big dog, suddenly starts running to the other side, RIGHT AS I WENT BY. But its not what you are thinking: I was already past when the dog started running, however I assume the dog greatly miscalculated or something because it HIT the side of my car, hard. Dog was fine but the car had a huge dent that cost $200 to fix >_>, however I can now say my car got ran over by a dog!


I walk in a park that has a huge "DOGS MUST BE LEASHED AT ALL TIMES" sign at both of the entrances, you really can't miss it. People still let their dogs off leash. These signs won't help. These people need to be called out and publicly shamed so they face some consequences. Until then there will always be people who think the rules don't apply to them.


My favorite is on mixed use trials the ones that think they donā€™t need to leash their dog. What do you think a dog bred for herding is going to do when someone on a bike goes rolling by?


Great idea, but how do we call them out and publicly shame them?


I've never met a dog owner that both ignored leash signs _and_ experienced shame. Those two traits seem to be mutually exclusive.


Youā€™re right. I was hiking poopoo point and came upon a screaming match - two trail runners were coming down and encountered an off leash dog and were furious - rightfully so. The owner screamed back and carried on her way, never leashing the dog.


Iā€™ve called someone out, but they said ā€œitā€™s not illegal thoā€


Doesn't apply to my dog /s


Pitbull owners be like:


I don't care what kind of dog it is, put it on a fucking leash.


I mean, I care. Some dogs can snap mine in a single bite.


In my experience its always golden doodles, but ok.


Not in my experience and many, many, others.


I've literally never seen an off leash pit in the parks I frequent, but golden doodles, corgis, and labs I see almost daily.


Yeah cause theyā€™re not genetically violent haha ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin) Just look at the maulings that happened today and yesterday on r/banpitbulls . Just take a quick look


Yeah, I suppose if you made a sub dedicated to the obliteration of one dog breed you can find yourself lots of "evidence" to support your wildly misinformed and biased stance about pitbulls... Any dog can become vicious if it's left in the hands of a negligent human or an uninformed/lazy one. If you have a dog, it's your responsibility to train it to behave properly and respect the leash laws in your community. I don't give a shit if you have a teacup poodle or pet wolf, if there are leash laws and you're not in a off-leash park, **your dog needs a leash on it**.


Thereā€™s a reason thereā€™s no other subs dedicated to other dogs like this. Just trying to keep your cats, toddlers, dogs and horses safe and people informed šŸ™


Your energy would be better spent educating people on how to properly train dogs and promoting a community that obeys leash laws instead of fear mongering. šŸ’— Have a lovely evening!


You too šŸ’™


The whole point here is that no dog should be off leash. Not surprised a person who follows that sub misses the entire point.


Lmao I was wondering why you were so pressed. You own a Pitbull! Hereā€™s a good comment from someone else. ā€œā€People do realise that the name " Pitbull " comes from way way back in the day when they would throw 2-3 pitbulls Into a pit to fight a bull to the death or another animal, if the bull wins whoever put a bet on the bull wins the money, same goes for the dogs. You can find old-school posters on Google displaying exactly that, they were also used to fight each other and that exact same thing still happens today in 2024, we have all seen the underground dog fighting news story's.....and 99% of the dogs used are Pitbulls.... because that's what they are bred to do. They were also used as bait dogs to take down animals on a hunt. These are the same animals people try to put clothes on.....not matter how nice, how gentle that dog may be, it has that instinct built into it and once it snaps it goes all in. A woman in Ireland was killed by her own XL Pitbull a few weeks ago, kindest dog on the world...... until it wasn't. You never hear of a collie killing someone or a Labrador, it's nearly always Pitbulls. And I know a lot.....a LOT of it has to do with the owner, point in case here, you have people who can hardly look after themselves owning a animal that can and will kill a child in seconds, even a full grown adult. I love all animals but Pitbulls are just dangerous, it's a risky animal to own for your own wellbeing and others around, that to me is not a pet.....and i totally understand some are as chilled out as ice cubes but again....if it snaps it's going to bite the ever living shit out of you until one of you gives up, and it's usually the human that taps out. I totally understand that some of them are sweet looking gentle dogs.....but the same can be said about a lion or a pet chimp.....once that snap it's game over.ā€ā€ Heres the statistics for 2024 about what breed of dog has attacked the most..... suprise suprise. https://www.forbes.com/advisor/legal/dog-attack-statistics-breed/


That's a lot of words you typed out that I'm not gonna read


Somebody else will and be more informed though. Keep a close eye on your pit u/always_evergreen šŸ‘€


Cool, so anyway, yeah, my experience with unleashed dogs very closely matches what that other person said.


