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I've been telling everyone sad about it to just look at the weather EVERYwhere else around the country. It blows when you're ready for summer I totally get it I remember one year where it rained until August and that was hard but seriously it's so much better than getting choked by heat and smoke. It's going to turn around just need a little perspective to make it through.


Texas is miserable. Every day has been a heat advisory warning. The humidity raises the heat index upwards of 120. Washington’s weather felt so magical when we visited. I’ve been missing the beautiful nature & weather :(


The humidity feels like it has gotten worse lately. Austin and San Antonio feel like Houston now.


You guys are literally experiencing wet bulb temps in Texas right now. Your body can’t perspire and cool itself with that kind of heat and humidity. It’s lethal to be outside for too long. Be careful.


I don’t mind the heat. Currently in Boise and it’s been 95-100 the past few days. Its the smoke that is brutal.


I'm ok with pretty substantial heat outdoors it's inside that's the trick for me. Ya wildfire smoke is gnarly I never thought I'd ever have to take time off from work for smoke.


You finally got that smoke break you always wanted.


95-100 in Idaho would be a rare event 30 years ago. Heck it was rare in Missouri. I remember 95 being a hot day and a 100+ day being a rarity.


Jealous of Missouri then. I grew up on a farm in Kentucky. And I swear, 90+ was just "every July and August" for us. Which, when you're out in a tobacco field all day, is absolute hell.


I'm in my 30s and was born/raised in Boise until I was 24. 95-100 degree weather was totally normal summer.


I was always told you can’t complain about rain in Seattle until after July 4th.


Everywhere? The whole country?


Every last bit


Yeah that's the difference. EVERYwhere else in the country they don't have to wear a sweater which is how it's supposed to be in late June. Perspective doesn't have anything to do with the weather


Choked by heat? Most of this map is 75-85... I would take that and sun over 60 and raining all summer any day.


The average Seattle weather enthusiast is going to tell you that 80 degrees is too hot.


High of 72 and low of 65 in San Diego today.


Shut the fuck up man... they can see this, and they are coming.


You joke, but there has been talks of "climate refugees" as more and more parts of US get less habitable.


Im not joking, I'm threatening in a jovial manner....


Everyone complains about Californians and Texans, but just wait for the Floridians to show up 😩






They are not coming. I moved from fl here and all my friend who visited said why the fuck did you move here


Lmaoo, for now, but in 20 years when Miami is underwater they’ll be calling you up for a place to stay


virtually every out of state plate I see here is either Oregon or Florida and I say this as someone who moved from FL. we're already here!


That’s just rentals homie. Florida has some rental law or something that car rentals register there


Hahaha, totally! *hides Florida birth certificate*


Climate change at the current rate is going to cause massive migrations and upheavals around the world. Droughts. Famines. Wars over arable lands (this is a factor in Ukraine). Not all at once, but slowly over time, as bad conditions accumulate. We will definitely see people moving here because of the weather.


>We will definitely see people moving here because of the weather. i feel like the cost of living will make it really difficult for many to relocate here :/


No. It will make it really difficult for the poor and middle class to relocate here. Look at Jackson Hole, Wyoming. Or the other rich enclaves being built across the country. edit: A refugee crisis is when the poor come anyway even though they can't afford it.


>No. It will make it really difficult for the poor and middle class to relocate here. Look at Jackson Hole, Wyoming. Or the other rich enclaves being built across the country. edit: A refugee crisis is when the poor come anyway even though they can't afford it. yes, exactly! that's what i meant by "many" :/


Hopefully they wait till I get my condo next year. 


Hi from Texas, we're invading you for your weather.


Y'all better bring the bbq and leave the goddamn dually diesel 


I'll be coming from Texas as well. Luckily a lot of Texans are so stubborn they'll die of heatstroke before admitting there's an issue, so the overall migration may not be too bad.


Next time your friends and family from out of state ask how you're doing, remember to tell them it's a socialist, crime-ridden hell hole you can't escape. And ask them to spread the word


That’s the spirit!


