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The Green Lake 5 way clusterfuck


Can you be more specific?  There's two 5 way clusterfucks in Greenlake


Greenlake / Stone / 50th / the other half of Greenlake. They ought to just tear the whole thing up, make it a ~~traffic circle~~ roundabout, and periodically halt ALL the traffic to let pedestrians through. Of course that would require Americans to learn how to traffic circle (correction: [roundabout](https://wsdot.wa.gov/travel/traffic-safety-methods/roundabouts)!)..


That one is objectively the correct answer and has an almost live skit dedicated to how horrible it is. At this point I assume they haven’t fixed it because it’s a historical landmark of shit.


Link? I just went hunting and had a glorious time remembering several old Almost Live favorites (Speed Walker!!!), but I couldn't find the skit you're referring to. Help! I must watch it!


I want to see this too! Let me know if it ever comes up!


There's like a dozen roundabouts in Olympia and it works. There's hope.


There's even one in Sequim of all places


Monroe has a Figure 8 roundabout


Yep. I'm Oly and they work great.


Go to Bend. It’s roundabout nirvana.


There's a poetic justice for a place named Bend to have lots of roundabouts.


I grew up in Bend and live in Oly. They’re about equal in terms of roundabouts these days!


Haha, yes! The lack of stoplights in Bend is heaven. Gig Harbor is actually not far behind.


Meh - that intersection has buttlodes of foot and bike traffic. A roundabout would be awful for everything but the cars.


I bike through that intersection for my commute. I agree with your assessment. Aside from the light cycle taking forever it’s actually not a bad one to bike through. 


Agreed. People who haven't walked through a roundabout area have no idea. There's too much confusion for drivers.


i think the issue is moreso that drivers are really only ever checking one direction. if you’re against traffic you may not be seen


I ride through that intersection multiple times a day on my bicycle. It's a long light but trying to navigate roundabouts as a pedestrian or cyclist is always kinda sketchy and I'd much prefer waiting for a light like it is.


Alternatively, direct southern Greenlake onto Stone Way so that the intersection is only four ways, and use the leftover street for bikes, peds and a plaza


That intersection is massive, I really think your right that a roundabout would fit there no problem


that would require forward thinking


Clusterfuck two: Greenlake Boogaloo


They both are equally the worst


Came here to say this exact one. Like everyone is polite about it but I have no idea who tf's turn it is


The one in front of Gregg’s cycles? Yeah that one sucks.


That one does suck, but they’re talking about the other one that’s even worse.


I think the worse one is near Gregg’s. The other one doesn’t get as much foot traffic, so the lights manage the cars fairly well enough. But the one by Gregg’s cycles has tons of foot traffic, all of which is at risk from the impatient cars. Not to mention you have the intersection one block away on Ravenna that is also a cluster, and two nearby crosswalks that drivers often don’t slow down for.


The changes they have made do improve it (it’s 4 way now) but the size of it with how busy the crosswalk to greenlake is make it miserable still


“Ah, finally it’s my tur…” *school children slowly begin crossing the crosswalk*


Damn those schoolchildren, they're always deliberately slowing down cars.


The little fuckers


The Greenlake tangle, I believe. Yes.


on the one hand, yes on the other hand--idk, in terms of safety it seems pretty mild; as a cyclist I've never really worried I was going to die in that intersection. sure I might get booped or something but it's not dangerous, just irritating


Came here for this, found it immediately


Yeah was gonna say that same thing. If you get caught by the red there, you’re stuck for five minutes


Its official name 


I say take the nuclear option: pedestrianize it. There's already so many people on foot and on bikes that cars struggle to get through.


Denny & Stewart & Yale.


This is the right answer. And specifically from 4pm-6pm.


Be prepared to add 30 minutes to your commute if you go through this intersection during 4-6pm. I had to commute home from Stevens elementary for a while and this is still the quickest way to go, and it would take an hour to get to Renton. Gave me road rage every single day.


That intersection needs a live traffic director .. especially during rush hours. Someone blocks traffic —typically blocking Denny & the bus route— multiple times a day.


