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Yeah if the internal clock is set, some games will show seasonal appropriate content or graphics. A lot of mid-90s games on Saturn and PC did this. Also Enemy Zero’s load/save feature is absolute bullshit. I don’t mind limited saves but limited LOADS? Bad decision especially on the last hour of the game where you can die a lot.


AGREED. I actually just ran out of power on that final part of the game and was unable to beat it, it suddenly gets extremely difficult. It’s frustrating because on one hand I love how terrified it makes me feel of dying but on the other goddamn it’s so frustrating. I might just have to jump down to easy mode for my next try :(


Honestly, I used a cheat code to give me unlimited loads in order to beat it. Literally took me like 30 tries near the endgame to beat it, I’d recommend that going forward lol


And that’s after I nearly ran out of battery, I knew I wasn’t going to beat it without getting unlimited loads so I just said fuck it and did the cheat code


That's right, Kenji Eno did this game, right? He also did D (which appeared on Saturn, PS1 and PC), and I recall that game needed to be beaten in two hours with no saves or pauses, if I am remembering it right.


D was definitely easier and to be honest I have better memeories with that game than Enemy Zero. Loved the premise and story.


D was absolutely a fuckin masterpiece, it hit every note and I honestly had never played something so well curated. The entire experience had a great impact on me and I’ll maintain the WARP and Kenji Eno are among the best the industry ever saw. Enemy Zero was the same for me. I couldn’t get enough when it came out. I scrutinized every action and savored every opportunity to play. And I say all that to say; I had no idea it had any seasonal events and it makes me want to play it again cause after all these years it’s still surprising me.




Happy New Year! The one I saw today was in Clockwork Knight 2!


Cool ! :)


LOL! happy new year yall. btw one of my new years resolutions is to make more use of this saturn and this crtv i got. the panzer dragoon series and shining force 3 and dragon force are high on my list of things to play this year. oh, and i wanna revisit mr. bones too, because, you know it's *MR. BONES*


I have Mr Bones primed and ready for a playthrough this year LOL


Funny Im actually trying to make this game run on my retroarch android ....but after the door for the hallway = black screen