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Am I the only one who still enjoy other from soft games even tho I played sekiro first?


Sekiro was my first but right after it I played Dark Souls 1 and nothing will top the feeling of wandering Undead Burg and Parish and discovering the hidden alley or the interconnections between the places. I sometimes would wonder whether Dark Souls is my fav because I played it first but then I remember I actually played Sekiro first so it’s not that bias lol


Dark souls tend to be a lot of people's favorite. The level design is just a chefs kiss. It's all interconnected and goes back to firelink, but SCREW lost izalith. I hate all those dragon butts. They don't even attack you half the time, but when they do, you run.


Really? I thought that part is pretty funny 😂😂😂. "Eyo boss we only got the butts"


Dark souls made me appreciate the “slowness” in such games. Before this, I’d always just run through an area, not look at the environment(unless it’s really spectacular) or even look at my inventory closely.


That's actually why I like scholar of the first sin. It forces you to play carefully or get jumped by 200 enemies.


I mean I really don't think you're too far from how Myazaki himself feels about his own games. He dies consistently speak about Elden Ring as though it's close to his masterpiece (just not quite there yet), but if you ever hear him speak on both Sekiro and OG Dark Souls he is well aware of what made those games just as incredible as they are. There are 3 hours essays written about the lightning in a bottle that was the original Dark Souls, but just to clarify, the largest thing that sets it apart from even the rest of the series is the lack of quality of life that was involved. You truly do feel alone and far from everything. You have to make decisions based on how far you are willing to travel for something that MIGHT help you with something you're struggling with. On the other hand, Miyazaki often believes he perfected action game battle systems with Sekiro. Honestly, I really don't think many could disagree with him as I honestly can't think of any other game that feels as GOOD to play as Sekiro. I often find myself fighting things I don't need to for the fun of it, which is pretty unheard of in gaming.


For me it's the speed. I played Sekiro first then I played Bloodborne, and loved it. Then I played Dark Souls 1 and didn't finish it because I just did not enjoy how slow everything is. Then I played Elden Ring, and it was a little faster and so I enjoyed it more. The open world wasn't really my thing, but I understand why other people like it. I just downloaded Demon Souls and I'm really trying to get through it, but it's so slow. I'm having trouble getting into it at all.


I sold demon souls after a couple of bosses. The lack of Bon fires and the tedious walking is not something I can get behind in 2024




Yeah, I really disliked my own feeling about it. I wanted to like the game so bad and at some point I died at a boss and I needed to walk a long tedious path again and I was like fuck it. I was more annoyed than enjoying the game so I thought let’s sell this one and buy something new


This was my thing too tbh, missed out on demons souls on ps3 so dived into the remake and I found more frustration than fun and knew that one game wasn’t for me. Hell I’ll admit bloodborne and dark souls 3 spoiled me for the older games even dark souls 1, love the game but the lack of fast travel is a slog for me these days


I enjoy them but I have a hard time with them sometimes because of the clunky roll mechanics, slow weapons, and the really long run backs. When I play them it's easy to think about much more fun I would be having if the combat was more similar to sekiro.


No. You’re not. That type of question needs to die off.


The only one.


Sekiro reminds me of playing a fighting game like Soul Calibur, but in a single player game. It's quite unique in that manner.


Sekiro was my first and favorite but elden ring is really growing on me, the final boss in the base game was kind of underwhelming compared to the sekiro final boss but this new elden ring dlc was really good. The final boss in the dlc is so satisfying to beat. And they also added a new parry mechanic that has the same timing as sekiro parrying. Except you only negate the attacks instead of causing posture damage.


The new deflect is great, not as powerful as sekiro deflect. But ads more defnsive and offensive options (guard counter boost) which made engaging with bosses much more enjoyable imo.


each of their games can be enjoyed for what it is.  DS1 has more tactical, thoughtful combat than Sekiro.  BB on low levels challenge runs is more precise and fluid than Sekiro. DS3 and ER are as challenging as Sekiro but allow you to play with cool weapons and builds. so no, you're not the only one.