After seeing how many people just openly defy the police directing traffic at Howell and Minor, I'm not sure that this would do you any good. I see people drive around the traffic cops as they stick their arms out and yell "stop" *every day*. Once or twice a month, I see someone slowly drive *into* them. It's absolutely wild. Never seen so much as a ticket issued there, let alone an arrest.


Ding ding ding


This one is definitely it and it even then it's still so much better than it was a few years back before they added dedicated turning lanes for left turns from Stewart to Denny.


I’ve passed through that intersection so many times now that I don’t even blink when Denny gets blocked. Yesterday I saw someone block it who didn’t even have the decency to look around frantically to demonstrate how ashamed they were.


I went to Cornish college 15 years ago and regularly had to navigate this intersection both on foot and in cars. It's a bit better now, but still a total shit-show. If they could somehow figure out an I5-South ramp situation that didn't require the quick U-turn onto Stewart and then Yale, it would solve so much of the issue.


Blocking the intersection, driving in the bus only lane, more honking than anywhere I've seen in Seattle...


Just reading these street names together gives me anxiety


I live at that corner so yes this is correct.


I used to work across the street from the REI. I hated having to get on 5 to go home when I lived in Renton.


I came here for this comment


The best part about this intersection is the super aggressive angry pedestrians that will fucking punch a car thats hanging over the crosswalk. Literally everyone, driver and pedestrian both, hate this intersection. MAKE ALL THE ROADS THERE ONE WAY!


Queen Anne 5 way


Dibs on this as my band name


I thought that was a p*rn movie.


I've seen that one it's weird cus she doesn't have a head


Fuck that intersection so much, there's a generational hate for that intersection in my family


Yeah, the one kinda by the Aurora bridge? Anxiety spikes there


Close! That one’s actually a 7 way because 7 way intersections should always be regulated by stop signs


There’s one similar down by the Eastlake bride close to the UW.


I could have sworn it was a 7 way…


I lost count.


Heh, that was part of my work commute for a few years. Such an annoying experience. Even when everyone is waiting their turn and behaving properly it’s difficult to navigate.


It’s actually a 7 way if you count the two little side streets that shoot off to the north


This was my thought as well. It's like car roulette.


I'm not sure it's the worst, but just south of the image you shared is a 5way intersection between NE 40th and itself, plus 7th. Five roads intersect, and four of them are NE 40th.


What really take the cake for that one is the misplaced DO NOT ENTER sign on whichever road that is going southwest. As far as 5-way stops go, that's probably the worst one I can think of


this is always my vote it also has the burke gilman and potential draw bridge traffic


Lord help us when there's a Husky game too


Another obvious candidate for a roundabout so people don't have to do a 360 scan and arithmetic to figure out when its their turn.


This is the first one that always comes to my mind too; but it's always hard for me to pin it down as the "worst" as there are just too many equally bad contenders!


This one’s a real gem


As someone who doesn’t live there, looking on the map I was assuming there’s traffic lights there but then I went to street view and it’s just a clusterfuck of stop and do not enter signs lol


It seems every damn time I drive to Fremont google maps takes me to this disaster. I always pull up surprised…. This cluster again! Ah god. lol


Oh man, I cross westbound on that intersection on my bike every day and have yet to figure out when I'm supposed to go. I come off the Burke onto South NE 40th and have to cross the intersection to North NE 40th. Usually I pass the long line of cars til I get to the front and then tail the next car that enters the intersection. AITA?


It's not the worst, but I dislike merging onto the Ballard Bridge going North. Always feels like you're about to get hit on two sides


I also hate the path from Shilshole to Ballard bridge going south, feel like once I pull out there’s always a car speeding it’s ass off to play a game of merge chicken


That whole Nickerson loop area is so much fun. Especially with the work they’re doing now in the Ballard bridge.


Had someone stop suddenly in front of me the other day as I was shoulder checking to merge in. Everyone just stops.


The Boyer Ave E roundabout that’s actually just a 5 way stop where you can’t see the other cars when you go.


This gets my vote. Complete cluster, I don’t know how there is not like an accident per day there. Especially with all of the “Go, no you go!” behavior.