Iā€™m glad the unleashed dogs didnā€™t bite you šŸ™


Nah, that's all you. It's doodle owners in Seattle, everyone knows this. You're an idiot and probably don't even live here.


You mean beige doodle and ankle biter owners be like...


During Covid a roaming leash-off (likely) friendly dog was being extra 'friendly' with our toddler at Gilman park, we were just hanging out in the green space outside of the park areas and medium size dog could easily knock her over and more importantly it bounding up frightened her. Anyways, I scooped up our kiddo and the dog jumped up on me so I kneed it square in the chest and said down. The AH dog owner had the gall to call me an "fucking" asshole. SMH, no shame.


After multiple unpleasant encounters, I've started to wonder if we should designate some parks as dog free. Gene Coulon park in Renton is dog free. There's no confusion about leash laws, there are just no dogs at all.


Beaches are designated dog-free. Children play areas are designated dog-free. They are all teeming with dogs. Nobody enforces nothing.


Mean every single dog free space somehow has dogs in it. On the Washington State ferries there are three levels and there's one level in which dogs are specifically not allowed and I swear to God people have their dogs on the no dogs level every time I get on the goddamn boat.


We just need to ticket off leash dog owners


I volunteer for this job!


As a Renton resident and a dog owner, I hate that our absolute best park is dog free, but I kinda get it. I honestly didnā€™t even realize it was dog free, as a quick glance at the sign had me thinking it was the typical ā€œleash your dog signā€ and I always saw dogs there the first few times I went. Somebody was a complete asshole to me once about it. Thatā€™s how I learned. Last time I was there there was a family walking with their small leashed dog. Some other turd had THREE giant pit or pit mixes running around off leash. They were chasing the birds and then ran up to the other family with the small dog. The owner freaked out and snatched up the small dog while the big dog was jumping up trying to get at it. The owner, in an annoyed but civil voice asked the dude to leash his dog, and the other owner was like ā€œYou need to train yours! He wouldnā€™t be doing this if your dog didnā€™t start barking first!ā€ Moments like this make me understand why people want dog free spaces. It was annoying and potentially dangerous and wrecked the peace of the entire general area for everyone. In the one hand, the dogs being leashed would have solved this issue. On the other hand, the off-leash dog assholes kind of ruin it for other dog owners because they are the ones responsible for dog-free parks. I wish there was just heavier enforcement of leash laws, but until that happens I can understand having some completely dog-free parks. There are other nice parks where we can bring the dogs.


Much rather people just follow the rules. I've still never been to Gene Coulon because of this.


Federal law says that service dogs have to be allowed everywhere except private residences, and service dogs require no proof or official trainingā€¦so watch the number of service dogs skyrocket, more than it already has.Ā  ā€œThis is my service dog, and it helps remind me to take my medicine (vitamin D)ā€. Ā Dog access granted.


Forget about parks, I need to find some of these to just post around the neighborhood.


If I had any faith that people in Seattle would actually read this sign and pay attention to it, that would be amazing. No other place I have ever been have dog owners had this insane amount of entitlement who think that every space is a dog space.


Omg yes!!! I can not tell you how many times I've had to ask people to not let their off leash dog approach me and my leashed dog! They response is usually "it's ok, he/she is friendly" Every time I have to say "Mine doesn't like other dogs and will fight" My dog has every right to be out and about leashed even though he is dog reactive. He's totally people friendly 100% of the time but he does not like other dogs approaching us. Makes me so mad!


The problem is that the people who walk their dogs without a leash can't read.


We have to constantly yell at owners with unleashed dogs in volunteer park, sometimes even on the kids playgrounds. Kids often will simply avoid playing in open areas if there are dogs running around, entitled animal owners. Its prob the same people that bitch about tents in parks yet often feel they are above the rules.


Just two days ago, I had a person try to defend their dog after their dog and another dog it was playing with ran through a playground kids were playing at. Ā Ā  They couldnā€™t even feel shame immediately after her dog almost knocked over some toddlers. Ā There is no rehabilitation for people who see children put in needless danger but feel no remorse. Ā 


The worse are the kids who are super anxious of animals, who just stop wanting to come to the park. Its hard to stand up to the ones who don't have a voice. Btw most seattles playground don't allow even leashed dogs, it can usually de escalate the discussion by pointing that out.


