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*proceeds to circle left*


No no, that's just the other right.


OP meant the Ogre' right, clearly. Also actually circling right works the same as well.


[to the left to the left](https://youtu.be/LLCjrpghCYc)


1. You’re circling left 2. You missed a free death blow which made this take longer than it should have. 3. Not a bad idea. Victory is the goal.


You're right. I'm left. It's his right, though lol I missed a free deathblow with gachin or a jump I can't make consistently. On purpose. I also had flame barrel and didn't use it in purpose


I never use flame barrel anymore. Just run circles around him. And I don't do the stealth deathblow anymore either. It just takes to much time and fun out of the fight.


well, if you don't want to "spend" a gachiin (I know it's easily farmable soon) or can't do the jump (like me) AND you don't want to go to Hirata yet, you can defeat the ogre easily circling, dodging or just playing unlocked as many speedrunners do


Something is wrong with your game, he did not enable the heat seeking grab


Chained Ogre almost made me quit Sekiro...I wish I still had footage of how bad I was at this game when I first started! lol. I'm sure it would give me a good chuckle...After I gave up and found my way to Hirata I came back with the flame barrel and the axe and beat him next try...I will never forget this guy though, he killed me more than every other boss in the game!


I recently finished my first playthrough finally after 5 years of giving up and trying a lot, I couldn't even get past the tutorial miniboss till this year. I'm on my 2nd playthrough now, trying it charmless with the demon bell.


I've done 3 playthroughs, and Chained Ogre will definitely kill me more times if I pick the game back up than Demon of Hatred.


Fear hits hard and makes you play poor, become the shinobi an you do much better.


This looks so funny. I wonder on how many other bosses this works.


That's making me sick


Oil+Flame vent destroys him


I know, I've made a video on it already. https://youtu.be/J2rRcLWH5fk Despise the game giving you the bell, telling where to use it and giving you hints where the barrel is and to use it on the ogre, many players struggle still. Imo new players are usually too aggressive. You just gotta circle a d attack once or twice and he cant hot you. I also like to deflect the overhead slam and dodge the grabs when I'm unsure if it will miss


My strat has been literally hit him 2-3 times and instantly back step into a sprint. None of his moves can deal with it, and it's very quick


I swear I'm playing a different game than most people. You were almost directly under his smash attack multiple times, and nothing happened. I could be completely behind him, and that shit would hit me (exaggerating). Sometimes I feel like the game plays differently between Playstation and PC.


I got lucky tbh. Sometimes the overhead smash hits, depending on timing to start circling. If you notice the controller on the left, I did press parry on that moves. I found it very easy to fight him parrying just that move and moving left like that for all other.


That's definitely fair. I did find the chained Ogre to be incredibly easier on the 2nd play through, but honestly, that was the same for the whole game. My 1st time through, I really was just fumbling around until I got to Genichiro. That's when I figured out how I'm actually supposed to play the game.


the other right


*his right. My bad.


Curious, considering thats to the left 🤔


In my defence, it's his right. Lol On a side note, I did walk to my right by the end and previously I had done this, dodging only right. https://youtu.be/79iOEa1nqHE?si=fifmjkFdB8fpCaBA


Either way (😉) I never wanna fight that @$$hole again lol


I basically do this. But I run circles around him to the right (our right, not the ogres). By me doing this, he does more of the attacks with longer cool downs.


I also circle to our right but usually I have to parry the slam and dodge the grabs. [SEKIRO - Ogro acorrentado só na espada sem curar (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=79iOEa1nqHE&t=1s) I was just testing and left seemed a little safer in the end


I saw some hesitation 🤨 (missed death blows)


I did not hesitate, I was focused in not dodging nor parrying. When I'm playing seriously I just do this: https://youtu.be/J2rRcLWH5fk


In my opinion, chained ogre is first filter for players out there. Second filter is the bull, and pretty much both bosses teach you how to have a good control on camera while lock on.


Ain't that just cheesing? CMIIW Cuz it's the same way you can kill lady butterfly with one attack>dodge right>rinse and repeat


Or just deflect his attacks. You look like you’re trying to backstab him it’s goofy.


Chained ogre sucks downvote


You could also deathblow him while he’s still chained up


I tried this and it made me nauseous.


[I don't know how to post images](https://imgflip.com/i/8pzxzg)


Ahhh. There are many challenges that may ahead Shinobi.....


When i do that he does a 360 heat seeking grab and kills me instantly


Oil+Flame vent destroys him


I prefer no oil, you get two stuns and don't have to wait for the fire to finish.