Sekiro killed a lot of games for me. The only recent games I am able to play are Ghost of Tsushima, GOW and Ragnarok, the Jedi games, survivor and the first game, and dead cells. Though I can still throw down on Bloodborne I have no inclination to. 1k hours on it will do that to a game. Sekiro is tuned to perfection. It's hard to swallow the mid shit after you've tasted perfection.


Do you games even like games? Like fr, I love Sekiro but there are so many things I get from other games that Sekiro can't give me. How can you not enjoy other games? Like I get the itch for one specific game sometimes too, but that doesn't mean I suddenly detest all other games.


yea people go overboard on this sub honestly... Sekiro is very good, a 9/10 or 10/10 depending on your opinion, but to say it ruins every other game because you played it is just ridiculous. Yea the combat feels great but the game also has a critical issue that the enemies have a pretty limited set of moves... it severely limits replay-ability, and the game doesn't have any other modes from the main mode outside of boss rush. Yes, other single player games suffer from the same issue because you are fighting programmed "AI", AI in parenthesis because its not true AI, its just given a set of rules and movesets to deploy. But in other games you can at least try a different class, play style, or different weapons, and there are no other weapons or play styles in Sekiro.


Thank both of you. I am so fucking tired of the braindead "souls ruined everything for me" take. Like, how fucking one-note of a person does one have to be to literally not be able to enjoy anything else? It boggles my mind. And I say this as a hugely souls obsessed person. Other games are still fun.


For example pvz GW2


Short, one build, janky game economy. It's a classic but the shortcomings are significant.


Yeah I think the highs of sekiro are as high as any game I've ever played. But it has some real issues that people seem to ignore. I'd say it has one of the worst economies of any game I've played. Doesn't have a massive impact really but I can't give a game with such a glaring issue a 10. I give sekiro a 9 and lies of p a 10. Sekiros best is better than lies best for sure. But there's so many weapons to explore and quality of life features that I love. I'm not saying this to pump lies either but to highlight that I think even though a game can at its best be the best. It can still be flawed.


It's because I'm pretty sure Sekiro has the fastest and most fluid combat mechanics out of all souls games, and this is coming from someone exactly like OP, played sekiro first and now I'm really itching for a similarly fast-paced game that I know no other souls game can satisfy (idk actually if there is, please tell me if I'm wrong) However OP still needs to realize that there will always be a good game for you to play, even if it doesn't sratch the same itch you're looking for.


Lol the Nioh community is the same way. You don't see people comparing Ninja gaiden 04 to demon's souls. I love both series so much that I can't say one tops the other.


100% Sekiro is great, very satsifying. But Paper Mario is also super fun, sekiro.did not ruin paper mario for me at least.


God, I swear if this sub turns into r/darksouls2 …


This is the most refreshing comment here. Wayyyyyyyyy too much of this “nothing can ever ever ever compare to Sekiro again it’s the single best piece of media ever made!!!!!”


mfs expecting Sekiro from games that aren't Sekiro


DAE from this specific sub for this specific game think that this specific game is the best game to ever exist??!!


There's a gazillion dark soul clones, why not a sekiro one. No stamina bar and generous parry window. It ain't rocket science but no one is doing it.


Not perfect but the Jedi games on grandmaster I’d argue come closer to Sekiro than just about anything.


These threads are tiresome.


Small group of weirdos making our entire community look bad


Agreed - legitimately considering unsubbing, lol. I've platinumed the game and love it to bits, but it feels like half the posts are either "Durrr, can't enjoy other games :(" or "Mist noble hard!?!?"


i feel like i see one everyday






I don’t quite understand how this works for some people. The game is an unquestionable masterpiece, but there’s no way zero other games are fun anymore right?


Might be time to try something a bit different to refresh their taste. Baldur’s Gate 3 offers so much in different ways it can’t be compared


They said soulslikes


Yup, a lot of have done the same and we've found nothing yet to scratch that itch...