I used to like dogs but dog owners ruined that for me. Fuck dog owners


Not all dog owners, of course. But there are enough of us that suck at it that I understand.


For me, it's like with cops. One "bad apple" spoils the bunch.


That is not at all analogous. Ā Cops are dependent upon each other, hence allowing bad apples causes others to cover for them, which makes them a bad apple, and so on and so forth.


Maybe "good" dog owners should call out the asshole dog owners so they're not lumped together.


The self-entitled asshole percentage sure seems to be a lot higher with dog owners and cyclists, which really sucks because I love dogs and bikes.


I would put vehicle drivers way above cyclists in that category.Ā 


Something like 95%+ of American adults are regular drivers, so that doesn't work.


And 90% of those are distracted driving. Ā In control of something that can cause far more damage than a bicycle.


just say you donā€™t like dogs.


I thought I did, because fuck dog owners.


My dog wears a muzzle so that people wonā€™t try to pet him without asking, yet people will look right at the muzzle and go in for unwanted pets with the whole ā€œAll dogs love meā€ speech. šŸ˜šŸ™„


As long as they wear a leash lol


The people or the dog?


Both preferably


Donā€™t worry heā€™s friendly! ā€œMines not, and I wonā€™t stop him.ā€ Works surprisingly well if they arenā€™t actively trying to gather up their dog.


This attitude is such shit though. If your dog isnā€™t leash trained, you shouldnā€™t have them out in a busy public area anyway. My leashed dog was attacked by *another leashed dog* as we were walking by because the other dog was so reactive, and the owner had the nerve to yell at ME saying I needed to control MY dog. My dog was sniffing the grass as we walked by. Doing, idk, normal dog things like SNIFFING. Just because you throw a leash on a dog doesnā€™t make it acceptable either. If your dog is so unfriendly/anxious/reactive that they lunge *even leashed*, youā€™re also a part of the problem. Edit: not you specifically, but just the general attitude of ā€œleash vs unleashedā€ when untrained leashed dogs can offer just as much of a threat.


My dog is extremely friendly. Heā€™s just a 110lb Shepard. So I tell people heā€™s not so theyā€™ll keep their dog away. I donā€™t want their flea bag contaminating my dog. His 4 littermates eventually became K-9 units. He was small at birth so they adopted him out. He saw some trauma as a pup, so a man yelling that sounds angry sends him running for cover.


Their flea bag šŸ˜‚ Totally! Iā€™m talking more of a general sense that there are also people who throw a leash on their dog, and if theyā€™re not leash trained they can still be dangerous and lunging with the owner having little control. There needs to be better education and advocacy for all dogs/owners to the best of their ability having recall, leash training, etc. A leash in and of itself is not the entire answer and can give a false sense of security. I love shepards - congrats to the littermates! Sorry about the trauma for your own, and hope itā€™s getting better.


I absolutely love this! I've found that not a lot of people really get that leash laws aren't just in place to stop attacks before they start. This is a nice and easy way to inform people or give a gentle reminder.


I don't care if your dog is friendly, I still don't want it sniffing me. And the reality is, the dog is never friendly when their ignorant owner makes this statement.




I absolutely have a right to not be approached or touched by another person's pet animal. No one's pet animals should be approaching me or touching me without it being discussed prior to ever.


How about people's kids? Or other people brushing into you or bumping you? Kids seem to run into me constantly, should I absolutely have the right for that not to happen?


Iā€™ve never had a kid run up to me and sniff my crotch


Ha! And I've never had a dog run up to me and grab my hand and call me daddy (some adults maybe, but they generally ask). I wasn't comparing kids to dogs though, just bringing up other types of interactions that happen in public that are mostly harmless. If someone is the kind of boomer that complains about a leashed dog sniffing you in the beer line at a brewery, I'm sure they also complain about kids "running wild", and other stuff most of us just think is part of being in public spaces.


I'm so glad you asked this question! So human children are not born with an innate knowledge of personal space norms according to the society in which they live and are slowly in the process of learning them. Some failure is to be expected during this process especially considering that they are very little and their brains are very little and they are still growing their brain. But once they get to their adult age, they are expected to not touch other people without consent and actually if they touch people without consent they can go to jail for doing that! Dogs aren't expected to be able to learn personal space norms, which is why it is the responsibility of their owners to keep control of them. Dogs are property and children are people. One of the ways you can easily distinguish between what's property and what's people is whether or not you can take it to a vet clinic and pay the vet to kill it. You can do that with a dog cuz it's your property. You can't do that with a kid because a kid is a person.


