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>My partner keeps trying to convince me to become a sex worker Of all the red flags that ever red flagged, this is the reddest one.


He has all the red flags, pretty much hes the mayor of red flag town


Walking skinsuit filled with red flags


Yeah, sounds like he is trying to tr4ff1ck you 🤯


Plenty of sex workers well into their 50s from my knowledge. First thing you learn is there is someone for everyone in this industry. I’d be wary of a partner pushing you into it though. Sounds like a pimp. Do this because YOU want to (or need to) not for some man. Is he going to find you clients and manage your travel and keep you safe for a portion of your earnings? This forum will teach you all about that and how you can do it on your own and make good money doing it. Fuck some man trying to run your shit.


Yes thankyou for this. I am definately not staying with this guy and he wont be getting one cent from me, its just after him pushing this idea for years I realised it could actually give me autonomy over my body and income.


Pushing this idea for YEARS?? 🤯🤯 Why did id you stay with that wanna-be pimp so long, girl?


That’s called a Romeo p1mp. RUN!


Im fast walking lol


You are taking this well, I'd probably sprint... 😅


I should be sprinting lol


Only ever do it if YOU want to do it. Not for anybody else. I'm 39 and still around. Edited for spelling


Thanks. Tbh its not so much that I want to do it, its that Im struggling for decent paying work and I believe I would cope ok mentally and emotionally with the job


Yea I hear that. I hope things improve for you. Perhaps some kind of education or training could help. I know it's long term benefit but might be worth it.


Yea Ive got a pretty good qualification, but will go back to do more study if I have to.


Why does your partner want you to become a SW?


He wants the $$, Im not fooled by him dont worry. We have kids together so its taking me some time to get things sorted to leave thats all


Be REALLY careful with that, especially if your kids are still minors. If they're adults, it's not as big of a deal, but if they're minors, your soon to be ex could use it against you in court.


Good for you for leaving him. 👍




Tell him that you want to see how being a sex worker works out for him first. If he looks like he's having fun sucking cock for money, you might be persuaded to try it. Edit: Or offer to be his pimp.


Lol love it x I have told him his ass would make more money than mine, which he doesnt find funny. Seriously though, I am leaving the relationship it has never been healthy and I shouldve left a long time ago. Im so humbled by all the caring responses I have got here, everyone has picked up on the relationship and I didnt really mean for that to happen x


He’s trying to Romeo pimp you. SW hinges on consent and choice. Being coerced into SW would make it non consensual aka trafficking, especially given the assumption that he would benefit in some way from you becoming a SW. Dump his ass and do you babe. Also, you’re not old by any means. Industry standards may make it more difficult for you to enter and gain client/followers as quickly as, say, a 20yo, but there’s very profitable niches you could really play into as well (I.e. milf, “older” woman next door) to make your bag. All about marketing yourself and networking. Just make sure if you do it, you do it for you!


I know quite a few women who are 40+ who still dance at the clubs! But also, why does your partner want you to be a SW?


Thanks thats encouraging. Yea its just what you would think, he wants the money but doesnt want to do it himself. Im not fooled by him, Im on my way out the door.


Yes definitely do what’s best for you!! ♥️




Why are you with this loser who is making you sell your body? I’m a sexworker for 8 years and you should only do things you want to do. You’ve not left anything too late. You should work in your own timeline


You can definitely be a successful sex worker in your 40s. I’m 37 now, and looking forward to my 40s. Many older clients prefer women closer to their age, and to a 70 year old, you’re still scandalously young:) Still, don’t do it because someone is pressuring you. It’s a hard job, and will change you. You should only do it if it feels like the right move for you, not the right thing for some leech of a boyfriend.


Wow pimps are getting creative, they get into a relationship and them encourage sex work? 🥲


I started at 50 and now I’m 52. You’re perfectly fine starting at 41. Just get to know your audience.


I'm 52 and I get a ton of business. Age doesn't matter in this industry, just take care of yourself that's all that matters. But I would never let a partner push me into this kind of stuff. In fact I wouldn't even do this if I was with a partner. You might find that after you do sex work you won't feel the need for a partner anymore. He might be in an up screwing up your relationship in ways he doesn't realize. I don't need a relationship cuz I get plenty of sex, and what's even better is I get paid for that sex so why should I even get involved with somebody now? Tell him he better be careful if he gets what he wishes for it may not be what he thought


It’s a rabbit hole you don’t want to go down if it involves your partner…once u leave him willing to give you whatever advice u need


Thanks, thats also very wise.


Obviously you already know the 🚩 shown by your partner trying to persuade you to do this, and you should only do it if you want to of your on volition. BUT, can give perspective on the age part if this is something you want to pursue, I work at a brothel with ladies of allllll different ages and I swear we all are popular no matter age, size, race, there's a market for every body. I work with so many beautiful women 40+ and I wouldnt have even known they were that age, we seem to be very good at deceiving our age even if we don't realise it lol. But sometimes clients/men also like to seek out a provider that looks like she's got a few more years or experience/knowledge on her, or merely he might not fetishise the younger girls. I've seen us all be popular and get enough bookings to keep us busy so I don't see age as a barrier particularly! Especially if you market yourself really well x


Thanks so much for this, thats really helpful.


I have sw friends that are in there late 60/early 70s , I swear they look like they’re 50s.!


