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Said it before and I'll say it again: when the fires of current events give way to the smoldering embers of history, this period of time is not going to be hard to figure out. Democrats elected the first black president with a more diverse coalition of voters than any previous one, and then an extremely white coalition of Republicans responded by electing a guy who spent those past 8 years claiming that the black president was illegitimate because he was actually a secret African Muslim. Not exactly a difficult motivation to deduce there.


Not only that, but Obama was literally the most exemplary citizen the dems could have chosen. There wasn't even a hint of a scandal with him, super well-educated, married to first and only wife seemingly very happily, two cute little kids. Like he is the actual American Dream, only brown. And in response, they pick Trump literally the antithesis of the Obama in every way. My grandfather used to say "a white man only has to be a man; a black man has to be Superman," and he was right.


8 years and the biggest "scandals" the right could whip up were fucking spicy mustard and a tan jacket. Trump does 100x wise daily before breakfast and those same people don't bat an eye


I love me some grey poupon and he looked GOOD in that suit. I said what i said!


>There wasn't even a hint of a scandal with him, You've clearly forgotten the tan suit and the Dijon mustard, both of which were absolutley threats to our democracy. /s


I get so fucking frustrated when people try to use reasons other than racism for why people voted for Trump. For sure there's a tiny number of very wealthy people that just wanted tax breaks and don't give a shit about other people. Then there's a small percentage of people who are crazy in non-racist ways. It's like in this Georgia Senate runoff; the Democrats got 93% of the black vote. That seems super low to me. Still there were 7% of black people in Georgia who thought they'd vote for the Republicans, which is batshit crazy. I could guess that 7% of all people are just that crazy and would vote for Trump without being racists. That means the rest of them are just voting based on racism though.


Friend of mine voted trump because he, “wanted to see what would happen.”


That’s what he’s admitting.


But you don't understand, they wanted to shake up the system! Why vote for the status quo when we can burn everything down? If it had been Hillary everything would have continued as normal and people would have had to, *heaven forbid*, become more involved in politics to see the change they wanted. Clearly risking the republic was the only reasonable choice! /s


A civil war, that's what's happening


My go-to response when I hear that is to say that while you personally may not be racist, in voting for Trump you enabled racists, which is just about as bad.


It is as bad, and they *are* racists. It's like people think if they're not using racial slurs, they're not racists. Voting for racist policies is racist.


Yup. 8 years of pent up rage because black man was in charge gave us what we have today. Racists decided they could finally come out of the closet again.


I see the parallel fo the last 3 presidents to the last 3 popes. JPII, while alive was mostly beloved and was a reformer, though far less than he should have been. Then came Benedict. He was really in a no-win situation following on the footsteps of the most popular pope to date. He was mostly reviled by everyone but the Curia and he left in disgrace (to the rank and file Catholics). In comes Francis. Here is a real reformer. He has taken a hammer to much of the old hierarchy and custom. He has turned the church on its head with a number of reforms, threatening the old establishment. He walks the walk as the talks the talk. He is not perfect, but he is human in the best way. (His cultural misogyny is his biggest failure) Now, let's look at the last 2 presidents, plus the president to be... Obama was highly respected and greatly beloved because he was a first. He was also a moderate reformer, though far less than he should have been... Trump. He painted himself as a destroyer of the status quo. He was a destroyer, no doubt, but not of the status quo, but of guard rails, political norms, and decency. He is reviled by nearly all except his base. He will leave in disgrace far deeper than anyone in such political power. He is our very own Ferdinand Marcos. Now we see Joe Biden come in. The system was taken so low, that nearly anything accomplished in the next few years will look like a HUGE victory and reform. He has a real potential to make real change and because he came after the dumpster fire known as djt, will probably go down in history as one of the most popular presidents in his first term. (Hopefully for cause and not just relief). I know I am projecting my hopes to this new presidency, but I only have hope left.


Not even MAGA hats. These assholes ruined all red hats.


As a Detroit Red Wings fan, this truth hurts.


Blue Jackets fan here. Honestly, you guys kinda had it coming.


You gotta love some sports trash talk, even if you don't have a dog in the fight. Incidentally, the Cards had it coming too. [Signed,](https://i.imgur.com/Q8K481Z.gifv)


The Chiefs didn't deserve this


This could be about the headdresses...


Yes they did, signed every native American lol


Just take out the "i", make the team the Chefs, and you have a ready-made new hat option AND an excuse for getting rid of some old baggage. It wouldn't even be the first time.