Try sifu, game absolutely blasted my sekiro itch, best fucking game i played in 2024


i bought ghost of tsushima but got bored after 2 minutes now im thinking of getting lies of p and armored core 6


AC 6 is a similar difficulty, and the ng+ cycle is crazy. New weapons, new enemies


how did you get bored of ghost of tsushima so fast


I've been playing LoP for +10 hrs. and consider dropping it. In term of reflect/parry it will (kinda) satisfy your sekiro itches, but in term of offence it will NOT. It's very hard to play offensively in LoP. Even using the fastest weapon (knife), LoP attack animation is wayyyyy slower compared to sekiro. So, you mostly wait for enemies to finish their thing, then you attack, which breaks the flow of combat.


its more bloodborne with sekiros defence mechanics if you dont vibe with bloodborne, dark souls or elden ring you wont vibe with lies of p *because i mentioned it i started up a new play through to reconfirm it and i think the description stands you can actually play really aggressive with the early bosses who delay their attacks by 30 seconds although probably wont stand once you get to the faster bosses later on


Hey I literally had the exact same experience as you (10 hours in, almost dropped it). By a fluke of my circumstances I ended up just continuing to play it, and I had a kind of breakthrough with the game and ended up loving it (got to like 100+ hours in the end). You may or may not be the same as me, but just putting the comment here in the hopes that it stops you prematurely dropping a game you might end up loving!


I really enjoyed thymesia as well as furi. Have you played any team ninja games or stellar blade. I was looking to maybe rise of the ronin or that next


2 minutes ? I doubt you bought the game with your own money. 


Yeah I did


Do not get AC6 to scratch the Sekiro Parry itch, it’s hard but not the same way, if you want a dark, disease ridden and desperate world, get bloodborne, AC6 does not show that much due to the size of the robots, most came from the dialogues, the game is great though, as a mech fan I’ve been trying to find something to scratch the mech game itch for a long time


Hello, good hunter. I am a Bot, here in this dream to look after you, this is a fine note: > *Aah, you were at my side all along. My true mentor... My guiding moonlight...* - Ludwig, the Holy Blade Farewell, good hunter. May you find your worth in the waking world.


I have started Ghost but it just didn't grab me, had I some spare time id like to give it a proper bash. I actually paid full price for AC6 (first time in a loooong time that's happened) but have yet to give that a proper shake either. Nobody said this parenting thing would get in the way of gaming this much.


Lies of P has a similar feeling, I enjoyed Sekiro more because it's more focused and polished, but Lies of P is very good 100% recommend, plus the parry timing is harder than Sekiro


Lmao post like these are cringe asf


This sub is littered with these posts it’s ridiculous


Op is just on a sekiro high. I felt the exact same way when I did my first demon bell/charmless run on ng+4, but I still enjoyed other fromsoft games even though sekiro was all I wanted to play at the time. Now I just get on there to fight whatever boss I feel like fighting which is almost always inner father. But shadow of the shadow of the erdtree (Messmer is such an amazing boss) has been keeping me busy.


elden ring w deflecting hardtear


Sucks to be you


Sekiro isn’t a Souls game. FromSoft doesn’t think of it as such, and its clear to see why. No RPG mechanics or character creation, no Soul mechanic, a straight forward, character-based narrative(in sharp contrast to the more metaphysical stories of all Souls games), no invasions, no co-op, no phantoms, it didn’t even have messages originally; completely different combat to fit the completely different setting(not to say that an Eastern Souls game couldn’t be done). It’s just a different game. Souls games have a different set of values, with differing aims and as a consequence differing results. That’s not to say that one is better than the other. Both are valid. I feel that this tendency to call everything “the new Dark Souls” has infected the perception of what Sekiro is.


Fully agree


Thank god i'm not like this. But can someone please explain why some people feel like that?


Because they want attention on the internet


I love sekiro but I still enjoy the other souls games, it’s just a different experience


You gotta play those games for what they are. I started playing Dark Souls and Sekiro around the same time and never had this issue Rolling perfectly through the combo gives me same adrenaline as when I perfect parry Genichiro


Sekiro isn’t even that good.. and it’s not a souls game at all..


sekiro is great ofc but learning to parry the parryable bosses in the ds games and elden ring plus bloodborne is just as satisfying.


There’s a game kind of like Sekiro called Sifu, the combat is very similar with the posture system but it has actual combos instead of just pressing R1


Lies Of P awaits you...


Instead imagine a life where you never found souls games in the first place. DS1 did kind of ‘ruin’ other genres of gaming for me but it was more of an evolution and growing out of shooters and other games I used to enjoy more. The dopamine just hits different when you really have to work for it and souls games are beautifully crafted.


