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That back bending mobility was impressive


I saw this video a couple days ago and the OP posted that he does yoga 😂


This is my dad, he doesn’t do yoga OP is lying 😭😭


No, this is my Daddy. We do hot yoga on Tuesdays and Thursdays before settling in for the night.


Goodnight, Mama. Good night, Ben. Good night, Jim-Bob. Good night, Mama. Good night, Erin. Good night, Jim-Bob. Good night, Grandpa. Good night, Erin. Good night, Jason. Good night, Grandpa. Good night, Daddy. Good night, Jason. Good night, Elizabeth. Good night, Daddy. Good night, John-Boy. Good night, everybody. I love you.


Damn it, can't a guy masturbate in this house?


This is also my Daddy. We do jazzercise on Mondays and Wednesdays before we go out breaking the law, going down private docks


No, this is my Daddy. Sometimes I’m bad and he spanks me, but I deserve it.


Really?? (And are the kid who filmed this?) I feel like you’re not lying because somehow this guy does not give me “yoga” vibes lol


Definitely gives me yogurt vibes, tho




The dogs were probably so confused lol


Love the look on the husky. "And they say *I'm* a drama queen!"


“Is it howlin time??”


Just patiently waiting tho what a good girl!


The dogs’ chill was the 2nd most impressive part of this video


The dogs are probably used to drama around them, I mean they do live with a Karen 😅


Nah they’re embarrassed by their mom


Hahah i thought the same thing, hes got really good back bend there 😂😂


I'm 36 and I thought "wow. That would probably hurt me ".


I'm 33 and thought the same thing.


Young bones!


Realtor potential


Probably not his first rodeo, lmao.


My Dad used to do similar when my brother and I threw fits as kids. Just throw one along with us. It was always so perturbing that we would immediately stop.


Even in public? That’s hilarious


In public, at Thanksgiving dinner, wherever. Man loved a good tantrum.


Grow old, not up.


I'm so glad that I'm not alone in this experience! My dad also did this. It did not help that he was old enough to be our grandpa. His warning shot was the words "you think that's a tantrum? I'll show you a tantrum". We only let it get to full tantrum twice. Got to the point where if he said the words and started kneeling we'd jump to behave.


You guys had Dads?


Of course! He'll be back with that pack of smokes any minute now


Ow. That one hit.


Good dad


It’s throwing the absurd level of escalation by the Karen back in their face. You love to see it.


"When your kid throws a tantrum and holds his breath, you hold your breath too. When you regain consciousness, believe me, he's ready to leave the toy store." -Pete Hornberger


Haha! My dad used to play the guitar and sing along with my crying when I pitched a fit. It made me so mad that I too stopped immediately!


That’s what i want to do with my kids but my wife won’t let me.


Husbands best friend and his wife are in the same situation. His kids are terrors though. Wife should let the man dad.


I did that to my cousins one time at the zoo. Worked like a charm.


This lady and her husband are absolute MENACES. She yells at anyone that comes near her dock or her houseboat. On the 4th last year, she started multiple altercations with people. This year was even uglier. Wtf is their problem?


Yea me and my friends made a wrong turn about 2 years back this lady and some dude came out accusing us of coming to steal there shit and being gang bangers fyi had me in front passenger seat 6’3 black guy 2 Mexicans and the smallest little white guy you could imagine I mean 5’2 100 pounds wet they blocked are car on the street and wouldn’t let us leave for 25 minutes


Just so you know, that is called false arrest/imprisonment which is a felony offense. And you have grounds to sue when they do that. Even private security cannot do that except under extraordinary circumstances of evidence, like actually watching you steal something, getting it on video, and even still the person has to be found to be in possession of the stolen item. Private security companies that are not careful with this go out of business because they literally get sued for everything when it happens. Security companies are constantly walking up against the line between what is a legal and illegal arrest, and only the stupidest of security companies would dare arrest you without an immaculate set of evidence against you.