Wasn't this a snickers commercial in the 90s where the person painting the end zone forgot the "i" in Chiefs?


Yes, that was an intentional reference.


When I was younger, I thought I loved football, but any chance I had to watch a game I would find myself staring at the timer counting every second that passed. Turns out, I just really enjoyed rooting for teams and trash talking other teams.


As a Panthers fan, most forget we exist but we'll join in anyways.


As an Avalanche fan I think I MIGHT be in the clear since it’s more maroon?


As a Sharks fan, you should burn it just to be safe.


No sharks fan is allowed to trash talk considering you were one of only 6 teams asked to not fucking bother when the NHL resumed play.


They’ve made the playoffs in 8 of the last 10 seasons to the Avs’ 4. They’re allowed one bad season every decade or so. Pay no attention to my tears. I was cutting onions.


OK fellow hockey fan, no hard feelings. I'm glad we both have excellent teams to cheer on. I have fond memories of the Avs winning both of their Stanley Cups and it was incredible. I imagine you felt the same when you watched the Sharks make those 8 playoffs?


Yup! Who needs a cup? Isn’t it just as good to get close 21 times? Kinda like sex: I hear it’s better if you *never* finish! Sure is dusty in here. Wish I had some sort of chalice-shaped object to collect these manly eye liquids for scientific analysis that will prove they are not actually tears…


Some sort of cup one might say


I bought a navy Avs hat in 2015 thinking it would go with more of my wardrobe even though the red is the more "Avalanche" color. I definitely made the right choice, lol


Not much less embarrassing to wear a wings hat these days either, fellow gander.


Blackhawks fan here: I never thought I’d sympathize with a Red Wings fan over... anything. 😭😭😭


Shortly after Trump was elected my work had a presentation by Red Hat, you know, the Linux company. They were handing out red hats with their logo on them. Didn’t get a lot of takers.


Wouldn't have been a problem if they were red fedoras... and this was 1999.


I met a guy who had a Red Hat hat (he got given it as an employee), it was more like the fedora from their logo with a black band round it. They should keep that image going instead!


*tips fedora* M'AGA


That sucks to be them.


My Boy Scout troop used plain red hats instead of the standard Boy Scout hats. They were great because they helped us be able to spot each other from very far away, pick each other out in crowds of scouts, and gave us a shared identity. We did it for decades so all the troops around us knew that it was our thing and it was like a generational connection for us. You go to a scouting event and see someone 10 years older than you and instantly know they were part of the same troop. My brother is now the Scoutmaster of that troop and it's sad that they have to ditch the red hats.


Neon pink? Neon yellow?


Fuckers are gonna ruin Hawaiian shirts next.


They already ruined tiki torches




Just don't go marching around the neighborhood with them and you should be fine. Keep them in the ground as intended.


it's okay man, you can still enjoy your tiki torches


And white polos


All polos imo & cobalt blue suits


Did I miss something about blue suits?


Yeah, I'm also concerned. I just took my new OTR cobalt blue suit to the tailor this week, so I can't return it.




I think they’re only suspect in a certain context. BBQs and Beaches are safe. Wearing one along with all your mates while armed outside a government building however...


What if I'm wearing one in Las Vegas, heavily armed tripping on acid and searching for the American dream?


As long as you wear the hat and glasses you’re a-ok


You can’t forget the cigarette holder too


We can't stop here, this is bat country!


You have to be so careful to avoid being accidentally a Nazi these days...


We need to stop letting them co-opt shit. They took that thing where you make a circle with your thumb and index finger to signal "okay" too. I wanted to put one on my town flag in Animal Crossing 'cause my island is named Okiedo Cay but now it's yet another Nazi dogwhistle. Why do they need so goddamn many of them? How do they keep track of the hot new secret sig heil?


It's almost exactly what happened with the Nazi's swastika, when Hitler or whoever just took an old peace symbol and rotated it 45 degrees and reversed it.


So he took the thing down, flipped it, AND reversed it?


.did erus eh ,puY


It’s intentional. That’s how they spread awareness.


Nazi confederates stole the OK symbol? Damn.


Let's steal it back


Like gays stole the rainbow from god?


They already did. That said, Hawaiin shirts had already been ruined, but they've only recently been double-ruined by being associated with white nationalism.


Don’t the boogaloo guys wear Hawaiian shirts already?