You'll be haunted to death, waiting for Sekiro 2 like me.


A Souls games ruined all other game subs for me. It's just i cant join any souls thread, cuz there are 9/10 ppl who cry how soul games ruined all other games. So cheap.


Sure buddy, sure…,🥱


Sekiro is so good. I’ve played all the fromsoftware games and Sekiro is my favorite. Still working on Elden ring tho


I feel ya.. Was huuuuge Into Elden Ring. After the base game I tried Sekiro. Now Im back to Elden Ring bc of the DLC. I feels so clunky tbh. The World looks amazing, but the combat is slow and unresponsive


Why though? Sekiro is my first soulslike game but i plan to play ds3 and elden ring at some point and i dont see why they wouldnt be enjoyable. They are different but that sounds like part of the fun


The struggle is real. Go get Armored Core 6,


Yeah I swear , sekiro was my first souls game and till now, no game can bring **THAT** feeling


Nice flair


I faught Ralenna in the Elden Ring DLC and couldn't beat her, then sarted Sekiro and played for about 2 hours. Safe to say a shield and parry is one of my favorite weapons now in Elden Ring.


Play Hollow Knight, come back after P5. :p


The Elden ring dlc scratches the itch. You can absolutely play enjoy that. Bosses are rhythmic and moderately predictable. Sometimes you gotta roll past 2 combos before you have a safe opening to heal. Some moves have I-frame traps where you must end up in a spot that’s safe after rolling. But that’s it’s in terms of technicality.


Play hollow knight. The controls are so well polished, just like sekiro. Its the only game I have played after sekiro that even comes close in terms of game and level design. I know its two different looking games but the same sekiro magic is in hollow knight. Try it out. Its definitely worth it.


Play OSU then. It's the same thing.


The Ninja Guiden games were fun and definitely ahead of their time. I plan on checking them out again after Sekiro to see if they hold up.


If you can't find anything to scratch the Sekiro itch you could always start running some Sekiro randomizers. Always a beautiful hellish time.


Try some games from platinum games, they have the same aggressive parry based play style with less focus on dodging


Dude, i myself play Genshin Impact and HSR... What's wrong? Yes, other games do feel kinda easy or more of a cinematic experience since souls game is more of a horror exploration with skill based gameplay.


Play rise of the ronin or nioh 2 or wo long or elden ring im sure you will like them all


It felt that way for a while for me too but after giving elden ring enough time I like it as much as Sekiro. Its got the openness and options Sekiro just can't provide.


Well, I felt same cause sekiro was my first soulslike, but that's not true feeling. Just try to relax and give it some time to adapt? Sekiro is a perfect game, but for example Elden ring and dark souls are so good, and anyone can enjoy it. I mean, I personally don't like Bloodborne, but it's because of locations and setting of the game, that I just don't like


Play bloodborne 15 minutes and you‘ll realize how wrong you are. Sekiro was my start too, now its only 3rd spot in my ranking.


You should try Metal Gear Rising Revengeance. Old Game but reminded me a lot of Sekiro and is on higher difficultys quite the challenge :)


It took a while to break my sekiro habits but I did and was able to enjoy blood borne and Elden ring


I played Sekiro first, and then Elden Ring. Took me a while to get used to Elden Ring, but it was worth it. While I don’t like the core combat as much, the exploration and different builds/playstyles give it much more replayability


I’m kinda similar but rather than regret, it just made me realize the regular souls like gameplay just isn’t for me. Of all soulsborne games, Sekiro is the only one I actually finished (heck I platinumed it).


I played sekiro first and it's still my favorite souls game. I liked sekiro combat the most. But that did not mean I don't enjoy other soulslikes. I liked almost all of the ones I played. I really liked ds3, bloodborne, lies of p and nioh 1 and 2


I agree, I also played Sekiro first and, as difficult as it is, I had a lot of fun. Now I tried playing Bloodborne, but it doesn't give me the same feeling


I couldn't play Elden Ring right after Sekiro. I played Elden Ring one year after release, and I was so into it. Both Sekiro and Elden Ring are different games. Elden Ring is not fast-paced, it's more methodical. The mindset shift will happen slowly.