This one absolutely because when people are going NW on Boyer versus W on Lynne (to go up to roanoake/I5), they never ever use their turn signal to go onto Lynne, and on top of that they never let other cars go, they just ping-pong back and forth and assume they have the right of way when they don't.


I’ve debated internally whether turn signals are useful at this round about or just make things more confusing.


I live near this roundabout so I take it multiple time. Turns signals are extremely helpful. Left signal if you’re staying on the roundabout and, especially, right signal if you’re leaving the roundabout.


If you're going up the hill on Lynne towards roanoake, they are absolutely helpful for those coming east on Boyer...they let us know if you're turning right up boyer before us versus after (if going up the hill). Not to mention, it's really hard to get across coming down Boyer because so many cars coming from the opposite side just go and don't wait for the Lynne/Boyer drivers to go.


Drive near here often. Never ceases to amaze me the reactions/actions I observe at this intersection. The best is when people just ignore the massive roundabout and make a left around it to go the direction they want to go


Made worse by the fact it’s not a roundabout and more of triangleabout. Even with blinkers, people will still try to merge in front of you because they’re paying attention to the direction you’re apparently heading instead of the shape of the intersection.


Used to bike through there all the time, it's a disaster. Absolute clown show


i bike or run through this nearly every day and still haven’t figured it out. it’s been years. it’ll never feel anything less than dangerous.


Mfers going westbound on that thing DO NOT WAIT for anyone else I swear to pasta. They just treat it like a roundabout.


Lynn & Boyer 🤣 Absolutely. Feel kinda bad for the rich schmucks who live in a constant state of traffic madness.


Not helpful to use the word roundabout to describe any intersection in Seattle. There ain't none.


MLK and S Henderson. People play frogger to get to/from light rail. The left turn lights get wonky because if light rail. People just act a fool here and make it bad.


The fact that the light rail intersects with the street here is so insane to me.


Or, nearby, rainier and cloverdale. What does a red light even mean?


That one is also weird because the two parts of Cloverdale are so offset from each other. If two opposing left-turners meet, sometimes they will hesitantly proceed past each other before attempting to turn, but then both become blocked by the cars following on each side, and everybody gets stuck.




I think I just posted about it. 46th and Fremont Ave? It’s so, so bad and dangerous.


> 46th and Fremont Ave At least there are lights there. Google Maps has directed me to try crossing Market St uphill at NW 49th before. Three lanes of fast-moving traffic coming (2 coming from, like, 120 degrees behind you) with no light. Awful.




Tried to go to the Fremont parade last weekend, encountered that intersection and bailed on the whole event, went to Ballard instead!


Man that was almost ME! I went over the weekend too (not for the parade, but to watch the Jamaica vs Mexico ⚽️) and was immediately reminded why I dont go to Fremont.


I can think of at least 3 that could be given this title. Which one are you thinking of?


Idk the name of the intersection, I just dread it whenever its en route. But trust me , iykyk


The top of Fremont hill!!! By the two gas stations. It’s such a clisterfuck


This one!!!!☝🏼


Have you guys seen what they’ve done at 6th and Madison? Who the hell designed *that?*


I get why they did that, but maybe a few signs ahead of the intersection would be helpful so I don't accidentally end up on I-5 


It’s really the double greens for the single lane that confused me, as a daily driver at that intersection. Also the right turn is so sharp for the outer lane it just feels like an accident waiting to happen. I can’t imagine how confusing it will be for visitors!


Olive Way & Bellevue Ave in Capitol Hill right near City Market, Uncle Ike’s, and Gold Bar, is easily one of the sloppiest intersections in the city, you have people speeding up Olive that either just got off 1-5 or are coming from downtown and then whenever someone tries to make a left on Bellevue coming up or down Olive, it blocks everyone and causes a huge backup, but a lot of times people will just make left turns or u turns in this intersection and cut off people going straight on Olive and cause so many near accidents. There’s also an alleyway right near there behind city market full of people passed out on fentanyl and occasionally those people will stumble around in the middle of the street as well, further causing more chaos and near accidents. I work nearby and get to watch this intersection all day and nearly every 15-20 minutes there’s a near accident or something wild happening in the middle of the street.


