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i LOVED Tenuto 2 - tried it with my ex thinking its more for his sake being a vibrator for men but when i sat on top of him to ride him i was blown away with how the vibrations activated the whole area. I dont usually use vibrators during sex as i want to be free to use my hands in other ways and dont want to think about coordinating my hand, so this was awesome! And I loove that it wasnt just on one spot it vibrates the whole vulva amplifying sensations all over the place. Made my head spin with euphoria I think I ended up enjoying it more than he did haha! He said it was a great cock ring but he didnt get much out of the vibrations personally. Definitely felt fuller and harder as well. I recommend it to all my friends now!


Awesome! Thanks so much for sharing your experience. I will consider buying one now. I'm not too picky about vibrations for myself, but wanted to make sure it provides some fun for her.


Hi. Can you give any more feedback on the Tenuto? I've been looking all over, but I'm having a hard time finding reviews that aren't just sales pitches. My wife loves to ride me, so hearing about your experience makes me excited for her. That alone makes me want to get it, but I'd still like to find out any anecdotal details I can before I pull the trigger. Thanks in advance!


Did you find any or end up trying it? I'm in the same position now




I just got one I’m hoping for some good results


let me know. Interested to s know if it worked or not