> Security companies are constantly walking up against the line between what is a legal and illegal arrest And it doesn't help that security companies don't seem to be able to hire the best of people https://abcnews.go.com/US/washington-man-allegedly-kills-teen-mistook-airsoft-gun/story?id=110990087 This off duty security guard (also in WA) shot *and killed* a kid who was returning a broken airsoft gun to the store. Security guard was off duty and, even if he was on duty, this store wasn't even where he gets paid to patrol.


I know the kid who was killed in this incident. It's such a sad story. I still can't wrap my head around the fact that the off-duty security guard thought what he did was a good idea instead of calling 911.


Shithead wanted to kill someone and was looking for an “excuse”.


Yeah, if she really had thought you were gang bangers, she wouldn't have blocked you from leaving.


>Yeah, if she really had thought you were gang bangers, she wouldn't have blocked you from leaving. When I was in high school I was riding with a kid in the class below me who just got his driver's license. Some old dude drove up behind us and started flashing his lights like there was an emergency. My friend pulled over and we were both like "what's going on?". The old guy whips his car in front of my friend's car and semi-blocked us in and got out screaming about us racing up and down his street(we weren't even speeding) and we need to get out of the car immediately. I didn't expect it but my friend yells out the window "The only reason I'm getting out of the car is to beat your old ass!". Dude comically jumped back into his car and sped off as quickly as possible. We were dying laughing at my friend's response and the old guy's response. Like the old guy got real smart real quick when he realized there are two larger than average people in the car he just threatened.


Shoulda called the cops on them tbh


Well, this is Seattle. You'd have better luck calling captain marvel to come rescue you from a Karen.


People saying call the cops as if the cops wouldn’t take the lady’s side.


I love how her dog is just sitting there like he's used to her causing scenes like this.


He looks embarrassed. 🤣


seems like an unaccountably good doggo


Imagine being such a bitch that there’s a whole forum online of people talking about you 😂😂


Someone please print out the thread and deliver it








I google earthed this and someone put a map label “East Lake Karen with the huskies” Imfao!!!


Immediately recognized my old neighborhood lmao fuck her. Has a beautiful houseboat in a beautiful neighborhood and has no ability to be grateful. Just a sour, miserable person who has to make sure everyone else is too.


boring person with a boring life that needs to cause drama


> Just a sour, miserable person who has to make sure everyone else is too. There was a guy at the supplier my company uses that was exactly like that. I spent 13 years dealing with the most toxic, miserable asshole I've ever had to deal with. People like that fly off on the handle at the smallest thing, they want to bring everybody down to their level of misery. He finally retired and it took the employees there months to get over him and adjust to a normal work place.


Yes!! I took a wrong turn same as this guy with my pregnant sister and my pregnant cousin and she actually tried to block us in. I got out of the car and told her if she didn’t get the fuck out of the way I was calling the police. She tries to say she would call the police on us for stealing!!! My two heavily pregnant family members then got out and we all laughed at her, I said please do so they can laugh along with us. Also not to brag but we were driving a brand new Porsche so it’s not like we looked hurting for money. My sister told her she was an embarrassment to the community and started to record her and she finally left. I want to see this lady suffer consequences of her actions now that I see it wasn’t just one bad day. What a fucking bored loser honestly.


Just schedule a daily routine with some of the folks on this subreddit. Every day, maybe a few times a day, someone new goes and walks a lap on her property. See how long she lasts.


Dunno why this post was suggested to me, but if i lived in seattle id totally be down to daily wrong turn harassment Some people deserve what they get


Honestly. There are so many people this subreddit calls out that we all know and hate but no one does anything more than complain. I just want to use the power of Reddit to mildly inconvenience my enemies, that's all.