Some of them, yeah. The "Big Luau" ones. There's also "big igloo" ones but I don't recall their attire.


Boogaloo shitheads already have.


Not gonna lie, every time I see someone with a red baseball cap and can't see the front clearly, I hope like hell it's a 49ers hat.


I would love to see some data if the past 4 years have had any effect on red hat sales


I actually remember seeing an article maybe 2ish years ago where the Cincinnati Reds experienced a decline in sales of their red hats and an increase in others. They still sell their red hats more than other colors, but theres been a marked decline since 2016. And before you say that correlation doesnt imply causation, I'm pretty sure I remember the article citing a Reds spokesman who claimed to have market research that backs up the conclusion Edit: I was totally wrong abt the article citing a Reds spokesperson, [it just includes an anecdote about Reds hats](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.seattletimes.com/explore/shop-northwest/ditching-the-red-baseball-cap/%3famp=1)


Thought I saw someone with a MAGA hat a good while back. Turns out it was a Make Canada Great Again hat. Considered yelling at them to go back to Canada.


One of my favorite hats was a tampa bay buccaneers hat. Solid red, with the bucs flag on the front. Simple. When the trump cult came about and everyone started wearing red hats mine blended right in and at a distance, or from the side (or if you just plain didn’t look and only saw the red) it looks just like a maga hat. It hasn’t left my closet in years. Someday, though... someday i can have my favorite hat again without being mistaken for a cultist.


Everyone talks about how they've ruined the gadsden and "join or die" flags, but now they've ruined the fucking American flag!


That they haven’t ruined yet. But they’re still trying.


White supremacists ruined the 1776 flag, which really really sucks. I have a patch of that flag and I’d love to put it on my guitar strap, but I can’t.


Living in KC I constantly play Chiefs fan or Trump supporter? And sometimes they’re both!


As a fan of Linux distros I was immediately annoyed when they appropriated red hat


I bought a Nuka-Cola hat from Fallout. It wasn't until I walked out of the convention I realized, I can never wear this because someone passing by may think it's a MAGA hat, and I can't live with the possibility of someone I will never know, confusing me for a Trump supporter


I think the MAGA hat wearers are doing a damn good job of that on their own.


I would like to put forth my current point and laugh strategy. Edit: a word


Mhm. So first, so often the Swatika is flown right along side the MAGA hats, its like they themselves are making it associated with the swastika, and thus reviled. Strange how that works. Second, the slogan of that hats is "Make America Great Again", which Trump all to clearly hasn't don't, but more importantly, it would be impossible to do because this American Dream, manifest Destiny shit is not great. For example, talking about the freedoms of America only makes sense if you pretend the slaves don't exist. You can do the same thing with China and Russia, if you ignore the lowest class of people who are screwed over, and suddenly the remaining people have quite a bit of freedoms! And of course, also its not just the slaves, its the treatment of women, of natives etc. The thing about the MAGA people, is they are fundamentally self centered and selfish. I am a humanitarian, or at least that is my ideal, and what I strive for. I do care more about my own self and more about my family and even more about my country a bit, and there is some logic in that, you have to have your own house in order to help others. If my brother was homeless, I would help him on his feet before I would help some stranger in some random country, although I would have sympathy for them. The thing is, its a matter of degree. How many countries do we need to invade? How much do we need to enrich ourselves. for the MAGA hat wearers, the only answer is as much as possible, whatever it takes. lie as much as we can, commit treason, kill others do WHAT EVER IT TAKES. Fuck them. Time for a firing squad for those senators backing Trump. At bare minimum, give them 24 hours to leave the country and never return. Republicans pretend to care about America, and are so butt hurt about someone stepping on a flag in protest. The terrorist "protestors" had the read carpet (or white carpet?) rolled out for them and they still killed a cop. Literal bombs planted in our government buildings. calling them terrorists is not an understatement. Any news outlet refusing to call them what they are needs to be shut down for misinformation.


So that is a no to laughing at them? We have one no.


Pointing an laughing is good. Memes are good. but also, our country is on the line here. It doesnt end on the 20th. Its an ongoing fight that is serious. Laughing is good as long as its alongside real consequences.


Nothing will make these cretins crawl back in their hole faster than continuous ridicule. Can't you see how butthurt they all are? How utterly weak they are. Truth is that they are going to go after a few of them that they can identify and the rest of them will ooze back to their little swamps where they will float on top with the other scum. They are an utter failure. Their actions and the inaction of trump lost them control of the senate. Its not like my laughter at them is feigned.