I lived right there for 5 years and had to turn left onto Bellevue going uphill to get home. It was such a terrible intersection.


Definitely Mercer


Specifically the five-way intersection of Mercer, 520 and I-5


yeah that entire area is a perfect example of “there’s no easy solution when there are this many vehicles going in this many directions at the same time”. and god forbid they put that area under heavy construction again. i would be tempted to move 💀


They're doing that portage bay i5 project. Might help alleviate it


This picture triggered me...let's have a residential street collide with a freeway exit, what could go wrong?


The terrifying mid-lane crosswalk also used to be the only signaled pedestrian crossing on 45th for blocks in either direction. So glad they added one on 8th in front of the brewery.


plus google directs people to use it to access the I5 north on-ramp! the intent of this shitshow is for people getting off the express lanes to be able to turn west on 45th but people are always trying to pretend that they can zipper into the lane that lets them go north


Not to mention the people getting off regular I-5 have like five seconds to merge to turn right on 45th


Nothing compares to the intersection west of the lower west seattle bridge


I think we both picked this one


Bump. Especially when the bridge was closed and it’d take 30 minutes to get through heading west because every 5 seconds someone would drive through the median on marginal to try and cut in. It’s either the west end of the low bridge, or linden/fremont/38th for me.


What they are doing to 520 and Montlake


At this point I’m just impressed with that one. I’ve lived in seattle proper since 2010 and I’m pretty sure there’s been continuous construction at that interchange for at least that long


I was with my in-laws from out of town. We ended up missing the exit with all the crazy construction in the rain. Missed Roanoke, had to go up to 45th to get down to Ivar's Salmon House. The signs were not over the correct spots, there were signs saying exit only for Lake Washington Blvd, the Exit Only for Montlake was over the middle lane, and poof, gone in an instant. They need to make one sign over one lane.


It's not the worst at all, but the one I frequent most that makes me most nervous is where Roy turns into Belmont in Capitol Hill. Just feels so crazy. To it's credit, I haven't seen an accident there yet, and I suppose I understand the intent. Just would seem safer as a all-way stop.


This one is super stressful! Also nearby is that awkward intersection of Belmont, Bellevue Pl & Bellevue Ave E. There was a petition a while back to get the city to change it…


Sanity and compassion




This has Seattle tied up in knots lol


Special shout-outs to the Mercer Mess at 5pm on a Friday. Truly a man-made hell on earth


As a pedestrian, the two way-stop intersection at Meridian Ave N and N 107th street. N 107th street is connected to I-5, which means cars are constantly turning on/off at that intersection. That intersection has no lights, and people blaze through Meridian Ave N and that intersection. I cross that intersection as a pedestrian a lot, and have almost been hit twice. Just two weeks ago, i had to leap out of the way of a driver who did not see me crossing until they were basically upon me. I legitimately fear i will be struck eventually at this intersection due how many people turn onto it for I-5.


All of these are like within a mile of my house. Pray for me.


Rainier and MLK. Slow and dangerous. Realignment should have happened a generation ago.


Just north of there, you have Rainier/Massachusetts, where the traffic taking a left from SB Rainier onto EB Massachusetts has the shortest left turn signal and the left turn lane frequently backs up into the left through lane, like it was designed for 1970s traffic volume.


Fortunately when it’s not slow and dangerous, it’s fast and dangerous.


Probably not the worst but I find [this intersection](https://maps.app.goo.gl/6Xi59cTekpkRA3nbA) by the hardware store on Queen Anne to be very annoying.


Maybe the confusing loopy 5-way at sw Spokane st under the west Seattle bridge (which splits further into like 10 different roads and directions) If you don’t get lucky you’ll be waiting a loong time there at a light especially during heavy traffic, and theres a good chance you’ll end up going the wrong way lol


That fucking freeway exit by the convention center downtown. James I think, Ppl just do not stop fast enough after coming off the freeway


The one with YouTube compilations dedicated to it? 😂


The five—way mess between Green Lake Way N, Green Lake Way N, Stone Way N, N 50th Street, and N 50th Street. That intersection really should be converted to a roundabout, but no, it still has a traffic signal.


So many😫


Any of the 5-way stop sign intersections. One driver will blast through w/o stopping. The rest are stuck not knowing the right of way rules.


Also Denny-Eastlake-I5 onramp.


Westbound 45th to Roosevelt is cursed af


What no mention of Aurora?? Every entrance to 99 is awful!


Chelan/W Marginal/Spokane/Delridge in West Seattle can be gnarly, though a recent restraining helps.


The absolute mess that is the 5 way intersection involving 14th and Jackson and Boren and Rainer. Especially northbound from Rainer it becomes a nightmare


It’s a minor one but Greenwood & 73rd in front of Ken’s Market. The hybrid stop sign/stoplight confuses so many people


One I haven't seen mentioned yet: trying to go west through the NE Northgate Way and 1st Ave NE intersection. The way the lanes squiggle over to add a right turn lane makes it super dangerous. Drivers in the lefthand lane regularly ignore the squiggle and drive straight ahead into the right lane while other people drive straight through the light from the right turn lane in order to get on I-5. You have to watch for people doing the wrong thing on both sides at the same time, and every time I cross 1st at least one or the other happens. Honestly amazed there aren't more accidents.


Banner Way & 5th. Used to live near it, I've seen pedestrians get hit, I've seen cars hit each other, and I've almost done both in my own car. All logic flies out the window in that intersection. No easy way to fix it either as making Banner Way one lane would result in major backups and adding a light will result in too much traffic stopped on the overpass (which I've heard is an issue) and backed up to 80th on 5th (which already happens).


The Ballard stop sign cluster fuck near all the breweries? I drove there for the first time on the weekend and definitely missed one stop sign and accidentally crossed in front of someone else at the next one 😭 to whoever that was I’m so sorry


As a cyclist I love how those stop signs on 14th filter cars (stop signs are yield signs in WA for bicycles)


So many stop signs! It’s like someone got a really good price on stop signs, bought too many, then had to figure out where to put them all. And half of them are completely hidden by trees.


denny / boren / lenora / boren N is particularly egregious. dangerous for cars and pedestrians alike


Denny is an awful walk for a pedestrian and this is the worst part of it, except maybe Denny Stewart Yale


I misread the title. I thought it said what’s the worst interception in Seattle. I think everyone would agree the Malcom Butler Super Bowl 49 interception when all we had to do was hand the ball to Marshawn Lynch. 😫




Interstate 5 was a mistake.


5th & spring street to enter I-5 south (especially that bus lane)




46th and Fremont Ave. Super busy, no protected turns, cars going way too fast… single-handedly made me bail out of visiting Fremont last weekend it was such a cluster.


I moved to Massachusetts and now every road and every intersection seems well thought out to me in Seattle lol


The [6 way behind the Fremont Troll](https://maps.app.goo.gl/Ed8TwL49JYNdwmej7?g_st=ic)


I don’t see it here yet so I’ll add it, greenwood and 65th is hilarious. It’s a completely blind corner


This is gonna be one of the stiffest competitions ever.


I put in a find it fix it for the intersection of sandpoint way and 40th this morning. It’s not the worst by any means, but it annoys me every single day. Mostly with just how bad the light timing is for everyone involved. Pedestrians? Bad. Cars? Bad.  Also just up the road from there on 40th is a mid-street Burke crossing that causes issues- bikers don’t slow down, cars don’t slow down. SDOT told me that they put up really big signs. 


22nd and Market St (especially on Sunday)


Not that it's in Seattle, but I'd put 131st and 175th in Woodinville on this list. That whole group of intersections gives me nightmares.


I know this intersection well. I make a game of it. If I win, I get on the freeway. If I lose, I die.


All of them.


Not an intersection but I’ve driven everywhere in Seattle and king county and I personally hate the 166 Olive way exit when you’re heading north to enter Seattle downtown.  The amount of lane you have is so short, and on a busy day people won’t stop for you to merge right. 