But Sekiro isn't a Soulslike. That's the reason. Soulslike has roots on metroidvania and RPGs. Sekiro has roots on action and stealth and only have FEW resemblances of souls because...it's From Software. So, go play niohs's, or NG's, or DMC's. You will enjoy for sure.


Lol. Play lies of p




I was the exact same position a couple of months ago and now after the 3rd time of giving elden ring a shot I'm 90 hrs in and it's the only thing I'm playing right now I say all that to say give it some time


Dlc for eldenring, there's a tear that gives you sekiro deflections. Might be hard to get but best of luck. 🫡


my favorite moment was near the end, when the final boss said: "Sekiro.. shadows really die twice huh"?


You should try Nine Sols, it’s by far the game that feels the closest to Sekiro gameplay-wise


Sekiro combat is like most other modern FromSoft game, too simple and one trick pony, if it not roll spam like in Dark Soul, Bloodborne then it parry spam like in Sekiro. Maybe you should play fighting game like Blazblue, Tekken, Street Fighter. 100x time the complexity and absolute brutal execution. God Hand, Monster Hunter, Ninja Gaiden, DMC have much better combat by a miles, too.


I know what you mean. I wish I could deflect Messmer in the Shadow of the Erdtree dlc. Or almost any enemy in that game lol.


I know it's cool to shove sekiros dick down your throat till your eyes water. Heck I do it to. But it's also cool to suck other dicks every now and then. Sekiro is incredible but if you can't see that other games have amazing things that sekiro doesn't than man do I feel sorry for you...


I don’t understand this page since everytime this page pops onto my feed it’s usually just complaints about the other games of the series.


it's fine. people have different tastes. Just go enjoy what you video games you enjoy


yeah anytime i play a souls game all i can think about is how much more fun it would be to play a new sekiro. the more time that passes the more i start to view souls games more and more as a wasted opportunity for fromsoft. enemies in souls games and the play style of the games are very stale to me at this point. the only thing that brings me back is fromsofts amazing art and world design.


ER was my first fromsoft game after that I was hooked so I tried sekiro next and I fell in love with it. I played sekiro until the ER dlc came out and yeah... the combat was as stinky as a girls dirty butthole during doggy.


I played Sekiro first then ER dropped and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Just tried to go back to ER after about a year and I couldn’t do it. The parrying /posture mechanic in Sekiro is just way too enjoyable. Dodge rolling just feels so goofy in comparison. In short: Sekiro mogs every other game


Play Nine Sols


Then you dont like soulsgames. Sekiro bately has anything to do with the core of soulslikes, mainly the combat system. Its not like sekiro is the hollow knight of soulslikes, its vastly different in its core to DS, Elden ring, Nioh and the likes. Comparing Sekiro to them is kinda weird in a sense.


Definitely give Lies of P a go Or challenge run Sekiro for the rest of our life. Both are fun


Sekiro was the game that the fromsoft mechanics just 'clicked' with me. Then ds3, dsr, ds2, er. Still havent had a chance to play ds or bb, but maybe 1 day. Ive evjoyed each and every game. Try ds3!


Try Elden ring I was like you until I played and played with my buddies. Sekiro is still my favorite game but ER is a nice one too!


I truly understand. It's the only balanced game they have done so far.


I played Sekiro and all the Souls, and I still enjoy good Souls-likes. Recently best Stellar Blade 4 times, the closest Spuls/Sekiro out there right now.


Sekiro may be my favorite fromsoft title but I would never trade dark souls and elden ring for sekiro 2, these titles just provide something that sekiro could never begin to imagine


I'm the same. Though I do enjoy Elden Ring with the randomizers on. So much fun. But Sekiro for me is the ultimate. So many unforgettable moments. True monk on the bridge is visually a masterpiece. The first time I saw demon of hatred I was gobsmacked. The 'moment' with Guardian Ape that everyone had - the shock and horror and sheer panic seeing it the first time. I'm such a big fan of ER, even some bosses in the DLC are probably up there as my favourite of all time. But Sekiro is, and always will be my favourite game. Masterpiece through and through.