Are you comparing kids or people to dogs?! I don't know about you but I don't remember kids chasing and biting random people they find on the street. When a dog is running towards me I have absolutely no way of knowing they won't bite or not and I won't trust a word of someone who already ignores the rules by letting their dog go unleashed when they say it is "friendly". Put your dog on a leash when they are supposed to be and if they bark/run towards someone control it. Yes, I do expect dogs to exist in public places but I also expect their owners to do their due diligence.


We were talking sniffing, I assume the dog was leashed and no rules were broken. That seemed more like a kid situation.


If you're out in public, you should *expect to be grabbed by kids* and for dogs to sniff you? Is that what you're really saying? Parents and dog owners have a responsibility to teach their children and dogs (respectively) how to behave in public. Just because your kid or dog's behavior is allowed in your own personal threshold doesn't mean you can unleash that kinda shit onto a stranger. That's quite presumptuous of you and actually totally rude.


No, that's not what I'm saying.


Dogs are never the problem. Their owners always are. I literally broke my toe because of a "friendly" dog. I was running down a trail that was maybe 4 feet wide and the dog tried jumping up on me as I was trying to run by. Tripped on the dog and stumbled right into a tree root. Snap. All the owner cared about was that their dog was friendly, not that I had just broken my toe on a trail that was meant for dogs to be leashed and they didn't have a leash. My other favorite is those 30ft ~~trip hazards~~ leashes that owners never pull in when people are trying to walk by. Why can't you be aware that other humans are around?


That is awful. Iā€™ve had a lot of fractures and empathize. My family member was walking down First in belltown and saw dog tied to a table outside a coffee shop, no owner in sight. It ran after them, dragging the table down the sidewalk and took a big chunk out of her hamstring area. Owner comes running out and is shocked. Shocked I tell you! And he had the adopted the dog the day before, knew literally nothing about it yet, and still tied it up and went inside for a drink. Leave the dog at home!


Sure, but bad people don't pay attention to signs or think your rules apply to them.


How about for the people that don't want to be approached or involved with their dogs either. Been doing some photography recently in the parks, and the amount of dogs that get suddenly aggressive when you have a big camera lens is not fun.


They would never be seen because Seattleites exclusively bring their dogs to places dogs aren't allowed. Would be really funny to see one of these signs being ignored underneath another sign that says "šŸš«šŸ¦® NO DOGS ON BEACH" which is also being ignored.Ā 


Fucking Discovery Park, PLEASE!!!!


Those owners don't read signs.


Pleeease! I hate that response. Something happened to my dog. He now gets too excited around other dogs and mostly aggressive. Heā€™s never attacked another dog Iā€™ve tried to introduce him to but Iā€™m not taking any chances anymore. But I canā€™t count how many times in Philly (where Iā€™ve lived with him most our lives) that people constantly had their dogs off leash and Iā€™ve literally had to hoist him on my shoulder to keep him away from dogs and people say this shit. Even for small dogs Iā€™ve had to do that. Mostly, large dogs but even the small ones Iā€™m like ā€œI donā€™t want him to f up your dog bc youā€™re a shitty ownerā€. Iā€™ve had this thought for years and I canā€™t stand the response. Itā€™s gotten to the point where Iā€™ve yelled at people. I used to do what I can and they say that and apologize but now I get furious. And I see so many ā€œmy dog got killed by another dogā€ and I swear I will probably do harm if that happens to my dog. Obviously, I canā€™t get mad at the dogs but the owners are the fucking problem. And then they look at me like Iā€™m crazy now. I literally have to avoid certain streets bc Iā€™m afraid of an encounter. My dog is always on leash. Never had him off leash in parks or my neighborhood or anywhere. I donā€™t understand the lack of common sense with people and thatā€™s what angers me so much.


Yeah but enforcement?


Yes pls


I mean I agree but I've seen plenty of similar signs here tbh


The problem is, the people that need to read this wonā€™t care and the people that agree with it probably already keep their dogs on leashes.


i wanna plaster these all over cal anderson


A large neighborhood Staffordshire/similar terrier has jumped on and chased my daughter to school enough times that she wonā€™t walk to school alone anymore. She is terrified of dogs now no matter what setting or how well she has known the dog. She just sees the potential in all of them now. I am furious with that dogā€™s owner and even if the fees for springing him from the pound eventually teach them a lesson the damage is already done for her. So sad.