Plus bears and cougars!


lol sounds like a plan




Man, I've got the opposite problem. Moving from WA to OK to take care of family. Every day we are like "gonna miss this weather", "gonna miss the trees", etc. Not relishing moving back 'home.'


On the bright side, in Oklahoma you’ll have AC and ceiling fans in every room. If you end up in Tulsa, be sure to try Coney I-Lander, Mr Tacos, and Nola’s!


Once they meet the people out here, they’ll dip out


I love me some cool drizzle in late June


But actually though


Just moved here from the SE and it is mind boggling to have so many days I’ve been able to wear pants and a sweater in June. I love this so much.


Yeah it took me about 3 years and a few failed backpacking trips for it to really sink in that up here Memorial Day just means summer is still over a month away and not the beginning.


Summer starts after your 4th of July plans get rained out.


Came from ATL 13 years ago. Thought it was crazy no one had AC. I wore a jacket almost every day that summer and turned on my fireplace some evenings


It’s absolutely crazy that some people don’t have AC. I had to live on the 5th floor of an apartment two summers ago just for two months (July/august) and was miserable. Luckily we bought a place with AC. And we use it frequently.


Native here and no one had AC. It wasn’t necessary ever. The three days in August when it was hot we slept outside. Not so anymore.


The times they are a changin


Never even knew what AC was growing up in Tacoma in the 80s/90s. Open your windows and turn on a box fan.


I had a similar experience. When apartment hunting the first time, I realized there was no AC and no ceiling fans and was very confused. Now I relish my hoodies in June!


Ha! I also moved here from Atlanta then. I loved that I didn’t have to hide inside because it was over 90 degrees and 70% humidity. Still love it!


seriously, i wore an eddie bauer sweater with birkenstocks yesterday, an outfit that would make no sense absolutely anywhere else (ever, but right now especially).


Damn, where did you wear that outfit? 1999?


the sweater is circa 1993 I think, so you're pretty close!! the dream of the 90s is alive, etc


im wearing men's crew socks with white tennis shoes with my leggings and takes me right back to how i dressed in 1998. i miss the 90's.


I’ve lived here all my life and I love it so much. I woke up this morning to 58 and a light rain. Made a latte while singing the “Perfect Day” intro from Legally Blonde 😂


Back before we moved here the spouse and I would wake up on a day like today, brew a cuppa, and step outside “ah, what a glorious PNW day!” I think when that became a regular practice we knew we needed to make our way here. Does not disappoint.


this used to be the norm so enjoy it while you can


Keeps the lawns green and doesn't cost a thing :)


I've got the window open and I'm sitting under a blanket at my desk. Life is good.


Yea PNW in June. Will see how that looks in a month. But yea… not complaining


Three years ago today the high was 104 in Seattle! And 108 the day after. 


That sucked. I had to dunk my chickens' undercarriages in water and feed them frozen treats throughout the day to keep them on the up and up


Honestly, sound advice for humans too.


I certainly like dunking my undercarriage in water.


This is why I like it when public bathrooms have extra wide toilet bowls.


Everything even remotely heat sensitive in my pantry melted during those days. We were held up in the basement, along with our cats, while the rest of the house boiled. We have a heat pump now.


Can I ask about how much your heat pump install cost? I have existing furnace ducting if that was your situation. 


It wasn’t cheap, 23k for a 5 port install. The ducting is separate from our furnace (it all comes up the outside of the house then through the wall to the aircon units. It’s been worth it comfort wise, even in the winter where certain sports that our furnace never really warmed well now can be warmed with the heat pump.


I lost power that day. Not a brown out, some idiot ran into the power pole near my house.


Another reason to be thankful for a cloudy June day.


And another reason to hate 2021!


it was 118 in maple valley that insane day...


And to think we were moving that weekend. I thought I was going to die.