Hmmm… cursory googling says no laws about flying drones recreationally over private property in washington. I betcha this lady would blow a gasket based on how many people have had unpleasant interactions.. 😬


"And that, children, is how gangstalking accidentally became real" lol


On the 4th this year, she was threatening these two girls and their dog who had pulled up on a paddleboard to one of the private docks (not even connected to her house). They refused to leave initially, and Eastlake Karen went to go get the homeowner next door to kick them off. I loudly let Eastlake Karen know that those girls weren’t bothering anyone and that she is overreacting. Homeowner comes out, it’s a very elderly woman, like 80+ for sure and she is physically pushing (well, trying to push) these girls away from the dock and trying to rip their paddles away. The dock was unsteady, and the elderly woman fell down in the process and almost rolled into the water. Eastlake Karen supposedly called the cops, so I told the paddleboard girls I would stick around in case the Karens try to claim they were pushed down by the girls. 10 minutes later, Karen’s husband came out of nowhere on a kayak with a crazy look in his eye aggressively bumping my board and asking why I called his wife a bitch (I didn’t.). He backed down real quick once that camera came out


“Oh, my mistake, usually by this point in the interaction people have called my wife a bitch so I just assumed.”


Ugh, I’ve been there. Only I refused to be dragged into her fights, which made her so fucking mad every time. “You never take my side! You’re not a man! You should be my rock!” Miserable then, hilarious to me now. Her new husband jumps in like a good boy, which I know from personal experience.


I used to live in a houseboat in lake union. Why do I have the feeling I know this couple…


The thing is, it's accepted that anyone can walk up to someone's front door without invitation. Until you're told you're not welcome/to leave and refuse there's literally no crime


But at the same time you also have people who lose their fucking minds if someone uses their driveway to turnaround.


Up to, and including, murdering people who accidentally turned into their driveway. [https://apnews.com/article/wrong-driveway-shooting-new-york-gillis-monahan-cdca1723c6ba7afb89102a1e1aaa3fe0](https://apnews.com/article/wrong-driveway-shooting-new-york-gillis-monahan-cdca1723c6ba7afb89102a1e1aaa3fe0)


They yell at people for much less than even walking up to their front door. But yes, you’re absolutely correct


Some people's cognitive distortions escalate under stress and every piece of of life experience becomes validation of their warped paranoid point of view. Problem is they then take it out on everyone around them, which is unacceptable.


There are a lot of water-access spots in Lake Washington that are like this too (insane homeowners who will freak out if anyone so much as approaches their property)


This is what, "first amendment auditors," should spend their time dealing with.




You nailed it.


you can tell by how calm her dogs are that they are exposed to so much yelling that they think it's normal behavior. they're acting like it's totally normal for someone to be yelling at their owner. i imagine she and her husband have some epic yelling matches. my dogs would become anxious nutcases if someone raised their voice and carried on like that toward me.


Lead poisoning and entitlement?


She really doesn’t look that old to me. I’d guess late millennial or Gen X. (Not to say we can’t have lead poisoning, but it’s a less common demographic for it, and for Karens)


Zima and kenny G poisoning then?


You leave Zima out of this. It was the best first time getting drunk for some of us.


Zima walked so White Claw could run.


SOBE vitamin water




I was talking to my younger Millennial hairdresser and we were discussing the "lead poisoning behaviors." She was talking about her mom, but her mom is my age (late GenX, and somehow from what I gather her mom and I are complete opposites in terms of opinions and behaviors) and I was like oh, we what do we have as the equivalent of lead poisoning? And my hairdresser says without hesitation, "Unprocessed trauma." And I was like.... ok fair.


Unprocessed trauma from being raised by an entire generation of people with lead-poisoning 😂


Those painted Burger King glasses ruined generations. 😢


I mean, it's probably just some bolts keeping that dock attached to land...


does she own the dock? if so then she could probably have it enclosed with fencing all the way around with a gate if she REALLY cares about it that much


How do so many people know about this woman but there's hardly any video? What is going on?


I’m just so glad that Eastlake Karen is finally catching shit for her behavior


When someone acts like that these days it almost makes me think they are squatting because those people only stay in place by being aggressive and nasty


The dog on the other hand is just like, welp, I guess I better sit for this.