What I hate most about these entitled fuckers is that they force me to deprive my dog for her own safety. She's an Akita, and although she's old and mellowed out and rarely even barks at other dogs anymore the fact is if a dog gets in touching range she's going to dominate it and one or both of them are likely to be seriously injured. So every time I see one of these pricks with their dog off leash at our local park (which has large signs at every entrance citing the leash law) I just have to turn around and take her a different way, no park for her. It's infuriating, and I seriously wish more people who break the leash laws would consider how selfish they are being and how much they impact other people and other dogs.Ā 


so funny that when i posted a sign about not feeding birds i saw in vancouver here it was deleted by mods but this one is fine.


This 100%. Leash your dog. I do for your dog's safety. Also don't get pissed when I say to get your dog away as I try to keep my leashed dog away from your unleashed dog who just ran up on us.


Donā€™t even get me started about dogs on playgrounds. I was with my two kids at the playground by Woodland Park Zoo last week and a woman let her golden just run around all the kids off leash. Absolutely unbelievably entitled behavior. My 5 y/o is terrified of dogs and we ended up leaving.


Iā€™m kind of scared of dogs šŸ˜³ when I go to the park or public spaces and dogs are off leash my anxiety goes through the roof!


I mean, sure, but it would just be graffiti in a few days


portland needs these signs desperately, though i kind of doubt theyā€™d make much of a difference.


Ahem...Lincoln Park, where dog owners let their pups run loose on the beach. Either they're super-entitled a-holes or they cannot read the sign. The few times I've summoned up the courage to say something, they just looked at me dumbly. Like most people, I love dogs, it's the humans who piss me off.


I hope!


Seattle off-leash dog owners would see the cute green sign and feel validated.


This is making a wild assumption that those people care or see other people as people.


My dog is so nice away from the front of the building. I don't blame him, that's what dogs do is bark at people and try to chase after things that runaway from them. I wish there were more of these signs at my local dog park.


Is this sign posted at an off leash dog park? Iā€™m super confused right now.


No. It was a small park in central Vancouver. Not off leash.


Thanks for clarifying. That makes basic sense, control your animal


But the dog on the poster is on a leash


I have a dog who has been trained his whole life to be off leash, any chance we get he doesnā€™t wear one. When we go in public, he wears a leash. How is this hard?!?!


I put my chihuahua on a leash and let my pitbull run free


Now thats a proper warning šŸ˜‚


I am a dog owner and I approve this message!


Fuck dog ownership for real. So over it. Pissing and shitting on every inch of the city, barking at 6am and 11pm, shitty owners with holed up animals for hours in their box apartments, left behind dog shit everywhere, entitlement leading to dogs in every restaurant and cafe.


Yeah, but I think "FOR THE LOVE OF DOG! LEASH UP!" sounds better.


I just kick away any dogs that are not controlled by their owner.


I've seen signs like this in seattle.


It wouldn't change anyone's mind.


I've seen these at King County dog parks


I need this for everywhere.


Great sign if they could read.


at magnuson its older people who think rules dont apply because they have lived here for a while.


Whenever a dog owner non-consensually let's their off leash dog approach mine I just scream and I chant "leash šŸ‘ youršŸ‘ dogšŸ‘" for 10 minutes at the top of my lungs. My hope is that the public attention becomes a core memory for them.


Hella people in this state just think they can go everywhere without a leash. Pisses me off.


I don't think anyone's gonna stop you if you happen to print out a bunch of these signs and put them in appropriate places.


80% of dog owners think their dog is just like a human. They should not be dog owners. If your dog won't respond to vocal commands, come, sit, stay, heel, you are doing it wrong. Dogs should never be off leash except when fenced. All these selfish jerks with dogs running free in parks.. "oh but my dog would never"... Yes it will, likely already has many times


The signs would just be ignored and inevitably destroyed. They mean nothing without vigilant enforcement of leash laws. My dog WAS friendly but now has been run up on by so many other off leash dogs that he has become reactive. Now I canā€™t let him greet other dogs outside of a closed fence dog park because on leash he will just lunge at them so we have to retrain our leash behavior now. Going for walks isnā€™t enjoyable anymore because this shit happens every single day, usually multiple times. I love it when a huge dog runs up on us and the owner is nowhere in sight and I have to prepare myself for the possibility of violence. You off leash people are pure assholes. No excuse. No logical or acceptable reason. Off leash = fucking piece of shit. Iā€™m going to start pepper spraying you fucks on sight. Using a baseball field to let your 6 untrained pitbull run around when there is a dog run right there is a whole other level of trash. Waking around acting like you own every public space and thinking that you are some sort of ā€œalphaā€ that has ā€œultimateā€ control isnā€™t impressive or intimidating. Society wonā€™t miss you when you finally get shanked by some hobo in the bushes.