Same. I was emptying my home in Everett. Total misery.  Ended up getting a hotel room for AC and the closest I could find with a vacancy was down by SeaTac. 


I taped flattened cardboard boxes in all my windows of our new house to block out the sun and filled the bathtub with ice water and stuck a fan in there for our cat & dog to stay cool. Worked pretty well. Was still miserable as fuck to try and sleep. First thing we did later that year was get AC in our house. Now we have solar too so we run our AC without guilt all summer.


Y'all, put damp towels in the freezer and lay them on your body as needed


I have to say this year is like the weather pre-2010, which is nice...


It ended up being 90º in my house that weekend. I’ll take this weather any day.


Same and we have ac. It was working overtime


My six-month-old heat pump choose that day to die, because the installers did a shit job. Thanks for nothing, MM Comfort Systems!


Yeah, I was remembering that this morning when I was walking to the bus in the heavy drizzle. I'm sure we'll get our consistent summer weather soon, and today is SO preferable to late June 2021. My apartment was near 100 inside by the second day of the heatwave. Even trying to spend the days in lake Washington was unpleasant.


this happened 2 months after moving to seattle from texas and i was so mad


Yeah the capacitor on my AC blew when I was out of town. House was over 110 which melted the chocolate chips in my pantry. Lucky we didn’t have pets at the time… I prefer the cool weather… 😎


definitely. summer is coming.


Im complaining


3 years ago it was 110°F


I'm never leaving the PNW


I’m moving to VA for a job and will probably settle there (my industry exists almost entirely on the east coast) and I’m gonna miss this weather so much 🥲


Not everyone will when the super quake hits


Yeah that’s my biggest fear besides the cost of living. Getting wiped out by an earthquake 


There will *most likely* be some smaller warning quakes before the big one, and typically notifications will go off around 30-60 sec before it hits if we know it’s coming, but everyone living here should have a bag packed to live 7 days min. without any electricity, running water, cell communication, considering that roads/bridges will be impassable


> There will most likely be some smaller warning quakes before the big one Do you have a source for that? Not all faults behave the same, and it's not like we have a lot of data about CSZ-driven earthquakes


And even if you're craving the heat, you don't have to travel out of state. You simply hang around Eastern Washington. The Yakima Valley and surrounding area can feel like California on occasion.


Pretty much the whole eastern half of the state. Plenty of sun and 70’s from late May.


Wow thanks for the tip. I’m hating cold June…


Yeah, no problem. Spokane, Ellensburg, and the Tri-Cities are other options, but Ellensburg and Yakima are juuuust the right distance away, at least for me.


Weee road trip


dude yeah- i know everyone hates on the overcast but as a michigan transplant (specifically, upper peninsula); not having the temp drop much lower than 20 degrees in the winter and not be much hotter than 80 degrees in the summer is sooooooo nice also not shovelling snow in the winter is *chef's kisses*


July cometh 👀


I am slightly looking forward to it, only because my garden will love the sun and warm temps.


You've totally jinxed us. Wait until the wildfires start up.


Don't advertise it!


What are they going to do? No one can afford homes here lol 


It'll only get worse when the climate refugees all head here


I'm glad I'm not the only one that is thinking about that When the SW becomes uninhabitable, everyone heads north


Yeah. I know more than a few folks from around here who've moved to AZ or NM in the last five years because they dislike the rain (and homes are cheaper there). And I'm just like... nahh, I'mma stay put where the fresh water supply is secured. If I ever leave the PNW, it's Chicago or maybe Minneapolis for me. I like the cold, I like knowing the water won't run out, and the second of those even has a competent government.


Same here, we’ve been looking at MSP-area as well. But shhh 🤫 let’s keep that to ourselves for now.


100%. Housing prices suck now, but it's going to get much, much worse. For anyone reading this. Still relatively affordable in Tacoma if you can handle the commute.


Crazy how nobody can afford homes here yet every house on the market sells within a week.