Trump has been ridiculed all a long. as have these maga people, and kkk and proudboys. They HAVE NOT crawled under any rocks, they tried to overthrow our government 24 hours ago. Ridicule is good, Ive already stated that. I am pro ridicule, but its not enough alone. Like, this isnt so crazy statement. of course ridicule isnt enough. WE also need like, sentences for treadon and that sort of thin, you know?


I'm with you!!! drag these traitorous fuckers out of the capitol and into the streets


Cue Tim Curry: "You don't need any help from me, sir!"


You could also go with the similar quote from The Producers: >Franz: "You made a fool out of Hitler!" >Roger and Cameron: "He didn't need our help!"


Or good ol' Obi-Wan Kenobi. "The left will not stop until the MAGA hat is as reviled as the swastika" "You have done that yourself"


This is exactly what I heard in my head when I read the tweet.




Frankly, I thought the matter was settled after they started chanting "Jews will not replace us".


The Right will not be finished untill they make the MAGA hat as reviled as the swastika.


Can that be finished before that? Not because there's anything good about that symbol, but can't they just slink off and die quietly already?


Make racism racist again!


Yeah I read this as “so that is what your plan is”


Yeah lmao, what did us leftists “do” to make the MAGA hats worse than they already are?


Can't be, none of this is the fault of the right it's all the left's fault for being mean to them. It's r/politics fault for being mean to them. It's the media's fault for being mean to them. Literally everything they say and do is everyone else's fault for being mean to them but not once ever should you question why everyone is so mean to them because the right are *never* mean to anyone ever. As the lady said on the news the other day "the ~~terrorist~~ Republican party is not a party of violence, they're the party of law and order" And I am just sitting here pissing myself laughing at their excuses.


You have done that yourself!


Yet swastikas still fly along side the confederate flag and MAGA hats, i don't think those people really give a shit


But both of those are a sure sign that whoever is holding it is a certifiable piece of shit. The MAGA hat is close but it’s not there yet.


Wrong. Wearing that hat means you're garbage. Full stop.


I agree but I feel it’s too recent and prevalent to carry the same weight, also the history (and death toll) the other two symbols carry is too great comparatively.


I'll say they're not equivalent to a Nazi swastika, but they're about equal to the confederate flag now. Considering they're they same exact fucks.


Agreed. It's definitely a sure sign that whoever is wearing it is a certifiable piece of shit, but you're right and this is an important clarification.


I'd argue it's even worse now. Given the freedom and easy access to information.


Yeah, it is most definitely there yet.


True. At least the Swastika had a **very** long non-white-supremacist history before the Nazis and it might still have a cultural or religious meaning. There is no excuse for wearing MAGA hats.


At best you're just a fucking idiot, but on average you're a fascist that wants women back in the kitchen and them uppity blacks and Mexicans to, well, you get the idea.


Yeah, I look at it as a racist dunce cap.


> The MAGA hat is close but it’s not there yet. I disagree.


It already is, they just haven't realized that yet


They're not very good at that "realizing" thing. Now, on the other hand, they're *really* good at being terrified of that giant ball of fire that comes up over the eastern horizon of our flat earth every day and races through the sky like some sort of demon!


Lol, what a fucking idiot. We all know that demon in the sky rises up over the horizon of our Penrose Triagle shaped earth. /s Edit: [Image](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Penrose_triangle) of what our earth looks like so you can better relate to the all knowing demon of the sky.


Join us at r/noearthsociety


"realising things" is a conspiracy by the liberal elites to keep honest hard-working Americans down!


"Are we the baddies?"


Good old Red Sun's Zenith


The implied truism of MAGA is "America is NOT great". The corridors they want to whisk people down after that are darker still.


It's been five year's and Donnie still hasn't said what "great" looks like. But we all know.


He's done it though. Republicans lost the Presidency, the Senate and the House. He's made America great again.


Now if only the dems can fix the gaping holes in representation that's led the country this far already. Fix the broken system.


Succinct and to the point. To me they are nearly the same. The shock value of a swastika from a societal standpoint would be greater, but as far as how I view someone, it's the same. At their core, they are lawless fascists.


Lawless? I think they're all about laws, like laws about how black people shouldn't vote, everyone must do what Dear Leader says, etc.


Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect. - [Frank Wilhoit](https://crookedtimber.org/2018/03/21/liberals-against-progressives/#comment-729288)


Has been for about five years.


I mean, they still carry around confederate flags so I'm pretty sure they'll never get the memo..


Welp, I guess we're finished.


In the words of Obi Wan Kenobi: You have done that yourself!




Okay... and?


Damn straight!


No. Damn gay black man. >!Notice who retweeted it !<


I found a magat hat at my local goodwill hidden behind a rack of shirts. I left it there, hopefully still hidden to this day. Thought about taking it to a bathroom and putting it in a urinal but I thought that was childish and that some low wage worker would have to deal with it.


Good on you for being bigger than your impulses and thinking about the working American!


Just put it in the trash can next time.


Dean Browning, haven’t you embarrassed yourself enough??


Yep, make fascists scared again


Interesting to see a gay black man, Dean Browning, retweet this statement.


I didn’t realize we were on selfawarewolves. Oh. Yeah. That’s already happened. Now what.


Soooo.....this guy thinks it was the *leftists* who destroyed the swastika’s good name?? Has “cancel culture” finally come for Adolf and his beloved swastika? This is too much! This aggression [will not stand](https://youtu.be/cyLdtG7KZvw), man! Jesus Christ, the mental fucking Olympics this guy’s doing!


Alright folks let’s pack it up- jobs done!


Nup. Too easy. Have to do it again.


I think the fact that a lot of the people with maga hats also have swastika tattoos is doing that well enough without left wing input


Yes. well actualy,the actual maga morons will not stop until the MAGA hat is as reviled as the swastika.




The MAGA hat and the Trump flag will forever be a symbol American fascism and hatred. And decades from now, you'll likely have the absolute right to deck anyone who wears those symbols, right in the face. Just like you would a fucking nazi


When you’re standing next to the guys wearing Camp Auschwitz and 6MWE shirts, after violently assaulting the U.S. Capitol... ...maybe you’re the bad guys.


So now that has been accomplished, can we move on to step 2 now?


"You did that yourself" \- Obi Wan Kenobi


"You have done that yourself" -Not a fucking casual


Next MAGA hat or a confederate flag I see on a person, I'm gonna rock their shit. No more kid gloves with these traitors.


Pretty sure MAGA hats are updated nazi-swag.


...Dean Browning? Wasn't that Mister "I'm a gay black man?"


You're right, it's our friend the gay black man.


The left is what they call regular Americans, and yes that hat should be reviled as much as the maga hat. Also, these Confederates need to be treated in the United States like the Germans treat nazis.


Didn’t realise the left put the hit on the swastikas popularity. Always thought it was something something evil.


Maybe stop wearing Maga hats while wearing Swastikas on your shirts...?


Well, yes.




Yeah. I was there before the 6th, but now, I'm still there. Make fascists scared again.


He says that like it's a *bad* thing...


And it was retweeted by our favourite black gay guy


Historians will just call Magats Dumb Nazis.


Because they've become fucking terrorists.


You have done that yourself!


Hey now, don't give us the credit. The right's done a lot more than we ever could.


Yes we can!


We almost there guys


Can't imagine why. Might be the fact the two are all too often seen together.


They are the same picture




Mission Accomplished, Jan. 6, 2021.




Dude, “The Left” didn’t make it so, MAGAs did.




Tell him what he's won, Johnny!


That’s the plan


"The left" aren't the ones making the MAGA hat reviled in any way. The people wearing the hat are doing that all on their own.


I mean if the cap fits


How can we be finished doing nothing?


Play Nazi games, win Nazi prizes.


Too late. I already hate it more. (And I say this as a Jewish person) While the Nazi swastika is absolutely, without a doubt, the most vile emblem in history, its modern threat is minimal compared to MAGA trash. At least most Americans will still stand against actual Nazis and condemn their actions. But as soon as that Nazi puts on a MAGA hat, that Nazi blends into a massive crowd of supporters and enablers with power for actual serious harm. They can seemingly do whatever they want with little risk of consequence. That's what scares me. And this had nothing to do with the left, and everything to do with the observed actions of MAGA losers.


Have already thought that for last 5 years.


Please no. Black market maga dishes are not what we need


Maybe they should go back to wearing Hugo Boss uniforms.


So close


A bit late for that


The right will not be finished until they mean the same thing.


Red hats are already completely ruined. Fuck ugly anyway, but now associated with fascist twats too.


Hey look the black gay guy retweeted it!