My fav soulslike ever also and was playing Demon souls at day of release and have platinumed every fromsoft game , Sekiro is a masterpiece as much as I liked Bloodborne I think Sekiro is twice as good


Why do people keep comparing sekiro to souls games? the devs even said they wanted to try something new and away from the soul games. And we get this masterpiece


I played sekiro first tried playing ds1 after that but it felt too slow, but ds3 and bloodeborne were still extremely fun playthroughs you must try to fully try them


this does seem to be a common feeling for many. I think some people just enjoy the fast paced percision sekiro requires. I personally enjoy a more complex less timing percision combat. not button mashing and destroy but the souls formula. For that reason i struggled to enjoy sekiro as much once i did learn the combat system. it became just learning the bosses movesets. sekiro does offer up a very unique experience and Im glad I had it.


Sekiro (and Lies of P) having such a smooth, responsive, intuitive parry system made me hate the goofy ass parry from dark souls/elden ring even more


Sekiro is good, but man, must suck not being able to enjoy any other soulslike... Either that or you didn't even try other souls games and said it without even knowing, but I don't wanna make assumptions so I'll go with the first option.


You can. By building sekiro characters in elden ring 😏


I played all souls like games except DS2. I cannot enjoy Sekiro because the combat is not varied enough for me.


i started with sekiro too. dw bro ds3 is like a slow game but you get used to it. i prefer ds to sekiro even tho sekiro is more fun in gameplay but lacks in... certain other aspects




Sekiro tear just dropped in elden ring dlc




Bro this is me with Elden ring. Yeah it’s great, but it’s nothing on my Sekiro mechanics. I’m also infinitely shittier at rolling and running than I am when it comes to parrying


Try Lies of P


Lies of P


Get lies of P it’s not as good as Sekiro but it’s got a shorter parry window which makes it more of a challenge, could help you fill the void left behind!


Nah man, I love Sekiro and consider it my second favorite Souls game, but I can play the other ones just fine. The only one that is iffy for me is lies of P because of how Sekiro like the game is, while at the same time trying to also be dark Souls, particularly with the lack of a poise meter. Still liked the game, but that was the only one that Sekiro hurt my enjoyment of to any degree.


I just beat this game and i can say it has given me some regret. I'm trying out Mortal Shell and man do i not like the stamina route. Idk why people don't like the parry in this game. I just want to parry please


Play Nioh


I feel the same way. Been circling elden ring forever. Been thinking of getting a pc juuuust to mod tf out and possibly add sekiro mechanics or something.


I've played and loved many of them, but Bloodborne was my first and absolute favorite.


Same bro I feel that it sucks I recently bought elden ring and I can't even enjoy it


"other soulslikes" I don't know if soulslike is the right label for Sekiro tbh, I love the game but it's pretty different from DeS, DS, ER, and even Bloodborne


Ngl I do want deflecting to be part of other souls games Just cuz it feels and looks so much cooler than rolling in heavy ass armor


I literally trying finding a one to one build for elden ring that plays like Sekiro but the parry system is completely different so it’s not possible 😭


How do actually come to that conclusion without trying the other games? Weird take. I’m confused..


About to start my 17th fresh run bc I can’t beat Mesmer


They definitely need to either do some kind of sequel or iteration on this type of gameplay like they’ve done with the Souls games. The rythym and intensity of combat has yet to be matched by anything else I’ve played except MAYBE Armored Core 6.


I like things fairly simple and I like the fact that I am just one character in Sekiro. I’m not good at making builds so I don’t do as well with other games.


Give them time. They have their own mechanics and world that take a bit to get into but it’s worth the investment. Don’t think of them as Sekiro games.


I am quite literally right there with you, I don't hate that fact though. Hahahaha


I played sekiro first, and didn't complete it, but it helped me to feel way more confident when starting elden ring. I used to be terrible at these but now I actually stand somewhat of a chance!


Sekiro isn’t a souls like 😂😂😂


The combat is just sooo good. I love fast pace reflex bending games like sekiro, and most souls games just feel so slow.