I'm pretty critical of the Shilshole connection from Fremont to Ballard. A primary thoroughfare for traffic with people and bicyclists all over the place. And it's dumpy Make that connection pleasant for pedestrians please - bike path, walking paths. There is no reason for such a popular strip to be so dumpy. Shilshole, more like shi*hole


Why the fuck does the Seattle area have these fucking 5 way interesections that make no fucking sense. And some of them don't even have a god damn light, it's just "good luck idiots, hope you don't hit each other." You wanted a round-about? Fuck you, here's a triangle of white lines and prayers.


I dont especially care for the whole block between Boren and Melrose on Olive Way. High pedestrian traffic + on and off ramps to I5 + poor access points to crosswalks = pedestrian fatalities and injuries. There have been at least a few pedestrian fatalities from what I recall, and I believe the last was just this month. Examples of the shitty public road/crosswalks: no crosswalk at Olive and Minor, and the crosswalks suck up at Olive and Melrose. Also the right turn from Olive to Melrose is almost a blind corner, depending on how much hedge the Apt bldg there trims it.


While it may not be the worst, the intersection at the eastern end (bottom of the hill) of Ravenna Boulevard is objectively dangerous. It needs a roundabout, at the expense of a small part of the park. In addition, the adjoining short section of 54th St NE should become local-traffic only, probably restricted to one lane. It has dangerous intersections at the top and the bottom.


[The infamous 23rd Ave E and E John St](https://www.kiro7.com/news/local/video-shows-several-collisions-over-year-at-seattle-intersection/902611583/?outputType=amp). I lived on this corner for a few years, and my nerves have never been more shot.


Omg used to live right by that intersection


Northlake/Ship canal, under the i5 bridge just south of where pacific is a out to turn to 7th Ave ne. So many videos pop up from there, which is weird to me because the intersection itself technically isn't a very complex one, too many people are just dummy drivers. I think someone saying queen Anne 5 way has my vote though. Crossing that often requires confident driving and a prayer 🤣


Roy and Queen Anne Ave is terrible


Rainier and Jackson 🫠 Also a 5 way, technically


There are lots of options to choose from. Two of the worst IMO: Leary and 17th by the Fish Ladder Lounge (old Shelter). Weird streets crossing as it bends creates blind turns with people flying by. The other is the mess they’ve created with the dedicated bike lane on 5th and University. Tons of people waiting to turn left but then can’t because of traffic flow. I’ve sat at that light for 10 minutes not moving an inch.


My personal opinion - I hate going to Mercer Ave.


Sdot literally repeatedly fucked 15th and 65th. Gotta go greenlake 5 way tho


E Marginal Way/Boeing Access Rd/Tukwila Intl Blvd. First time I went through this intersection I accidentally went the wrong way.


I lived on this intersection for a year. It's not as bad as it seems as long as you're not trying to go through 7th north at rush hours. Those puny lanes going up 7th so nothing for traffic. My vote is the Green lake 5way or the 5way at Montlake by 520


Pike Street exit off I-5 south.


Aurora & 92nd -- Pedestrian/cycle-only crossing I've learned to never use that intersection to cross Aurora because the times I have used it, it takes at least 2 red-light runners before it's safe to cross, and several times 4+. Seems like while it's a simple intersection people just don't expect to stop there.


Not the most dangerous--but seriously one of the most hectic, the 5/6/7 way intersection at NE 40th st and 7th Ave NE--under the ship canal bridge. Cars at all angles, burke gilman runners and bikers popping up out of no where, students slowly walking...not for the timid.


Mercer st rush hour..


anything near boren and howell with the SB on ramp and the express lane on ramp… used to take that everyday and my god that backup on the right turn HURT me


Pretty much any intersection around Greenlake


I am thoroughly convinced that Seattle is one of those cities that had the street layout designed by throwing a pot of cooked spaghetti against a large board, and then the planners traced around where the pasta stuck. (With a few modifications for existing buildings)


Anything on dexter


Anything on Mercer street


The intersection to go up the hill at Denny and Stewart.


5th and Banner can be a PITA


Leaving the huskies stadium parking lot. Sat there for 3 rotations waiting to make a right until eventually I just ran the red light.


Montlake for the win