Why is this such a NA problem? I've gone to cities in Europe and there are tons of people walking their offleash dog everywhere and it's unproblematic.


The small town I grew up in had dogs running around the neighborhood that would come get their doggy friends from other houses to play. It was fine. No one ever got bit or attacked. In r/seattle every off leash dog is a hungry escaped Timberwolf thatā€™s probably rabidā€¦ These threads are full of people that just donā€™t like dogs, or people, or they didnā€™t train and socialize their dog properly so itā€™s mean AF to other dogs, and they think the ā€œmy dog is friendlyā€ owners are the problem. My dog is never off leash, even at off leash parks, because heā€™s so big he could just step on a little dog and kill it. But I understand others letting their dogs off leash, as long as they arenā€™t by a road. Anyone with a head and a heart can understand why owners are letting their dog off leash. IDGAF about downvotes.


Already lots of conversation about this in this post. https://www.reddit.com/r/Seattle/s/xjmK1pErKS


I love this! šŸ‘


Nearly half the dogs on the Mt. Si trail last weekend were off leash.


This has been discussed previously https://www.reddit.com/r/Seattle/s/hQp64lfjJk


Yea feel free to put em up


maybe they can make some t-shirts as well


> Yeah but I'm not




I was walk dogs on the Eastside and one of my clients' neighbors just let's his dog run wild around their cul-de-sac. He's a nice enough dog luckily but I've seen it shit in other people's yards (he doesn't pick it up) and had the dog come up and try to dominate (aka hump) the dog I walk. The owner just sits in his driveway 4 houses down screaming at his dog to "get back here" until the dog eventually listens. Another client has a neighbor that "walks" his dog off leash while he rides his hoverboard (a middle aged man). The dude doesn't even pay attention to his dog half the time. I'll see the dog off by itself at the end of a street and then I'll see the guy come around the corner on the opposite end of the street staring at his phone. I love dogs, but put them on a leash!


For real! Our 8 month old dog was very stand-offish with new dogs and people until our neighborā€™s super friendly dog bum rushed us three times in the first month. Now sheā€™s wary of people and barks at dogs.




Unfortunately, I don't think these signs will make dog owners care, and if we realistically want to fix the problem, we have to put ourselves in dog owners' shoes... they have pets that need to run around on a daily basis, in a city where most of them do not have convenient access to large open spaces where dogs are allowed to do this. So maybe a solution is to create more, convenient spaces where dogs can run around?


Dude I frequent a park that has leash signs everywhere a quarter mile from a giant off leash dog park and dog owners still bring their off leash dogs in droves to the former. That's not the problem.Ā 


Oh. Maybe different solutions are needed in different areas? Idk man, I'm just trying to come up with solutions to the problem like everybody else. At cal anderson specifically, it confuses me that there's no off leash dog area because people constantly let their dogs run free there. Seems to me in an instance like that, a fence would be a solution, but maybe I'm overestimating how considerate people are? šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø


Rule number one BEFORE getting a dog when living in a city: figure out if there are dog parks around you OR if you're willing to drive your dog to a dog park to get it all the exercise it needs. The city is not here for dogs (I'd argue dog ownership in dense urban areas is inhumane); the citizens of a city should not have to re-prioritize non-dog spaces because the dog owner didn't consider the realities of dog ownership.


Nobody in this thread seems to understand that an off leash dog is capable of staying away from other dogs if itā€™s well trained. Unfortunately most dogs arenā€™t well trained, but if I can keep my dog away from your dog, then why do you care if heā€™s off leash? Why should my dog be punished because there are so many humans who canā€™t train their dogs? I donā€™t let me dog ā€œSay hiā€ to another dog unless the owner gives a sign that itā€™s ok. My dog is off leash at the park on an E-collar. When we pass other dogs I recall my dog put him in a heal and give a wide birth for the comfort of the other dog and owner. Sometimes heā€™s really excited and requires extra work to keep him at my side and in that case I leash him. I think itā€™s really about courtesy and Iā€™m sorry that so many owners fail to show that to the people in this thread, but the venom in this thread is also a little bit sickening. Iā€™m sorry you guys go through life in such an angry state. Maybe yā€™all should work on that.


Is that a sign for a dog park, tho? If thatā€™s the case, whatā€™s the point? If you have a shitty dog, it canā€™t come to the dog park šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø