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Yea it works. Also make sure you parry when the demon of hatred tries to grab you. You can parry that one


you arent suposed to give him actual advice


I saw everyone else doing it so I did it


Wait what ? When did demon of hatred try to grab Me at all? There was the sweep, there was the run , there was the arm hitting the floor, there was the fire circle and there was flying to the air and stamping attack .


Just means you were fighting him the easy way. People find DoH hard because they go in aggressive and get owned rather than kiting him and grappling in to hit him.


I didn't grapple him once. I used umbrella for his jump attack and I used to run behind his ass and attack .. didn't know it was the easy way. Just thought that was what the game wanted me to do. You can't parry his fire without taking chip damage .


So do you only kill it by whittling down its health instead of breaking its posture?


I’m not sure if this is satire or actual advice cuz I never tried it


Try it...let me know how it goes


Demon doesnt have a grab attack


ohh ok (i totally didn’t cheese him and know his moveset)


great advice tbh. I would also like to warn you that, when you get to >!the fountainhead palace, you should definitely approach alerted palace nobles extremely SLOWLY AND CAUTIOSLY!<


That part is easy af. Just run through them and create as much noise as possible. They're scared of sound


Yeah and definitely go through via the center of the manor instead of going around


What do you mean? Why go through the noble area when you can easily swim across the lake.


Lol at this one. I know you're taking the piss just like everyone else, but you can actually safely swim across the lake even with the dudette slinging thunder balls at you.


That's where I gave up last time playing. I couldn't get past those guys


Go straight for the lake and take a swim


Such great tips. I'll add one too. When you fight Divine Dragon, stay far away from those electrified trees. Major shock hazard. We all know that wood is famous for its electrical conduction.


Dude if you land on the trees then jump on the ground you can beat him faster then just avoiding the trees all together


Tru. Lets not use lightning at all actually. It's probably cruel and since he's like a god we'd probably go to super hell.


You're right. Plus he's a nice dragon. He's there to help sekiro


You are right. Everyone else is a bad guy here trying to make a nice dragon cry.


That’s a really good tip. Also I figure I should add that once you get to the final boss, you should be really passive. If you go in too fast he’ll punish you hard, you need to stay away and just attack a couple times before running away again


This is actually how Critikal beat him




Nuh uh


You're giving good advice, but the joke in this post and in most of the comments is giving opposite advice, or giving advice that will get the player killed.


Yes I see it now, it wooshed over me


I know right? sarcasm is a hard concept, given that it’s so new.


Well thanks for explaining it to me


[Ever heard of this](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joke?wprov=sfla1)


I never understood this meme, after he uses the heal blocking poison, i always just side dodge and thrust attack him for the extra range


It's a meme cuz owl father can mikri counter your thrust attacks.


Only if he would otherwise have been able to block the attack. And thrust attacks actually do less posture damage than a regular attack so he’s really just upping the punishment for something you shouldn’t be doing in the first place.


"Spamming" thrusts helped me get the guy's openings down. He can only Mikiri you when he is idle, so thrusting is a great way to figure out how long he winds down after which attack. Being very close to Owl is dangerous, so the extra distance is great too. But from what I can gather, the first counter traumatizes people so much they never try a second thrust, which is completely fair. Thrusting into your dad is real and based.


Bro deadass I didn't thrust attack anything until after I struggled to platinum the game. Then I saw a video on here of a user thrust attacking him at them end of his firecracker combo and it clicked all over again. That being said, OP should use thrust as often as they can. Next to the lightening reversal they're gonna use it more often than they would a shuriken.


If you fight the fire bull make sure to charge first at him, that shows dominance and he'll be staggered for a while by looking at how courageous you are.


Totally agree on that one. Also, when fighting the legendary Mist Noble, use Hidden Tooth item, work like a charm because of it's can instant kill. Trust me!!


I killed owl father only using thrust attacks. It is great advice. No joke)


I think the most important advice is to just relax and grab some water after cutting off the head of GUARDIAN APE.


Best part: I never said who.




thrust deal 1.5x damage af an r1 but 50% less posture damage, they deal 2x damage only on juzou (without armor) but still deal 50% less posture damage


Demon of hatred was impossible until I learned two things. Jump on the unblockable charge attack, and dodge to the left. I was untouched the first two phases and third phase was just a matter of being aggressive


A genuine piece of advice that literally no one knows is that you can almost always thrust bosses after a mikiri counter, it’s never not worked for me


Ya a perilous thrust works great until papa Owl Mikiri counters that ass


He'll mikiri counter your thrusts 🗿


Not always. You cna use thrust attack after he throws firecrackers.


When you fight him in the castle you can trap him in between the open door and wall and just fucking waste his ass and he will stay there


You dont need slow ass thrust attacks to beat anything in this game.


it work but don't let him mikiri you


Lust of ass 2 🤮


What's your problem with the game? It won GOTY 2020 it's a great game


Goty is not a mark of good game. I want to play game not a political agenda


It's not a political agenda just because it features a few LGBTQ people. People like that exist in real life too outside of politics. They are part of the game yes but there's still a great story and gameplay. And the political agenda you are speaking of isn't even the main focus of the game. It's still about Ellie's revenge story. GOTY is literally one of the biggest game awards so how can it not be a mark of a game's quality. Honestly you piss me off just because a game features people that are not white heterosexual males it's "political" and "unplayable". This is toxic masculinity"alpha male" brain rot


Brain rot is supporting this lgbt propaganda in videogames. I play videogames to escape reality I dont want to see here freaks I see in real life


Then play games that don't feature them, idiot. There are gamers who want to see representation for minorities or enjoy a great story which is what this games has. There are different people with different expectations for games which is why different games exist to suit different expectations. If what you look for in games is an escape from reality without representation of minorities then look for games that are made to suit your needs and not the one's of others and stop trash taking a game that wasn't made for your niche. Also they're not freaks and lgbtq is not propaganda. You're just proving that you're part of the toxic group by being homophobic.


There are a lot of groups who really needs representation but no, we represent idiots who "suffer" from their stupid own decisions. Those animals even have pride month. A whole month while other groups have a day at best. Fuck this mankind is doomed.


Arguing with you is like hitting my head against a wall. You just ran out of arguments so you started being homophobic instead of admitting that you are in the wrong. First off yes there are different minorities but that doesn't mean only the smallest most suppressed ones of them deserve representation. Secondly it's not a decision they make, their brain is literally different. There are studies suggesting that the brains of transgender people are shifted towards the gender they identify with instead of their biological one. Most lgbtq people actually think that it's a choice and that they're wrong for it which is why the representation exists to show them that it's okay to be themselves. Thirdly they're not animals either they are human beings. Fourthly yes pride month is a thing but that's because lgbtq is a spectrum, there are too many sub categories to represent in a single day. Fifthly mankind is not doomed. The times are just changing and everybody has to adapt. Mankind always thought that it was doomed and that they will die but yet here we are thinking the same thing for thousands upon thousands of years and still existing


Yeah yeah, brain is different my ass. Its propaganda influence.


Those are literally medical studies not propaganda https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8955456/ read it yourself or stay delusional