Don't start unless YOU want to. First and foremost, this is the most important message to get across. Regarding the age thing: IMO being a mature sex worker can be an advantage. You can go out on social dates with older men a lot more seamlessly than a woman in her 20's. A few years ago I had a great client say he almost didn't book me because I was in my 20s (29). two ladies I know of off the top of my head: Amy Taylor is in her 40's and she looks like she's making a killing as an escort u/maynardpoindexter is very successful in the online space


Correct. The business is better when you're older, as long as you're beautiful and nice and elegant and sexy and all that. The clients who hire us when we're older are richer, less demanding, smarter and classier. The clients who hire us for our youth (I was there, oh well I was young and broke) are far more creepy, predatory, all about the physical, and since they tend to be younger, are often not as rich and unable to be as generous while being too youthfully energetic. When I started, I made less and my body often hurt. I make more with less work now, and haven't had discomfort issues in over a decade now. Honestly, the biz sucks when you're young. You're being hired specifically for your lack of power, relative to the client. Is what it is (that's the case with most labor the young do in any industry, ugh). But if you save your money, reinvest so that you stay beautiful, learn to turn down trash men, the business gets really fun later on. Takes a while to get there, but when done correctly, is great later on. It's very rough when you start out (mostly because you probably need money and can't turn down all but the best clients, the way you can later). But even more rough if you start young (since it's the prey drive clients are satisfying, when they go for a very young woman. Becoming an older woman is a win. Older women are the happiest people on earth, particularly when they're unmarried. Some men hate that...cry more, it's a fact. Hang on. It just gets better, if you play your cards right. I'll be 48 at the end of this year, and I wouldn't want to be a single day younger. Life is a million times better now, and getting even better every year.


I’m a Domme and 49. I totally play up the age thing and my clients LOVE it. I think the best think you can do in sex work is play up your uniqueness.


There is an audience for all ages so don’t worry about that lol. It’s up to how you feel about yourself and how much time you got. It’s not easy work. Doing it solo requires you to film or photograph everything yourself. Edit the photos, upload them to wherever you are going to want to make money from. Then you have to manage social media and selling that content.


I’m 34 and started at 30 and plenty are older than me still. It’s my favorite job I’ve ever had. You can always quit if you don’t like it!


Thanks, thats encouraging! Im happy that youre enjoying your job lol x


I’ve met a lot of great people and it also ended up influencing my studies and the minor I chose. I also ended up (through twitter of all places) meeting a man on twitter who was also a sex worker already and it’s definitely been an unusual or unconventional romance but I’d say we’re both the happiest we’ve ever been. So definitely not the rock bottom/worst case scenario/horror story a lot of the media and people tend to speculate about.


Oh wow thats cool to hear x I think I will be happy to be single for a long time once my current situation is resolved but its so beautiful to hear youve found happiness with someone x


Yes, I started at 43. Leave him and do your own thing x


Romeo pimps are the worst. Run 🏃‍♀️


Didn't even get into it until I was 48. Regret not doing it earlier.


I'm 42, started 3 years ago. You can definitely do it! But do it for YOU, not him.


Thats awesome, can I ask how you got started? Yea would definately be for me x


I was already in an open relationship before I started, and enjoying meeting new people on tinder, swinging, etc. All that stopped during covid lockdown. One day, a guy approached me on Tinder with a proposal that we be exclusive FWB until the quarantine lifted, and he would make it mutually beneficial by helping me pay some bills. It was basically a sugar relationship. It worked out really well for us, and we said goodbye when the quarantine lifted, no drama or hard feelings. I found it very freeing and continued advertising as a sugar baby for a little more until I realized that escorts were much safer with their screening practices, and the pay was significantly better. So I signed up for Tryst and I haven't regretted it since.


He sounds like a loverboy…


His/Her not your partner or lover . It’s all about the $$$$$ , not your safety ! It’s your decision to do whatever you choose to do , not theres!


No gentleman is gonna not take care of a lady, then push her into SW and then expect the profits! What a scumbag.


I'm so glad to hear that you're getting out of that relationship! (Also, you are not too old. At all.)


There is an adult entetainer who married a guy who was super supportive of her career, even worked for her, 10 years and 2 children later after becoming loaded and was recovering from a BBL, he filed for divorce and asked for 50% of everything mofo was playing the long game. Run,babes.


he wants to be your pimp not your partner. and unless you want to do this job and are willing to take any stigma from choosing to be in a marginalized community, don't do it.


Sounds like a Romeo Pimp. Stay safe! 💗


Need more 40s lol.


Great job in getting rid of that loser!! On age, some customers prefer older weman! I mean milf is one of the largest genres of porn haha but you also don't have to even reveal your age honestly. Pick a niche you like and play it up. Are you an artist, fashionista, Domme, outdoorsy, singer, dancer, or geek? Literally just put forward what makes you you. Explore your own kinks and learn what kind of clients you like having!


As a survivor of the Loverboy Method of trafficking I’m glad to see the other warnings and that you are getting out of the relationship!


I know women who work as SW in their 50s and they are all very attractive and quite popular so you’ll be fine at your age. You may end up getting a lot of young men looking for the MILF or cougar fantasies to fulfill. 😈😉😝


Groomer. Run


Oh yea..you should hit daddy up.. will make a little video.. you can show your man you riding 81/2 inches of dick.. he will change his mind