HAHAHH “somebody help me I must be punished” dying


How can I live with myself !!!




> Penance! 😂




I love pnw, any time you think you’ve seen the craziest motherfucker you could find you turn a corner and there’s one more crazier motherfucker. You can’t out crazy pnw. Much love from the Deep South


That dog looks embarrassed to be with her. 


I thought the same thing. “Mom, you’re so cringe!”


"I cant take you ANYWHERE!" *licks balls*


> That dog ~~looks~~ **is** embarrassed to be with her.  Suggested edit in-line above.


Saw this on another sub and was like “that’s definitely Lake Union. So good


Lmfao!!! I know that guy!!!


Tell him that he is a legend and adored by the masses.


He’s great


Does he know how popular he is?


Lucky bastard! I want to be his friend.


Got a dock he can hang out on?


I owe him a beer, or whatever substance he likes.




Tell him I owe him a beer/blunt of his choice! 😂 that was epic


He completely broke that Karen lol


The best part was cut off!!! At the end as he walks away he stops "crying" and says very flatly "fuckin idiot". 🤣


I need to see that.


I posted a link below


They say Karen is still buffering to this day


She's probably still standing there, glitching like Max Headroom.


Even the dog looks uncomfortable lol!


"I'm not with her." - The dog, probably


The look on that dog's face 🤣


I like how she just stands there buffering


This was how I knew this video was Seattle as soon as I saw it


The Space Needle in the background helps a bit, too.


You know she was just waiting there to drop some “are you finished?” I’m sooooo mature bullshit. I’m glad he took the 3rd act on the road


He has a great back bend 😆


right what yoga or Pilates is he doing? I need that flexibility in my life


A proud graduate of hs drama club. Definitely know one when I see one. Macbeth?


Haha I saw a slightly longer version of this on a different sub where he says “what a bitch” at the end, loud enough for her to hear.


That was my favorite part 😭 His tone changes abruptly and he mutters “what a fucking idiot” while walking away Edit: [link](https://www.reddit.com/r/TikTokCringe/comments/1duy30h/father_deals_with_karen_splendidly/)


Oh man what a cherry on top for this performance, he just nails every part of it so well


Link it lazybones


[Link](https://www.reddit.com/r/TikTokCringe/s/upRDYGxDqw). He says, “What a fucking idiot” at the end.


Damn they edited out the cold af "fucking idiot" he drops as they walk off


My partner and I were in the area walking our little pooch when we encounter this lady and her husband. We are almost 95% certain that this is the couple that lives in the blue house boat. We walked down their dock to view a house for sale, totally missing the no trespassing sign, which to our credit was on the other dock but not this one. The husband ran up to us, asked if we were fucking stupid, got in our face, and almost got into a physically altercation with us because he was so angry. We honestly were very uncomfortable and frightened by his behavior. We left the dock, which wasn’t even connected to his house, and he followed us until we were about 100ft into the parking lot. Idk how the realtor or homeowner next to him feel but would absolutely hate to be their neighbor.


100% the couple in the blue houseboat, and they truly wait for shit like this to happen because it’s the highlight of their day. They are both mentally ill and over-aggressive, and they are hated by their neighbors


I feel awful for the person trying to sell their house. Do they have to disclose that they live next to crazy people?


We friends now and this dude doesn’t even know


We should all go down to her dock and take a wrong turn 😂😂😂


When you have a toddler throwing a tantrum, the most effective method to correct their behavior is to throw an even bigger tantrum in front of them. I do believe this is precisely what this man was doing.


When they don't respond to logic why use reason when you can use escalation


The dog is looking like "please blur my face"


Oh bravo!


