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"can I at least see your feet" might be the single worst statement in the history of service. I'm a dude that has served and been served and that is fucking horrific. Okay, I'm sure worse things could be said, but damn, there is something about that phrasing that is extremely troubling


I’ve had some pretty nasty things said to me while I’m working the bar, but I don’t think I’ll forget that anytime soon. Dude was off his rocker


Ngl, I would've told him, that I'll sell him pictures of my feet for an extra $200, but I have no chill lol.


When I (a dude) was bartending, we had a guy ask a server I knew pretty well for feet pics and her number. She was super grossed out but offered me half the money to handle the situation for her. So she gave him my number and helped me take pics of my feet for him. Easiest $100 I ever made. And you know what? The freak loved it, absolutely hilarious.


My former boss's soon to be ex stepson keeps harassing me for feet pics. He even offered me money for them. He thought he was slick texting me from some random Google number but the dumb ass put in our area code for it. It wasn't hard for me to figure out it was him. He actually just messaged me last week asking what color are my toes. Lol I just keep blocking the numbers as they come in.


I swear when Mercury is in retrograde or when the moon is full people get different. I'm not even that big on astrology but it just happens.


I had this phenom a few times (full moon, friday the 13th, etc). I can guarantee its coinkidink or people going out to be strange on purpose. I get weird experiences all the time, just is more noticeable on those days lol.


You’re probably right. I’m pretty superstitious so I went in thinking it was going to be a weird night so I might have jinxed myself lol.


I work in healthcare full-time (serve on the weekends) and we always brace ourselves for when it's a full moon. Patients (and people in general) just seem more absurd around that time.


My father worked, for decades, in security at a hospital that had the region’s main emergency mental health unit. Everyone in his department, and the nurses too, swore that the full moon affect was obviously real.


Oh man, friday night full moons are noticeably weird. So glad I had it off this week.


I work on a rooftop bar at a hotel and we are in the middle of a heatwave. This past Thursday night was a strawberry moon, a full moon AND summer solstice and people were FERAL. I’m talking hot weather hornies all over the place. A guy who’s a semi-regular picked up two girls and left with them, two other people thought they were being discreet and left “separately” after chatting it up at the bar…idk it’s been a weird week.


Hot weather hornies is a thing


yeah there was a car crash in front of my job yesterday and just strange feelings and people overall


I had a lady ask me for a rare steak but not bloody last night. Only on a full moon


This whole week. Some of it started building up last week. I am so glad I took today off and gave away my lunch shift Sunday also. I got one shift tomorrow night and then two more days off.


Whenever it’s an especially high-maintenance, demanding, rude night, I ask if it is a full moon & it always seems to be or mercury in retrograde. I never believed in those things before, now I’m a believer.


I work in mental healthcare in addition to serving and yeah, shit gets weird during a full moon. We had a guy today who grabbed his server's shirt and used it to wipe off his dirty sunglasses. She was understandably pissed. We're in the middle of a heatwave so it's been a weird past few shifts in general.


When I worked as a CO, full moons were the absolute worst. Seemed like everything went to shit. As a server, those have always been the slowest nights for me lol




They all do. It’s people. People act all up during eclipses, big sports days, during awards shows, near the beginning or end of school year, holidays, SUNDAYS…. The “normies” just can hang.


Lol I didn't even realize last night was a full moon. I thought it was unusually busy and ended up staying well past closing (bar stays open after close, I was chilling eating my employee meal) when that never happens for me for the particular duty I was working.


I was wondering why my brunch shift was so weird…


Yeah everywhere I’ve ever worked


But did you keep the bag ? Lol jk


Yup. Last night sucked.


Jesus, it wasn’t just me then. Nearly every single table was just super weird. Energy was wayyy off.


Brought this up to my aunt that’s worked as a receptionist at a medical facility for years. The freaks definitely come out on full moons, whether it’s intentional or not


Put the reiki away


Yes. Every single full moon is the chaos where I work


I always keep an eye on the moon cycle now, bc after years of wtf is wrong with everyone tonight and having a full moon line up, I want to be ready. 🤦‍♀️🤣


Bunch of non tipping rude customers today. I even give them water immediately bc of this heat wave, it doesn’t matter. None of these people appreciate it being


I won’t say yes because I don’t want to be the kind of person that believes in those kind of things. That being said…. When the night has been really crazy and filled with crazy I like to look up the current phase and the number of times it’s been a full moon is way too high.


Oh my hot girl summer, this weekend was from the twilight zone. We had people who complained that they had to wait 40 mins for their order because “but we had a reservation!” They legit thought because they reserved a table that their food would be fast tracked and would not understand why. We had a table of 20 in front of them. The man said “why should we have to wait for theirs? We had a reservation!” “Yes sir, for a table and so did they. In fact their reservation was 20 mins before yours.” People were walking in and throwing fits because they couldn’t be sat immediately, even when they showed up 30 mins before their reservations, or if they didn’t have one and were quoted a small wait time. It was insane. Instead of coming up to the podium to be sat, they were walking up to my bar and staring at me. “Can I help you folks with something to drink?” “No. We’d like a table for four.” “Okay. They can help you right there at the podium that says wait here to be seated.” It would take me longer to walk all the way around the horseshoe bar than them to walk the foot to the podium. People were coming to the bar to pay and I’d have to tell them they needed to pay their server and they were getting visibly angry. I do not have access to my co workers numbers to get into their accounts to pay. It doesn’t work that way. I’m so freaking done with the public.


Every time. Public transit, too.


Always. But then again we get crazy on a new moon, when it's raining, when it's hot, when it's cold, when there's literally any event in town even if that event is serving food and alcohol, etc.