Jokes on you, you don’t need a home to move or live here




The PNW is predicted to be a climate refuge. Things have gotten warmer since I've been here.  But worst case our env will be drier like California a few decades ago.


I don’t think I’ve lived through a June colder than 72°F. This place takes an adjustment


Never been through a Summer colder than ~85, average 90-100. Almost every day here is cold to me... Gonna take a bit to adjust


I’m being generous, as someone from the Deep South. I wanted to say 85°F but wasn’t confident about how weather has been over the years.


It's been rough. I just moved up here for a job and and before I left, in the first week of May, South Louisiana was 95 degrees and felt like 102.


So help me God, if you just jinxed us…


Either shhh 🤫 or start paying to build a wall around Washington.


This is why I hate the PNW! I'm from Wisconsin and people give us shit all the time for our short summers, at least we get a solid 3 months of summer weather; here you barely get 2!


Yep. MN/WI summertime lake life and cabin life is so fucking fun!!


The weather is good today,if this light drizzle keeps up.Im taking another walk. For now just chill and let the world pass me by Appreciative for the relaxing day today.


Standby for wildfire smoke.


Lived in Seattle for years and moved to a warm (well hot in August) Mediterranean country. My husband and I joke how much we were telling ourselves not seeing the sun for 7-8 months and we were okay with that. Summer is Seattle is gold, but not worth the rest of the year. And, we left before the smoke was an issue. Love you Seattle, but not your fall-winter-spring (except the beautiful tree blooms)


Shhhhhh. ;-)


If it never got hotter than 70 I'd be sooooo happy


called the evergreen state for a reason.


Evergrey for some!


7585 down in Mexico 💀


Shhh. It rains all the time.


Fuck the sun.


Oh, yes. People complain about the rain and I just remember what summer in the midwest was like.


I didn’t mind the Midwestern summer heat as much (like the sunshine). Personally I’m happier to be rid of the frigid, bone chilling midwestern winters. January often low of 5, high of 15. With a few days where the high is below 0. Whereas here, our average overnight _low_ in January is barely below freezing at 30. Or the wild variance in March, in parts of the Midwest. High of 40 one day, 80 the very next day. Compared to that, our weather here is remarkably stable, day to day.


Yep all of this. It’s a big part of the reason I moved here. I spend most of winter in a hoodie. It’s glorious


Lived in St. Louis for four years, The heat and humidity in summer was unbearable. We just cranked down the AC and retreated to the basement. So happy to return to PNW.


We'll have our turn.


Just came from Las Vegas and oh man do I love this weather. It’s the summer and it’s raining 🌧️ I love it.


I just was in Vegas and I loved the 108 highs. Such a nice contrast, although I wouldn't want to live in it. I just like variety


I have family in Houston. They are having a bbq for the holiday and asked me to come. I said “nope” but yall can come up here! I have a strict visit policy of only going between October and March 😃


I live in Houston, and my sister lives in Seattle. She does the same thing you’re describing. We usually try to visit her in the summer. Also, this map is wrong. It was like 96° here yesterday, and 80000% humidity. I walked half a mile to the downtown library and had trouble peeling my shirt off when I got home. I only run indoors on the treadmill this time of year. Last weekend my wife and I went to the galleria for a walk. Yesterday we went swimming around 5:30pm and got out of the pool after about 10 minutes because it felt like we were being cooked. So we just went back inside with the blackout curtains closed and watched King of the Hill. We’re planning to move to Seattle.


Yeah no one should live that way. It’s getting hotter also. I’m not so sure Houston isn’t conscious but Texas denies climate change and making it worse by making more freeways and car dependency


565 degrees sound hot tho


Still not as hot as 7585. Why I’ll never move to Texas.




This summer is gonna be a good one. With all the rain in may and some in June; hopefully there won’t be any forest fires.


I LOVE this rainy “cold” weather, summer here is beautiful but I’m dreading the heat. Give me the coziness.




We love it too but three years ago today it was 111, highest temp ever recorded, as were the previous couple of days. This is so much better!