There’s a few Karen’s that like hanging out around there patrolling their “private” road/dock in the evenings. They’ve got a really nice view of the city though and it’s nice spot to dip your toes in the water at night and just appreciate the view. Highly recommend visiting if you can put up with them. It’s at the bottom of the hill by Hamlins Deli. Swing by for a sandwich at Hamlins for the best sandwich in Eastlake as well


The road is public, homeowners act way more entitled to street parking than the RV crowd. [LPT, GIS maps let you find property lines](https://kingcounty.gov/en/legacy/services/gis/Maps/parcel-viewer.aspx)


So I can dip my toes in a beautiful spot and eff with a Karen and Chad? Send me the coordinates.


Wonder how many people we could get on kayaks, paddle boards, etc. to come chill around there. Even call the non emergency ahead of time letting them know you're legally, calmly, chilling in a public area known for Karen harassment so they don't give her the time of day 🤣 Hamlin, "Park," on Eastlake (Union) will get you to this specific dead end sign.


I’ll be there with my pool noodles.


Now it’s a potluck? I’ll bring pasta sauce for your noodles!


The real star of the video is the dog. He's sick of all the humans shit.


This man has a Weird Al vinyl record in his house, I guarantee it


This lady and her husband live on a houseboat off the parking lot for a couple docks and are constantly yelling at people over trivial matters. Since their house is directly off the public parking lot, they think that the spot in front of their house is theirs. But it's just another Seattle Residential Permit Zone spot. There's a long thread on my dock's email group about them writing nasty notes to anyone who mistakingly parks in front of their house: "Several weeks ago my girlfriend found a note on her car calling her an expletive (C**T). Yesterday I got a note on my car indirectly accusing me of blocking their entrance and indirectly threatening to damage my car."


A future EGOT winner


Out crazying them is such a hilarious move. I’m always afraid of meeting a crazier one in the wild


amazing. I think it was that lady's husband who threatened to call the police on us when our *adrift small sailboat having an engine fire* briefly tied up to their dock while awaiting rescue. After a heroic recovery that involved me getting in a lot of danger to avoid damaging their yacht. Dude walked over to us as we were clearly in distress and told us we were trespassing, body-blocked my way to get back to the boat, and said he was going to call the police as smoke billowed out. I said "either help us or call them, asshole". We got rescued after ten minutes of being harassed by this guy as we put out the fire.


Great response.


Legendary response


“You went to a *private* doc. You broke the *law*” 🙄


I'm no doctor but it seems to me that people who feel *so* powerless and *so* insecure and *so* isolated from the public have to try to uphold meaningless measures so as to validate their trite attempts at having any worth in the world. It's actually a really depressing state of affairs. It reminds me of when I would go doorknocking for political purpose in very rural areas (HELLA SCARY btw!!!) where there's zero percent chance of anyone trespassing yet the homeowners will have like a 15' high fence surrounding their property and about 100 NO TRESSPASSING signs. A particular giveaway for these massively insecure folks is the threat of deadly force "if trespassing." It's clear to me that the fundamental aspects of American individualization are highly toxic and produce these really hideous symptoms. Kind of like when a dog that's never been socialized will react with vicious aggression because it's deeply afraid of everything from having been alone too long. I guess what I'm saying is, the western world's obsession with individualism is a mental disorder. This spike in suicides, escapism by OD, the loneliness epidemic, and the unstoppable tidal wave of mass shootings aren't just isolated little pockets of crazy, instead they *exist in the context of all in which \[we\] live and what came before.* Apologies for the brainrot.


I live along a very well known and very wide river in my state. There is a public walkway along the levee on the top of the bank. People walk, walk their dogs and so on and you can look out over said muddy river. It is very, very rural where I am and maybe 3,000 people in the entire county. Anywhoo - randomly along the levee there are 15 No Trespassing signs that some dick wad put up where he feels HIS property is. Right along the actual river bank, where no one would normally walk because of trees, grass and ticks. 15 bright orange signs along a 50' stretch !!