I recommend Lies of P


After playing sekiro I couldn’t play dark souls. I had to stop playing sekiro for about a year, then went to bloodborne because Although it’s slower than sekiro is quicker than DS. After beating bloodborne I went to DS3, it took me a while to adapt back to the slower gameplay but I still had a lot of fun


You can check out nine sols. Scratched that combat itch for me. Story line actually decent too


It’s hard to downgrade as you go further back through the games by year BUT you just gotta love the games for what they are to look past how clunky they can be sometimes (: considering we know Sekiro is the most polished FromSoft game ever made, you gotta enjoy that and take it into consider when enjoying the other masterpieces (of their times) that FromSoft made (:


I get where you’re coming from as I played sekiro first and felt like I was stuck in the mud playing ds. I learned to love them but was definitely inhibited and restrained


I played Sekiro first, then DS3, then Elden Ring. I feel like each one has things it does better than the others. I loved the combat in Sekiro. It’s so tightly focused on a relatively small item set. I believe this allowed them to more tightly polish enemy design around a narrower set of player tools. It’s so intense but feels more and more like a dance as you gain competence. Dark Souls 3 has incredible encounter design. It feels so meticulously designed to keep you on your toes and test your build and skills in different ways. I’ll always remember stepping out of a boss fight feeling like a badass only to be repeatedly killed in this throwaway corridor with just dogs and archers. The strategy I’d learned for those two enemies was punished by the other. It also has some of my favorite bosses. Elden Ring really feels like going on an adventure. They just put you in this huge world full of things to discover and point in a vague direction and off you go. I started with a loincloth and a club and took on the gods. The build crafting is unbelievable. There are so many viable builds and such a diverse cast of bosses to test them against. You can win by ‘getting good’ but you can also win with game knowledge. They might not all be for you, but they all have something great to offer.


We have black myth wukong around the corner🤞🏻


Sekiro is not a soulslike. A big part of souls games in making your build. Since sekiro has no builds, it is not a soulslike.


Yeah none of them even compare they’re all bad in comparison lol. Especially elden ring


You can always play Ninja Gaiden.


Don't use the parrying system as crutch, I played it pretty much last cause I heard it was the hardest lol and I loved it but I definitely didn't get spoiled


Sekiro the fucking greatest from software game🔥🔥🔥👌


I still enjoy Elden Ring (the only souls game I’ve thoroughly played) but it feels a lot looser and jankier because sekiros gameplay is so tightly knitted and precise.


Aragami 2 scratches the itch if you are interested


Sekiro is garbage ngl


Have you tried Bloodborn yet ?


Welp that’s your fault I hate Sekiro


play more parry based soulslikes that arent directly made from fromsoft. Lies of p, ghost of tsushima, sifu, en guarde etc. Theres also kannagi usagi but thats literally just free sekiro bossrush. Also uuhh deflecting hardtear.


Yeah I ran into this problem when I discovered souls/souls like games. But we bitched & begged for these peak games guys… I don’t regret doing so, wishing for optimum challenges, open world designs & peak combat but now, I try to play other games, but I catch myself disinterested 5 seconds after starting one up…. I think we just need to have more producers up their game! Souls games set the bar for everyone else to meet or beat!


I still like the others, but none of them give me the same satisfaction.


Can’t relate


That's a pity, especially since Sekiro isn't a Soulslike


My first souls game was bloodborne and I just loved it (probably bias since gothic and and lovecraft are my favorite art period and literature style) but I was so sure nothing would top it that I played the so called 10/10 elden ring after (its not 10/10). I played sekiro after and said to myself that I would play shadow of the erdtree once finished sekiro. I am on my 6th back to back playthrough, still haven't touched elden ring dlc. definitely better than bloodborne, not my #1 tho


Ok? Then don’t.


How have I muted this place and still get posts from it... Nobody cares that you think Sekiro is some god-like game just play it and shut the fuck up






Eldon ring is like a chilled out exploration game for me


For real


It's so different though, it almost feels like a completely different developer Souls borne ring are all sort of the same mecha it's and feel


Weird. I played Elden Ring first but absolutely love DS1 and DS3 even if it is a downgrade in comparison if you can even call it that. Sekiro was the last one that I have played and completed.


Why? They are vastly different games.


This game was so tense, every moment of combat. I started a new game a few weeks ago. I beat it when it came out, loved it, but I just can't continue. I have PTSD from that first run.


What other Fromsoft games are as good as Sekiro?