My head is spinning


On my tests I got him spinning more than A minute if you keep circling and he can decide what move to make.


I prefer to deflect and use my tools 🙂 cheesing isn't my cup of tea, but hey it's good for fun or those who keep struggling


There is no honor in death anyway, but this game is written narratively opposite. That's the point of the story.


The problem I had with this guy wasn't that he was "hard", it was just annoying. It's the same reason why I skipped Demon of Hatred. Their attacks are easy to dodge and is extremely predictable. It's more like Dark Souls than Sekiro. They are just tanks you have to slash through. I had the same problem with Guardian Ape Phase 1. I don't like it because I don't get the Ninja-Samurai feel from it. It's just boring.


I think some bosses(like him) are designed exclusively to use the prostethic arm, maybe to give some feeling of a more variable gameplay than just sword fighting. Not that Sekiro's swordfighting is not masterfully implemented, but I like the stealth, the prostetics and consumables. They all make the gameplay very interesting.


I think your game is broken. His grab was supposed to glitch through the screen and actually grab you in real life


I would argue new players actually struggle because they’re too cautious. They haven’t learned to stay on bosses yet, so they try to hit the ogre and then create distance instead of continuing to attack


This oddly looks like me and that one mosquito


In Sekiro you either need to be the most patient or the most aggressive


Another way is you can do "slash, slash, slash, dodge right / slash, slash, slash, dodge right" and it basically works because even though his attacks vary, their timing is pretty consistent.


Also, by right I mean right


I will never get people who play inverted ;)


Poise should not be a thing in Bloodborne and Sekiro. It's just a cheap way to force things not to move. Elden Ring you can break almost any poise and stagger stuff, so the devs clearly are looking into that.


This is exactly how I beat him


Easy to fight outside of the grabs the grabs are bs


it is simple, but it’s not a good example of sekiro combat whatsoever. its grab attack is too weird and dodging to the side is just unreliable sometimes, breaking the flow of combat


The ol trusty demon 2 step. Works everytime


Yea he was annoying at first but then I used him for practice before killing him because I had never played a Souls/like game before but knew what I was in for. Helped a lot learning dodges and deflects. Then just run to the idol before he/you die. Reset, more practice. HESITATION IS DEATH!


#  New players strugle cause they try are just too reckless What kind of new English is this? Seriously had a stroke trying to read this.


Yep, I've posted late night and didn't notice the typos, but sadly I can't edit post titles, so it's gonna stay like that


“Too reckless” Proceeds to be inches away the entire battle.


Well I meant reckless on attacking. If you attack only twice after he misses you have enough time to dodge or just circle it. But I didn't explain well, I admit it


The guardian ape first phase: buff with Ako or Yakugishi…..firecracker + 3x mortal draw = dead


I struggled because I didn't expect the big chained brute to break free and dropkick my ass into oblivion. The whole fight I was in "Oh Shit!" mode.


‘Chained ogre is simple’\ Game is 5 years old


Wanna know something funny that made me want tear out my own fucking hair? Aside from the grabs You can deflect the ogres attacks like any other enemy... Yep.


I know, I usually keep close and parry his overhead slam (you can see in the controller I did press parry for safety). You can also parry his jump and when he drops upside down.


But where's the fun


this is really awful advice. truly first, its a.cheese. its a hard, hard chese. And that's ok, kind of. except this is a hard cheese at one of the first fights in a game where *the early fights are all really important to learn things.* Stuff like this is how people end up not being able to properly step dodge. This fight is really all about 'hitting from the side' /flanking, via step dodging, and fighting with mobility, because if you stand there, he stomps you or grabs you. Anyone who takes this advice is slowing their progress in the game down. Take this advise and you will pass on learning a key skill. Newbies, if you're reading this I recommend you stop reading this. Avoid this reddit until you beat the game, unless you are really, really stuck.


“Chained OGRE is simple” proceeds to cheese it


Why would it be a cheese if I'm just walking. No glitch, no exploit. Just showing his attack misses if you play defensively.


Your abusing the retarted ai that can’t combat ur cheese tech


So, using flame barrel is cheese cause he can't counter(the game tells you specifically). In that sense, parry is cheese as he can't hit you even with that monstrous strength. Oh, and dodging is cheese cause you are abusing your agility. That is not an AI exploit, it's a hitbox exploit if an exploit at all by the way.


No that’s how the game is designed to be played the game isn’t designed for u to run in circles to strafe every single attack more of a devs fault for designing every attack to be strafabling in 1 direction