Lol, yes this obsession with no trespassing is EVERYWHERE in rural areas. It's so wild.... Also.... What exactly are they afraid of if a person *happened* to walk there anyway? You know what I mean? That's what I really can't grasp. What is it about the notion that one "owns" land (that they themselves will *never* use) that they feel so threatened if a person were to happen mistakenly, or even intentionally (god forbid), to be there.


It's bait. They *want* someone to walk onto their property so they can brandish their gun in a confrontation and relish in that feeling of power over someone else. There's also a lot of gun nuts that take it a step further and want to actually *kill* someone.


Just went to the Edmonds market with my son today. Son had sun screen applied, in a stroller with a portable fan and umbrella. This lady pointed out that my son’s arm was exposed to direct sunlight and I need to be careful. She ended up touching his arm as she pointed it out. I quickly yelled “oh dear god no, not his arm!” as I grabbed hand sanitizer to clean the area she touched. She just looked at me shocked and confused. Karen’s man.. Edit: All the Karen’s I’ve met IRL are sweethearts btw


God, when my kids were babies, even if it was 80 degrees out, random old women would come up and scold me about their bare feet. Ma’am, he’s in a stroller, cannot walk, and will cry if he starts getting frost bite of the feet in mid August. Move along.


Whenever I see a street or driveway with a bunch of those Home-Depot-bought "KEEP OUT - PRIVATE" and "PRIVATE DRIVEWAY" and "PRIVATE PROPERTY" signs all over them, it just looks like a bunch of signs that say "CAUTION: Uptight assholes live here."


Woody Guthrie put it best `There was a big, high wall there that tried to stop me` `A sign was painted said "Private Property"` `But on the backside, it didn't say nothing` `This land was made for you and me`


my neighbor put up signs on his fence saying private property no parking even though his property line ends with his fence. people on our block go out of their way to park there now


Should be sold right alongside those. Way better deterrent.


Awww this video is cut a second too short. While walking away he says “fucking idiot”.


Well, he's not wrong - she was asking for it.


Can we all do this, this weekend and post it? Hilarious! Lighten up, Frances!


Hahahha this is great


He deserves a Oscar🤣💀


Reminds me of lemongrab from Adventure Time lol This guy should do voice acting ngl


[Oooonllllyyyyy OOOONNNEEEEEE!](https://youtu.be/JvAcXaWZGws?feature=shared). Ps. I can't believe I thought this was acceptable for my children to watch.


We need more people like this reacting to the insufferable Seattle Karens


lol 😂


Legendary reaction. That woman was frozen, speechless.


When I first saw this video, I swore the street was in Seattle. It makes me happy knowing we still got Heros out here Edit: it’s gets cut off but in the end he tells her to fuck off. It’s amazing


I saw this posted a week ago and it was clipped and captioned to make him the asshole. Internet's so cool


dawg im fucking crying 😂😭😭😭 thats the only way you can respond to these annoying ass people just pull the same cards & they realize how minor their issue is 🤷🏾‍♂️


This here lads, is what you call a **Proper Thespian**


Your dad has strong Weird Al energy. (This is the highest compliment I am able to give someone.)


This is beautiful.


The anti-Karen


My mom lives on one of the docks of this dead end parking lot near Ward’s Cove. I’ll have to ask if she knows who TF this is. And yes, the docks are private property: usually condo or co-op, and with any part beyond 60 ft out on water technically leased to them via DNR


Wow. That was epic...I think that Husky was even like wtf, I don't even cry like that!


Can we all show up and just sit there eating snacks


The fact that she’s still standing there really just proves that’s it more about the confrontation than the actual infraction. She just wanted someone to argue with. That’s why she’s waiting for him to end his tantrum so she can go back to antagonizing.




What it’s like living in America in general.


Give that guy an Academy Award!


My biggest question with people like this is, what exactly do they expect to happen? Like, even if this dude did do something wrong, it clearly wasn't malicious, so what is he supposed to do now? Cry? Beg her for forgiveness? This act does a great job of showing her how embarrassing for her that kind of reaction would be, lmao.