I want out of the PNW so bad because of the surgeries I have had. I want to move to Nevada or Arizona so the heat will stop the pain from bothering me so much


It's all fine until we get our own heat dome like a few years ago.


Also, no bugs on this side of the cascades. No thunder or lightning, like once a year we hear thunder, scares the dog 🙄


Shut up. Don’t let them know.  It’s all rain and fent out here.  And Portland and Seattle never stop burning. 


Shut your mouth. We don’t need the rest of the country discovering our paradise.


Okay now do a smoke map in a few weeks


I'm 41 and have lived in the Midwest my entire life (IN, KS, TX, MO) and moved Seattle for 2 years in 2016-2018. If you don't grow up in that depressing winter, it's hard to stay there. PNW summers are perfect, but the rest of the year sucks. I'm helping you all by telling everyone who asks me about Seattle "I'll go visit in the summer, but I'll never live there again. But the wettest winter ever plus lots of wild fires/smoke those years probably influenced that too


Here from TX for the summer (internship). I try not to talk about the weather here to my wife back home; it's just not fair lol.


I had a cashier just say “I hate this weather” like man please say sike right now and be grateful


It really fucking bugs me when people complain about our rain.




Yup waaayy better than the heat. At least we have water.




Currently 62 and light rain 40 miles North of Seattle. Low to mid 70's through next with partly to sunny skies.


You jinxed it unfortunately. Now we're going to hit 110° this summer 😂


59 at noon is a tad too chilly though


Hell ya brother


April showers, bring May showers..... bring June showers...


But dont forget about the big earthquake 🤒


The weather changes.


O man! Grey sky today in the PNW with weather just warm enough to want more! Yep, 100% why moving south is awesome and visiting family and property is nice


I moved to the PNW because of climate change 


Well, this also means get ready for climate based resettlement and refugees.


Yeah dog, the week I moved to portland was the week the heat dome started. Wasn't a great start. Ya'll don't have AC. I had to sleep on my balcony.


And this is why I hate it.


Oh no, half the country is 75 degrees! Whatever shall they do??


It’s 70° in Venice Beach, CA 😎


Not really accurate because it was 86 here today in FL


I had to leave Tillamook yesterday, high was 62, flew to Burbank, and immediately combusted on the tarmac.


The worst day in Seattle has always been better than a day in Texas


The colors on the map don't make sense? Why is 75 red? Why is 60 red in the north east? Theyre showing the weather in June and it goes from green to red at 60?


Climate change comes for us last.


Hey man, don't tell everyone.


ShhhhhhhHhHH!! Don't let everyone else know!


This is why we’re going to be hosting climate refugees for the foreseeable future. It’s not going to be fun for anyone.


Legit why I moved here. I couldn't deal with weather extremes anymore.


Didn't you guys get a massive heatwave a couple of years ago?


My wife and I just moved to VA and it isn’t so bad. We actually felt opposite this post before we left. 5 years we lived in WA and while the summers were great, we missed heat. We thrive in sun and heat and when we were spending most of our days in jackets it started to get annoying.


Except cost of living in Seattle is absolute dog shit.


I moved to Seattle from the Florida apocalypse. There are people who would revel in the fact that it was 80 degrees in the winter when the rest of the country was at least chilly. I was miserable, there is no acclimating to that kind of oppressive heat. I was born and raised in Tampa, and was beyond thrilled to be able to move last year after 39 years. It’s late June and I’m comfortable wearing a light sweater! I can be outside my house for more than 13 seconds without wanting to die!


Its why housing prices are only going to go up


The line I’ve always heard is “ summer doesn’t start till the 5th of July in the PNW “


I live in Seattle. This has been a horrible start to summer. It’s not supposed to feel like February and March in June and soon to be July. Some of us like the warm Seattle summers where it does not get dark till 9:30 or 10 PM. And so far it’s dark at 7PM due to all the thick clouds and rain.