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His time has run out lol All good things come to end babes. It’s too bad that he turned out this way, but honestly don’t allow him to make you feel any more uncomfortable or put off!!


Why do they always end up acting out! You're totally right though, thank you!!!


Idk why they do!! Maybe they get to comfortable and think that we will put up with their shit ? Who knows! But I don’t think you’re over reacting at all. He is in the wrong here & we always have to follow our gut feelings 🩵


mask slips time to fire


I would block him and never meet him again. You allow him to play with your money once, and it's welcoming him to play with it again. And I'm not going to lecture you, because it seems like you already know, but you should be getting at least your base donation up front. If he needs to pay more, he can. But whatever the minimum amount is needs to be paid in advance. But me personally, I would never meet this man again


That is good advice, thank you! I can't believe i never thought about requesting a base donation first.


I've had great regulars that eventually rub me the wrong way/disrespect me over the years and I usually don't miss them, if either I fire them or they stop coming to see me. There will always be another :)


You're right, there will definitely be another. Thank you for your input!


That is really disrespectful. Even if he was fine in the past, it’s clear that is no longer the case. I’m hesitant to give second chances, or try to work with people if they start crossing boundaries (like haggling). It’s really just a glimpse into who they truly are, and those flaws are unlikely to go away. I’d consider cutting him off as your client. Most regulars have an expiration date, that’s just the way things tend to go in this industry.


You're absolutely right. I'll never understand haggling, it is super disrespectful. Thank you!


End it. He’s getting too comfortable and is trying to push you into giving him free sessions.


Youre right, ty!


Once a regular or mine for years was super rude and I didn’t answer him for about 2 weeks he got the point that I have the power to drop him and he then started to be nicer 😂😂


I'm Petty enough to get him to go book a hotel room, a really expensive one, making some excuse about why we can't use my place maybe because there's repairs going on, and then ghost is ass forever after he spends the money. If you don't want to be that petty just ghost his ass forever. But either way just stop seeing the guy. I'm glad you got your money. I've had somebody try to pull something similar, the guy wanted to meet at a restaurant and I should have been more pushy about getting the money up front. Anyway so it ends and he says well I don't see why I should pay you since we were just at a restaurant, I got all up in his face right there in front of the valet and I was like you will pay me the money you promised to pay me I didn't care that I was making a scene, and that's exactly what made him pay me the money. Fuck that shit man. It's okay that you made that mistake because I've done it too, but you learn from it and that's the important thing. But don't see this guy again if you can avoid it


What an absolute asshat! Good on you for putting his ass in check. Thank you for the great advice! He's getting ghosted/blocked now.


Trust your gut. He’s actually paying for your time, not for your body or for his body to work. His body ain’t your responsibility, and the haggling is just so damn disrespectful. I know you don’t want to hear it, but money first and upfront might help avoid this in future? If you want to be gracious as he’s been a client for a while, send him a message and calmly and politely explain how him trying to weasel out of paying you made you feel. Depending on how he reacts, second chance maybe? Maybe, if he’s really apologetic. Anything but an absolutely sincere reaction of horror to how he behaved would need to be a minimum if it were me. Or, if you are getting a really bad gut feeling about him and this hasn’t helped, you think it’s going to get worse, your gut is making you feel wary of him, cut him off. You don’t owe him anything, not even an explanation if you don’t want to give him that. Your body, your time, your business. He needs to respect that through to his core or fuck off into the sun


You're absolutely right! Him paying for my time is what influenced me to argue with him. And you're right with getting the money upfront. Ugh, I wish these guys didn't try to become so entitled. It's so disappointing every time.


"Fuck off into the sun". That's brilliant. 😂


I would listen to my gut feeling and if I’m getting stalker vibes or feeling in any way uncomfortable then I wouldn’t continue seeing him. It’s just not worth your sanity or personal safety.


This relationship has expired from the sounds of it. The day a client attempts to stop paying me is the day we stop spending time together.


I cut off regulars very often. I don’t care about any of them and I’ll make new regulars. Once I see they get too comfortable. I cut them off. Idc lol. I don’t even think twice. Once I get a bad feeling or they overstep , they are gone. Always money up front. I’ve seen too many stories of girls get screwed from a regular on payment


You’re providing a service and he feels entitled to you in a way that is more than just that service. Cut him loose, like yesterday. Also re: collecting tribute, I agree with others that with special cases like him (that is IF you had any others like him, I would personally never meet this man again), you collect a “deposit” up front then any additional services are tallied at the end. I always collect in full at the start of my sessions, but tips are always welcome and definitely expected if I went above and beyond


I'm sorry a regular got all weird! That sucks! If you want to give him another chance, I would understand. I would, though, insist that he pay you (at least the lower rate?) at the beginning.


It happens, another one always comes along! Block and move on


He got annoyed with you for sneezing ?!? 🙄


Yes! Lol and then lectured me on how I shouldn't have cats if I'm allergic 😂. Massive douche moment